Importance of hotel website Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Mon, 28 Feb 2022 05:22:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Importance of hotel website Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 Importance of a Professional Web Design for Hospitality Business in Dubai, UAE Mon, 28 Feb 2022 05:22:42 +0000 In the modern age of internet and digital experience a website plays an important role in any business’s success. Regardless of industry, a website for any business is crucial to establish an online presence. In Dubai and all around the UAE the internet penetration is almost 99%, everyone owns smartphones and/or computers and everyone lookup… Continue reading Importance of a Professional Web Design for Hospitality Business in Dubai, UAE

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In the modern age of internet and digital experience a website plays an important role in any business’s success. Regardless of industry, a website for any business is crucial to establish an online presence. In Dubai and all around the UAE the internet penetration is almost 99%, everyone owns smartphones and/or computers and everyone lookup online, check out the business website and other online channels before making a purchase decision. Especially in the service based industry the influence of online information is way too strong than in any other industry. For hotels and other hospitality sectors the customers tend to search online first before making any decision. The website is the main source of information about your hospitality business online. First any prospect will visit your website, then they might look up for other information sources such as blogs, review sites, and social media. That is why it is important to have an excellent website that can imprint a positive and long lasting first impression.

Importance of a Professional Web Design for Hospitality Business in Dubai

Any website for any business serves a purpose. For some industries the websites are only designed to provide easy access to the information. Some businesses need a more functionality and service oriented website, where they offer basic services and features that help them improving service delivery mechanisms and customer journey. Some websites are designed only to sell online and some are to build a good brand image in online world. Each industry have different use for the websites. For hospitality businesses a website can serve multiple purposes, it can be used to provide information, digital branding and brand image building, communication, and to boost sales and online conversions. All these goals can’t be achieved with an average website. In today’s world, the visual representation and quality of content are the key component in a website’s success. That is why it is important for hospitality business in Dubai, UAE to have a professional web design.

Here is how a professional web design can help hospitability business:

Build Brand Identity

Online brand identity is crucial for any hospitality business. The brand identity help businesses attract more prospects. For example, think of McDonalds or KFC, whenever you see their logo you immediately identify them. That is because of a strong branding strategy. For hospitality businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE the competition is very high. Having a unique and recognizable brand identity can help business gain trust of the audience and always help attracting more prospects. A professional web design is prepared with the aim to build brand identity. The brand identity starts with the logo and each logo is unique, have certain colors and patterns or shapes, which should be reflected in the web design in a way that even if we hide the logo your customers would be able to identify the your brand. The web design and its elements should be prepared to reflect the brand. That is how the brand identity is made. Once a brand image is established, the same should be reflected in all marketing content and communication. This may sound irrelevant, but it has huge psychological effects on the customers and prospects. A strong branding never let your customers and audience forget you.

Build Brand Identity

Intuitive UI and Simple Navigation Increase Conversion Rate

A professional web design makes UI or user interface simpler and it makes navigation through the content of the website easier. For any online customer journey the very first thing your prospects will be looking for is relevant information. For example in case of hospitality industry, different customers have different preferences, most of the time the visitors look up for those features as soon as they land on a business’s website. If they find them easily they will move to the next step in customer journey. The customer journey is a crucial part to obtain online conversions and sales. It is a process and a professional web design makes it very easy and convenient for the users with the help of specialized UI (user interface). Moreover in any website the homepage of the website couldn’t provide all the information, which is why more pages are created, these are called internal pages. In business websites, mostly the internal pages are grouped in sections or categories on the bases of their subject and relevance. In order to connect all of these separate pages, website navigation is strategy is build. The aim is to let user access to any internal content within a few clicks. This increase customer engagements and improve the chances of conversions.

Intuitive UI and Simple Navigation Increase Conversion Rate

Make a First Impression that Lasts

For any business customer relationship the brand image that a customer perceive is most critical. It have power to influence the customer experience throughout their journey and interaction with the business. When customers are coming to a website from online, the very first thing they notice is the web design. The content, information, and everything else is secondary. Studies have shown that it takes only 50 milliseconds to imprint a brand’s first impression in user’s subconscious mind when they visit any website. If that impression is good the customer’s rest of the interaction will be better if that impression is bad, most of the time user will leave and even if they stay it would be extremely hard to change their mind by the content and information you are providing on the website. Your audience will judge you on the bases of the quality of your website, the web design, user experience and content. That is why it is extremely important to work on your first impression. Your website is similar to a reception minus the human interaction. Which makes it even harder to induce a warm and welcoming feeling in your users. A professional web design have equal effects of a bright, happy, friendly face welcoming them.

Make a First Impression that Lasts

Convey Brand Message More Effectively

A professional web design help hospitality business to engage their audience more effectively and help them to project their brand message and value proposition. Here in Dubai and anywhere else in UAE the hospitality sector is very competitive. The hospitality businesses are proactively seeking ways to build a strong relationship with their customers. For any relationship the communication is a key to success. If a business wants to succeed in the online domain they must have to be good at their communication. A professional web design help hospitality businesses to improve their communications by focusing more on key points and highlighting the value proposition. That is very important for online sales and conversions. The content alone can’t do that, the web design must have to play its part to attract user’s attentions at the right spot to let them absorb the important information and brand message. Which help businesses to get more online leads and conversions. A professional web design prevents all the distractions and keep the user focused on the most important content. This is achieved by leveraging the design elements, color schemes, fonts and visual effects. Which is only possible with a professional web design and a great user experience.

Convey Brand Message More Effectively

Mobile Experience Help Reaching out to a Wider Audience

For a large number of people the smartphone and mobile devices have become the primary device for their regular internet use. The mobile have dominated the traditional searches since past few years now and there is no stopping to it, in fact the mobile usage is steadily growing. For hospitality businesses it is extremely crucial to offer a great mobile experience. As most of their prospect might be searching through their mobile devices and smartphones, it is crucial to meet their expectations. A professional web design is always responsive and mobile friendly. The responsiveness or mobile friendliness means a web design capable of automatically adjusting its size and rendering its UI as per the size and device from which it is being accessed. A professional web design have special source codes and features that can sense the device and screen of the user and then within a fraction of a second the design can adjust its sizes, font, media, images, graphics and entire UI as per the size of the screen. A professional web design support hospitality businesses to effectively target their audience coming from mobile devices and help them boost their sales and revenue. Another important aspect of mobile experience is on the brand image and its reputation. If a business failed to offer a good mobile experience the customers will start losing trust on it and eventually they will switch.

Mobile Experience Help Reaching out to a Wider Audience

Digital Marketing and SEO

A web design have a huge influence on the overall digital marketing strategy. All of the marketing content and online publications are influenced by the design of your website. Furthermore the a professional web design enables businesses to connect and integrate their social media channels with the website which allow the visitors to find these channels and also provide simple functionalities to share the website content on social media platforms. All of the digital marketing efforts eventually converge to the website, a good landing page design means maximum conversions and vice versa. The marketing efforts and investments will be only able to bring users to your website, it will be the web design and its content that will compel them to click your CTA (call to action) to convert into a genuine lead or sale. The SEO or search engine optimization is a digital marketing technique which help businesses to outperform their competition in the search engine such as Google, MSN, Yahoo, OAL, etc. A search engine friendly web design makes it more visible and compatible with the search engines and increase your chances of appearing higher in the search results which help generating tons of organic website traffic which is absolutely free and can boost the sales and conversions of your hospitality business.

See More: Best Functionalities to Have in a Real Estate Websites

Digital Marketing and SEO


The purpose of a hospitality business website is to aid brand awareness, build strong brand identity and attract prospects. A website consists of two parts one is content which is information and the other is the web design which is the look and feel of the website. The web design elements determine the user experience and user journey of a website. A professional web design for hospitality business can provide you a great competitive edge and help achieving your long term goals. A professional web design not only meet the needs and expectations of your customers but it also help enhancing their user experience which is essential for online leads and conversions. A website could be a great marketing tool that can add huge amount of leads to your marketing funnel by improving online presence of a hospitality business. RSI Concepts is a leading web design company in Dubai, UAE. If you need our help or want to learn more about the topic, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Why it is Important to Integrate e-Commerce for a Small Business Website?

The post Importance of a Professional Web Design for Hospitality Business in Dubai, UAE appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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