28 February, 2017

Understanding The Difference Between a Good Website And a Bad Website

Who doesn’t want to have a well-designed, functional and easy to use website? Sometimes people think that an average site that just performs all the functions is good enough. But what I feel is good enough is never good enough.

Though the companies providing web design in Sharjah are very close to the latest standards but the feel and look of the website is the most important factor to consider while designing a website. Thus, there are two categories of websites that exist good and bad. The factors on which we can distinguish a website as bad and good are if you are able to read the text, if the font is too small or big or if you able to understand it or not.


A bad site will give negative answers to the above mentioned questions. The biggest factor is if the site is making you confused or not. If the home page of any website is flashy and busy or if the website is losing the feel and look stressed, then it will definitely be the bad one. You might not believe, but there are lakhs of websites which are falling into the category of bad websites. Business owners sometimes think that flashy and complicated websites are a positive thing, they might think that by doing this they will offer a lot to their customers. You must also have visited a bad site once in a while. Running a business can make you frustrated and you will feel that marinating a site is a very difficult task. You can check on internet various site to make out the difference.


A good website falls in the category of being simple and clean. It actually makes some sense. When you visit a good site it is very obvious that it will convey the information that you want and it looks peaceful and can invite more customers. You will enjoy visiting it so much that you would want to explore it more and more. Once you visit a good website then even after getting what you were looking for, you will keep exploring the rest of the site. A good site is an ideal scenario for the potential customers. They will have a cool graphics and doesn’t look very loud. You must check out the best websites on the internet and then design a good site for your business too. A clean, beautiful and easy to use website is what a customer requires. You can take some help from them

In Sharjah you can find many amazing web design companies. By hiring a web design company in Sharjah you will be making your job easy, as the development work will be done by them.

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