10 modern web design trends for 2021 Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/10-modern-web-design-trends-for-2021/ RSI Concepts Blog Mon, 04 Oct 2021 12:00:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-RSI-Concepts-Logo-32x32.jpg 10 modern web design trends for 2021 Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/10-modern-web-design-trends-for-2021/ 32 32 Corporate Web Design Trends 2021 – 2022 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/corporate-web-design-trends-2021-2022/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/corporate-web-design-trends-2021-2022/#respond Mon, 04 Oct 2021 11:12:34 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/?p=7637 In Dubai and all around the UAE almost 99% of the population have access to the internet. This is huge, businesses and enterprises have to be very careful with their online presence. Because most of their new prospects would be reaching to them via online. So, their website will represent their brand and will define… Continue reading Corporate Web Design Trends 2021 – 2022

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In Dubai and all around the UAE almost 99% of the population have access to the internet. This is huge, businesses and enterprises have to be very careful with their online presence. Because most of their new prospects would be reaching to them via online. So, their website will represent their brand and will define their brand identity. In case of a website there will be no customer service agent or sales staff to convince the prospects to convert, it will be only the web design and the content that could convince your visitors to convert. Technology is evolving rapidly, new things are coming on daily bases, the web designs are no different, and each year comes with a new trend. The corporate web design trends  also change, a business or enterprise should evaluate and assess their corporate web design after each months to see if it will be able to convince the visitors to convert into a lead or sale or not.

Corporate Web Design Trends 2021 – 2022

Earlier the web design trend changes are a bit subtle and gradual, however the year 2020 was equal to a big stone in the pond, the ripples have changed the cultural and societal structure worldwide, and the corporate sector, businesses and industries had to be very adoptive to stay relevant in rapidly changing environment. This also impacted the corporate web designs. Now a days, we are witnessing more frequent trend changes than ever before. The businesses have to be more vigilant with those trend changes and should ensure their corporate web designs are up-to-date and capable of serving the present day needs of their targeted audience.

Here are some most popular corporate web design trends in UAE for 2021 – 2022:

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 1: Flat Web Design

Flat web designs are not new. In fact the flat web designs were worldwide popular during the early days of the internet, or you can say during the early days when internet start spreading to masses. From 2000 to all the way 2010 the flat web designs were dominating the web landscape. Actually at that time it was the most practical web design format. The internet was not as that fast as it is today. Majority of the internet users were new. The flat web design offers fast loading speed and minimalist design approach provides super-user-friendly user interfaces (UIs). So, at that time the flat web design was not just a trend but it was a need too. However during the later years when the internet start getting faster day by day, the audience become more mature, the web design industry start producing more intensive graphics and highly interactive user interfaces.

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 1: Flat Web Design

But within last few years especially by the end of 2019 and start of 2020 the corporate sector once again started to embrace flat web designs. Flat web design can offer excellent user interface and user experience (UI/UX). One of the biggest advantage of the flat design is that it provide simple navigation through the content, the content is more readable and businesses can easily highlight the important content. The flat designs doesn’t have much distraction, your CTA (call to action) could be more visible. This will increase the conversion rate. The customer journey is easy to manage and is shorter too. Whenever a visitors is reaching to a website, they have some problem or they have some need, they need to be fed with the right information to convince them to take a decision. The businesses and enterprises can easily achieve this with the flat web designs. That is why its conversion rate is also higher.

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 2:Parallax Web Design

With the rise of high-speed internet and powerful computing devices the web design industry in Dubai have stunned the public with some remarkable parallax web designs. Since the year 2015 and onwards the parallax web designs start making waves across the web design industry. Businesses and enterprises from various sectors soon started to adopt the trend and it quickly became mainstream. By definition a parallax web design is a web design which changes by each stroke on the scroll. It keep loading new layers of the content and background, each is moving at a different speed to portray a 3D effect and in-depth visuals. Businesses and enterprises use the parallax design to increase customer engagements and surely leaves a good impression on the visitors. The user-interface and the user journey can be enhanced and the visuals keep the users engaged throughout. This increase the conversion rate too.

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 2:Parallax Web Design

Moreover the parallax web designs are great to present content and data. Especially the information that can influence the customer’s decision can be presented in a very engaging and appealing way. The good thing is the design itself triggers a sense of curiosity which compel the visitors to keep exploring the web page and links. This provide a business more opportunity to cater appealing content and to project value proposition. The parallax web designs are great for presenting products, building story boards, increasing engagements, improving user interaction and much more. The important thing to understand here is that there always has to be a balance between the visual design and the usability. The user must not lost in the design, the navigation is the most important aspect of parallax web design. If the navigation is excellent a parallax web design can be a game changer for a business or enterprise.

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 3:Neumorphic Web Design

The Neumorphic web designs start popping up since the late of 2020 and the start of 2021. These type of web designs are more focused on enhancing the user interface. Intensive use of shadows and flat iconography lead to a floating effect on almost all design elements. Basically the Neumorphism terminology is derived from the two words, New and Skeuomorphism. The Skeuomorphism term is used to describe a particular user interface designing technique in which the design elements looks similar to their real-life counterparts. The word ‘New’ is used to identify a modernized version of the Skeuomorphism. Usually the Neumorphic web designs are very soft web designs with almost a single dominate color with intensive use of shadows and gradients to create a multi-dimensional/floating effect.

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 3:Neumorphic Web Design

The Neumorphic web designs looks very pleasant to the users, all the content and data is highly readable, all the functionalities and visual information stand out from the background. It is easy to design and develop monochrome themes with Neumorphic web design approach. It simplifies the interface and allow the businesses to provide easy navigational structure. Less colors keep the user focused and less distractions ensure higher CTR (click through rate) for CTA (call to action). The Neumorphic web design are always an excellent choice for a functionality oriented websites. Even if you have a website who is more focused on providing information rather functionality, the Neumorphism is a great choice. It help improving the conversion rate and it tends to load fast and it have a lot many other benefits too.

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 4:Minimalist Web Design

The main theme of the minimalist web design is to achieve more with less. As the name suggested minimalist web designs have fewer density of the content and design elements along with wide white/blank spaces. The minimalist web designs are not new, but very recently got admiration from the market. Since the early 2018 the minimalist web designs started appearing in the web design industry in Dubai, UAE. Since then the minimalist web design approach is gradually gaining popularity. The biggest advantage of a minimalistic web design approach is the super-user-friendly user interfaces. The navigation is simplified the entire customer journey and content flow is simplified and more focused. The user have very less distraction and it is easier to keep them focused on the topic. Businesses and enterprises use different color schemes for their corporate website, the beauty of minimalistic web design is that it can accommodate any type of the colors. Whether too dark or too light or too bright, whatever the color scheme you want to use it will look awesome in minimalist web designs.

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 4:Minimalist Web Design

Simplicity is always admired, but make sure your corporate web design look modern too. Simple alone is not enough, the overall look and feel of a corporate web design will dictate its brand identity, it has to be modern and as per today’s standards. The minimalist we b designs are good for business oriented websites, who are more focused on generating online leads and conversions. It is easier with minimalistic web design approach to keep your visitors focused on a subject and drive them to the end of the journey. The conversion rate of minimalist we designs is also higher comparing to ordinary web designs.

Read More: How to Get a Cost-Effective Website for a Small Business

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 5:SEO Friendly Web Design

SEO stands for search engine optimization. The web designs which are in-line with search engine policies and guidelines are called SEO friendly web designs. The most popular search engine is Google occupying more than 94% of the search market worldwide with almost 97% of the search market share in UAE. The web design which are defined as SEO friendly web designs are the one who are completely readable for the Google and other search engines. The Google search or any other search engine have automated software program who scan every website and index its content in a database or link repository. These software programs are also referred to as bots, spiders or crawlers. A web design is based on two parts, one is the colors and designs which is visible on the screen the other part is the programming and source code which is not visible for users. It is this programing and source code which makes a design SEO friendly or not. There are certain web designing technologies which produce such scripts and source code which is not readable or compatible with search engine crawlers. This makes the website content literally invisible for the search engine.

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 5:SEO Friendly Web Design

When a search engine failed to read any content on a web design it mark it as a poor quality website. For corporate web designs it is extremely important that they are completely readable for the Google crawlers and other search engines. Majorly all other search engines also follow almost the same standards as that of the Google. When a search engine reads a page, it index its content and subject in its database. When a user searched for anything in the search engine it pull out the websites with most relevant content and quality score and present them in the search engine results page (SERP) according to their relevance and quality. It is extremely important for a corporate web design to be able to get higher ranks in the search engine result page as it drives huge organic traffic to the website which is absolutely free. Studies have shown that for an average corporate website the organic traffic accounts for around 70% of its total website traffic. That is why SEO friendly web designs are gaining popularity.

Read More: 5 Signs You need a New Web Design for Your Business Website

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 6: Responsive Web Design

Responsive web designs gain popularity with the rise of smartphone and mobile devices. The statistical data shows us that the mobile searches have already surpassed the conventional computer and laptop searchers. That means a huge population is using their smartphone and mobile devices to browse the website and surf the internet. In Dubai and all around the UAE almost 99% of the population owns a smartphone or mobile device. The internet is available for everyone. Social media is very popular, people tend to spend hours on their smartphones and mobile devices on daily bases. This demanded a strong mobile presence also. Earlier there were separate mobile websites rather than a responsive website. The mobile websites were designed and programmed separately the user experience was also very different on mobile devices comparing to the desktop or laptop user experience. Since the 2010 the responsive web design started gaining popularity, now a days every business or enterprise from small size local business to large sized multination enterprises, all are using responsive web designs.

Corporate Web Design Trend No. 6: Responsive Web Design

The biggest advantage of a responsive web design is that it offers a unified user experience. The technology is very simple and widely available. A responsive web design is programmed in a way that it can automatically sense the device and its screen size from where it is being accessed. Within a fraction of a second, the design automatically rearrange its design components and render itself in a way that everything fits in into the small mobile or tablet screen. That process is so fast that user can’t even notice this all happening in the background. This is why the responsive web designs have completely vanished the concept of the mobile version of a website. Still there are some businesses who are using a non-responsive web design which loads in a same way as it loads on a desktop or laptop PC. The user sees a very zoomed out, tiny version of the desktop user interface which is nearly impossible to surf through. That is why a responsive web design has become a standard then being a trend.

Read More: Best way to Choose Web Design in 2021


A corporate website is an online brand identity of a business or enterprise. These days as everyone in UAE have access to the internet, people tend to look up for a business online before making a decision. Most of the time people just search for the business online to evaluate the company by their website. The website leaves a strong impression on your prospects’ mind. The web design trends keep changing, some become more popular some become less popular, sometimes new things have been introduced sometimes older trends get revived. The customer’s behavior is very complex and unpredictable. Every business and enterprise owner or manager should ask themselves that if they will land on their website as a prospect will they convert or not? And this questions should be asked after every few months or at least twice a year. The ongoing trends in 2021 can also help to predict the upcoming trends of the year 2022. Trends don’t get changed over the night. Such changes are always slow, but not as that slow as was a decade ago. These days, a certain web design could be trendy now and in a couple of months its hype could fade away. The business must have to be vigilant in this regard.

The reason of this blog was to provide our readers a quick understanding of ongoing trends in the year 2021 and upcoming trends of the year 2022. This information could be very helpful in making the future strategy. It is always beneficial to be ready for the upcoming change. The one who adopt to the change can get more benefits of the change. If you will follow any of the above trend now to revamp your website or to build a completely new website, you don’t have to worry for a couple of more years. RSI Concepts is a leading web design Dubai agency, we have delivered corporate websites for a spectrum of clientele from small businesses to large and medium sized enterprises and government sector. If you need any help with your web design project or if you want to learn more, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you.

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