12 January, 2021

Limitations in web designs for E Commerce websites

An e-commerce website opens up a huge new market for any business. When it’s not feasible for brick-and-mortar stores to remain open 24×7, an e-commerce website developed in web design Dubai can reach a global market without the costs typically associated with physical stores.

Designing an e-commerce website is not all that simple, and the best eCommerce website design can bring in sustained revenue for your organization. We will take a look at 14 unique problems of e-commerce website design, and therefore you can consider this as the ultimate eCommerce website design guide.

Most of the limitations in web design Dubai for eCommerce are easy to fix, and there are many good eCommerce website examples that show you how it’s done.

1. Lack of adequate product information


Your customers visit your website to buy the products you offer. It goes without saying that if you are not able to serve proper information on the products you are trying to sell, customers are likely to go look for information elsewhere. Many e-commerce websites templates overlook the importance of proper descriptions for products. So this is perhaps one of the most important of the 14 unique problems of e-commerce website design that we will look at.


2. Poor and untrustworthy design

Poor-and-untrustworthy-designYour eCommerce site is only as good as it looks. Ideally, a customer who wants to purchase a particular product from the website should be able to do so in the lowest number of clicks possible. A website that runs on a trusted e-commerce platform and is aesthetically pleasing will instil a sense of trust in the customer as they navigate different pages. A shady-looking site is much less likely to make any money out of its eCommerce business. Therefore your eCommerce website design inspiration must take into account the utility of a good design and incorporate it into web design Dubai.


3. Mobile-friendly design 


A basic requirement for any website is that is should function well no matter what device someone uses to access the site. Recent studies indicate that almost half of all eCommerce website visitors are on mobile devices. Therefore, it is crucial that your web design Dubai is responsive. Take a look at the top 10 e-commerce websites and you can see that all of them are responsive.


4. Unintuitive payment processing and checkout 


No ultimate eCommerce website design guide is complete without mentioning the checkout and payment process. The ultimate aim of your website is to bring in sales and increase the customer base. A long or confusing checkout process is one of the most damaging limitations that you can make in your eCommerce website design. Along with the lack of popular payment options, it gives your customers a reason to abandon the website without completing the purchase. The checkout process should follow the ideal model of eCommerce website examples, with just a single page for customers to check their order and proceed to the payment gateway.


5. Lack of product search feature 


If you run an e-commerce website, you must have a search bar for people to find the products they want. No one has the time to navigate page after page to find something. One of the benefits of e-commerce design is to make it as easy as possible for users to find the product and complete the purchase.


Along with the search functionality, the search engine on the website should be well built so that relevant search results are given to the user. Including features like filter or sort in the design are advantageous.


We have seen the 5 Limitations Your Ecommerce Site Can Overcome that form the basis of a good website.


6. Lack of customer service features


The best eCommerce websites have robust customer service features. You have made it easy for customers to get in touch if they have a problem or require assistance with something. Including basic design elements like a help request form or chat support toggle in your web design Dubai goes a long way to instil confidence in your customers.


7. Limited or complex navigation options


The site should be easy to navigate. There’s nothing worse than a user abandoning your site because they find it cumbersome to navigate. Implement navigation best practices and try to create the best eCommerce website design that fulfils the needs of your target audience.


9. No product reviews 

No-product-reviews One feature that could persuade or prevent a user from buying a product on your eCommerce website reviews. They will want to see how products are rated by other customers. Social proof is an important factor that affects trust and transparency, so ensure to incorporate the option of reviews in your design.

10. Lack of security authentication/certificates


Failing to implement proper security authentication and features on your website can have ethical and legal implications. Customers want proof that they are browsing a secure website and that their information will remain safe. Top e-commerce websites list will show you that all good e-commerce sites implement safety features in their design.

11. Product imagery

Product-imageryA drawback of eCommerce platforms compared to physical stores is that people cannot personally handle products before buying them. One way to circumvent this limitation is to do as much as you can to recreate that experience through product images. Your eCommerce web design Dubai must have a provision to display product images prominently. Users are more likely to buy if they get proper visual feedback.

12. Lack of accessible resource information

Lack-of-accessible-resource-informationThe design should include features to display information like FAQ or shipping related questions. These are details that can slip through the cracks when designing an eCommerce website, but crucial to the overall experience. Your customers should be able to find answers to all their questions easily, and therefore easily accessible resource information is important.

13. Poor shopping cart design

Poor-shopping-cart-designThe shopping cart is an understated part of your site. The cart should be designed as intuitively as possible without making the experience slow and complicated. If your user cannot add or modify items in the cart, they may as well abandon the website altogether.

14. No related products listing

No-related-products-listingOne way to increase revenue from your eCommerce site is to have a related product listing in the design. There are modules that can automate this feature and can increase add-on sales on the website.


15. Spammy ads


There is a difference between advertising and spamming a user who is browsing your site. Ensure that your website design does not place obtrusive banner ads that lead to poor user experience, especially on mobile devices. Spammy ads is a fast way to make a user doubt the credibility of your site. Good eCommerce website examples show that unnecessary ad banners should be avoided.


So, these are the 14 unique problems of e-commerce website design that you should take care of when building your own site.

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