4 August, 2020

Why a Multilingual Website is required in Dubai?

Why a multilingual website is required in Dubai? If you are a business operating in UAE, no matter if you operate as B2B or B2C you must have to be culturally sensitive. You must portray a trustworthy and customer-centric image of your business. This will help you achieve your marketing goals and online sales/conversions target. The multilingual websites also help businesses to reach out to the extended audience which could give them an edge over their competitors.

There are two ways to build multilingual websites, one is to have a separate standalone version of the website in multiple languages and the second way is to install translation plugins such as Google Translate. The best approach is to have a separate version for different languages because some languages could start from left-hand-side and some could start from right-hand-side so this could sometime distort the design, so having separate pages perfectly optimized for the language is always the best approach. Another issue with the translation plugin is that it is not as that precise and sometimes it mistranslates the words and phrases.

In this blog we will enlist the advantages of having a multilingual website:

Access to the broader market


Having a multilingual website expand your targeted market to a whole new community. This could help you reach out with thousands of new customers who were not been able to reach you earlier. So, it could boost your online sales/conversions instantly.



Multilingual websites are more trustworthy than only English language websites. People feel a sense of care and importance if a website is available in their native language. Companies who have added new languages showed an instant increase in their online sales/leads.

Culturally Sensitive


Having a website in the native language helps businesses overcome the cultural barriers among the different community. The online users feel comfortable in navigating through the information in their native languages. This also provides a better understanding and helps to boost brand awareness.

Competitive Edge


A multilingual website provides a competitive edge and a better understanding of the business if designed properly. The content must not necessarily the exact translation of the main language but it could be re-written minding the targeted audiences.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO


Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a very important aspect of digital marketing and online brand identity. Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo always prefer the multilingual websites and it also helps to reach out to people who are searching in their native languages.


If you are operating in Dubai, UAE then you must have to understand what kind of audience you want to target and what are your online marketing goals and objectives? If you are serving the local community and businesses then you must understand there are two dominant audiences in UAE, one type of audience prefers the English language and the other prefers the Arabic language. So, if you want to boost your sales/leads form your website then at least you should have your website in English and Arabic language. The Government and big industry usually deal in both English and Arabic languages so these two are very important to have.

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