Top 5 WordPress Content Writing Hacks to Boost SEO
3 August, 2015

Top 5 WordPress Content Writing Hacks to Boost SEO


Without doubt, writing SEO optimized content for WordPress is one of the most challenging tasks for any writer. As a part of our SEO Dubai Trend Series, this blog has been written with content writers as focus! We give you 5 WordPress hacks which will help you come up with content which will also be SEO friendly! Read on!

Tip 1: Ergo: Smart way to establish harmony between your left and right parts of the brain!

Ergo is an amazing tool for writers to use! Seriously! The tool literally blanks out everything on your screen except the text book. So your brain is not pulled between the need to write and the urge to look at the peripheries which play host to a variety of options! Use Ergo and wham your concentration catapults! You are no longer going all over your Word Press window!

Tip 2: Custom post option for easy planning of content flow

Now if you have to write multiple posts with similar or the same set of side headings or labels for WordPress (which we always do many a time!), Custom post is the option for you. It helps you to template the format of any kind of article. You can pre-define the headings, side-headings, and completely template an article format in order to save a lot of time and effort. It definitely increases your productivity and efficiency!

Tip 3: WordPress link search help: take it!

Follow this instruction: Ctrl+K >Insert/Edit Link> Under URL and Title boxes click on Or link to existing content and whoosh, an entire list of posts and pages appear based on your topic. You can sift through these and choose and pick the ones to reference. Now this hack saves you so much time! Imagine if you have written a 750+ worded article and need to find references by yourself. That is a lot of work as you have to search and filter, and then reference.

Tip 4:Em Dash: WordPress has it!

We know that as a content writer, you are in love with the em dash (-). Search Engine Optimized content usually ends up containing the em dash at multiple places. So are you one of those who keep a Microsoft window open and copy pastes an em dash whenever you type on WordPress? Ok we have good news for you! Word Press creates an em dash if you enter the secret code! Just type three of the em dashes and lo behold!

Tip 5: Photo Plugins: easy ways to find photos inside WordPress

Instead of dashing now and then to other sites to search for photos, you can choose to download photo plug-ins such as FooBox or Flickr and get photos without moving out of WordPress.

Use these five hacks to optimize your time spent on WordPress! Write SEO optimized content and stay ahead of the marketing trends. Happy Writing!

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