25 July, 2020

Basic Elements of Web Design

For a common man, the website is just the user interface we normally see in the browser. In reality, there is a lot going on behind the scene. In order to understand the basic elements of web design or website, we will discuss them in easy to understand or completely non-technical manner. As in Dubai, UAE there are so many web designing and marketing agencies, so the market is very competitive and the standards are very high, even then choosing a right web designing agency in Dubai, UAE is very critical if you want to have a website that truly represents your brand in the online world.

A website or web design made up of the following basic things:

Layout and Appearance


The layout or the appearance is the most important part, as the users determine in just a second whether they will stay on the page or not! The users will form an opinion of the website and the business by the first impression they got from the web design. This all happens in a second or two, only a very few people decide to dive deep into the website which could change their opinion. The photos, animations, icons, graphics, effects and all those things along with the powerful words they see at their first glimpse will decide if they will convert or not.

Design Elements and the Color Scheme


The design elements and the colour scheme of web design is a reflection of your branding online. So, pay more attention to these things. Usually, the best approach is to follow the colour scheme of the logo of a company or business. Any colour combination or contrast should be chosen with great care, as the colours impact the users a lot and they are also responsible for the textual content and interactive element’s visibility which is very important in terms of user experience and user journey. The links, buttons, highlights, headings, slogans, or anything else completely rely on the colour scheme and the design elements around them. So, this is important to sustain a balance between creativity and readability.



Earlier the typography was not as that diverse as it is nowadays. The typography of web design should be able to deliver the required information. It is very critical to keep at least 3 different sizes of the fonts to distinguish the content from each other. Although it is considered to be an industry standard to have a single font throughout the website, this trend is getting old now and the web design professionals and graphic designers are using multiple fonts on a single page which is acceptable and sometimes it even improve the readability and user experience. Another very important thing is that the background and the font should have maximum contrast for more readability.

Navigation and Menus


Navigation and Menus are not the places to be over-animated and over-designed. The best approach is to always have a simple and easy-to-use navigation and menus. The navigation and menu can be found in the header, sub-header or lower header part and also in the footer. The main purpose of the navigation and menus is to provide quick access to the information that visitors is looking for. So, if there are complex animations, sophisticated menu items, tingled with each other or infused into each other or something like that could be very bad and users might not even try to navigate through such menus. So, it is always best to have a simple, easy to read, large (as much possible) and highly readable menus and navigation.

Responsive Web Designs or Mobile-First Websites


Responsive Web Designs or Mobile-First Websites are a must to have since the mobile traffic overtook the desktop traffic in late 2016. Earlier having an exclusive mobile version was important as the mobile devices are of lower grades in terms of software and hardware, but these days, some of the high-end smartphones are more powerful than an average laptop. In short, the mobiles can provide the juice required to handle latest designs but the only thing is the screen size, as there are so many different mobile screen sizes so handling them all could be tricky when you are designing and developing a theme. Usually, the front-end developers or web designers prefer ready-made platforms such as bootstrap, but if you are not using anything like that then you should be very attentive to the responsiveness of the website.

Content is the King


Content is the King! Is it? Well, the simple answer is yes, as whoever is associated with the marketing or web designing industry all well aware of this term. No matter how wonderful your web design is if the content is not catchy and attractive the chances of a conversion are near to none. Always pay attention to the content, your slogan, sales pitch, taglines, headings and even description play a critical role in online conversions. The content should be informative, descriptive, short and precisely to the point. Each and every word matters. Try to avoid extra, ambiguous, complex, broad meaning words. People don’t like to read extra words or lengthy descriptions, such things can dilute your selling points and decrease efficiency. The content should be highly focused and well prepared. All different section should be in a flow or interconnected to each other.


Having a website that completely represents your brand identity can help in communicating with the masses. The website is not just a profile but a very powerful marketing tool with a lot of potential in it. Before jumping into web design consider all important things and do a comprehensive market and competitive analysis first. While developing a website take care of the user interface and the layout, the fonts/typography, colour scheme, menus/navigation, responsiveness and the content. The website must also be able to follow the SEO (search engine optimization) standards. Sometimes people do not care about SEO standards which eventually results in bad search engine ratings and very low traffic, so it is also important to consider it too along with all the visual appearance-related things.

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