13 December, 2020

What kind of Web Design Compels Customers to Click Call to Action?

What kind of web design compels customers to click a call to action (CTA) button? A call to action is usually a button or an image or a short text, which demands the visitors to take a certain action, that action will convert a prospect into a lead. If you are selling online, then the call to action (CTA) could be “purchase”, or “checkout”, if you are offering certain products and services it could be requested for a quote, callback requests or a contact us form, etc. It entirely depends upon your business type and purchase cycle which dictates what kind of action is required from the prospects or visitors to convert into a lead. Call to Action (CAT) could be complex in case if you want to direct your different audiences for different routes such as new visitors or prospects, existing leads, existing customers, business partners, everyone have a different objective and should have an appropriate call to action route which is dedicatedly built for that particular audience.

Here are some of the most frequently used call to action (CTA) examples:

  1. Add to Cart
  2. Buy Now
  3. Leave a Call Back Request
  4. Contact Us
  5. Request a Quote/Estimate
  6. Request Free Consultation
  7. Download for Free
  8. Register or Signup for Free

These are the most commonly used call to action (CTA) methods. Obviously, there are a lot of many others, for example, “20% Discount for Existing Customers” people will click on it and it will verify them if they are existing customer then they will get a discount coupon. So, there are so many possibilities a call to action button or method can be adopted or created entirely to meet the specific needs.

How a web design can impact the effectiveness of the call to action (CTA)?

How-a-web-design-can-impact-the-effectiveness -of-the-call-to-action-(CTA)

A web design is comprised of different section and elements of the web page. Whatever is visible for the users in the web browser is the web design from the very top till the end of the page. So having a well-crafted, business-oriented web design is crucial for online conversions. The user interface and user experience matter a lot in any web design. A web design’s look and feel can hugely impact your business reputation. Sometimes the businesses put a large call to action (CTA) button, in some cases, they always stick to the screen no matter if you are scrolling up or down, or sometimes such links or buttons are flashing in bright shocking colours, these things could annoy the visitor, and they might get a very bad impression of such things. So it is always better to maintain elegance and professionalism in the design.

Tips to design an effective call to action (CTA)

Here are some tips that will help you to design a call to action (CTA) to improve online conversions:

  1. First of all, clearly define your objectives. You should know what exactly you want your visitor to do by clicking the call to action (CTA)
  2. Provide a concrete reason why the visitor should go for the call to action (CTA)
  3. Define clearly why it is important for the visitor to click on it and what benefits they will get from it, or how it could solve their problems
  4. Prepare a catchy statement to urge the visitors to click on it quickly, try to establish a sense of urgency, so that the visitor might fear if they don’t click on it now, they might miss it out
  5. Use short and strong words, do not use “Click Here” which is too simple and too generic, and the click-through rate is very low
  6. Choose the colour of the button wisely, use contrasting colours, so it appears highly visible and distinguished
  7. Place call to action button in the prominent places, but make sure the surrounding design elements and content are relevant to the CTA as well, place them accordingly to the flow, let say after the product description, or after the sales pitch/tagline, etc. Put the call to action inappropriate places
  8. Put call to action (CTA) on all pages, if all pages have different content, then make the CTA relevant to that content
  9. Try to avoid multiple calls to action buttons because this could confuse the visitors and people also get annoyed by such designs
  10. In the case of forms, create the shortest possible forms, because no one likes to fill in lengthy forms, so make them simple and easy, only take the necessary information, and do not ask irrelevant questions. if you need to gather more information then try to get only contact details and let your sales team contact them to get more information

These are some of the tips that will help you create an attractive and compelling call to action (CTA) for your web designs.

How to handle different audiences for call to action (CTA)

How to handle different audiences for call to action (CTA)

Obviously, as we mentioned earlier, there would be a different type of audiences reaching to your websites, such as new prospects who are seeking information, new leads who are only coming to your website to make a purchase or to click the CTA, or your existing customers, etc. Not only that there are two ways of getting website traffic:

1. Organic Website Traffic

Organic website traffic is the website visitors who are coming to your website from various search engines, such as Google, Yellow Pages or any other such platform. Sometimes you know what product or service people want, sometimes you don’t know what kind of visitor is coming and what exactly they are looking for. Be prepared for both scenarios.

In case you don’t know where your visitor will land on the website, then your web design should be capable of handling that kind of traffic by implementing a generic and simpler navigation structure and interlinked information. Try to make the visitor absorb as much of your content as possible, interlinking is a great approach to do so.

In case people are landing through a particular search query to a certain landing page, then obviously that particular page should be designed in a way to cater specific information that will lead the visitor to click on the call to action (CTA).

Search engine optimization is also very important. It let you filter out your organic traffic and let the visitors land on a certain page which is relevant to the search query/keyword they are searching for. Some businesses have tried to add the CTA in their Meta Description, which helps them a lot. However, until your description doesn’t have word or words which can be used as clickbait, Google has no objection in using whatever you want to use in the Meta Description.

Read also: Best Business Startup website ideas in Dubai

2. Inbound Website Traffic

Inbound marketing campaigns are very effective in increasing website traffic. As all the marketing campaigns have a specific goal and objective so most of the time the traffic is coming from the digital marketing campaign is already filtered out. Having a dedicated landing page for each campaign could significantly improve your leads.

As all the digital marketing campaigns are for targeted audiences, so the adverts and the landing page should have to be completely synchronized in terms of content, look and feel and everything. The call to action (CTA) should be placed in the appropriate place. The best way is to treat your incoming visitors as completely unfamiliar with your product/service. Take them through a journey from unfamiliarity to complete understanding. This will not only increase the possibilities of more CTR clicks, but it will also increase your conversion rate.

Read also: Website for Branding 


The call to action (CTA) is not only a design element, but it is a complete user experience in itself. The design, placement, size, color, text, everything matters. Your sales pitches adjacent to the CTA are also very crucial. The content on the page needs to be engaging and interesting if a visitor loses interest or find the information too difficult to understand or the navigational structure of your information is complex or the web design itself is sloppy then forget about getting any lead. Consider it as a car engine, each and every mechanical part is mandatory to run it, so your full web design including your content, design elements, pictures, videos, texts, color schemes, placements of the call to action (CTA), the design and content of the CTA, and everything else has to be perfect to get the desired results.

Even in some cases, some businesses have reported a 30% to 40% rise in their online sales by just changing the colour of their call to action (CTA) button; such a minor change and such a huge impact. It is always better to seek professional help and consultancy rather than taking everything into your own hands. RSI Concepts is one of the best web design agency in Dubai, UAE. We can help you with your web designs and online campaigns, feel free to Contact Us for free consultancy or leave a comment in the below comment box and someone will get in touch with you.

Check this out: Read this before starting Digital Marketing Campaign in Dubai

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