Real Estate Websites Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Wed, 26 Jan 2022 06:00:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Real Estate Websites Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 How Important a Web Design is for Real Estate Websites? Wed, 26 Jan 2022 06:00:11 +0000 The time of big bulky yellow pages have long gone. Now a day’s people search online for businesses, products and services. For any business regardless of industry having an excellent online presence is critical for its reputation, brand image and also to generate leads and conversions. In Dubai and in fact all around the UAE… Continue reading How Important a Web Design is for Real Estate Websites?

The post How Important a Web Design is for Real Estate Websites? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The time of big bulky yellow pages have long gone. Now a day’s people search online for businesses, products and services. For any business regardless of industry having an excellent online presence is critical for its reputation, brand image and also to generate leads and conversions. In Dubai and in fact all around the UAE the internet penetration is almost 97% which is staggering, everyone have access to the internet either by their computers or by their mobile phones. This has drastically changed the marketing and communication landscape. The websites are not important because your competitors are having them but they are important because your customers expect you to offer them a website. And for real estate businesses in Dubai or anywhere in UAE the websites have become a necessity. People tend to look up in online for the properties and rentals before making a decision. In fact people prefer to get initial information from an online channel as no one have time to visit tens of properties to make a decision. People usually short list several properties than they compare them and then shortlist only a few to actually go there and visit the property. And then they make the decision.

How Important a Web Design is for Real Estate Websites

The modern age of internet and digital made it essential for a real estate businesses to build a strong online presence to reach out to their targeted audience. The UAE is known for its lavish and luxurious properties and booming real estateindustry. This has attracted too much attentions, which not only raise the competition but also raise the customer’s expectations and their standards. For any customer there are too many options available, they can easily choose from a long list of realtors and real estate brokers. This means that in order to stay ahead of the curve a real estate business doesn’t only need a website, but it needs an extremely effective website which can attract prospects, offer them engaging information and simplify the customer journey to boost the leads and conversions. A great real estate web design can provide you a much needed advantage over your competitors. A professional real estate web design ensures the prospects consume the right information and have supportive functionalities to encourage them to select you for their real estate needs. In this blog we will tell how important a web design and its features are for a real estate business and how the business can boost their online leads and conversion through their website by simply making iterations or changing their web design.

Real Estate Web Design: Add Credibility and Build Brand Image

Chances are all of your real estate competitors operating in your targeted regions are all having a website. In order to stand out of the crowd you need a great web design that cater the required information in a very simple and elegant manner. The web design of a real estate company is responsible for building the first impression of the brand. The brand image and brand reputation is measured by the user experience and user satisfaction of a real estate website. All real estate businesses have all the required details and information that a prospect could be initially looking for. It is the web design which makes the difference. The real estate web design determines how easy or difficult it is to access to the required information. The web design and user interface (UI) is responsible for the user experience. If the web design is prepared carefully it provide all the required information, features and functionalities easily else it makes it difficult to navigate through different information and content on the website.

Real Estate Web Design: Add Credibility and Build Brand Image

Studies have shown that it take only a fraction of a second to build an image of a brand in visitor’s sub-conscious mind. Which means the real estate web design is mainly responsible for that image. The rest depends on the content and actual information that you are offering them. However, the information itself could not be so effective unless it works in harmony with the web design. If the users get required information easily they start trusting the brand. Moreover a professional real estate web design also help businesses to project their value proposition and convey their message clearly. It is the web design that prevents the visitors to get distracted from the main subject and also help businesses to boost the visibility of certain information and key selling points. A good real estate web design also help businesses to highlight the trust markers which further help businesses to earn trust of the visitors.

Real Estate Web Design:Improve User Experience and Boost Online Conversions

A real estate web design is not just responsible to present certain information in a user-friendly manner. In fact a real estate website must have to offer a lot many interactive features where users/prospects can find search and find the information they are looking for. These all features and functionalities should be very simple and easy-to-use and should ensure a unique and very pleasing user experience. The most appealing feature of any real estate website is its search engine. The visitors who come to a real estate website always use the search engine to search for the desired properties. A simple search engine with a text query is not enough, a real estate website needs a smart search engine which allows the users to narrow down their search easily and to look up for only their targeted properties. This is done by adding several search filters and controls to the search engine. A professional real estate web design place all those controls and filters on appropriate places along with a visually appealing and simpler appearance which makes them easy to use. That is what the user interface is and that is how it simplifies the user experience and improve user satisfaction.

Real Estate Web Design:Improve User Experience and Boost Online Conversions

The real estate web design is also responsible for the user experience on the search result page. It ensures the users can get the basic information of each search result without going to the landing page of a property. This will not only make the user experience easy but it will also increase the chances of conversions. A real estate web design enhances user experience by providing additional features and information which can convince them to convert or move to the next step of the customer journey. For example when a user searches for a rental or for sale property, the basic things they need is to choose the accommodation, select the locality, price range or other specs such as view and floor, etc. This not only simplify the search process but also provide only the most relevant properties in the search result page which also increase the chances of conversion. The search result page could also provide basic information which further help the users to narrow down their search and only choose to click on the properties that they are most likely to purchase. This all can be done by the UI which is controlled by the web design of the real estate website.

Real Estate Web Design:Aid Marketing to Drive Sales

A user-friendly real estate web design is equipped with certain tools that facilitates the user experience and customer journey. Along with that the web design also enables the businesses to integrate several other tools/features which can be used to boost marketing and to capture user information. The real estate websites can track user activity using the cookies and other techniques. Which can help them suggesting them the properties as per their past searches and past page visits. Another technique that is used for suggestive products/services is based on the category and specifications. For example if a user is searching for a 2BHK apartment, the website can suggest them other available 2BHK in the same area in the suggestion section of the web page. Usually such suggestion sections are added on the side panes in the search pages and at the bottom of the property detail page. This is a great technique to keep users engaged and it also increase the chances of conversion.

Real Estate Web Design:Aid Marketing to Drive Sales

Furthermore the businesses can collect customer data when users are requesting for a visit schedule or during the registration process. The real estate websites can also offer email subscription to let the user get updates about the new properties of their interest in the future. These techniques can provide a very concentrated data pool which can be used for marketing purposes. A good web design use such tools strategically to increase the response rate. For example if the email newsletter subscription is provided on a contact page the chances are the response rate will be lower, if the same is also added on the footer section the response rate will be increased. The same can be added in the pop-up windows which can be opened when a user reached to a certain place at the web page by scrolling or any other mechanism can be established to boost the response rate and to collect more user data. This all can be achieved with the help of the web design and the designing strategy.

Real Estate Web Design: Interactive Features to Increase Conversion Rate

The real estate web design plays an important role in the online conversion rate. In Dubai and all around the UAE the competition is very high in the real estate sector. The users always admire a unique and easy user experience. Innovative features and interactive tools can enhance the user experience. For the real estate business the photos or videos and even virtual tours are key selling points. More information a website can provide it get more conversions and leads. The information should be realistic and should be provided in a way that the user like them. There are many real estate businesses who put images of the property and other details on their property detail page. Some we designs use modern image galleries and tools which can improve user experience. A real estate web design should be able to offer interactive image viewer tools with basic functionalities. Along with that the additional information such as the details about the maintenance and near-by places could be an added advantage. The map is one of the most important feature of a real estate web design. If a website is offering interactive maps and location sharing features the users will prefer to use them. And the next time they will have a real estate need they will prefer to go the site which is offering them a better experience while going through the details of the property. This can only be possible if the web design you are creating is supporting these interactive features and functionalities.

Real Estate Web Design: Interactive Features to Increase Conversion Rate

Real Estate Web Design: Mobile Experience

These days the mobile phones have become a necessity for a digital experience. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are responding differently to this need. Some businesses are offering responsive or mobile friendly web designs and some are offering dedicated smartphone application to improve their customer’s mobile experience. However for a real-estate website the responsive or mobile friendly web design is a must have feature of the website. Although some companies are also offering mobile apps, but mostly the purpose of mobile apps is improve the service experience of the customers. The responsive or mobile-friendly web design means a web design that can re-render itself as per the size of the mobile screen. That is what we called a responsive web design. However, for a real estate business the responsive web design approach is slightly different. For a real estate website the main objective is to provide information about the company and provide property listings and relevant tools to boost online conversions and leads.

Real Estate Web Design: Mobile Experience

For a real estate website the businesses must have to understand that the mobile experience is very important and crucial. The stats and studies have shown that the mobile searches have already surpassed the desktop/laptop searches. This means that a real estate business will definitely receive a good amount of its traffic from the mobile users. For mobile users it is crucial to maintain the features and UI as it is in the main website. When someone access the website from their smartphone they should be able to access all the features that are available in the main website in the similar or even better way. For mobile phones people behave slightly differently, mostly people use one finger or a thumb to scroll and navigate through web pages. All the buttons, search engine, its controls and everything else should be optimized to support a simple and easy mobile experience. This way a real estate business can utilize the potential of the smartphones and mobile channels. Which will definitely boost their online leads and conversions.

Real Estate Web Design: SEO Friendly Web Design Drive Organic Traffic

By making a web design SEO friendly or as per the guidelines by the search engines the real estate businesses can tap into a huge amount of organic website traffic. The organic website traffic is the website traffic that is coming from the free sources and the real estate business doesn’t have to pay for it. The SEO or search engine optimization means that the design is prepared by methods and technologies that support search engines and the web design prepared as per the search engine standards. According to stats the Google is the most used search engine in UAE with having almost 96% of the search traffic share. That is why it is important to for a real estate business to have a SEO friendly web design. When someone searches with a key phrase or keywords about purchasing or renting a property in a certain area the Google pull out all the web pages that are having the information which are relevant to that specific search. That is why it is crucial that a web design allows the search engines to scan through its content. Such designs are called search engine friendly web designs.

Real Estate Web Design: SEO Friendly Web Design Drive Organic Traffic

Moreover when people will search for a property and they find a business listing on the top they immediately build a positive impression of that business in their minds. Which add to reputation and brand image as well. Collectively the search engine optimization and SEO friendly web designs could be a great source of free traffic which can be translated into conversions and leads.


The online presence and a digital experience is a must to have in the modern times. For a real estate business it is crucial to offer a great user experience with their website. The web design is what determines the user experience and also contributes to brand image and brand reputation. The web design can help real estate business to boost user interaction and user engagement by offering them a great experience, information and content. The real estate web designs are slightly different than a regular business website. It is because the real estate websites provide different type of information and a slightly different type of user interaction is required to boost conversions and leads. In this blog we have briefly discussed the importance of the web design and its various effects on the business’s reputation and online conversions. If you need more information on the subject or need our help to boost your user’s online experience, feel free to write a comment in the comment box below or contact us through our Contact Us page and we will soon be in touch with you.

Check out this blog: How Fashion and Beauty (F&B) Business can Boost Sales with a Customer Centric Web Design?

The post How Important a Web Design is for Real Estate Websites? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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Real Estate Website VS Real Estate Mobile App Tue, 26 Oct 2021 16:05:27 +0000 The real estate industry is rapidly growing and we are expecting a huge growth in the coming years in the real estate market in Dubai and all around the UAE. The real estate businesses are always facing tough competition and very demanding customers. Especially the year 2020 have completely changed the communication and marketing industry.… Continue reading Real Estate Website VS Real Estate Mobile App

The post Real Estate Website VS Real Estate Mobile App appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The real estate industry is rapidly growing and we are expecting a huge growth in the coming years in the real estate market in Dubai and all around the UAE. The real estate businesses are always facing tough competition and very demanding customers. Especially the year 2020 have completely changed the communication and marketing industry. The businesses had to switch to the digital mediums and due to that the digital channels and communication have become the mainstream. On general now a days people are more comfortable with using technology based solutions and digital interactions. This trends lead to a huge rise in websites and mobile apps. Businesses started relying heavily on their digital assets. The real estate industry is not an exception. However, each business and each industry have a different type of audience and targeted group, and each of them could respond differently to different changes.

Real Estate Website VS Real Estate Mobile App

These days the businesses are focusing on two major channels one is the website and the other is the mobile apps. The websites are already established as a very effective channel of communication and a source of quality leads. However the mobile apps have recently gained momentum and not only momentum but the mobile apps become a new gold rush for the businesses all over the world. There are several things that are fueling this trend, the major factor was the year 2020. The government is also stressing on the importance of digitalization and are currently offering tons of services through its digital platforms, especially the mobile apps and the websites. The population of the entire country is connected with the internet either by the computers or by their mobile devices which also cause a rapid rise in the mobile applications.

When it comes to the real estate businesses, they have two options, one is their website, which I believe every real estate business have, the other channel is the mobile apps, which is a relatively new trend but businesses are getting huge turnovers from their mobile apps as well. In this blog we will discuss the both the real estate website and the real estate mobile app so the businesses can have a better understanding of both platforms and can decide which will suit them the most or at which platform they should focus more if they are planning to have both platforms.

Real Estate Website

The websites are the most important part of any business’s digital marketing campaign. With the rise of smartphone, mobile devices and high-speed internet broadband access to everyone, the businesses have shifted their focus on the digital efforts. In fact the digital marketing industry have already surpassed the traditional marketing volume a few years ago, which makes the business websites more important than ever before. For a real estate business their corporate website is a great tool for marketing and a reliable source of high quality leads. The real estate website can help businesses to build their reputation and brand identity. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the real estate is an integral part of the economy and is considered to be a very lucrative business. Everyday new investors and developers are entering into the market to grab their share of the business. With the Expo 2020 event going on, the entire UAE economy is expected to get huge influx of personal and business investments. Which makes the market very competitive for the real estate businesses and brokers.

Real Estate Website

In such situation a good brand reputation and a positive brand identity could be a game changer for any real estate business. A website is perfect tool to promote a brand and build a loyal customer base. The digital branding also allow a small business to compete with the large competitors. As the customers and visitors behave completely different on the internet and digital platform. In the digital world a good brand identity and positive endorsements from the customers will determine the fate of a business and not its size of the investments. And that is the only reason why huge real estate businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are investing heavily in the digital channels.

Real Estate Website

What are the Key Benefits of a Real Estate Website?

One of the biggest benefit of a real estate website is that it can build a lasting brand reputation and brand identity in the online world. When it comes to the website it is all about the web design and content. Which is neither as that costly nor is it difficult to manage. Even a small business can easily establish a strong brand identity with a captivating real estate website. Here are some key advantages of having a real estate website:

  • Lead Oriented Web Design: Businesses can easily add so many lead oriented features in their real estate websites. The above the fold area can be designed to encourage users to convert. It can immediately capture visitor’s attention and the business can use the area to promote important deals or to add sales pitches and value proposition.
  • Easy to Build a Good Impression: The real estate businesses can easily customize their homepage to build an impression they want to portray. It requires only a fraction of a second to form an impression of a brand in user’s mind, the homepage of the website can offer enough content and design freedom to boost this impression.
  • Yield More Conversion with Internal Pages:Customers don’t want to scroll a lot.For any website the above the fold area is the most important one, it is a lot easier to put all the relevant information in above the fold area at a property detail page. Which definitely increase the online conversions and leads.
  • Enhanced Search Functionality: For any real estate website the search engine is the most important functionality. People will come on the site and they will have to find their desired property among hundreds of listings. A highly functional full screen based or large size search engine will make the search a lot easier and convenient for the users.
  • Generate Free Traffic: The real estate websites are tend to generate huge traffic if the content and the design is done properly. If a real estate website is SEO friendly it can generate up to 70% or even more of the total traffic of the website. This website traffic is organic and absolutely free. The high ranks in the search also add credibility to the brand reputation.
  • Great User Experience: The real estate website can offer a great user experience which also help generating more leads. The businesses can offer multiple functionalities and features that improve user experience and increase their engagements. The user experience is a key to online conversions and leads.
  • Integration: The websites are easier to integrate with third-party tools and system which enables the business to offer more interactive and personalized features to improve the user journey of their real estate website. Businesses can also link other systems such as appointment booking, payment, social media integration and much more to maximize the user satisfaction.
  • Aid Digital Marketing Campaigns: The real estate businesses can utilize their website and web pages for other digital marketing campaigns to ensure maximum conversions. The social media marketing is a great tool to make a splash. Moreover businesses can host dedicated landing pages and promotional content to support their digital marketing efforts.

What are the Key Benefits of a Real Estate Website?

A real estate website have a lot of benefits and can be utilized as a full-fledged marketing and communication tool. The websites can offer a variety of features which can enhance the user experience and user journey. The real estate business can also link several web pages and can add promotional content areas in the website which also help them to get exposure for the pages/properties. The search features and dedicated landing page can significantly increase the conversion rate. A real estate website can easily become a reliable source of continuous leads and revenue.

Real Estate Mobile App

In Dubai and all around the UAE the mobile phones are very common, almost 99% of the population use mobile phones on daily bases. On top of that the entire country have access to the high-speed broadband or 4G/5G network. The smartphones are getting smarter day by day with beefed up computing power and stunning large displays, people tend to stick to those screens for several hours on daily bases. Which makes the mobile phone the most important digital channel for the marketers. Businesses can’t miss the opportunity to communicate with their audience through mobile phones. People do tend to search a lot from their smartphone, in fact in general more searches are made on the mobile phones comparing to the conventional computers and laptops. Due to these factors the mobile phone apps started gaining momentum and now a days even the government is offering tons of services via dedicated mobile phone apps. In general the UAE population is quite used to of the mobile phones and mobile phone apps.

Real Estate Mobile App

For a real estate business the mobile phone applications are also equally important. One of the most important thing that differentiate the real estate industry form others is that the real estate customers wants a bit more personalized and exclusive interaction with the brand in order to gain trust and comfort to do business with the brand. Purchasing homes, flats, villas, or any commercial property is not a something we do on each weekend, for some of us this could be once in a lifetime decision. People are very skeptic and careful while making such a huge decision. The only thing that every real estate business dreamed of is to establish an excellent relationship with its customers to sustain a strong customer base at which it can stand to make the next move. The mobile apps provide real estate businesses a chances to establish a long term and successful business relationship with its customers. It can offer personalized experience, exclusivity, comfort and convenience, all the basic ingredients to establish a long term business relationship and a healthy brand reputation.

Real Estate Mobile App

What are the Key Benefits of a Real Estate Mobile App?

One of the biggest advantage of using real estate mobile app is that it can offer a more personalized and exclusive customer experience and customer journey. The customers feel more connected with their favorite brand and their loyalty rises. Another biggest advantage of the mobile app is that it can provide you a great competitive edge due to its unique experience and the convenience it can offer to your customers. In Dubai or anywhere in the UAE the real estate market is very competitive and a real estate business must have to offer something unique and something that can add value to the customer experience and customer journey. This will distinguish them from the crowd. Here are the key features of a real estate mobile app:

  • Customer Satisfaction: The main objective behind any new investment or change is to improve customer satisfaction. A real estate mobile app can be very helpful in offering solutions to the problems and concerns a regular customer usually have. The mobile apps can easily handle multimedia and visuals which could enhance the user’s search experience. These days no one have time to visit 20 properties to choose one, people prefer to search online and then plan a visit for the shortlisted properties only. A mobile app can really enhance this experience.
  • Leverage User Data: The mobile apps are quite capable of leveraging the user data to push only certain information for each users. The mobile apps can detect pattern, collect search data and other demographic details which help real estate businesses to push only the most relevant properties to the user, which significantly increase the chances of the conversion and also provide a more personalized user experience.
  • Offer Services:The mobile apps are great for offering digital services. In fact a real estate business can utilize the mobile apps to maximize the efficiency and it would also help reducing the service delivery cost. For customers it is a lot easier to make payments and scan/upload documents using mobile apps. The mobile apps doesn’t also require login each time a user wants to use the service so it also improve user experience and customer satisfaction.
  • Improve Communication:The real estate businesses can use mobile apps to communicate directly with the customers. The customers can also lodge complaints, andprovide feedback using the mobile apps. The real estate mobile apps are also good for marketing and businesses can push notifications and promotional content that increase customer engagements and share updates about their favorite properties or categories and much more.
  • User Friendly Interface: The real estate mobile apps are built to offer a very friendly user interface. There are certain features which are more convenient to use on the mobiles rather on a regular computer/laptop. For example the maps and navigation is easy to access, the 3D tour or virtual reality offers better user experience when used in the mobile apps and so on. In addition to that the mobile apps are quicker to access than to the website.

What are the Key Benefits of a Real Estate Website?

There are several other benefits which a real estate business will get using the mobile apps. The customers always prefer convenience and exclusivity. If a business offer them personalized and user friendly customer journey the conversion rate will be higher.The real estate mobile apps are also very good at offering pre-sale and post-sale services and the customers can use them to access various services instantly without any delay. The real estate businesses can also offer certain innovative features which require to access certain hardware features of the smartphone such as GPS for navigation and alarms/alerts, etc. Which makes them functionality wise more effective than the website.

Which one is better? A real Estate Website or a Real Estate Mobile App?

The purpose of explaining both the real estate website and the real estate mobile app was to provide our readers with a basic understanding of the advantages and limitations of the both platforms. Now that we have already discussed the advantages of both, it is easier for a real estate business owner or manager to make a decision. The real estate website is good for brand awareness and brand reputation and it can attract a huge traffic from the internet, on top of that the SEO and the search engine can provide a huge amount of absolutely free website traffic. Which is not possible in the case of a mobile app. However if we compare the real estate mobile app from the functionality prospective, it is far superior to the real estate website. Where the real estate website is excellent at providing information in a most user friendly way, the real estate mobile apps are great at offering cool features to satisfy your customers. For a real estate business both the mobile app and the website are equally important and the business must utilize the both channels to improve their interaction with the customers and prospects. That is how a real estate business can boost their online leads and conversions.

Which one is better? A real Estate Website or a Real Estate Mobile App?


The customer behavior and their needs have changed since the year 2020. Earlier people were reluctant to use digital platforms but now a days people tend to appreciate any digital solution or service offered by their favorite brands. This have impacted the entire marketing and communication industry. The real estate industry have always remained a very attractive niche for the investors and entrepreneurs. The real estate sector in Dubai and all around the UAE have exploded since the start of the 2021 and there is no slowdown in the coming years. If you are a real estate business owner or manager you must have to be prepared for the coming years and obviously the tough competition. These days the competition is relatively less important but the new trends and customer’s desires are more important. Businesses who will succeed in meeting customers’ needs will be shining high in the coming future.

When it comes to the real estate website and the real estate mobile apps, both have certain merits and demerits. A good digital strategy must always include all the relevant channels and platforms which can attract relevant audience. That is why it is important for a real estate business to have a stunning website and an excellent mobile app. Some customers prefer websites and some prefer a bit more of a personal touch to their interaction. Moreover the businesses who offers mobile apps along with their website and social presence are tend to be recognized as more reputed brands in the eye of an ordinary user. RSI Concepts is a leading web design and mobile app development company in Dubai, UAE. If you need to design and develop your real estate website or mobile apps, or if you want to learn more about the subject, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Best Practices for Real Estate Business Websites in 2021 – 2022

The post Real Estate Website VS Real Estate Mobile App appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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Best Practices for Real Estate Business Websites in 2021 – 2022 Sun, 24 Oct 2021 04:01:39 +0000 The real estate businesses have shown a rapid growth since the beginning of the 2021. The real estate businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are quickly implementing digital strategies to compete in the market. The year 2021 and 2022 are important for real estate businesses, the market is rapidly growing since the 2020… Continue reading Best Practices for Real Estate Business Websites in 2021 – 2022

The post Best Practices for Real Estate Business Websites in 2021 – 2022 appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The real estate businesses have shown a rapid growth since the beginning of the 2021. The real estate businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are quickly implementing digital strategies to compete in the market. The year 2021 and 2022 are important for real estate businesses, the market is rapidly growing since the 2020 and now the Dubai Expo 2020 is also boosting up the real estate industry. Businesses in the real estate sectors have quickly realized that they will have to emphasize on digital mediums in order to be able to establish a good brand identity. For real estate it is not only establishing the brand identity, in fact the real estate websites are generating online leads worth millions upon millions each month. Actually in Dubai and in fact all across the UAE everyone is connected to the internet, everyone have access to the computers and almost 99% of the population owns mobile phones. Which makes digital marketing even more important and crucial. People tend to look up online before most of their purchase decisions, as it is easier and convenient.

Best Practices for Real Estate Business Websites in 2021 – 2022

When it comes to online, the website is the most important part of the digital marketing. In fact a business website is the foundation of entire digital marketing strategy. For real estate businesses the website can generate a huge chunk of total leads for the business. The studies have shown that a human brain takes almost 50 millisecond to build an impression of a brand in subconscious mind by only looking at the web design of the website. That brand image, impression or perception keeps on amplifying as the user dive deeper into the website and go through the available content. So the real estate business websites are not only a tool to attract traffic from the targeted audience, but the websiteis a great source of acquiring low cost high quality leads. That is why we are writing this blog to let our audience and realtors understand how they can boost their online leads by only implementing the best practices of the real estate business website in 2021 and 2022.

Add Lead Oriented Features in Above the Fold Area

Above the fold area! That might be a new term, but it is very simple, every website these days is longer than the screen it is being viewed from. The area or section of the web page that we can view without scrolling is called above the fold area. This section is very important. Usually each website have company logo and some contact information, navigation/menu and some sliding images in this area. Basically this area is very important to build the first impression of the business. That is why it has to be very appealing and it should offer content that can increase visitor’s interest. For real estate business this area shouldn’t be very dynamic. Usually realtors use a property search in this are with a static content or a video running at the background. Because whoever will land on a real estate website they must be seeking some property to rent or purchase, they might not be as that interested in company profile or management bios. They will be interested in finding the property they are looking for.

Add Lead Oriented Features in Above the Fold Area

The property search is the most important features that every real estate website should offer above the fold. Along with that other lead oriented features such as contact details, email, phone number, menu and important links should be added above the fold such as side navigation pane, any quick links, login links, chat box and such links. Real estate businesses can also have social media links in the top section, but the best practice is to not add too many things in this section. The objective should be to keep the user focused on the property search and CTA (call to action). Small contact form can be added, but better to keep it hidden under a button or icon so it don’t take large space. Such features will help improving online leads. The CTA is most important, usually the real estate business websites have multiple CTAs such as ‘Request Valuation’, ‘Book Appointment/Meeting’, ‘Call Back Request’, etc. The best practice is to use at least one CTA above the fold along with other important features and design elements.

Add Lead Oriented Features in Above the Fold Area

Build a Good Brand Impression with Homepage

Obviously the web design is one of the most important aspect of building a brand image, however the content and information is equally important too. Above the fold area is usually more focused on functionalities, and below the fold area is where a real estate website should provide content and focus on value proposition. It should build trust and present the key points and advantages that the business can offer to the customers and anything else that can distinguishes your real estate business from others and increase visitors trust. Mostly some big businesses use different stats such as total number of available listings for sale or rent on the website, number of agents, and such other accomplishments which will give a sense of authenticity and build trust. The business bio or profile should also be added below the fold, either it could be the very next element or it could also be added at the lower section, but it should be added.

Build a Good Brand Impression with Homepage

The homepage of a real estate business website can play an important role in online lead generation, it is important that it links to the internal pages and sections. For example, a small but dedicated section for the residential properties and maybe for commercial too, and so on. Other trust signals, such as partners’ logos, case studies, news & updates, customer testimonials, ratings, team bio, etc. are also very important to improve the brand impression.  It is crucial that a real estate business website build trust worthy impression. When it comes to real estate people often don’t trust easily, it is hard to convince them because most of the time the acquiring or renting a real estate is a big decision for the customers. Another most important point that real estate businesses often overlooked is the quality of the photos and listing designs. If poor quality photos are used, the visitors will not continue on the website, high-quality photos will always attract more attention.

Build a Good Brand Impression with Homepage

The footer is also a very important design element. Since the earlier 2018 businesses have started adopting large sized footers, this trend have become mainstream since the late 2020 and early 2021. Currently businesses and enterprises are widely using large sized footers and in some cases full screen footers. We don’t recommend a full screen footer but make sure the footer is reasonable large, at least it should cover the half of the screen and it should include all the contact details, social media, Copyright messages and basic pages such as Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, etc. in it. Moreover quick links and popular listings could also encourage the visitors to explore the website further. These all ingredients both above the fold and below the fold up till the footer will help building a good impression of the real estate business and will increase the online leads and conversions.

Build a Good Brand Impression with Homepage

Facilitate your Visitors with Property Listing Pages

After the homepage the second most important page is the property listing page and the property detail page. These pages are the turning point for your website visitors. For any real estate business website it is important that it offers a user-centric web design. The aesthetics is important but the usability and user experience is most important for a real estate business website. In Dubai and all around the UAE the general public is very familiar with digital platforms and the competition is also very high, this makes the audience very demanding and raised their standards as well. The users will definitely like the looks but if your real estate business website failed to cater to their needs they will immediately leave. Businesses are losing tons of potential customer just because their website is not properly optimized for usability and doesn’t offer trendy features. The prime objective of anyone coming to a real estate business website is to get the information not to view the artistry of the design. That is why the property listing pages are very important and they should offer all the features which can improve customer journey.

Facilitate your Visitors with Property Listing Pages

The first and foremost thing is the images, everyone like good quality images, but if you are putting very high definition images which take ages to load, the user will immediately lose interest and they will quit. It is important that you use good quality images and the web design is programed in a way that it could provide optimum loading speed as well. Moreover the title of the property, basic details such as pricing, area, type, etc. and sharing options are important. Another great feature is instant schedule booking, this could be a button at the listing, which opens up a popup-up window to let the user book or schedule for property visit. Allow the users to choose the time and date of their choice, some businesses also offer option to choose a property agent, which is good, but it all depends on your business practices. Make sure you are offering all important options that you could with an ease of a single click. This will help improving user experience and will also increase online leads for your real estate business website.

Facilitate your Visitors with Property Listing Pages

The property detail page or landing page is the page which opens up when a user clicks on any listing. The page is also called a landing page or detail page. The property detail page is very helpful in generating leads and can be used in various digital marketing campaigns too. Usually the property detail page is designed with a big section for photo gallery and videos or any multimedia. This page should provide the good quality photos of the property, along with any additional media such as floor plan, any downloadable content or location map and such details. Think from a buyers prospective and try to provide all the information they could possible think of. Some businesses also use additional features such as calculators, mortgage planners, and other tools along with very prominent CTA (call to action) button. This will help increasing the online leads. The social media and other digital platform sharing tools are also very important. If possible the real estate business website can also offer the downloadable file for each property which the users can store for their reference or later use. Such feature not only offer convenience but also help building good brand identity.

Facilitate your Visitors with Property Listing Pages

Increase Conversions by a Dedicated Property Search Page

We have witnessed that real estate businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE doesn’t focus much of the technology or platform they are using. These days the website building technologies have advanced a lot. The platform which used to build the websites are very capable and the modern technologies such as cloud computing and system integration enabled the web designers and developer to innovate new and innovative features. The search engine is a basic need of any real estate business website. However how powerful and effective the search engine is will make the difference. Again a real estate business should think from the user’s point of view. Try to add as many search features as possible. The biggest reason of customer churn for a real estate business website is the inefficient search engine. The users often failed to find the property they are searching for and leave. It is extremely important that a real estate business website offers an innovative, efficient and highly usable search engine functionality.

Increase Conversions by a Dedicated Property Search Page

The competition is very high and the multinational real estate companies are investing huge in their marketing. However, due to the modern advancements in the technology competing with such big competitors is relatively easier. Only a minor extra investment in the search engine can boost the real estate business website performance. Your website visitors must be visiting other websites too, and most probably they will also visit big businesses’ website even if they are not interested in having business with them. This will raise their expectation from you. So, offering them a great search engine could really make a difference. Google Maps can easily integrated with a real estate business website, which will provide you an extra touch, moreover the search page with conversion tools or CTA would boost the conversions and leads. Real estate businesses can easily add additional search perimeters and filters in their search page without even paying any additional cost, all they need is to make a plan and the web designer will do the job. That is very easy and doesn’t require any rocket science. Hence it won’t raise cost. Such features and functionalities are very helpful in increasing online conversions and leads.

Increase Conversions by a Dedicated Property Search Page

Improve Conversions by a Responsive and Mobile Friendly Web Design

A responsive of mobile friendly web design is the web design which perfectly works well in both the mobile phones and in the regular computers/laptops. These days more than 60% of the searches are made from the mobile phones. The mobile searches have already surpassed the regular searches and people tend to spend more time on the smartphone, some studies have shown that people tend to spend many hours on their smartphones on daily bases. These stats are staggering. The rise of social media and high-power smartphones also boost the usage of smartphones. These days most of the times people tend to use smartphone instead of the laptops or traditional computers as accessing the smartphone is easy, and everything is just a few taps away. This makes smartphone compatibility even more important. The responsive or mobile friendly websites are capable of detecting the device from where these sites are being accessed and then they can automatically render the content and design as per the screen size. That functionality is called responsive and such websites are called mobile friendly websites.

Improve Conversions by a Responsive and Mobile Friendly Web Design

With a real estate business website the mobile friendliness or mobile compatibility have risen to one step further. The real estate businesses should make a plan for their responsive web designs. It is not the question of rearranging their design elements here and there and reducing the size of some sections and fonts and all that, it is how your customers will access each and every feature? This is the most important part of building a responsive real estate website. Businesses and corporate sites always try to maintain the same user experience on both mobile devices and traditional computers/laptops. However, for a real estate business website it is not as that important, the important thing is to maintain a reasonable and most convenience user experience for the users on both types of devices. The mobile compatibility and thumb-first or mobile-first designs are also gaining popularity but for the real estate business websites, the web design should be planned in a way that when a user is using it from a mobile device they should be able to tap on various functionalities and features without any problem. That is what makes the mobile experience more customer friendly and ensure higher conversion rates from responsive web design.

Read More: Top Mobile App Design and Development Trends 2021 – 2022

Improve Conversions by a Responsive and Mobile Friendly Web Design

Plan Content for Users and Search Engine and Boost Website Traffic

The real estate business websites are usually not as that good at SEO or search engine optimization. The term search engine optimization refers to a process which makes a website more search engine (SEO) friendly and increase the chances of getting free visitors from the search engines such as Google. The Google is dominating the search market in the UAE with having almost 96% or the search market share. It is a great source of organic website traffic which is absolutely free. As the real estate industry is highly competitive so the online advertisements and paid digital marketing is also very expensive. The SEO can be a great chance to compete with the multinational and big local real estate businesses. The search engine optimization or SEO also provide real estate businesses a chance to dominate the local or regional market in the digital domain. It is fat easier and cheaper to get attention of the prospects in the online domain as comparing to with traditional marketing methods.

Plan Content for Users and Search Engine and Boost Website Traffic

The SEO starts with the web design, a real estate business website should have a SEO friendly web design. It means that the entire design and all of the content should be visible or readable for the search engine. On the bases of this content and some other markers the search engine will rank the website. When someone will search for any relevant term/keyword the search engine will present the high ranking websites at the top of the result. Another important aspect of the SEO is adding the keywords in the content and having sufficient content on each page so that the search engine can easily determine the subject and category of the web page. Businesses can also link Google My Business to improve their local visibility. A blog or publication section is a great help for improving the SEO of a real estate business website. Google consider many aspects, but the most important ones are the readability of the website and the content on the website. Make sure your website is compatible with all search engine standards and is also offering useful content that can serve the visitors as well as the search engine. The search engine can easily provide huge free traffic for your website which will definitely increase the possibility of online conversions and leads.

Read More: How Startups can Grow Quickly with a Professional Web Design?

Plan Content for Users and Search Engine and Boost Website Traffic


A real estate business website is not just a website in fact it is a great asset for the business. Businesses can generate a huge amount of leads and reach out to the unexplored markets using their website. For a real estate business website it is extremely important that it meets all the needs of the visitors as well as it is capable enough to influence their decision. The real estate business website is the online brand identity of the business. The real estate market is highly competitive in Dubai and all around the UAE. There are huge businesses and multination enterprises who are dominating the market. It is extremely hard for a small or medium sized real estate business to compete with those big enterprises with traditional marketing channels. The digital provide a chance to compete with them. The real estate business website should be user-centric, offering all need features and functionalities that can enhance user experience. If a real estate business will follow the above practices they can easily build a successful real estate business website. If you need a real estate business website or want to learn more on the subject feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you.

Check out this blog: Is landing Page Better or the Homepage?

The post Best Practices for Real Estate Business Websites in 2021 – 2022 appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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RealEstate Website Trends for 2021-22 Thu, 19 Aug 2021 04:49:02 +0000 Since the beginning of the year 2021 the real estate industry is recovering and by the mid of the 2021 the market gained momentum. The market is projected to keep growing in the second half of the year and the first half of the 2022 as well and hopefully this pace will continue throughout the… Continue reading RealEstate Website Trends for 2021-22

The post RealEstate Website Trends for 2021-22 appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

Since the beginning of the year 2021 the real estate industry is recovering and by the mid of the 2021 the market gained momentum. The market is projected to keep growing in the second half of the year and the first half of the 2022 as well and hopefully this pace will continue throughout the year 2022. As the Expo 2020 is about to start, and its announcement has a very positive effect along with the government efforts and special programs and reforms for the real estate industry. In fact a report from a popular news outlet, the Khaleej Times is suggesting that the property and real estate industry is witnessing a record breaking growth since past eight years. The banks are also offering lowest interest rates, the government reforms and Expo 2020 are the major contributors. The market is very promising and growing rapidly and steadily. This attracts more investors, the real estate businesses are popping up everywhere on daily bases which increase the competition. Apart from the competition the real estate businesses should have to understand the impact of the 2020 situation on customer behavior and market trends.

Now a days the customers and prospects are more likely to visit less properties. Some even prefer to short list properties from the websites and then after comparing those they tend to visit only a few properties and make a decision. This is a huge change in the behavior of the real estate customers. Hence the businesses will have to focus more on their real estate website and online channels. That is the reason we are writing this blog to help real estate businesses to understand the new trends of the real estate websites in 2021 and 2022. Here are some important trends that you should consider while revamping your online presence and website:

Real Estate Website Trend No. 1: Smart Search and Simple Navigation

Smart Search and Simple Navigation

The most important feature of any real estate website is its search engine and the navigation. Earlier there the web designers in Dubai were focused on building highly sophisticated search engines with tons of parameters. Actually earlier the technology was also not so smart so in order to return a precise result the user must had to put several inputs, however, things have changed, these days the smart search engines have completely replaced the ordinary search engines. Now a days the real estate web designs are becoming more interactive and smart, the customers can utilize interactive user interfaces to search for the properties. The search result pages are also optimized for lead generation with engaging content and encouraging features. The real estate website navigation must have to be very simple and easy to understand. Avoid nesting too many categories, rather try to provide access to each category or page within a few clicks. The best way is to use mega menus and some also use stepped navigations in 3 or 4 columns to further simplify the navigation. The smart search and simple navigation is vital for customer journey and better online lead generation.

Real Estate Website Trend No. 2:Schedule Showing/Viewing Feature

Schedule Showing/Viewing Feature

The Schedule Showing/Viewing is another very important and effective feature of a real estate website. It simplifies the scheduling process to view the property for both the customers and the agents. This button should be available at a very simple and easy to access place, the ideal is with each property card or thumbnail. The button should allow the customers to schedule a tour to the property they are interested in. Here in Dubai the real estate web designers are divided in two parts on that, one is in favor of using a popup window to take the user through the scheduling steps and the other is convinced that a completely dedicated page is a better option. However, as per our experience the popup window has more conversion rates, but it is a little bit harder to optimize it for the mobile phones. No matter what approach you use, the important thing is the scheduling process should be simple and very easy. Once the visitor clicks on the button, the next step should be a calendar, time setup options and the last step should be the contact information. That is it. Nothing more or less.

Real Estate Website Trend No. 3: Oversimplified Customer Journey

Oversimplified Customer Journey

Another real estate website trend gaining popularity in Dubai and all around the UAE is having an oversimplified customer journey. The customer journey has a huge effect on the lead generation rate and conversions. If a customer journey is too complex, the customer churn rate will be skyrocket. The customer churn rate is the measurement of the number of potential customers who have initiated the process of purchase or are interested in a purchase but left half way through due to the difficulties of the process. There are so many different ways the business can minimize this, for example:

  1. Fast Search Results
  2. Fast Loading Time
  3. Interactive Design
  4. Simplified Processes

Loading speed is always crucial for a website, if any website takes too long to load the visitors will simple quit it and move to the next. So, it is extremely important that your website renders within a few seconds, the ideal website load time is 2 to 3 seconds. For a real estate website as the website contains a lot of images and other features that can consume more time to get load, so the web designer and developer have to utilize special programing technique to reduce the load time. Similarly the search feature can also be optimized for speed utilizing latest programming and database techniques.

Oversimplified Customer Journey

No matter what action you want form your visitors the process should be simple and short. The simplified process leads to more conversion rates. There has been a lot of new technologies introduced in past few years which can enhance the customer experience and customer journey on the website. One of the best technique is to make your designs interactive. It doesn’t mean huge popups getting loaded upon click or hoover, or the entire background gets changed, but the minute details are what matter the most. Small interactions or micro interactions are a great way to bring any ordinary design to life. When the customers sees very small and tiny changes in the design elements or colors or font styles or any such thing, it increases their curiosity and users keep scrolling through the page providing business a chance to present more data hence increase the chances of the conversion too.

Real Estate Website Trend No. 4:Multiple CTA Buttons

Multiple CTA Buttons

The CTA or Call to Action button is plays an important role in online lead generation. Any lead oriented web design must have a proper planning for the CTA. Businesses have witnessed huge online conversions and sales difference when the CTA button is tweaked. A slight placement change or even color change could have huge impact on the online conversions. For the real estate web design the CTA is also very important. Here are some important things to consider while designing a CTA for your real estate website:

  1. CTA is a button with defined border, width and height
  2. It should have different color than surroundings
  3. It should stand out from the surrounding design elements
  4. It should have appealing text
  5. The text should be relevant to the surrounding text and subject of the page

The design and the text both are important for the CTA. It is important that the CTA text is persuasive, appealing and attracts more attentions. Rather than just using a single word or two, be creative with the text and try to make it more exciting and indicate value in it. The CTA button should be placed on very prominent locations, you can put it on several locations, but don’t overdo it. Keep it loud but not shouting. Place it strategically so that the user don’t have to scroll up or down, do not put it in the outer most corners, try to blend it in the main design and present it as a design element but with higher visibility. The CTA can have huge impact on online conversions so it is important to plan and design it with great care.

Real Estate Website Trend No. 5:Customer Centric Content

Customer Centric Content

When it comes to the content of a real estate website the businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE often over looked it and don’t pay much attentions to it, instead businesses and real estate agents are more focused on providing the basic information about the property and such highlights. However, the content of a real estate website can really make a huge impact on the visitors. The content is what contains the most trust signals, the important aspects of the real estate website content such as company profile, mission and vision statements, other pages with additional details, case studies, customer testimonials, and such details are very crucial to build trust and a good relationship with your customers. The content is not only the text, the photos, videos, and downloadable materials, each and everything should be the part of your content strategy. Here are a few key points that you should consider while preparing the content of your real estate website:

  1. The content should be appealing and persuasive
  2. Highlight the advantages of the property, whether it is the location, the view or surroundings, make sure you are highlighting all advantages of that property
  3. Use appealing words as sale points, such as luxurious, see view, park view, parking, cost-effective, limited time offers, free, etc. these words can significantly increase the conversion rates
  4. Tables and lists get more attentions from the visitors
  5. Highlight unique features
  6. Use plain and simple language, short sentences and avoid long descriptions
  7. High Definition Images with Interactive view pane should be provided, the user should have facility to easily zoom and rotate images
  8. Images should be taken from various angles, use maximum 10 to 12 images
  9. Use multimedia content too, such as Videos and Interactive Maps, etc.
  10. Try to use design elements and styles to highlight important content, but don’t overdo it

The content is always considered to be the backbone of a website. It is important that the content communicates well and maintain user engagements. There will be no agent or staff to explain anything, so the content should be able to convey the message very well.

Real Estate Website Trend No. 6:Neighboring Information and Vendor Directory

Neighboring Information and Vendor Directory

Businesses everywhere are always dependent on supplementary vendors and suppliers, the real estate industry is not different. In fact in each real estate transaction there are numbers of third party vendors involved. For example, home inspectors, insurance brokers, maintenance service providers, movers and a lot more. The vendor directory will be a great value to your customers and visitors. Real estate businesses can also monetize their directory list and charge these vendors to list them on their website. Whatever the case is the vendor directory will save a lot of time and efforts of your customers. Similarly the information about the facilities in the neighboring areas such as the pharmacies, clinics, parks, grocery stores, shopping malls, restaurants, main high ways, etc. also attract visitors attentions. The main objective is to explain your customers and visitors about the benefits of moving in to this property.

Real Estate Website Trend No. 7:Simple and Easy Sharing Options

Simple and Easy Sharing Options

These days everyone is active in social media platforms. In UAE more than 90% of the population have access to the high speed internet and owns either laptop computers or smartphones or both. People love to share content on social media platforms. Integrate social media sharing facility in your website and also in individual pages/properties. Let the user easily share the property they liked either by Social Media Platforms, Private Messages, Messenger, Whatsapp, Email and SMS. If someone stumbled upon a good option but are seeking something else, they might share it with some friend or colleague who might be interested in that. People tend to share the content they liked all the time. This way your website will gain popularity and as many time as a page is shared on social media it generate free website traffic. Which increases the probability of more sales and conversions.

Real Estate Website Trend No. 8:Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design

The statistical data have shown that the mobile searches have already surpassed the regular desktop/laptop searches since 2019. And this is increasing ever since. It is extremely important for the real estate businesses to facilitate their mobile visitors. These days in Dubai and all around the UAE almost each new website build is responsive. A responsive website is designed specifically to be able to detect the device and platform it is being opened from. This way the website can render its design components and elements according to the screen size of the device. This is what we call a responsive web design. This feature is achieved with several modern web designing and web programming techniques. The responsive web designs ensures a similar user experience on all platform, devices and screen sizes. Hence if a user is familiar with a regular version of the website, they will be able to easily locate and identify same features on the smartphone version of the website as well. Having a responsive web design these days is a must to have feature not only for real estate but for every business and industry.

Real Estate Website Trend No. 9:Integration with Central Information Center

Integration with Central Information Center

Integration with central information center means that there would be so many features on the website that might be accessing data from other systems and business tools. The central information center is a joint database which contains the data from different systems and tools and link them with each other too. For example, the customer portals or complaint center or any such system could also be linked with customer loyalty system, or sales system, etc. The details of the properties must be updated in a central ERP or intranet system, which could be linked to the website to instantly update the status of the property automatically. Moreover the real estate business can also provide agent’s portal online through the website link, or any other system, such as appointment booking, or schedule for showing/viewing the property could instantly tell the customers and visitors whether any agent will be able to meet them as per their desired schedule or will everyone be busy at that particular time of the day, such things can add value to customer journey and customer experience and all such features can only be achieved by the integration of the real estate website with the central information center.

Read More: How to Start an E-Commerce Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Real Estate Website Trend No. 10: Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

The Search Engine Optimization also known as SEO is a digital marketing technique to generate free organic traffic for any website through search engines. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the most popular search engine is Google, some people often use MSN, Yahoo and a few others, but for all the search engines the basic remains the same. Any real estate website in 2021 must be search engine friendly and should be optimized for SEO to ensure higher visibility in the search results. People tend to do online searches to find certain information, the market research and studies have shown that almost 60 to 70 percent of the customers do online searches before making a purchase decision. The SEO is a combination of website programing, web design and web content optimization ensure the search engines can easily read the subject of the page and can have a better understanding of the subject and topic. It also includes link building and bookmarking. If a website is properly optimized for the search engine when anyone came to that search engine for example Google, and put a query then the Google will scan through the listed will rank them according to their friendliness and optimization. The search engine rankings can bring you more than 70% of your traffic, absolutely free. When people find a real estate website among the top ranked websites in the Google, they also get an impression of trust and quality. Which is very helpful for a real estate website to improve online conversions.

Read More: 6 Tips to Use Social Media for Local Business


The real estate industry in booming in Dubai and all across the UAE. The industry is reporting tremendous growth, the government, the banks, investors and everything is giving green signals. The real estate businesses are flexing muscles for the coming run. The real estate website has become a very important part of the entire strategy, since the 2020 the general trends have been changed, which have impacted across the entire market. The general population is more inclined towards digital solutions and communications. Which makes the real estate websites even more important for the year 2021 and 2022. Websites are also evolving but the real estate website is very different from regular corporate or business websites. The real estate website is designed to provide certain features which help the realtors to acquire more online leads. This blog has listed top 10 trends of 2021 and 2022 for the real estate websites. The search engine, navigation, user interface and customer journey are the major factor for the success of a real estate website.

Enhanced customer journey, business oriented content and features can improve the conversion rates a lot. Additional information to add value, responsive web design and search engine friendliness also plays an important role in bringing organic traffic to the website. RSI Concepts is a leading web design Dubai name, we are helping our customers in achieving their goals and objective. If you are seeking a revamp of an existing real estate website or even if you are a startup, feel free to reach to us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Impact of Web Designing on Digital Marketing

The post RealEstate Website Trends for 2021-22 appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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