Lead Generation with Real Estate Website Landing Page
28 February, 2022

Lead Generation with Real Estate Website Landing Page

The real estate sector in Dubai and in fact all around the UAE is very competitive. The real estate market is huge, it is growing day by day. The market trends are always shifting and the customer’s demands are every changing. In such scenarios it could be a very challenging task for a real estate business to generate leads. Moreover the internet is dominating our modern lifestyle. People tend to rely on internet for almost everything. From fixing a broken charging cable to making investment decisions, people tend to look up in the internet first. In a country like UAE where everyone is busy, customers don’t have time to visit 10 or 20 properties and then choose any one of them. That tradition is long gone. Now a days, people do internet research first, they visit different real estate websites, search in Google, short list properties, compare them and then they decide to visit. This makes it extremely important to provide sufficient information via online websites and actively communicate with your customers through their preferred digital channels and platforms.

Lead Generation with Real Estate Website Landing Page

Why use a Real Estate Website Landing Page?

Each and every landing page is created with a primary objective of converting its traffic into leads and conversions. Technically a landing page is a page which is not accessible from the navigation of the main website, instead businesses bring traffic to their landing pages via paid and organic digital marketing techniques. The idea behind a landing page is to offer information or functionality and in return the visitors will provide the lead data. Another reason of using the landing page is that usually visitors spend very little time on a real estate website, and they explore fewer pages, which means that the window to convert a prospect into a lead is very small and the time is so limited, in addition to that there are too many distractions on the main website. That is why real estate businesses bring traffic to their landing pages, as the landing page is a kind of standalone web page with all relevant information available on a single page and on a single topic without any distraction, which is the best approach to boost your leads and conversions. That is the reason it is also kept separate from the main website navigations and user can only click on it through ads or exclusively distributed links via social media, emails, SMS and other digital channels and platforms.

Why use a Real Estate Website Landing Page?

Here is how a real estate business can generate more leads with a real estate website landing page:

Landing Page Simplify the Customer Journey

The landing page help real estate businesses to simplify the customer journey which boost online leads and increase conversion rate. Customer journey begins with information or awareness phase, where the customers gather the information or the business spread the awareness to highlight the need of the product or service. The next phase is called consideration, where the prospects realize or identify their need and problem and aim for a solution, or set goals. For example in case of a real estate business the prospects could aim to find a property in a particular area or locality with other specs and features that they need or want. The final stage or phase of the customer journey is the decision or action, where the prospects found what they need and are ready to take action to either contact the real estate business or a broker. The landing page help optimizing the customer journey and makes it easier for prospects to go through the customer journey phases which boost online leads and conversions.

Landing Page Simplify the Customer Journey

Landing Page Improves Customer Experience

The customer experience is the most important factor in online lead generation. If your customer experience is not good enough you will never get much online leads. The customer experience depends on the design, layouts, readability of the content, easy access to the functionalities, the UI elements and even color scheme too. Just imagine if you are landing on a page which have shocking colors, twinkling effects, small fonts, un-organized content, and rapidly moving tickers all around, will you bother to go through all these just to read it or to understand the brand message? Similarly these all things matter a lot when it comes to user experience. The real estate website landing pages are not available in the main navigation of the website, generally they can be reached by clicking an ad, email link or social media post.

Landing Page Improves Customer Experience

The design and look and feel of that advert or post, should match with the design theme of the landing page as well. The taglines or heading that you used to bring people to your landing page should be highlighted on the page. The fonts should be clear, the color schemes, design elements, backgrounds and scrolling should be excellent to maximize the readability and to explicitly project the brand message which will encourage the prospects to convert into a lead. A website landing page with good user experience always produce more online leads.

Landing Page Effectively Communicates Value Proposition

Creating online lead is not just expecting from your prospects and visitors to convert automatically, in fact the visitors’ and prospects’ expectation is equally important and even more. The website must have to give something to its visitors, else no one will fill in the lead form or will convert. That is why the landing pages are designed in a way that the customers and visitors get relevant information and the business offers them all required information as well as some additional information that are relevant. Same is the case for the landing pages which offers useful functionalities such as property valuation or mortgage calculators, etc. The website landing pages can project your value proposition more effectively, the brand message can be communicated easily, and the visitors and prospects have no distraction at all.

Landing Page Effectively Communicates Value Proposition

The entire page is designed to address a specific problem or to provide content and information on a certain topic, which keep the users interested and increase the chances of getting lead and conversion. Moreover the real estate businesses can also include additional information such as nearby attractions, location guides, landmarks, etc.

Landing Page Includes Customized Call to Action (CTA)

The call to action or CTA is the most critical part of any landing page, if the CTA is not good enough the business can lose valuable prospects. The primary objective of call to action (CTA) is to encourage the users to take a certain action. In case of a real estate website landing page once the users reached to the page, the went through the landing page and its content, then what would you like them to do? Either they can subscribe to your newsletter, they can submit an enquiry, they can request a schedule to view the property or they simply want a call back from the agent/broker to discuss their needs. Whatever you are planning the CTA must have to clearly tell users that what will come next. Using generic CTA such as Submit, Click Here, etc. are proven to be counter-productive in case of landing pages.

Landing Page Includes Customized Call to Action (CTA)

Another benefit of using a CTA button is that it always remains prominent, it describes what will come next and its appealing statement can increase the visitors’ interest and compel them to convert which will definitely boost your online leads and sales. Furthermore some businesses also use directional cues to boost the CTR (click through rate) of a CTA button. A CTA with high CTR can produce more online leads.

Landing Page Increase Customer Engagements

Captivating visuals, graphics and interesting content is a key to success for any website landing page. For real estate businesses the landing page could provide more freedom, as the landing page is not bound to follow the theme and design of the homepage of the website, it can be customized as much as needed. However, keeping your distinguishing brand elements alive in the landing page also help improving user’s trust and brand image. A balance of traditional branding with a ravishing graphics and visually appealing color contrasts can significantly increase customer engagements. A real estate website landing page must provide high quality content and relevant information along with appealing aesthetics. The vibrant design with static backgrounds or parallax design effects can not only attract your visitors but it also provide you a chance to insert more content in the page, which eventually help to influence the visitors’ decision. Customer engagement drive more online leads and also help improving brand image.

Landing Page Increase Customer Engagements

Landing Page Gains Customer Trust

The one thing that make landing page far superior than the traditional website or web page is the fact that it only focus on a single topic, it doesn’t have distractions, its content is highly focused and concentrated on one and only one aim, which is to generate more leads and increase conversions. That is why a real estate business can easy incorporate more trust markers and trust signals in their landing page which help gaining visitors’ trust and increase leads and conversions. The trust markers are usually social endorsements, customer reviews and testimonials, success stories, and stats related to business’s achievement. Furthermore additional content and photos or videos can be used which also contribute in gaining user’s trust. The real estate business can also work on the SEO (search engine optimization) and integrate their social media platforms to enhance user experience and customer journey.

Landing Page Gains Customer Trust

For example if a user is searching for a studio apartment they will be only interested in that, it doesn’t matter how many satisfied customers you have which purchased shops or commercial properties from you, they will be only interested in how many satisfied customers you have who have rented or purchased studio apartments from you and what are their reviews and opinions. That is why a real estate website landing page is more effective in gaining trust and confidence of the visitors which directly impact your leads and conversions.

Landing Page Provide Better Business Intelligence and Tracking Data

For any business the in-depth understanding of customer’s mindset, their needs, expectations and their liking/disliking is extremely important. A landing page can not only track user journey but it can also provide other tracking data which can be used to evaluate your marketing campaigns and their effectiveness. For example, if you are running Google search ads, or PPC along with the social media traffic building campaigns and you noticed that the conversion rate among the visitors coming from Google search ads is higher comparing to the visitors coming from social media, you can take steps to improve the ROI of your social media campaigns, or you can relocate budget and resources to a more profit generating source. The real estate landing pages are also used to collect customer details and to build an email database. The real estate businesses can also collect user data via cookies and other tracking techniques, which help them to identify the areas of improvement to make their campaign more effective and fruitful. Such information is very helpful while making strategies and plans for your upcoming real estate website landing pages which will definitely increase your leads and conversions.

Landing Page Provide Better Business Intelligence and Tracking Data


The Dubai and in fact the entire UAE is a very competitive market for the real estate businesses. The customers are more demanding and the technology is deeply integrated into the society and our daily lives. The customers are craving for digital experience and that is what made it extremely important to enhance their online presence and digital interactions. The real estate websites are a great tool to improve your online presence. However, the real estate landing pages are even better in boosting the online leads comparing to a real estate website. The landing page provide more control over user journey and user experience, on top of that the entire page is dedicated to only one topic, which eliminates the distractions and enable business to communicate their brand message and value proposition more effectively. These all benefits of landing page make them superior to a traditional real estate website in terms of lead generation and online conversions. RSI Concepts is a leading brand in website designing and digital marketing, if you want to learn more about the subject or if you have an enquiry, please feel free to let us know through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: How Digital Marketing can Boost Real Estate Website Online Leads?

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