Expo 2020 business opportunities Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/expo-2020-business-opportunities/ RSI Concepts Blog Mon, 27 Dec 2021 04:56:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-RSI-Concepts-Logo-32x32.jpg Expo 2020 business opportunities Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/expo-2020-business-opportunities/ 32 32 How to Boost Your Online Sales during the Expo 2020? https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/how-to-boost-your-online-sales-during-the-expo-2020/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/how-to-boost-your-online-sales-during-the-expo-2020/#respond Mon, 27 Dec 2021 04:56:15 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/?p=7843 The Dubai Expo 2020 is a global scale event with almost 192 countries participating in it. Although this is not an entirely new concepts however the theme of the Expo 2020 is quite unique and very appealing which have attracted a lot more people than anticipated earlier. As the event is reaching to its full… Continue reading How to Boost Your Online Sales during the Expo 2020?

The post How to Boost Your Online Sales during the Expo 2020? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The Dubai Expo 2020 is a global scale event with almost 192 countries participating in it. Although this is not an entirely new concepts however the theme of the Expo 2020 is quite unique and very appealing which have attracted a lot more people than anticipated earlier. As the event is reaching to its full bloom more and more people are visiting Dubai from all around the world. Among those people there are businessmen, entrepreneurs, innovators, forward thinkers, government representatives, and investors, who all are aiming to either explore new markets or for investment opportunities. Some are seeking new business partners, suppliers and distributors. As the UAE and mainly the Dubai is considered to be the biggest business hub in the Middle East and the entire African region, it can offer a great opportunity for the local businesses who are already established and operating in Dubai or any other part of UAE.

How to Boost Your Online Sales during the Expo 2020?

The Dubai Expo 2020’s theme is “Connecting Minds and Creating the Future” which is why it could bring millions of new opportunities for the local businesses and new startups as well. In fact there are thousands of new startups who are mainly aiming for the favorable markets due to the effects of the Expo 2020 and thousands of international businesses have established their regional offices in the country just to exploit this great business opportunity. In such a competitive market businesses are proactively seeking ways to stand out of the crowd and to tap into the millions of new business opportunities. What else could be the best way to send your message to masses than the digital marketing? The digital marketing have already surpassed the traditional marketing industry and it is way too cost-effective with comparatively better ROIs. In this blog we will discuss how a local business in Dubai or in any other emirate of UAE can reach out to masses to tap into the massive potential of the Dubai Expo 2020.

Digital Marketing Strategy to Boost Online Sales during the Expo 2020

The digital marketing is a great way to send your brand message to masses at a very reasonable cost. The digital marketing have already surpassed the traditional marketing industry. The main reason behind such rapid growth is due to over more dependency on the social media, internet, smartphone and computers. Here in UAE almost everyone owns a smartphone and everyone have access to the internet. Which makes it extremely important for a business to have an online presence. An average person living in UAE can spend somewhere from one hour to several hours in a single day on their cell phones or on their laptops/PCs. The internet have become an integral part of our daily life whether professional or personal. That is why businesses these days are very proactive in the online domain. The increase in online sales needs some serious efforts and a great strategy. It is extremely crucial to choose the right platform for the right products/services. The audience spectrum must be drawn carefully and the channels need to be selected very smartly only then your efforts could pay off.

Digital Marketing Strategy to Boost Online Sales during the Expo 2020

Each business is different from the other, everyone have their unique way to address their audience and to convey their brand message or value proposition. That is why the digital marketing campaign for each business or even each product/service could be different. What might work well for your competitor may not produce same results for you. When a business owner or manager or team is working on the digital marketing campaign and they are unable to produce the desired results this could be very frustrating and at that point most of the businesses give up. Here is my advice to them, ‘never give up, never ever. Just think out of the box, revise your strategy and start over again’. The purpose of this blog is to let our audience understand the fundamental mechanics of the digital marketing to make them able to build effective digital marketing strategies for their business.

Digital Marketing Strategy to Boost Online Sales during the Expo 2020

Here are some fundamentals of the digital marketing which will help you boosting your online sales during the Expo 2020 and well beyond:

Start with Search Engine Optimization or SEO

The search engine optimization or the SEO is the most neglected digital marketing category. Usually businesses don’t pay much attentions to it. However, the SEO is the biggest source of organic (free) website traffic which could literally perpetuate a steady stream of website traffic and online sales. The search engine optimization or SEO is very cost effective digital marketing strategy to generate huge website traffic. There are two parts of the SEO campaign one is called on-page SEO which is only done at the website itself and the other is called the off-page SEO which is mainly link building, social media, endorsements from others and content marketing. The on-page SEO requires several adjustments in the website programing and its user interface to ensure the user experience and rest is in accordance to the policies and requirements of the popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

Start with Search Engine Optimization or SEO

Google is the most dominate search engine with having almost 94% to 95% of the search market shares. It has its own policies and instructions for optimizing the websites, almost all other search engines also follow the same set of standards. The off-page SEO includes bookmarking, backlink building, directory listing, content marketing, social media presence and such activities. Collectively the on-page and the off-page SEO help gaining higher ranks for the business’s website. The website which appears in the first page will have most clicks and vice versa. If your website’s ranks are higher than it will receive more traffic which means more people will land on your website hence the online sales will also increase. If we keep the Expo 2020 audience in mind, most of the people who will come to the event will try searching online, if your website’s rankings are good the chances are they will going to find about you. Which will definitely help you generating more leads and online sales.

Carefully Define the Targeted Audience

The targeted audience is basically your potential buyers. If you will reach to the people who are more likely to convert the online sales will automatically increase. The whole idea or a targeted marketing campaign is to only reach out to the people who are more likely to convert. If a business clearly understand its targeted audience they can easily speak their language to convey them the right message which can significantly increase the online sales. It is important to understand your audience, their bio and demographic details. For example if you want to sell a car accessory the chances are most of your purchasers would be men or if you want to sell some makeup the chances are most of your buyers would be women. Similarly people who are living in cities have different needs and trends and who are living in the rural areas have different needs and trends. The generation z is interested in completely different kind of fashion and the older generation is interested in a totally different one.

Carefully Define the Targeted Audience

This is how precisely you can target through various digital marketing platform and that is the reason why the digital marketing strategy is more cost-efficient and promises higher return over your investments. For any good digital marketing strategy it is crucial to know your audience. Once you have certain information about the targeted audience, it is easier to understand which platform they would be using the most. For example the most popular platform in the UAE are Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Tiktok, WhatsApp and Emails. Mainly these digital platforms are used for digital marketing campaigns. Targeting right platform for right audience will not only produce higher online sales but it also help optimizing the cost of the digital marketing campaigns. All these social media platforms are famous worldwide, people who are coming for the Dubai Expo 2020 must all be using one or another. Which is why marketing via these platforms could provide you an extra edge over your competition.

Set Goals, Chose the Right Platform and Use Both Paid & Organic Marketing Methods

As the topic of this blog is to learn how businesses can boost online sales, so the goal of our digital marketing strategy is ‘generating online sales’. For different businesses the digital marketing strategy would be different. For example eCommerce website with a wide variety of products would want to reach out to as many people as they could. For that the remarketing campaigns are a great choice. The eCommerce usually utilize the Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Tiktok. Furthermore the eCommerce businesses can narrow down their targeted audience on the bases of their existing clientele. For a specialized business such as boat part distributor or manufacturer the targeted audience would be different. Such businesses can utilize the digital marketing platform to target the audience who showed interest in the boats and boat parts. If you are an investment broker or an insurance company who is targeting only other businesses and not the individual consumers, you can go for the platforms which allow you to reach out to the people who are working on key positions in such businesses which can be your potential customers.

Set Goals, Chose the Right Platform and Use Both Paid & Organic Marketing Methods

Each digital marketing campaign have its own advertisement tool which allow to create adverts and set campaigns along with controls to narrow down the audience. Mostly allow to target people in a certain region or city, for example, you can run a digital marketing campaign at Facebook and Instagram where you can target the people who are actually physically inside or nearby the Dubai Expo 2020 venue. That is how you can target different audiences with different platforms. It is important that a business proactively manages its social media platforms and also invest in paid social media marketing. Other digital marketing channels with higher conversion rate can be used to further boost the digital marketing campaign which will definitely boost your online sales.

Improve CTA & Web Design

For any digital marketing campaign the most important thing is the web design and the content. The content of the website, landing page or the advert should work in harmony with the aesthetics of the page or the ad as it will going to build the brand image and brand identity. It is always advised to have a design that clearly represents your branding by its colors, looks and feel, design, arts, graphics, media, and imagery. For the social media marketing or any other digital marketing the CTA or Call to Action button is the key component. Despite doing a lot of work to make everything perfect if the CTA is not as good as it should be the conversion rate will decrease and in most case the digital campaigns failed due to a poorly designed CTA. The CTA is usually a button for the eCommerce it is always Purchase Now or Add to Cart, etc. But it is not only the color or size of the button, the text/message and the placement of the CTA and the entire web design could make a huge difference. In case of a website the CTA can be controlled, however for digital marketing platforms mostly they only allow to amend the text/message of the button. It is crucial to think from the user’s point of view and then decide what the CTA button should be and where to place it or how to design it.

Improve CTA & Web Design

Frequently use Email Marketing Tools

The email marketing is one of the oldest form of the digital marketing yet still very affective and relevant. For any business whether small or large it is extremely important to have their email database. Business can easily collect their customer’s emails. Even if they are not customers, there are several ways to collect emails of your audience when they are visiting your website. For example you can offer them a discount coupon, or any other freebie to compel them to provide you their email address. Such database is extremely important. Especially the email database of the existing customers is very important. Businesses should frequently use this database to market their new promotions, new products/services or just to stay in touch with their existing customers. Businesses should use a reputed email marketing tool to ensure they can reach to their audience without any issue. A dedicated email marketing tool also provide many perks such as scheduled campaigns, regular campaigns, reporting, delivery status, template designing tools, etc. The automated email campaigns can generate huge traffic for the website which can boost online sales and conversions.

Frequently use Email Marketing Tools


The Dubai Expo 2020 is a mega event with millions of new business opportunities. Local businesses who are already established in Dubai or anywhere in the UAE have a great chance to exploit this opportunity to grow and expand. Especially the businesses who want to boost their online sales can avail this opportunity. One of the best method to quickly grow and boost your online sales is to utilize the online platforms. There are several online platforms that can help you with your digital marketing campaigns. However, it is crucial to have a proper digital marketing strategy in mind. As all businesses are different from one another and everyone have their own unique way of communicating with their customers and targeted audiences, so we decided to provide the fundamentals of a marketing campaign that could help businesses and startups to utilize the Dubai Expo 2020 event to quickly boost their online sales. RSI Concepts is a leading digital marketing agency in Dubai, UAE and if you need any help with your digital marketing goals or if you want to learn more about the topic, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will soon get in touch with you.

Check out this blog: Digital Lead Generation for Small and Local Businesses

The post How to Boost Your Online Sales during the Expo 2020? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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