Importance of a good website for business Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Tue, 24 Aug 2021 05:35:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Importance of a good website for business Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 Why Your Small Business Needs a Website? Tue, 24 Aug 2021 05:35:06 +0000 Small businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE often think of a website as non-essential or even a luxury. Actually the small businesses have limited operations, they only spend on something whenever there is a need or requirement. When it comes to the marketing for a small businesses the owners or managers usually think… Continue reading Why Your Small Business Needs a Website?

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Small businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE often think of a website as non-essential or even a luxury. Actually the small businesses have limited operations, they only spend on something whenever there is a need or requirement. When it comes to the marketing for a small businesses the owners or managers usually think online is irrelevant or in some cases they just build online social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. However, a website is very important and it greatly helps with brand credibility, it is an estimate that almost more than half of the customers tend to visit the website of the business before making a purchase. The online brand identity and online presence of business can play a huge role in its success. The online digital marketing have already surpassed the traditional marketing channels. Which is also another good indicator of the importance of the online presence. One of the biggest advantage of the small business website is that it provides credibility and build a professional impression of the business and help building trust for the customers and visitors.

Still not convinced? Well we have prepared some key points which will convince you to get a website for your small business:

Add Credibility to Business

Add Credibility to Business

Several online studies, customer surveys and market research have concluded that almost 80% of the customers thinks small businesses having websites are more credible and professional than the one who don’t have websites. Even the social media profiles and pages are not as credible as that of a website. Without a website customers and prospects might doubt on the credibility and professionalism of a small business. The website also provides a chance to communicate easily with your audience and build relationship by providing quality content and legit information about your brand and your products and services. There could be several businesses who are also working in the same industry and operating in your targeted region, your website could help you stand out among your competition too. It doesn’t matter if you are a large enterprise or a small business the credibility and positive brand reputation is must for growth and progress.

Generate Organic Leads

Generate Organic Leads

The website could be a great source of organic leads for a small business. The organic leads are generated through organic traffic, the organic traffic is the website visitors who land on your website from a reference, and usually this reference is a search engine, like Google. People tend look up for everything on the internet, Google is the most popular search engine in the world with more than 90% of the market share. People do spend a lot of time on internet and it is a great source of leads and sales. If a website is designed properly as per the search engine optimization (SEO) standards, the chances are high that it will be ranked higher in the search and will generate more online free web traffic. An average small business website which is optimized for search engine can generate more than 70% of its entire traffic from the search engines. And it is completely free. Moreover when a customer or prospect searches something online in Google or any other search engine and finds a website on top, it immediately build a positive impression for that brand. This also helps improving brand reputation.

Promote your Products and Services

Promote your Products and Services

A small business website is a great channel to showcase your products and services. It further improves the conversion rate when customers and prospects found sufficient information about the product or service online before making a purchase decision. The website should be designed in a way to promote your products and services. The homepage of the website is a great place to showcase your best selling products or premium services. It will give your customers and prospects and idea of what they could get doing business with you. Provide all the necessary details of the products and services, prepare captivating content, which can attract customers and increase their interest. The photos, videos and animations are a great way to present your products and services. You can also provide a facility to share your web pages online, which will further boost your website’s visibility and can produce more organic traffic. Highlighting features and benefits of your products and services always improve online leads and conversion.

Put your Portfolio and Client Testimonial

Put your Portfolio and Client Testimonial

A small business shouldn’t use their website as only an online business card or profile. In fact a small business website could be used to promote the brand, build reputation and enhance customers’ trust. The small business websites with multiple trust signals improve the online conversion rates. The sample of your work, your portfolio and name of your business partners is very helpful in influencing the visitors to make a decision. Such things on the website build a professional and trust worthy impression on the customers and prospects. This also enhances the business reputation. Similarly the client testimonials and their feedback also plays an important role in convincing your prospects to convert. The website which have portfolio, sample of work, client testimonials and customer endorsements are tend to perform very well comparing to the website who don’t publish such details. When a website visitor reads a review or testimonial of an existing customer they get more confidence and it also act as a proof of quality. Because everyone knows that any business will put only good things about their products and services, however the customers who have already had an experience with the business will be more honest in their remarks. It is a great trust signal and it can easily boost your online conversions.

Small Business Website makes it Easier to Contact the Business

Small Business Website makes it Easier to Contact the Business

The contact details are very important. The market research data have shown that the websites who put clear contact details and contact number start receiving 30% to 60% more calls. That is why the contact details are very important. Modern day websites usually put contact details in the upper area of the web page which is called header. Sometimes the customer might not want to fill in the contact form or the enquiry form, instead they prefer to make a call. Similarly the small business website can also provide Google Map integration to let the customers and prospects to navigate through Google Maps to reach to the business. This can increase the number of daily footfall.

A Website can Help Small Business to Achieve Long Term Goals

A Website can Help Small Business to Achieve Long Term Goals

A website is not a short term marketing strategy. It is a long term marking strategy, one should never expect to see a noticeable change the next day of publishing their website. For small businesses as the budget is limited and the owners and managers are usually having multiple tasks. The website can be improved gradually, rather than daily updates, weekly or even monthly updates could also do better. The important thing is the website provides all the important information in a very presentable way. Later on the small business can improve their website bit by bit and page by page. Slowly but surely the website will start getting traffic, which will improve its ranking. Similarly the content which will be posted on the website will start improving the organic traffic, then occasional digital marketing campaigns and other activities can also help building the traffic, this traffic building process could take several months or even a year to reach to an optimum level. That is why a small business website is considered as a long term marketing strategy. Once the website started generating enough traffic the business can invest more in it to improve its outcome and the process can be continued gradually and regularly.

A Website Helps Small Business to Compete with Big Companies

A Website Helps Small Business to Compete with Big Companies

A professional looking website is a great competitive advantage for a small business. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE local business owner often think that the websites are for large corporations or nationwide businesses and are no use for a small or local business. That is not the case a website is equally effective and important for a small business too. The small businesses can easily compete with big brands and large enterprises using their websites. The search engine optimization or SEO help local businesses to establish a brand reputation in the region. For example if you are a small business selling shoes, and someone searches ‘shoe stores near me’, the chances are your website will appear instead of any multinational brand like Aldo or CAT. This provides a great advantage and help local businesses to get more daily footfall. Which can be eventually converted to sales.

Small Business Website Improve Customer Retention

Small Business Website Improve Customer Retention

The customer retention is a very crucial aspect of growing and progressing. If a business wants to grow it should have a strong foundation of loyal customers. The customer loyalty is a pretty vague terminology but there are certain things that can make a customer loyal. Of course the most important thing is the cost and the quality of your products and services, but in today’s modern era, customers expect a lot more from a business. For example, if a small business is providing sufficient information of their products and services on their website, then the customers and prospects will prefer to visit the website first, then shortlist the products/services they want and then either they can purchase from online or visit to the store to make a purchase. Such things prevent customers to do market research, and make the purchase easier. The chances are the customers and prospects will also share those web pages with others, which could also bring more online and in-store traffic to the business.

Small Businesses can benefit more from Digital Marketing with their Website

Small Businesses can benefit more from Digital Marketing with their Website

The digital marketing is a very effective lead generation strategy. These days as in UAE almost 92% of the residents are having access to internet and computers/laptops or smartphones. The global digital marketing industry have already surpassed the traditional marketing industry. Here in UAE people tend to spend hours on social media on daily bases. The smartphone searches have already surpassed the traditional computer/laptop searches. These all are indicators which suggest the digital marketing is growing rapidly. For digital marketing the website plays an important role, the adverts with a valid website link are tend to get more clicks. Moreover businesses can have dedicated landing page which are designed specifically for certain products and services to boost the conversion rate. The digital marketing campaigns with specially designed landing pages can boost the conversion rate up to 10 times. Which not only help small business to keep the digital marketing cost low but it also improve the ROI.

The Small Business Websites are Cost-Effective

The Small Business Websites are Cost-Effective

As we have discussed all the important benefits and advantages of the website for a small business the question arises how much it could cost you? Well, there is no predefined costing plan. However there are certain things that can reduce the cost of the web designing and development process a lot. Usually the website cost is defined by the design type and the website programming and functionalities are the defining factors of the cost. For example, if you have a website in English language only and want to have another language too such as Arabic, the cost will be higher, if you want only a standard website the costing will be done differently but if you also want to have an online purchase process then the costing will be done differently. However, we are listing here some of the very basic features that could maximize the productivity of the website and also keep the cost low:

  1. Chose a CMS (content management system), such as WordPress, Joomla, or Custom PHP
  2. Chose Open Source/Free or Single Time Purchase (lifetime license) CMS
  3. Use only free plugins or plugins with one time purchase plan
  4. Chose only single language user interface
  5. Chose a responsive website theme or web design
  6. Purchase medium size domain name with .com extension
  7. Purchase basic/shared hosting plan with limited emails and databases
  8. Use Email Client App such as Outlook to prevent getting server out of space
  9. Purchase a basic SSL Certificate
  10. Ask web designer to provide you with the training of the CMS to update the website

These are some suggestion that will help you reducing the initial cost of the website as well as operational cost of the website. The CMS or Content Management System is a software tool that provides a user interface which enables an ordinary person to upload and update content on the website and its internal pages without any help from a technical person or website developer. This eliminates the cost of the updates as well as if the small business owner or the manger can learn to do regular updates, they don’t even need to acquire any AMC (annual maintenance contract) which also saves a lot of cost. The hosting and the emails are also not much costly, better to use an email client such as Outlook which will download your emails to your computer hence no need to buy expensive hosting plans with more server space. Such things can significantly reduce the initial cost as well as the operational cost of a small business website.

Read More: RealEstate Website Trends for 2021-22


A small business need to ensure that the impression they are building of their brand is positive. With the limited budget and other resources it is crucial to make strategies and use tools that are cost effective and ensure higher ROI. Small business means limited territory and higher competition, you must have to stand out to get the attentions from the prospects and audience. In this modern digital era a website is the most effective tool to compete with others and improve your brand reputation and brand image. Small business websites add credibility, improve customer trust, and generate more leads. The organic or search leads are absolutely free and it require very less efforts to optimize the website for search engines. The website provide a chance to present your products and services in a better way in front of your targeted audience. The testimonials and customer feedbacks are a great way to build trust and improve conversion rate. A small business website if designed smartly could save a lot of initial and operational cost. A website is a part of long term marketing strategy, when return over investment is calculated for long term a small business website has no match. It can do wonders for a business. RSI Concepts is a leading web design Dubai company, if you need any help with your small business website feel free to get in touch with us, you can reach to us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

RSI Concepts has recently developed the customized interactive kiosks for Gourmet Catering. This customized interactive kiosk model is a perfect fit for customer feedback collection. It contains iPad tablet screens which allow customized applications and better performance. This model can be customized for any other tablet as well and in various different sizes as per the requirements. The material used is FR MDF which is rigid and long lasting. The customized branding make it more attractive and appealing for the users. The power and cable management is done internally with easy maintenance access. Feel free to contact us if you have any enquiry.

Check out this blog: 6 Tips to Use Social Media for Local Business

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5 Reasons to Choose Competitive Website Designing Company Wed, 30 Jun 2021 09:38:16 +0000 Here in Dubai and in fact all around the UAE if you are a business without a website, you literally don’t exist for a majority of the audience. These days the internet has become a very important aspect of marketing and communication. If you don’t have a website, you don’t exist for a large audience.… Continue reading 5 Reasons to Choose Competitive Website Designing Company

The post 5 Reasons to Choose Competitive Website Designing Company appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

Here in Dubai and in fact all around the UAE if you are a business without a website, you literally don’t exist for a majority of the audience. These days the internet has become a very important aspect of marketing and communication. If you don’t have a website, you don’t exist for a large audience. The websites are not only providing an online medium to communicate with your customers and possible prospects but they also represent the business in the online world. Your website is your brand’s identity. The user experience and customer journey you offer through your website play an important role in your brand identity and brand reputation. If your website is doing well, it will leave a very positive impression on the visitors, hence it will help you build a positive brand image which will enhance the brand reputation and help you improving conversion rates. A good brand reputation is always very helpful in converting leads into sales. No matter what you do or at what scale do you operate, if you are a business and operating in Dubai or any other part of the UAE, you must have to have an excellent website.

While the world is witnessing a huge change in the marketing and communication industry with more revenue spent on digital marketing and more outcome is generating through digital mediums, a business or corporate website is essential these days. Now with that being said, the question arises how to design a website that can help a business grow. The simplest answer is to choose the right web design for Dubai company.

In this blog we will discuss 5 reasons to choose a competitive website designing company in UAE:

Reason No. 1: It will save You Time & Money

It will save You Time & Money

Hiring a competitive web designing company in Dubai, UAE will save you a lot of money and time. As the UAE market is flooded with web designing companies and freelancers, it is crucial to choose only the best company for you. The ideal way is to search for web designing companies and then compare them on the basis of their work, clientele, project execution process, and of course the price. The competitive web designing company will be able to give you a good price, quicker project delivery, and other benefits too. Make a budget and set a goal for the project. For example, you want to revamp your brand identity or you want to increase online leads and conversions or online purchases. Whatever the goal is, you better make sure that the two things you have in hand before contacting or evaluating any web designing agency are your budget limit and your goals.

A competitive web designing agency will be able to offer you great services at an excellent cost. Try to negotiate the cost to keep it under your budget and try to set the deadline a few days or at least a week before your actual targeted date. The competitive website designing firm will be professional and resourceful, they would easily be able to manage the project within the agreed timeframe. This will save you a lot of time and effort too, as they would be proactive and persuasive in their approach to finish the project in a timely manner. Another great advantage would be the cost, you can negotiate more features and you can get a better user experience within the same cost.

Reason No. 2: It Can Provide You Better Ideas Relevant to Your Industry

It Can Provide You Better Ideas Relevant to Your Industry

A competitive website designing company will try to satisfy you with their professional skills and quality of work. They will definitely offer you great designs and will support you with revisions and amendments too. In a website the first thing anyone notice is the design, several studies showed that it requires only 50 milliseconds or so to build an impression of a business in a user’s subconscious mind. This impression matters a lot, if the design is good, it will compel the user to explore the site further, if the impression is bad the user will remain skeptical throughout their visit. So, it is extremely important to leave a positive impression on your users when they land on your website. The next important thing is the content and visual representation. Then comes the navigation and other website features.

A competitive website designing company will always offer the best design and user experience. They will focus more on attaining your objectives with their web designs and user experience. They will offer you several user interfaces to choose from. You can also ask them to suggest you the best if you are not familiar with those technicalities. They will be helpful and super creative with their designs and approaches. A competitive website designing company will always try to stand out from the others, so they will always propose to you something modern, advanced, and innovative. You can have more options to choose from. This way you can build a better customer journey to ensure you will easily reach your objectives of the project.

A competitive website designing company will also offer you great user interfaces with multi-lingual support and maybe some accessibility features too. Such features really amplify the user experience and improve the overall customer journey on the website. Multi-lingual support is very common in UAE, as most of the ex-pats prefer the English language but the national language is Arabic so, both languages can really enhance your customer experience and help you build a positive reputation online.

Reason No. 3: It will Provide You Responsive Website

It will Provide You Responsive Website

These days most of the websites made are responsive, but usually, customers don’t know that website designing agencies charge them extra for a responsive website. A responsive website is a website that offers an almost identical user experience and customer journey on smartphones and mobile devices as well. Such websites have special source codes that can sense the device from where it is being opened from. This code can sense it within a few milliseconds, even before the page is loaded, then the website automatically renders itself according to the screen size and rearrange different design elements, sections, and navigation to fit into the screen. This all process is done automatically but everything has to be made compatible with this feature. A competitive website designing company in Dubai will offer responsive websites without any additional charges.

The responsive feature is vital for a business website these days. As the internet searches made from a smartphone or mobile device had already surpassed the traditional internet searches from laptop and desktop computers. Having a responsive feature on the website is extremely important. If a website doesn’t have a responsive feature the website will look very small on the smartphone screen, and the user will have to zoom in and scroll here and there to reach various elements and the content readability also decreases significantly, most of the time people simply quit such sites and move on to the next website. It also leaves a very bad impression on the visitors and they might avoid such websites even if they are searching from the desktop or laptop. So, having a responsive website is very important for a business and a competitive website designing company offers this feature without extra cost and in addition to the timeline of the project.

Reason No. 4: It Can Provide You Competitive Edge by Designing SEO Friendly Website

It Can Provide You Competitive Edge by Designing SEO Friendly Website

You must be thinking what are SEO-friendly websites? Well, the website that is designed and build as per the search engine standards is a SEO-friendly website. SEO or search engine optimization involves various methods and techniques to make a website more visible for the search engine. The search engine reads a website using its automated programs, also known as robots, spiders, or scrapers. These spiders are assigned with the task to scan a website and determine which category or niche it belongs too, and what is the topic, agenda, or objective of the page. Then the search engine list those websites in the SERP or ‘search engine result page’ against the relevant search term.

For example, you are offering travel and tourism services, or insurance services or you are selling power tools or any other item online. The search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc) will scan your website and index it into their repositories. Once a user came to a search engine such as Google, and they type in ‘Best Travel and Tourism Operators in Dubai’ or any such keyword or key-phrase in Google, Google will return them the results with your website listing into it. This way a prospect can reach your website and then your website can become a medium of online leads or conversions. This is called organic SEO or organic traffic generation. A competitive website designing company will always focus on SEO and such features that can help you in the future to grow and achieve your long-term objectives.

Reason No. 5: It Will Provide You a Secure & Robust Website

It Will Provide You a Secure & Robust Website

These days with the rise of online and digitalization, data security, privacy, and online safety are emerging as a big global problem. As for a business website, some businesses might capture some user data from contact forms, online purchases, or any other online methods. This data has to remain confidential. Moreover, certain websites may also contain information and content which is for official or company’s internal usage only. In such cases, data security and online protective measures became extremely important. A good and competitive website designing company will also help you with website security and safety measures, such as making the input fields and forms secure, so no one can upload any malicious file or source code through the website forms. Then they will also install SSL or HTTPS to ensure further security.

With all those fancy features, heavy graphics, multimedia content, pictures, and in some cases videos, the website should have to be very robust, otherwise, the visitors will leave the site and move on to other web pages. A competitive website designing company must ensure that having all those bulky media and content, the website still loads quickly. For that, there are certain techniques and methods, only a professional web design Dubai company like RSI Concepts can ensure great content management and quicker loading speed. The hosting also played a vital role in making websites load faster, so it is important to have good hosting along with optimized website source code to ensure the fastest possible website load time.


A website is extremely important for a business these days. If you are a business, enterprise, or any commercial establishment based and/or operating in Dubai or any part of UAE, having a great website can improve your brand identity and brand image. This is why marketers are very concerned about their online brand presence, especially the business website. It is always great to acquire a profession for such an important task. This blog was about 5 reasons to choose a competitive website designing company for your web design project. The reason for this blog was to provide our audience with a brief understanding of the industry standards and common practices in the market. A competitive website designing company will save you a lot of time and money and will provide you with great web designs, SEO-friendly, smartphone-compatible, and a robust website. They will take care of the security and technical details for you, and will always try to provide you with a great quality service. RSI Concepts is one of the leading web design Dubai agency, we have helped hundreds of businesses and enterprises to improve their customer experience and customer journey with beautiful interactive and business-oriented web designs to help our clients in improving their revenue and growth. Feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: 5 Challenges the Web Designers Encounter

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