15 February, 2021

Importance of Web Design in 2021 in Dubai, UAE

The importance of web design in 2021 in Dubai, UAE is a very critical topic. As the year has just started the businesses and organizations are revamping their marketing strategies. The year 2020 left a completely unprecedented impact on the marketing industry. The general public has turned to the online mediums, from grocery shopping to real estate everyone is preferring online mediums. The impact of 2020 is not the only factor that will be going to change trends but the year 2021 is also coming with a huge business opportunity in form of Expo 2021 which was previously Expo 2020. The businesses and organizations have to prepare for the Expo 2021 as well as to compensate for the changing trends and customer behaviours due to the impact of the year 2020. In such times, your website can play a vital role in your overall marketing strategy and business growth.

A web design allows a business to promote certain aspects and values they are offering to their customers. Your products, services, your clientele, your customer’s reviews, your business partners, your contact channels, everything will be listed on the website. A web design will determine how many of the visitors will convert into a valid lead. Your website and web design is very crucial if you want to grow in the year 2021 and beyond. Earlier a website was just a product that a business can purchase and use it for many years, but now it is not a product anymore, but it in itself is a very powerful marketing tool and an extremely important part of your online brand identity.

Digital Marketing and Web Design


In UAE a huge population has access to the internet, people tend to react to social media more than to other traditional advertisements. The technology is evolving rapidly and the internet is no exception. The online domain has also evolved and revolutionized the marketing industry. Each and every business is heavily relying on digital marketing. Digital marketing is cost-effective, the return over the investments are great, and it can access more audience than traditional marketing. In UAE the whole nation is digitalizing, the billboards have been replaced with the large digital displays, the roll-up stands have been replaced with the digital signage and kiosks, the video walls are everywhere, the social media uprising is huge, the online advertising industry has witnessed a huge expansion in the past few years.

How a Web Design can Impact a Digital Marketing Campaign

How a web design can impact a digital marketing campaign? This is a very crucial question. Let say, for example, you are advertising on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Adwords, Snapchat, Youtube or any other platform. The digital marketing campaign starts with the targeted audience, once the audience and the region and demography is defined, then the marketers choose the relevant platforms, once done the advertisements is placed. If a potential prospect clicked or viewed your advertisement, the next thing will be your website. Either your advert will divert them to your website or either they will get your link from there and open your website, whatever the case is, all of your digital marketing audience will eventually end up being visiting your website. No matter how effective your digital marketing campaign was if your web design is not up to the mark the visitor will never going to reach to your inbox. This is how important a web design is for your digital marketing campaign.

Impact of a Web Design on Customer Experience and Customer Journey


The web design has a huge impact on customer experience and customer journey. No matter how your visitor is reaching at your website, if your web design is not prepared to support your online lead generation campaigns, you will lose most of the prospects from your website. Your web design will lay down your customer’s journey and it will impact your customer happiness. Let say, a customer reaches to your company website, either through an online search or from a reference or due to previous interaction with your sales team, they will immediately look for the required information. If your web design failed to cater the required information or if your information navigation structure is too complex that despite having that information your visitors are unable to find it, then you will definitely lose those potential customers.

If your web design is prepared for a certain customer journey and the relevant information are presented in an easy to access manner, then your visitor will eventually make the purchase or fill in the form or click on your provided CTA (call to action) button. So, a web design is a backbone of your online sales and business growth. How simple the layout of your web design is, how easy it is to access the required information, how the navigation structure of your web design is formed, will decide how many of online leads or conversions you can get from your all online marketing activities. This will directly impact your business and growth.

Impact of a Web Design on Your Existing Customers and Reputation


Your existing customers will also visit your website, once they found a low-quality content, a disorganized web design and a poor user experience on the website they will start to build a negative impression of your website and your business too. No matter, how good you are the customer will definitely think if a business or organization is failed to manage a small website, then how would they ever be able to manage my projects, etc. Such thoughts in your existing customer’s mind could have a devastating impact on your business and its growth. Reputation is everything in the market. If your customers will remain dissatisfied from your website, they will start talking about it, with their colleagues, with their friends, they will start talking in online mediums and social media. This could harm your reputation very badly. So, maintaining a decent web design is very important for your business’s reputation as well.

How a Web Design Impacts B2B and B2C businesses?


How a web design could impact B2B or B2C businesses? The B2B is business to business market and the B2C is the business to consumers market. People often think that online mediums and digital marketing or websites are important for a business to consumer business models but they don’t impact the business to business models at all. That is no correct. Yes, the B2C or business to consumer businesses who have to communicate directly with individual customers would have to pay more attention to their online brand identity, which depends on their website’s web design and their online presence. But the digital marketing, website and the web design is equally important for the B2B or business to business operating organizations and corporation as well.

Dubai and all other Emirates of the UAE are the central business hub for not only the GCC but the whole of Africa and Central Asia too. The Dubai, Jabel Ali Ports, Abu Dhabi Ports and other Business and Economic Zones in the country are supporting national and multinational business are organizations for their huge operations in the regions and other continents. Which implies a huge competition and a variety of alternates available for each and every product and service. The purchase department, the senior management and the decision-makers are always sitting on a computer the very first thing people do is to visit the website whenever a supplier’s name appears to them. If your website is confusing, your web design is poor and you are failed to present the advantages of doing business with you, you are doomed. Businesses and organizations who developed a completely new website or revamped their web designed have witnessed a huge increase in their sales. So no matter if you are operating in B2C or B2B domain, your website and your web design will play a crucial role in your business’s growth.

Expo 2021 and the Importance of your Web Design


As we all know the Expo was originally Expo 2020, but due to the 2020 scenario, it has been postponed to the year 2021. Which even makes it more important as there is more time for new sign-ups and more time for planning and preparation for the Expo in 2021. As the Expo will not only a traditional expo but a huge global event, which will attract millions of businesses, corporations, investors, individuals and opportunities. Your future growth and goals have to be set for the Expo 2021, if you want to expand and grow and if you don’t want to step over by the competition. The Expo 2021 will bring tons of new opportunities. There has been a huge increase in new startups in the country. More opportunities mean more competition too, so you have to be vigilant and proactive if you want to win against your competition. The online brand identity, brand reputation, digital marketing efforts and everything else relies on your website and its web design. Your website is a complete company profile and additionally a very capable and extremely cost-effective marketing tool. It is very important to prioritize your web design while you are preparing for the next jump.

Importance of Web Design for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Your web design is the backbone of your search engine optimization or SEO. The search engine optimization or SEO is often neglected by a lot of many businesses especially very large corporations and small enterprises. However, SEO is a very powerful online marketing tool. Search Engine Optimization or SEO means, your website should come in the top search results when someone searched for a relevant term or keyword. In order to gain higher ranks in the search engine result page, your website must completely comply with the standards and policies by the popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. For that your web design plays a vital role, if your web design is not done properly then it won’t be able to be visible for the search engines, hence these search engines won’t be able to show your website in their search results.

The web design should include relevant programming source codes which dictate search engines about the web page and its content. Moreover, the web design should also be able to present the content in a way that it not only serves the search engines but also the visitors. Popular search engines such as Google, are very strict about their policies for user experience and the quality of the information you are providing and the modern search engines are very capable of reading and perceiving the page almost in a similar way as a human will view it. So, your web designs are very SEO friendly and user friendly.


Your web design plays a vital role in your business’s success. In the modern era where smartphones, tablets, laptops and the internet dominate the world and are an essential part of everyone’s life. Having a wonderful web design which enhances user experience and provides quality information is very important for the businesses. Your website will be a complete online profile of your business or organizations, it should have a long-lasting impression on your visitors and prospects. Not only that your existing customers will also scroll through your website and a poor web design could damage your reputation.

As the Expo 2021 is coming and bringing a huge number of individuals, businesses, investors and tons of opportunities to grow, you should have to be ready to welcome it. Your web design also plays a vital role in your search engine visibility, if someone searches on the internet they should be able to reach your website, which is only possible if your web design is supporting the search engine optimization and it is an SEO friendly design. Make sure your web design maintains the same user experience in tablet, smartphones and other platforms. RSI Concepts is a leading web design Dubai agency, we are helping our customers in achieving their online goals, feel free to reach us through the below comment box or contact us through our Contact Us page.

Check this out: 5 Facts of Productive Web Designs

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