website design dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Tue, 21 Sep 2021 08:11:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 website design dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 5 Signs You need a New Web Design for Your Business Website Tue, 21 Sep 2021 08:11:11 +0000 In 2021 businesses are more focused on the digital interaction and digital communication. The SMBs, large businesses, multinational enterprises and organizations, everyone is utilizing their websites to provide certain information about their business. Some businesses are also generating online leads from their websites and some businesses are entirely dependent on their website and online activities… Continue reading 5 Signs You need a New Web Design for Your Business Website

The post 5 Signs You need a New Web Design for Your Business Website appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

In 2021 businesses are more focused on the digital interaction and digital communication. The SMBs, large businesses, multinational enterprises and organizations, everyone is utilizing their websites to provide certain information about their business. Some businesses are also generating online leads from their websites and some businesses are entirely dependent on their website and online activities such as e-Commerce. However, it really doesn’t matter which market or industry sector you operate in or what magnitude of operation do you have, a website is a key part of modern day marketing strategy. It has to be perfect! The studies have shown us that a business website have an extraordinary impact on visitor’s mind and brand perception. These days the internet and digital world is dominating every aspect of our lives. In UAE people tend to spend hours on social media, internet surfing and digital platform on daily bases. This raise the importance of a website even further.

5 Signs You need a New Web Design for Your Business Website

A business website is the first impression for a large chunk of targeted audience. A user takes merely a fraction of a second to build an impression of the brand by just viewing the web design. This impression biased their entire interaction and it is very hard to change it. As in the website there is no staff or sales person who can talk the visitor into making decision so the content will be your ultimate tool. Together the content and web design will determine the success or failure of a business in online. The online brand image and reputation have huge impact on the business, if a business had a very bad online reputation, most of the prospects will avoid visiting them and vice versa. There are so many different reasons to revamp your web design but here are five most critical signs that you should consider seriously. If any on these signs is there in your website then the web design revamp is absolutely necessary for your business website.

Reason No. 1: The Web Design Doesn’t Properly Reflect Your Brand Identity

A business’s brand identity is not a simple thing, it is a very complex phenomenon. The brand identity keeps evolving, sometimes it is getting minor or unnoticeable changes sometimes a complete revamp, whatever the case is it keep evolving all the time. The website is an online reflection of your brand identity, it should completely reflect the actual brand image. Sometimes the websites are overlooked, and sometimes even the websites doesn’t even reflect the brand remotely. Here are some key points or level where a web design should completely synchronize with the actual brand identity:

Color Scheme

It a very common sight for us witnessing websites who are bearing a completely different color logo and the entire web design is in a different color scheme. That is not advisable. A website theme and the entire web design should completely harmonized with the brand logo and its colors. Usually businesses have two to four different colors in their logo, and mostly only one or two dominates the logo. The website theme and entire web design should also portray those colors. The colors are very important our brain reacts differently to colors, shapes and words, each have its own importance, however the colors are what will draw a picture in the mind of the users. It is a general trend that all major big brands mostly we are using are following a standard color scheme which is to use the logo color in their overall branding. This is what sets a standard and knowingly or unknowingly your website visitors seeks the same in your web design and if they failed to find it, they will going to get a negative impression of the brand.

Color Scheme

Design and Graphics

The design is a pretty vague term. It is commonly interchangeable with the entire web design. However, since the brand logo dictates the theme and color scheme the rest of the web design and the graphics should also follow the same. For example if a business have a logo which is having a triangle or circle or any geometric shape, the web design should use those shapes. Although this may not sound important but it is. Human brain reacts very differently to the geometric designs, patterns and shapes than to actual scenes and/or photos. Such similarities between logo and web design makes it more memorable. If your business website lack this you should consider a revamp of your web design.

Design and Graphics

User Interface

The user interface is what controls the entire user interaction of your customers with the business through the website and throughout the entire customer journey. The user interface should clearly follow the brand identity. Each and every element such as buttons, clicks, mouse hoovers, etc. should clearly reflect the brand identity and doesn’t look different than the rest of the web design. Collectively the web design elements, style and the design interaction forms a user interface. The user interface enables the users to easily navigate through the website information and also take them through the customer journey and allow them to perform different functions easily. If your user interface is not reflecting the brand identity you need to redesign your business website.

User Interface

Reason No. 2: The Content is Outdated or Failed to Communicate the Right Value Proposition

As the web design only requires a fraction of a second to imprint an impression on visitor’s mind, in order to keep that impression long lasting, the content plays a vital role. A web design without an excellent content is like a Lamborghini without an engine. No matter how cool it looks but it can’t serve the very basic purpose of its existence. Similarly the content is also considered to be the backbone of a web design. The website success relies on a perfect blend of excellent content and captivating web design. A business website acts as a reception or store front in the digital world except there is no sales person or employees to convince your visitors to make a decision and convert. It is the website content that do this work. It has to be up-to-date, correct and simple-to-understand. If your website content have any of the following issue you should seriously consider a web design revamp:

Outdated Content

Any professional marketer knows it very well how important the content is and how important it is to have an up-to-date content and information on your website. People will look up for a business website to get the latest information about the business and its products and services. If that information is outdated, they will not going to convert or even if they convert they will going to have a bad customer experience. Visitors and prospects can easily get the impression that this business is still living in the past and following old trends and business practices. This will result in very bad reputation which not only affect business’s brand identity but it also repels the customers and prospects.

Outdated Content

Your Products/Services Evolved

Businesses keep improving their products and services to ensure the highest customer satisfaction. In some cases similar products and services got upgraded or sometimes businesses completely discard an older product or service and replace it with a newer and better one. That has to be updated on the website too. Customers and prospects who are visiting your website must be informed with the new changes that you have made to please them. If your website still have the older products and services you need a revamp to make sure all the information and designs are updated as per the latest products and services.

Your Products/Services Evolved

Lack of Multimedia Content

Today’s modern era is the age of multimedia content. The consumption of the multimedia content is at its peak. Thanks to the easy access to the high speed internet and widespread smartphones. Everyone in Dubai or any other part of UAE have access to the high-speed internet and a smartphone or laptop/desktop. The social media have also changed the marketing trend. People are more comfortable in watching a video or animation rather than reading a paragraph or two. In fact the multimedia content is a crucial part of any modern day marketing or branding strategy. If your web design is not offering enough multimedia content, you need a new web design for your business website.

Lack of Multimedia Content

Reason No. 3:Your Website’s Search Performance is Declining

The website’s sole purpose is to attract visitors, more visitors means more prospects and more prospects means more online leads and conversions which directly impact your business’s profitability and revenue. There are different analytical tools that are used by marketing experts and webmasters to measure the search performance of the website. These tools provide a deeper insight of the website’s search performance. The search engine optimization or SEO plays a vital role in any business website’s success. Usually for any healthy brand around 70% of its website traffic would be organic, means absolutely free. This organic website traffic is the visitors coming to the website through a search engine or a free source. Mainly it is the search engines. The search engines like Google is dominating the search market with whooping 92% of the market share. It is extremely important that your website meets the basic criteria of the search engine and perform well in the search engine. Here are some strong indicators which will indicate if a website needs a complete revamp of its web design:

Bounce Rate is Increasing

The bounce rate is measured as a number of people who have entered a website from one page and then left it without clicking any other page. The bounce rate is a very important indicator of a website’s health. If your bounce rate is increasing that mean your web design and content is failing to meet the needs of your visitors. Most of the time it is web design, in some particular cases it could be the content. Either businesses put all the relevant content in a single page and completely eliminate the need to going to any other page which is very rare, mostly businesses failed to provide relevant information hence the visitors decide not to waste any more time on the website. If that is the case you need a new web design and a content revamp for your business website.

Bounce Rate is Increasing

Website Traffic is Decreasing

Sudden decline in website traffic is the nightmare of any marketer. That could be due to a huge change on the website or any serious violation of the search engine rules, mainly it is due to copying content from other websites. However businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are also reporting us gradual decrease in their website traffic. There could be several reasons for that, but if you haven’t made any change in the website or anything and start witnessing gradual decline in organic traffic that means that your website has become outdated. It happens all the time, these search engines like Google keep updating their algorithms who are responsible of ranking a website. It could be due to an update from the search engine as well. It could be due to competition as well, maybe your competitor(s) have updated their websites and push you down in the search ranks. Whatever the case is, a new and better web design could be very helpful in solving the problem.

Website Traffic is Decreasing

Lack Modern SEO Features

What are modern SEO features, well there is no definite answer to that, maybe when I am writing thing blog, I could compile a list and quit possible after a few months or a year when you are reading it that list is already old or outdated. The SEO techniques are also evolving as the other search engine algorithms are, but it is important to have all the modern SEO features on your website for example, if your website lacks the schema, structured data or rich snipped, you should move to a web design which support these features and a bunch of others which will make your business website more visible in the search engines. There are so many different things which are already introduced but not mainstream, maybe after some time these things become mainstream and your competitor adopt them before you, so it is important that your web design support and these modern SEO features with ability to scale in future.

Lack Modern SEO Features

Reason No. 4: The Customer Journey is Difficult

The customer journey in the online or digital world is also the same like in the store or branch or office. The online customer journey includes all the touch points through which a customer can interact and learn about the brand, its products and services and all other relevant information that can influence their decision to convert. That is why it is extremely important that a business websites offer a very fluent and easy customer journey via their business website. If a customer finds it hard to find the required information or the user interface is confusing and complex the customers will leave the website. The website navigation and user interface plays an important role in the customer journey. Sometime businesses have a very long and difficult purchase cycle, sometimes businesses have long content forms, and such things which makes it difficult for an ordinary customer to tread through the customer journey. Here are the most important aspects of customer journey:

Complex User Interface

The user interface by definition is the point where website visitors interact with the website, it is an umbrella term and it includes everything in it. However, mostly the user interface is considered to be the web design elements and their responses on user’s actions. It also includes the information structure or navigation and how the customer will move through the path of the customer journey from acquiring relevant information to converting into a genuine lead. If that entire process is complex and difficult the chances are only a few users will succeed reaching to the end. Mostly a user will quit half way through when they think it is taking too much time or it is complex and or confusing. If that is the case you need an immediate web design revamp for your business website.

Complex User Interface

Complex Navigation

The website navigation is usually a menu and set of links placed at strategic positions in a web design. As a single homepage can’t contain all of the information, usually the information is scattered across several pages, these pages are called internal pages. The website navigation is like a map to all those internal pages. There are certain things that can make a website navigation complex and hard to understand such as non-standard design/style, generic or confusing labels, too many links in a drop down menu, too many categories and sub-categories, unorganized or wrong order, the visual representation and readability or visibility, etc. Usually the customers and visitors expect a standard navigation style which is a horizontal menu at the top with drop downs and sub-categories, however these days business websites are using so many other styles and customized designs which could be completely new for a large bunch of audience which could make it difficult for them to navigate to their required information. Evaluate your website navigation, take customers feedback on it, and if it is not serving the purpose, you should revamp it, it is always better to provide a completely fresh web design instead of updating a few chunks here and there.

Complex Navigation

Long Purchase Cycle

The purchase cycle does not always refer to an online purchase but this term is used very vaguely. It usually refers to conversion. Some businesses do offer online purchases which require the customers to either register and have an online account or fill in long forms and then they are been asked to fill in bank details, and a bunch of other details. Similarly if you just want your customers to contact you from your website you must have been putting a contact form, or if you want them to subscribe there would be a subscription form, whatever the case is the customer takes everything differently, they might happily go through three or four steps to make an online purchase but they will not going to do the same for just contacting a company. Businesses often try to take as much information as they can which is not good, the user usually want to do it as quickly as possible, and too much form inputs will repel them.

Long Purchase Cycle

Reason No. 5: Your Website Lacks Modern Features

There was a time when business in Dubai and all around the UAE were treating their business website as an online brochure or company profile. The normal market practice was to sell and purchase a website as a product. Businesses buy a website and left it for year, and that was also the same pretty much everywhere in the world. But things have changed drastically, now a days a website have become a full-on communication tool, rather being treated as a product now a days it is considered to be a service. Business in Dubai and all over UAE are either maintaining internal IT department to manage their websites or either outsourcing them. Whatever the case is a business website remains subjected to a continuous change and evolution. Here are some important traits of a modern day business website and if your web design doesn’t have them you need a completely new web design for your business website:

Poor Mobile Experience

In Dubai and all around the UAE the smartphone and mobile is used by almost 94% of the population. The mobile internet searches all over the world including UAE have already surpassed the conventional computers and laptops. Which makes the smartphone and mobile experience a most important part of online strategy. Businesses often overlooked their mobile experience, some even don’t offer a mobile friendly or responsive web design. Whenever a website is opened form a mobile device which is not optimized for the smartphones, the users immediately left. If you website is not mobile friendly or have a responsive web design or even if your responsive web design is not offering an optimum user journey, you should immediately revamp the web design of your business website.

Poor Mobile Experience

Out-dated Functionalities

Each year comes with a slightly different trends, which compel the web designing agencies and businesses to innovate new features and techniques to deliver a captivating website which not only engage the customers but also provide them convenience and comfort in performing their tasks. This requires intensive features and technological integration with other online platforms. If a website lacks those modern features the users will get a very negative impression. For example social media integration and sharing functionality is very common, the WhatsApp or live chat functionality is also very popular, a modern day business website should offer such latest features else the customers will perceive the entire brand as outdated or old.

Out-dated Functionalities

Slow Loading Time

The loading time of a website is the most crucial aspect of customer experience and it also have a huge contribution in search engine rankings. If a websites take more than three to five seconds to load the chances are almost 70% of the users will quit it and whoever will remember it will never click on it again from the search page. The slow loading web pages can have a very destructive consequences. If a website is loading slowly, a business should immediately check the two things, one is their website hosting and the other is the web design. Mostly it is the web design which is not properly programmed or optimized for better loading speed. Remember a slow loading website is even slower on smartphone and mobile devices. If that is the case, a business website needs a new web design.

Slow Loading Time


The digital communication has become a necessity for modern day marketing. Business in Dubai and all over the UAE are well aware of the importance of their business website and the power of digital and online presence. The websites have evolved from an online brochure to a full-fledged communication channel. In fact a multitude of industries are heavily relying on their online strategies, the e-commerce business is totally dependent on the website. The websites and the relevant technology is rapidly evolving, there has been too many developments in the website designing and development technologies too. It is extremely important that a business website completely follow the modern trends and standards. The user experience and customer journey at the website can have a huge impact on the overall brand identity and brand reputation. The websites provide a business a chance to reach out to unexplored markets and to compete with large competitors in the online sphere.

Business in Dubai and all around the UAE often thinks that if they have a website that will be enough but that isn’t. The businesses must have to keep updating and upgrading their website, its web design, content, features and everything in between. The reason of this blog was to let our audience understand when they should seriously think about revamping the web design and its contents. RSI Concepts is a leading name in web design Dubai, if you want to learn more or want us to help you improving your website and online brand identity feel free to let us know. You can contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: How to Get a Cost-Effective Website for a Small Business

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Website Designs – Guide 2021 Sun, 20 Jun 2021 11:36:42 +0000 The year 2021 is the year of the digital revolution. Website designs are no exception. The general website trend has completely changed in the past few years, businesses are focusing more on digital mediums and the user experience of their website. It is a well-known fact that web design is almost 90% to 95% responsible… Continue reading Website Designs – Guide 2021

The post Website Designs – Guide 2021 appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The year 2021 is the year of the digital revolution. Website designs are no exception. The general website trend has completely changed in the past few years, businesses are focusing more on digital mediums and the user experience of their website. It is a well-known fact that web design is almost 90% to 95% responsible for the first impression. The human brain works in a bit more peculiar way when it comes to websites. It requires only a few milliseconds to build the very first impression of a website. The first impression of the website immediately rates and ranks that website in the user’s mind. If the impression is positive the user will go on and explore further, if the first impression is negative, the user might not explore a lot and quickly earlier. The same goes for the company or brand itself. Whatever impression a user got at first glance about the website will definitely influence their ideas and thoughts about the brand itself. This is why website designs are extremely important for your online brand identity and brand reputation.

This blog is a website design guide for 2021. Here are some of the trends that are gaining traction in 2021:

Full Page Size Headers

Full Page Size Headers

The full-page header or the header that covers the entire visible screen is not a new website design trend but it is gaining a huge amount of attention from the website developers and web designers in Dubai and all around the UAE. There are different variations of the designs which are equally popular and effective for their respective cases. Certain businesses prefer to use only a single static full-page size header. Some prefer to have animated sliders for the header and some are using multimedia content or animated effects to focus on their products/services and features. Whatever is the case the full page header is gaining popularity and not only in 2021 but it seems like it will still remain in fashion in the year 2022 as well.

Visual Effects and Cursor Response

Visual Effects and Cursor Response

As the user experience is the most important aspect of modern website design. The visual effects and micro animations are also gaining popularity. The overall general public is liking such effects. The visual effects, micro animations, and cursor responses make the web design more interactive and engaging. It keeps the interest of the user as the user expects to see anything new coming out of the button or box or just the cursor changing into a different cursor or animation. It keeps the user busy with the design. Although such designs contain less textual content than traditional web designs still these websites are better at getting attention from the visitors. The visitors and users tend to spend more time on such a website, which provides more chances of converting a prospect into a lead.

Minimalist Web Design Approach and White Spaces

Minimalist Web Design Approach and White Spaces

The minimalist web design approach was very popular around 5, 6 years ago, then the textual content and very congested designs dominated it, and now again we are witnessing a tremendous 180-degree shift to minimalist web designs. The minimalist web designs are proven to be able to get more attention from the users. Different elements of the designs can be placed strategically to form a hierarchy. The white space not only lets the users’ eyes get rest but also lets their brains be more focused on the statement or image or sales pitch.

The placement of two elements can tell the users if they are the same or different. For example, if two elements are placed too close to each other the human eye will take them as one element and the brain will process the information in the same way. If the two elements are placed further apart then the brain will treat them as separate elements and hence the information will be perceived as different. This way businesses can improve the user experience as well as their online conversion rates.

Non-Traditional Scrolling

Non-Traditional Scrolling

There are so many different types of non-traditional scrolling however the dynamic scrolling, horizontal scrolling, scroll-triggered animation, and parallax animation are the most popular among the web designers in Dubai and UAE. The dynamic scrolling sets different speeds for background and for the elements of the web design, this is usually used to portray 3D effects and animations. The dynamic scrolling also allows to include videos and animations in the background which can also be linked to the scrolling. The parallax animated scrolling is not a new thing it is in fashion for more than three years now and still it is very popular. Horizontal scrolling is also not a new concept, but it is gaining popularity recently and especially the service-based industries are adapting to this new trend.

The scroll-triggered animations are very popular among the small and medium-sized enterprises and businesses in Dubai, UAE. This design changes the elements but simple, fading effects, or movements to refresh the design upon scrolling. In 2021 we are witnessing some of the most spectacular parallax animations and effects, the technology has been improved and is more responsive towards the cursor. These non-traditional scrolling can be very attractive for the visitors but keep in mind that too much animation and visual effects could also distract your visitors from the content.

Gradient Colors and Colorful Patterns

Gradient Colors and Colorful Patterns

The gradient colors and colorful patterns have started gaining traction after the iconic Instagram revamp of their logo. As we all are so much into social media and such networks, we all are familiar with them. This laid the base of the new trend of including colorful pallets and gradient color schemes. These days in Dubai and all around the UAE big brands and multinational corporate business entities are shifting towards gradient color schemes. Thanks to modern website designing and development technologies working on web designs with gradient color schemes and themes are very easy. The colorful patterns are utilized heavily to differentiate different sections of the websites and to focus on the primary content and CTA (call to action).

Grid Design

Grid Design

The grid designs were present for a long but in past few years when more mobile-centric designs started popping up, the web designers started considering the grid designs to bridge the gap between a completely mobile-centric web design and a traditional web design. Especially in Dubai and all around the UAE the businesses are adopting grid designs to improve their web experience on both the desktops/laptops and smartphones. Apart from the general web design trend in 2021, the programming languages and coding tools have also been updated and now the web designers can easily handle sophisticated user journeys and user experience easily on all supported smartphones and traditional desktops or laptops without increasing the loading time of the web pages.

Dark Mode Enabled UIs

Dark Mode Enabled UIs

The dark mode enabled UI is a fairly new trend in Dubai, UAE. There are two types of dark mode, one is the website provides a selector option between the dark mode and the normal UI modes. Another common occurrence is the default dark mode. No matter whatever method you chose, if you are designing a dark mode for your website, it is extremely important to consider its impact on the primary content of the website. The dark mode should be able to focus more on the important web design elements and the content of the website. So, whatever types of content, media, graphics, and visual effects you use, make sure they look equally important (if not more) on the dark mode as well. The dark mode is happened to be more effective and productive for the minimalist, flat, retro, and long scroll or vertical scroll designs.

Glassmorphism UI

Glassmorphism UI

Another great example of an ever-changing trend is the Glassmorphism. The Glassmorphism means that the UI is designed on multiple layers, usually only two. One is the background, which could be a color pallet or an illustration, and the actual content on the foreground and more prominent. This UI type was first introduced in Windows Vista, later adopted by Apple iOS and nowadays you can see it in tons of web apps all around the UAE. The transparency, vivid color schemes or gradient backgrounds, visible borders, and floating objects make it more attractive, futuristic, and modern. The important thing is to keep the glassy look under control, do not overdo it, and make sure all the primary content and elements are highly visible.

The Glassmorphism is usually used to increase the visibility of the important elements but there are so many examples where the entire UI is designed this way and was highly appreciated by the audience. The selection of background color, transparency, and the number of layers plays a critical role, if not done properly it could fail miserably. As soon as you lose a certain level of visibility the vivid colors and the glassy effects will start irritating your users. The accessibility and responsiveness could also be a bit tricky too so be careful while designing such UIs.

UI/UX Focused Designs

UI/UX Focused Designs

These days the user interface or UI and user experience of UX is the most important part of any website, especially if you are expecting online leads or offering online portals and services, then the user interface and user experience are critically important. As the year 2021 comes with another huge trend of digitalization and online services so the website has become very crucial in any business’s success. The website designers and developers started working on UI/UX-focused designs. In order to improve user experience, the user interface must be very user-friendly and engaging. All the information should be easily available and should be presented in a very engaging manner.

Mobile First Designs

Mobile First Designs

The world is witnessing a tectonic shift in the trend of how we are accessing information. Smartphones and mobile devices are the most preferred means to access information online. The search engine stats and market studies have shown that smartphone-based internet searches have already surpassed the traditional desktop/laptop-based searches. Another very important trend is in the marketing and communication field. Digital marketing is way too popular than traditional marketing. This fueled the trend of mobile-first web designs in Dubai and all around the UAE. The mobile-first design is built to enhance the user interface and user experience for the users using the smartphone and mobile devices. I don’t disagree that the mobile-first designs are not great but for certain industries and sectors, I don’t think the mobile-first approach is very suitable. However, businesses are using it, customers are asking us to do such designs and we are also witnessing great outcomes too.

SEO Friendly Web Design

SEO Friendly Web Design

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is very important these days. Digital mediums are a very powerful factor in influencing purchase decisions. Another important aspect of a search engine is that it also contributes to the brand reputation. Studies have shown that when a customer is searching about a product or service and the very first results show up on the search engine result page are considered to be the most trusted and reliable. The statistical and analytical data shows that the top results in the search engines are the getting the most clicks. This is also very helpful in getting organic traffic. The problem with most modern website designs is that there are so many animations and scripts are used to build the user interface which sometimes prevents the search engines from reading the actual data and subject of the web page. That is why the web design must have to be search engine friendly.


If you are a business operating in Dubai or any part of UAE or in fact anywhere in the world, the websites and the contribution of digital mediums in a business generation is huge. The web designs and website programming tools are continuously evolving, it amazing how much development and progress is done in the website industry in the past few years. This is because the websites and the digital brand identity of any business could have the potential to make or break it. For almost all of the digital branding and marketing activities, the website is the cent point of everything. Web design is responsible for building brand impression. It is considered that the business impression is built within a few milliseconds of when the user has landed on it. The only information that the human brain can process in this time is the design and the visuals. No matter how well you did with the functionalities and the data if your design is not good you will be going to lose.

As Dubai and all around the UAE the markets are very competitive and the customers are very demanding, it is extremely important for a business to remain up-to-date. That is why we wrote this article to let our audience understand the modern web design trends in Dubai. However if you are planning to build a new website or if you want to revamp your existing website, we are here to help you. At RSI Concepts we have built websites for huge multinational corporations, enterprises, local businesses, government departments, SMEs, and all sorts of different industries. We offer competitive rates for web design and development service, along with that we also provide website hosting, emails, SEO, digital marketing, PPC, CPC, Adwords, Lead Generation, and a lot many other digital services. We are offering a one-stop solution for all your digital needs. Feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will revert back to you.

Check out this: Qualities of top Website Designer Companies

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5 Impacts of Touch Screen Devices on Web Design Sun, 14 Mar 2021 07:03:53 +0000 In this blog, we will discuss the impacts of touch screens on web design. Well, touch screens have completely revolutionized our daily lives. Nowadays the touch screens are everywhere and are far more incorporated in our daily lives than ever before. The web design industry is also growing and adapting to new technologies, the touch… Continue reading 5 Impacts of Touch Screen Devices on Web Design

The post 5 Impacts of Touch Screen Devices on Web Design appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

In this blog, we will discuss the impacts of touch screens on web design. Well, touch screens have completely revolutionized our daily lives. Nowadays the touch screens are everywhere and are far more incorporated in our daily lives than ever before. The web design industry is also growing and adapting to new technologies, the touch screens and smartphones are one of them. The websites are very important for a business, as most of the times people will look up on the internet for a business before making a purchase decision which makes the websites even more important. That is not all, whenever someone needs something they search on the internet, it is very common. Which is why business is getting a huge chunk of their sales either directly or indirectly from the internet. The brand identity of any business or organization is heavily influenced by its website online presence and the website is the centre point of that online presence. The success of a website is depending upon two major factors, one is the layout of the web page and the second is customer experience.

See More: 5 Latest Trends of Websites in Dubai

Here are 5 Impacts of the touch screen devices on web design:

1. Web Design’s Layout and Presentation

The web design behaves differently on different touch screen sizes, we usually called refer to this phenomenon as “responsive web design”. Responsive web designs are programmed in a way that they can sense the screen size and device from which they are being accessed. Then the responsive web design automatically renders their design elements and information in a fashion which is most appropriate for that particular screen size. This all is to ensure the finest user experience and all this happens within a fraction of a second and a human being cannot even notice this all. The overall web design layout is made up of different design elements, for example, the images, photos, text, headings, boxes, buttons, navigation and such things, which present the information in a useful manner for the users.

Web Design’s Layout and Presentation

When a responsive web design is opened at different screen sizes it behaves differently, the objective here is to maintain an almost similar user experience on different screen sizes, for example, if you are accessing a website from a 14 Inch laptop screen you know the purchase button is located on the lower right corner of the product description. So when you are opening this website from your mobile phone which has a 5.5-inch screen you will surely go to expect that button just below the description, this is how the human brain works. And this is what a responsive design should do. Although the overall presentation of the information is changed still are able to meet the expectations of your visitor, this is how the responsive web designs are programmed.

See More: Importance of Web Design in 2021 in Dubai, UAE

2. Web Design Navigation Structure

The navigation structure is very important for any web design. The navigation structure is all the information are presented and provided on the website. Most of the time all the important things are placed in different places, for example in the first landing screen is the first visual interaction of a user, it mainly consists of an image slider with multiple important products or services along with appealing sales pitches. The second landing screen is when a user scrolls down and view the next section of the web design, it mostly contains more products/services or sales pitches or a short introduction of the business. Then there are more until the bottom or footer of the web design. On top of the web design, there is always a menu, which provides links to the internal pages and more information. This is how a full navigational structure of a web design is built.

Web Design Navigation Structure

When we open a website on a smartphone or smaller device, the menu cannot be displayed in its entirety as we can display it on the desktop or laptop computer screens that are bigger. So, in order to provide the menu most of the responsive designs display a button or icon of the menu, when a user tap on that menu the menu appears in vertical or nested or tree shape to let the user navigate through all of the information from the internal pages. This is how the navigation is reshaped for the touch screens. Now the most important thing here to consider is that the user might be touching the screen with a finger or thumb, so the size of the buttons and the size of the menu items should be enough to compensate for the effect of tapping with a large thumb of a finger. If the buttons are too small or the menu items are too many and have to be small to be displayed in a single screen view, then the user might accidentally tap on the wrong item/button. This will be very annoying and the user might not consider going any further if they are unable to easily tap the item/button they wanted to.

See More: 5 Facts of Productive Web Designs – Dubai, UAE

3. Hover Effects, Touch Sensitivity and Invisible Content

One of the biggest disadvantages of touchscreens is that they do not support hover effects. So, if your web design is heavily relying on hover effects and the information especially the navigations and menus are designed for the hovering effect, then immediately fix them. This could lead to a lot of problems when a user is viewing your website from a smartphone or any other touch device. Another problem with the touch devices is that there is a latency in some touchscreens, mostly it is 300ms which although doesn’t look much but when special effects are used on your web designs this factor could cause issues in the touch screen user experience. There are certain devices that support 3D Touch or a multi-dimensional touch which basically work differently on different levels of pressure, but these devices are very rare and the website development technologies don’t have enough support for these too. Such features are usually designed for smartphone applications rather than web browsers.

Hover Effects, Touch Sensitivity and Invisible Content

A huge concern related to user experience is the invisible content, like smartphones and most of the other touch screen devices are smaller than the usual computers and laptops this is why the web designs are programmed to hide certain aspects of the designs, graphic elements, and sometimes information too. Which could ruin your user experience. Most of the times the web designers program a responsive web design to hide the sidebars or widgets in the side column of the web design which is very bad for the user experience. The users and customers always expect the same navigations, structure, behaviour and information of a website on the smartphone and tablets as well as they are on the desktop and laptops. So, all the content and information available on a normal desktop or laptop version of the web design should also be provided in the smartphone or touch screen version too.

See More: Limitations in web designs for E-Commerce websites

4. Compatibility and Load Time

Compatibility and load time are very important not only for the users but for digital marketing too especially for search engine optimization (SEO). These days the modern web designs heavily rely on design elements, rich graphics and multimedia content rather than textual content so the compatibility and load time could be a nightmare for the web designer and web developers. Nowadays, touch screens are not only smartphones and tablets, but laptops are also adopting the technology and smart screens are dominating the TV industry. You don’t know if your user is coming from a smartphone, tablet, smart TV or smart media box (almost all smart media box/player support web browsing). All those touch screens enabled devices are built on different technologies, with different application priorities and also with different computing powers.

Compatibility and Load Time

This rise the importance of compatibility and load time. Smartphones and smart devices are comparatively weak in computing power compared to a regular desktop or laptop computer. Which could cause a longer load time on such devices. Sometimes the load time of modern web designs could be so long that a user quit on it and skip the website. This could be disastrous. Another important thing to consider is the compatibility as all touch screen enabled devices are built on different hardware and software technologies, their compatibility and behaviour towards different web design technologies are different. For example, the iPhones and iPads are running on iOS and most iOS users prefer the Safari web browser. Similarly, the Android Smartphone and Tablets are running on Android OS and most Android users prefer Google Chrome and Firefox browsers.

See More: 5 Different Phases of Web Design and Development Project

All the browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Others are built of different technologies and all the platforms or operating systems such as Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and others are also built on different technologies. For example, the Safari browser may behave differently on Windows than on iOS or MAC. The same applies to all other browsers. This causes a huge difference when it comes to user experience and how your web design, its content and its response will be on different browsers and on different platforms. So, a web design must have to be able to deal with all those technological differences to ensure the maximum user experience.

5. User Interaction with Mobile First and Desktop First Web Design

The user interaction with Desktop First or Mobile Fist web design is a very long debate among the web designing community. Most of the time the web designers carefully analyze the audience and estimate the web traffic source either it will be the desktop or laptop devices or smartphones and then make a decision. Which was somehow correct in the past but not anymore. Nowadays, the preferences of the people are changed. People are spending more time on mobiles than on computers. Still taking a decision between desktop-first web design approach and mobile-first web design approach could be tricky. As per my experience in the industry nowadays the mobile-first web designs are performing better than the desktop first web designs. As most of the users are spending more time browsing and surfing on smartphone devices so they are more familiar with the smartphone versions of websites and smartphone applications that carry a certain theme and design style. If your website is mobile friendly and is designed with the preference of mobile devices and touch screens in mind then the chances are they will also perform well on the desktop and laptop as well.

User Interaction with Mobile First and Desktop First Web Design

However, there is a huge difference between the desktop first web design approach and the mobile-first web design approach. The desktop websites are designed on a pre-defined structure which is 2 column or 3 columns or 4 column design. Whereas the mobile-first web designs are built on a modular structure, mostly box type design. The design is made up of different sizes of boxes, sometimes the boxes are visible and distinguishable and sometimes they are not. These boxes will allow the web designer to easily program them to fit and align according to the mobile touch screens, the buttons are also designed bigger to support touch screens and the key functions are placed on certain places which are easy to tap from the smartphones. The page scrolling can also be configured to enhance the mobile user experience. Most of the graphics and effects are achieved through CSS/programming to ensure quick load time on mobile devices. This is the major difference between the desktop first web design approach and the mobile-first web design approach.

See More: What kind of Web Design Compels Customers to Click Call to Action?


The touch screens are heavily impacting the web design trends and the user’s expectations. It is very crucial for the success of a web design that it maintains a similar user experience in any version of the website whether it is accessed from a desktop/laptop or smartphone or tablet the users should be able to easily identify and reach the important information and navigation. The load time and other programming limitations that are present in the touch screen enabled devices should also be considered and accounted for while designing a website. As we know that in general people are spending more time searching and surfing the internet from touch screen enabled devices so our web design must have to design to provide the ultimate user experience there. When we are designing the information and navigational structure of a web page for the touch screens, we can easily map it on the non-touch devices such as laptop and desktops, but if our design approach is desktop first, it could get harder to maintain a similar user experience on the touch screen enabled devices.

At RSI Concepts we have vast experience in web designing and development, our clientele expands from small local business websites to huge corporate sites and everything in between. If you need a business website, or corporate website or eCommerce or an online marketplace, feel free to reach us out using the below comment box or contact us through our Contact Us page.

Check out this: 6 Step guide to choose a web design firm in UAE

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What kind of Web Design Compels Customers to Click Call to Action? Sun, 13 Dec 2020 05:15:58 +0000 What kind of web design compels customers to click a call to action (CTA) button? A call to action is usually a button or an image or a short text, which demands the visitors to take a certain action, that action will convert a prospect into a lead. If you are selling online, then the… Continue reading What kind of Web Design Compels Customers to Click Call to Action?

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What kind of web design compels customers to click a call to action (CTA) button? A call to action is usually a button or an image or a short text, which demands the visitors to take a certain action, that action will convert a prospect into a lead. If you are selling online, then the call to action (CTA) could be “purchase”, or “checkout”, if you are offering certain products and services it could be requested for a quote, callback requests or a contact us form, etc. It entirely depends upon your business type and purchase cycle which dictates what kind of action is required from the prospects or visitors to convert into a lead. Call to Action (CAT) could be complex in case if you want to direct your different audiences for different routes such as new visitors or prospects, existing leads, existing customers, business partners, everyone have a different objective and should have an appropriate call to action route which is dedicatedly built for that particular audience.

Here are some of the most frequently used call to action (CTA) examples:

  1. Add to Cart
  2. Buy Now
  3. Leave a Call Back Request
  4. Contact Us
  5. Request a Quote/Estimate
  6. Request Free Consultation
  7. Download for Free
  8. Register or Signup for Free

These are the most commonly used call to action (CTA) methods. Obviously, there are a lot of many others, for example, “20% Discount for Existing Customers” people will click on it and it will verify them if they are existing customer then they will get a discount coupon. So, there are so many possibilities a call to action button or method can be adopted or created entirely to meet the specific needs.

How a web design can impact the effectiveness of the call to action (CTA)?

How-a-web-design-can-impact-the-effectiveness -of-the-call-to-action-(CTA)

A web design is comprised of different section and elements of the web page. Whatever is visible for the users in the web browser is the web design from the very top till the end of the page. So having a well-crafted, business-oriented web design is crucial for online conversions. The user interface and user experience matter a lot in any web design. A web design’s look and feel can hugely impact your business reputation. Sometimes the businesses put a large call to action (CTA) button, in some cases, they always stick to the screen no matter if you are scrolling up or down, or sometimes such links or buttons are flashing in bright shocking colours, these things could annoy the visitor, and they might get a very bad impression of such things. So it is always better to maintain elegance and professionalism in the design.

Tips to design an effective call to action (CTA)

Here are some tips that will help you to design a call to action (CTA) to improve online conversions:

  1. First of all, clearly define your objectives. You should know what exactly you want your visitor to do by clicking the call to action (CTA)
  2. Provide a concrete reason why the visitor should go for the call to action (CTA)
  3. Define clearly why it is important for the visitor to click on it and what benefits they will get from it, or how it could solve their problems
  4. Prepare a catchy statement to urge the visitors to click on it quickly, try to establish a sense of urgency, so that the visitor might fear if they don’t click on it now, they might miss it out
  5. Use short and strong words, do not use “Click Here” which is too simple and too generic, and the click-through rate is very low
  6. Choose the colour of the button wisely, use contrasting colours, so it appears highly visible and distinguished
  7. Place call to action button in the prominent places, but make sure the surrounding design elements and content are relevant to the CTA as well, place them accordingly to the flow, let say after the product description, or after the sales pitch/tagline, etc. Put the call to action inappropriate places
  8. Put call to action (CTA) on all pages, if all pages have different content, then make the CTA relevant to that content
  9. Try to avoid multiple calls to action buttons because this could confuse the visitors and people also get annoyed by such designs
  10. In the case of forms, create the shortest possible forms, because no one likes to fill in lengthy forms, so make them simple and easy, only take the necessary information, and do not ask irrelevant questions. if you need to gather more information then try to get only contact details and let your sales team contact them to get more information

These are some of the tips that will help you create an attractive and compelling call to action (CTA) for your web designs.

How to handle different audiences for call to action (CTA)

How to handle different audiences for call to action (CTA)

Obviously, as we mentioned earlier, there would be a different type of audiences reaching to your websites, such as new prospects who are seeking information, new leads who are only coming to your website to make a purchase or to click the CTA, or your existing customers, etc. Not only that there are two ways of getting website traffic:

1. Organic Website Traffic

Organic website traffic is the website visitors who are coming to your website from various search engines, such as Google, Yellow Pages or any other such platform. Sometimes you know what product or service people want, sometimes you don’t know what kind of visitor is coming and what exactly they are looking for. Be prepared for both scenarios.

In case you don’t know where your visitor will land on the website, then your web design should be capable of handling that kind of traffic by implementing a generic and simpler navigation structure and interlinked information. Try to make the visitor absorb as much of your content as possible, interlinking is a great approach to do so.

In case people are landing through a particular search query to a certain landing page, then obviously that particular page should be designed in a way to cater specific information that will lead the visitor to click on the call to action (CTA).

Search engine optimization is also very important. It let you filter out your organic traffic and let the visitors land on a certain page which is relevant to the search query/keyword they are searching for. Some businesses have tried to add the CTA in their Meta Description, which helps them a lot. However, until your description doesn’t have word or words which can be used as clickbait, Google has no objection in using whatever you want to use in the Meta Description.

Read also: Best Business Startup website ideas in Dubai

2. Inbound Website Traffic

Inbound marketing campaigns are very effective in increasing website traffic. As all the marketing campaigns have a specific goal and objective so most of the time the traffic is coming from the digital marketing campaign is already filtered out. Having a dedicated landing page for each campaign could significantly improve your leads.

As all the digital marketing campaigns are for targeted audiences, so the adverts and the landing page should have to be completely synchronized in terms of content, look and feel and everything. The call to action (CTA) should be placed in the appropriate place. The best way is to treat your incoming visitors as completely unfamiliar with your product/service. Take them through a journey from unfamiliarity to complete understanding. This will not only increase the possibilities of more CTR clicks, but it will also increase your conversion rate.

Read also: Website for Branding 


The call to action (CTA) is not only a design element, but it is a complete user experience in itself. The design, placement, size, color, text, everything matters. Your sales pitches adjacent to the CTA are also very crucial. The content on the page needs to be engaging and interesting if a visitor loses interest or find the information too difficult to understand or the navigational structure of your information is complex or the web design itself is sloppy then forget about getting any lead. Consider it as a car engine, each and every mechanical part is mandatory to run it, so your full web design including your content, design elements, pictures, videos, texts, color schemes, placements of the call to action (CTA), the design and content of the CTA, and everything else has to be perfect to get the desired results.

Even in some cases, some businesses have reported a 30% to 40% rise in their online sales by just changing the colour of their call to action (CTA) button; such a minor change and such a huge impact. It is always better to seek professional help and consultancy rather than taking everything into your own hands. RSI Concepts is one of the best web design agency in Dubai, UAE. We can help you with your web designs and online campaigns, feel free to Contact Us for free consultancy or leave a comment in the below comment box and someone will get in touch with you.

Check this out: Read this before starting Digital Marketing Campaign in Dubai

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Are all websites designed to generate business? Wed, 28 Oct 2020 11:21:27 +0000 Are all websites designed to generate business? This is the most frequently asked question from our customers. Being a well-reputed web design company in Dubai, we have experience of designing and developing hundreds of websites for small businesses, large corporations, corporate sector, government entities and multinational enterprises. In this blog, we will discuss the most… Continue reading Are all websites designed to generate business?

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Are all websites designed to generate business? This is the most frequently asked question from our customers. Being a well-reputed web design company in Dubai, we have experience of designing and developing hundreds of websites for small businesses, large corporations, corporate sector, government entities and multinational enterprises. In this blog, we will discuss the most frequently asked question by the corporate sector and big industries which is “are all the websites should be designed to generate online leads? Or business?

In order to address the topic we first have to understand what is online lead or business generation and why is it important? What is the role of a website in the online business generation and lead generation?

What is an online lead or business generation?


What is an online lead or business generation? The simplest answer is to get prospects and leads from online channels, mainly the website. You can target different audiences by different digital mediums and drive them all to your website or landing page and then they will either click on the CTA (call to action) or make a purchase or do whatever you wanted them to do. This is called the lead or business generation from the website.

There are certain businesses and organizations who partially or fully rely on a business structure that require them to do transactions through their websites, such as e-commerce (Amazon, Noon, etc). But there are other businesses who do not fully rely on online mediums and websites such as real estate industry, although these days they are focusing on the website and digital mediums a lot but still, they are driving sales through so many other channels. So, all such scenarios and everything in between which somehow involves online channels and websites to generate leads, sales and businesses are called online lead or business generation.

Why Online Leads are Important?


It depends on the nature of your business, but the current consumer market is heavily relying on online mediums such as websites and social media, etc. The B2B industry is also leaning towards digital mediums and focusing particularly on the websites which are designed to generate business. So, online leads or generating business through websites is very important for almost all sort of businesses, organizations and industries. These days in UAE, everyone holds a smartphone with internet access and the common trend of the buyers is searching online first before making any purchase of any sort of product or service. Which makes the online lead generation even more important if you want to grow or even want to stay in the market.

What is the role of a website in the online business generation and lead generation?


What is the role of a website in the online business generation or lead generation? This is a pretty straight forward and simple question, but most of the time the businesses are reluctant to ask it and even more resistive to understand it. As Dubai particularly and all around the UAE the technology and innovation is widely accepted and adopted conveniently than in any other part of the world, so the market evolves rapidly. The decision-makers at businesses sometimes failed to keep up with the pace of the market. Which is why they failed to realize the importance and role of a website in business generation and lead generation. Here are some of the key points a website can achieve to expand, grow and sustain a business in the UAE:

  1. Website is your online brand identity or your front office for millions of people
  2. Your corporate website can help you target specific audiences to generate more business and leads
  3. The presentation and appearance does matter, and the website can be your first impression to a large untouched audience and it can easily reach to the extended markets
  4. A website can be transformed into a powerful marketing tool to generate business and leads at a very low cost by providing instant results and a consistent source of leads
  5. Rather than serving the purpose of a company’s online corporate profile, a website can effectively work as a modern communication tool for your existing customers too
  6. Mobile experience and facility to integrate so many enterprise tools and portals, the website can not only generate new business and leads but it can also help to sustain your existing customers by proving them a lot many facilities and services

This is how a website can transform a business or organization. Another example of the effectiveness and power of a website is the e-commerce sector which purely relies on generating business through their websites and the current stats suggest the industry have reached to billions of dollars all over the world and in some cases, the e-commerce even surpasses the traditional retail chains who were previously known as the Mughals of the retail sector.

Now the question is if all websites designed to generate business or not?

Well, the simple answer is no. But that will not go to justify the question at all, so we have to elaborate it. As almost all businesses can take advantage of having a website that can generate business and leads for them. There are still a few industries and businesses that still can do well even without having a business or lead oriented website. But they are very few. And all of such businesses or organizations are working only on a B2B business structure and doesn’t require any consumer base interaction. So the website for such kind of organizations and corporations are not designed to generate online queries and leads.

For example, huge oil and gas distribution and management companies, don’t require to market their products or services on their websites as they are targeting an entirely different audience. Usually, that kind of businesses is relying on having conferences, corporate events, for the very elite of the management of the selected clientele and targeted markets to represent their products and services. So, they do not require to provide all the information about their products and services on their website and neither do they require to have someone fill in a contact form or a callback request. A simple corporate profile, detailed portfolio and branch listing could suffice.


Are all websites designed to generate business? Well, most of the time the answer is yes, but for a very few, let say 1% of the time the websites are not meant to generate business or leads rather be an aid to close a lead or just to provide sufficient information about the business, its services, products and portfolio. But for 99% of the times, the websites can be a very effective business generation tool. Especially if you are in a B2C market, you must have an appealing website to generate online leads and business from the digital mediums. If you are a small business or a medium-size enterprise no matter you are in a B2C or B2B type of market, you should have a very catchy and effective website to generate online leads and business in order to compete with competitors. So, the conclusion is ‘yes’ almost 99% of the times a business can utilize their website to generate business and leads.

Was that article helpful? Do you still have any question? Feel free to contact us through the comment box below.


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10 Tips to Design a Website in UAE Market Wed, 02 Sep 2020 13:28:24 +0000 The Gulf in whole and the UAE, in particular, is a very competitive and healthy market for businesses. This is the reason I was compelled to write this blog. Although there are so many minor and major things that should be accounted for in this article we will enlist 10 tips to design a website… Continue reading 10 Tips to Design a Website in UAE Market

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The Gulf in whole and the UAE, in particular, is a very competitive and healthy market for businesses. This is the reason I was compelled to write this blog. Although there are so many minor and major things that should be accounted for in this article we will enlist 10 tips to design a website in the UAE market.

Before jumping straight into the topic I just wanted to ask you some questions:

  1. Can a visitor or stranger determine the nature of your business within the 4 to 5 seconds on landing on your homepage?
  2. Is your navigation easy enough to lead the visitor to the desired content within 2 or 3 clicks?
  3. Can a visitor notice your major products and services in the first glimpse?
  4. Is your tagline or taglines are attractive enough to take your prospect to the next step?
  5. What is the bounce rate of your website? Is it acceptable or high or maybe too high?

If your answers to those questions are not satisfactory then you need to have a serious look at your current web design if you want to excel in the UAE market.

Here are the 10 Tips to Design a Website in the UAE Market:

1. Develop a Strategy


You should develop a strategy and your strategy should be based on the customer journey. Better take feedback from your existing customers or get reviews from other people. The website should answer all the questions a prospect could have before converting into a customer. The content, the navigation, and all the information that you are planning to serve them are considered as the customer journey. You should lay down a path through which a prospect will lead to conversion.

2. Play around the Fold


You have a very short window of 5 to 8 seconds to convince a visitor that he/she can find the desired information in your website. So many studies showed that the people, in general, don’t prefer to explore further than the two screenfuls. The main landing screen or the very first screen a visitor views upon reaching your website is the most important and requires more planning and efforts than any other section of the web design.

3. Keep it Simple and Small


Always put precise content and information. There have been so many researches on Hick’s Law, which is that if you present fewer options to choose, the customers will buy more but if you provide them with more options the customers are less likely to make a purchase. Similar applies to web designs as well. If you provide them with too many similar products and services or packages and plans, they are less likely to convert.

4. Simple Navigation


Make your navigation more accessible and less complex. Avoid putting large lists on the menu. Try to use organize things in categories and sub-categories but tag them with easy-to-understand words/phrases. Avoid clicks and use scrolling. Arrange and organize the menu items, and various sections of the web design and try to maintain a continuous flow of information rather mixed and random information. We have noticed a huge rise in online conversions when we replaced our ordinary clickable navigation interface landing page with a 20 times longer scrollable navigation interface landing page.

5. Use Visual Aid to Direct the Attentions


The web design should guide and lead visitors through the customer journey. Everything should resonate and work in harmony in order to get the desired results. Web designers use various types of visual aids and graphical clues to direct visitors’ attention. There have been so many studies on this and they have found that the people tend to look into the same direction as they see other people looking into. Another ordinary but very important visual clue is to put arrows, or signs, or something and people will look more into the direction it is pointing to. Such things can be used to direct visitors through the desired customer journey.

6. Don’t Mind the White Spaces


Having white spaces is widely accepted now. Even minimalists web designs are also in trend these days. Never get afraid of the white spaces, in fact, most of the designers are using white spaces to highlight some design elements. The white space enhances the readability of web design. It also helps highlighting something, you can easily add weight to a certain design element or a tag or something adding white spaces around it. Though it is always suggested that overuse of white spaces will cause the visitors to lose interest in the web design.

7. Use Graphics Wisely


These days everyone is in a hurry and people tend to read less and love to view more. So, it is always suggested to use appropriate graphics, animations, photos and images to make your design more alive and interactive. People love to interact with other people, different studies suggested using a real person’s photo can boost online conversions instantly. But make sure whatever photo or animation or graphics you are using should be relevant, descriptive and well placed in the web design. Another very important thing to consider is the modern internet audience is very allergic to the stock photos, the brain can instantly distinguish between a real person’s real photo and a stock photo. So, it is always advised to use real photos instead of stock photos.

8. Never Compromise on Site Speed


This is the most neglected thing in the web design industry. Customer usually and the web designers very often neglect the website speed or page load time while designing web designs. But in reality, the page speed directly impacts everything from user experience, site bounce rate and online conversions, everything can be impacted heavily by site speed or page load time. If the website takes longer to load the users will simply leave it, even the search engine takes it as a negative and degrade such websites with higher load times.

9. Mobile Compatibility & Responsiveness


More than 90% of the population in UAE own a smartphone. Having your website optimized for smartphones compatibility or having a responsive web design is very important. As per numerous studies and researches almost 50 to 60 per cent users never return to the site if they face difficulties in viewing it in the smartphone. Having a responsive web design with a multi-lingual user interface and fast loading will always give you a competitive edge.

10. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly Web Design


Always prefer a search engine optimization (SEO) friendly web design approach. Everyone these days tries to find out the desired information from the search engines. Your website should be in-line with the search engine policies and requirements. Above mentioned factors are also help raising your ranks in the search engine results pages along with a strong backlinks profile, necessary meta tags and interlinking could help you score higher ranks in the search engine which could dramatically boost your sales.


Defining a user journey prior to the designing is very helpful in boosting user experience. The web design should be designed to serve a particular purpose rather just random information. The navigation, content, visual and graphics and everything should be strategically selected to boost customer journey and experience to achieve the online conversions goal. The web design should be responsive and smartphone compatible. You should never compromise on the site load time or page speed. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the key factor in generating a continuous stream of organic traffic to your website. Never hesitate to take the professional help of IT experts like RSI Concepts. If you have any question please feel free to approach us through the below comment box.

The post 10 Tips to Design a Website in UAE Market appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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Standard website development practices in UAE Sun, 09 Aug 2020 05:29:19 +0000 Website development is not an easy process today as there are many variables that can affect the features and functionality of the website you are trying to create. Just having a website running is not enough as to how well designed your website is will impact conversions and credibility. There are many web design standards… Continue reading Standard website development practices in UAE

The post Standard website development practices in UAE appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

Website development is not an easy process today as there are many variables that can affect the features and functionality of the website you are trying to create. Just having a website running is not enough as to how well designed your website is will impact conversions and credibility. There are many web design standards and web development best practices that should be considered when creating a website. We will take a look at website development in UAE and standard practices that are followed in Web Design Dubai.

There are many web development companies in the UAE that design website that offer the ideal user experience. We are one of the best web development company in Dubai that follow best web development practices and focus on creating aesthetically pleasing websites that also serve your business requirements.

Consistent Branding


Branding is a fine art. In Web Design Dubai, customers are largely influenced by consistent and sleek branding on a website. Web development companies in the UAE generally need to put an emphasis on conveying the organization’s intent through elegant branding that speaks to the customer.

Websites that lack consistent branding will often confuse customers and lead to higher bounce rates. Therefore, in the rulebook of web design standards, good branding plays a key role.

Your website should have clean code


Being the best web development company in Dubai, we always ensure that the coding on websites is clear and comprehensible. A website’s code is its backbone, so in Web Design Dubai, proper coding with the right amount of testing is key to maintaining the performance and usability of a website. The badly coded website often causes errors and other problems that affect the overall user experience. The underlying website code should follow the latest web design standards and also be easily modifiable for future improvements.

Simple and seamless navigation


People visiting your website should be able to find what they are looking for with minimum effort. The navigation scheme of a website is usually dependant on its complexity. In a fast-paced environment like Dubai, a web design company Dubai should take care to implement a visual, responsive and scalable navigation system for client websites.

Proper content strategy and image optimization


One of the most important best web development practices that all web development companies in UAE should follow is to implement a proper content strategy and optimize the images appearing on a website. The content should be structured keeping the audience in mind. Instead of long paragraphs that customers may not have the time or patience to read, the more recent trend that the best web development company in Dubai should implement is included short content that prompts users towards a CTA and leads to a conversion.

Similarly, another one of web design best practices is to optimize images for fast loading but also not compromise on quality.

A good website should be mobile responsive 


Recent statistics indicate that more than 90% of internet users in the UAE use their mobile phones to browse the internet, and over 50% actually prefer to browse on their smartphones than desktops. This opens up a huge market of mobile users. Perhaps the most important web design practice that must be followed in Web Design Dubai is to make the website mobile responsive. A mobile-optimized website is not just important for the end-user experience, but also important for SEO purposes as well. Search engines usually reward websites that are mobile-friendly by ranking them better in search results.

Prioritize local SEO during development


Implementing basic SEO like proper page titles and optimizations can take away a lot of effort later on once your website is launched. Small tweaks like faster loading times and proper tags can go a long way in getting the new website ranking once it is launched.  

In Web Design Dubai, a standard practice that a web design company Dubai can implement is to optimize for local SEO that will allow the website to rank for local searches within UAE.

Proper Testing and Quality Control


Before launching any website, it should be professionally tested for bugs and issues that could hamper the user experience. Quality control is necessary to follow universal security standards and safeguard the website against malware attacks. This is especially important if you are developing an e-commerce website because of transactions involving personal and financial data.

Your customers’ safety is always a huge priority, and therefore a website should be properly tested before launch.

Choose the right domain


Even if a website looks impressive, the domain URL plays a crucial role in getting visitors to the website. As part of Web Design Dubai standard practices, a domain name should be chosen considering the human perspective, brand perspective, and SEO perspective.

Human perspective means that the domain URL should be easy to read, remember, and type.

Brand perspective means that the URL should reflect what the website is about like the name of the company. For an organization based in UAE, a domain extension with .ae might be more useful.

SEO perspective means that it should contain the right, relevant business keywords.

Hosting and Deployment


When it comes to selecting a host and deploying the website, a standard practice in website development in UAE is to select the right host that meets the requirement of the website. The decision depends on how fast the website should load, scalability, the scope of technical support offered by the hosting provider etc. Without proper deployment, a website will not run efficiently and can delay ROI on the development investment.

So, these are some of the web design and development best practices in the UAE when creating a website. Web development companies in the UAE follow these standards to give their clients the best possible realization of their requirement. As the best web development company in Dubai, we give our clients web development services that follow the latest standards in quality and usability.

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Why a Multilingual Website is required in Dubai? Tue, 04 Aug 2020 04:31:15 +0000 Why a multilingual website is required in Dubai? If you are a business operating in UAE, no matter if you operate as B2B or B2C you must have to be culturally sensitive. You must portray a trustworthy and customer-centric image of your business. This will help you achieve your marketing goals and online sales/conversions target.… Continue reading Why a Multilingual Website is required in Dubai?

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Why a multilingual website is required in Dubai? If you are a business operating in UAE, no matter if you operate as B2B or B2C you must have to be culturally sensitive. You must portray a trustworthy and customer-centric image of your business. This will help you achieve your marketing goals and online sales/conversions target. The multilingual websites also help businesses to reach out to the extended audience which could give them an edge over their competitors.

There are two ways to build multilingual websites, one is to have a separate standalone version of the website in multiple languages and the second way is to install translation plugins such as Google Translate. The best approach is to have a separate version for different languages because some languages could start from left-hand-side and some could start from right-hand-side so this could sometime distort the design, so having separate pages perfectly optimized for the language is always the best approach. Another issue with the translation plugin is that it is not as that precise and sometimes it mistranslates the words and phrases.

In this blog we will enlist the advantages of having a multilingual website:

Access to the broader market


Having a multilingual website expand your targeted market to a whole new community. This could help you reach out with thousands of new customers who were not been able to reach you earlier. So, it could boost your online sales/conversions instantly.



Multilingual websites are more trustworthy than only English language websites. People feel a sense of care and importance if a website is available in their native language. Companies who have added new languages showed an instant increase in their online sales/leads.

Culturally Sensitive


Having a website in the native language helps businesses overcome the cultural barriers among the different community. The online users feel comfortable in navigating through the information in their native languages. This also provides a better understanding and helps to boost brand awareness.

Competitive Edge


A multilingual website provides a competitive edge and a better understanding of the business if designed properly. The content must not necessarily the exact translation of the main language but it could be re-written minding the targeted audiences.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO


Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a very important aspect of digital marketing and online brand identity. Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo always prefer the multilingual websites and it also helps to reach out to people who are searching in their native languages.


If you are operating in Dubai, UAE then you must have to understand what kind of audience you want to target and what are your online marketing goals and objectives? If you are serving the local community and businesses then you must understand there are two dominant audiences in UAE, one type of audience prefers the English language and the other prefers the Arabic language. So, if you want to boost your sales/leads form your website then at least you should have your website in English and Arabic language. The Government and big industry usually deal in both English and Arabic languages so these two are very important to have.

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5 Website Development Dubai techniques Wed, 29 Jan 2020 11:21:27 +0000 A website is a collection of a variety of web pages developed as a website – such as news sites, educational sites, e-commerce and social media sites etc. It can be accessed through clicking the link or the homepage of the site you wish to visit using any type of browser. Website development, therefore, refers… Continue reading 5 Website Development Dubai techniques

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A website is a collection of a variety of web pages developed as a website – such as news sites, educational sites, e-commerce and social media sites etc. It can be accessed through clicking the link or the homepage of the site you wish to visit using any type of browser. Website development, therefore, refers to the creation of a website. If you plan to succeed in your chosen business line, website development in Dubai should be the first thing you must consider. And it is important to have a creative mind to plan one that will leave a positive impression to your potential clients.

Let us identify the importance of best website development in the region’s technological hub, Dubai.

1. Cost Effective Website development in Dubai

Instead you relying merely on printed advertisements and offline business structure, you could also add up developing a website to facilitate marketing strategies or start selling online. This is where your prospect clients can view all the necessary information they need about your business or products and services. Since UAE is growing faster each day in the E Commerce field hence E commerce website development is the present and future of business.

2. Easier Navigation

Web developers must make sure that the website is updated and is free from bugs for fast loading speed of pages. This would attract more customers to visit your website. The inclusion of search box tool is useful for the customers. It will add up to the advantage of your website for easier navigation. Search box is what the customers look for in any sites they visit. It gives faster result than scanning the website pages one by one.

3. Increase the Sales

In this digital age where all you need and anything you want to know are just few clicks away from you, following the trend is always a must. It is not new anymore if businesses work towards website development Dubai first thing in the morning. Fitting in to what people demands could increase the sales. Customers have now an easy access on it whether they are located anywhere in the world. Convenience for customers means higher sales.

4. Get in touch with more Customers

One of the main reasons for developing a website, aside from it being on trend, is that it could probably help your business grow just by reaching more clients. It will be easier for you to inform and update them on any changes or promos that you have. It will help you build up your identity not only locally but also internationally.

5. Provides Better Customer Service

Considering its convenience and the real time information you put on your website, we can easily categorize website development as something that could provide better customer service. Simply because connection between you and your customer is beneficial. They can easily view and track their transactions online and easily contact. Customers get to know you more just by reading your contents and be potential loyal customers in the future.

The importance listed above is only 5 out of so many reasons why Dubai website development is important. Dubai, having been transformed as a model smart city, it is not surprising anymore if all businesses make and effort in developing a website. Step by step, Dubai now becomes more efficient, techy, sustainable that would lead them as the happiest city on earth in the near future.

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Important Factors in Web Designing Fri, 10 Mar 2017 07:29:29 +0000 Sharjah is a state in United Arab Emirates with a population of  nearly one million and the businesses here has the digital requirements, specially website design and web development for new and established businesses. In today’s digital world most of us are convinced about any service or any product based on the information provided on… Continue reading Important Factors in Web Designing

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Sharjah is a state in United Arab Emirates with a population of  nearly one million and the businesses here has the digital requirements, specially website design and web development for new and established businesses.

In today’s digital world most of us are convinced about any service or any product based on the information provided on a company’s website. In just seconds people make their decision about any particular service after visiting their site. Thus, hiring a good designing company generally and in Dubai or Sharjah is a crucial thing for any business. Some of the essential factors are given below, which you should consider before going for website design:

* Know your target audience: people are different from each other and the websites too are not same to one another. Thus, you must take some time to check out who all you actually want to target through your website. If you are not are not aware about your target audience, then you can’t fulfill the needs of your customers through your website. If this happens, then the people will become disinterested in your service or product.

* You should focus on simplicity: You might not know this, but the people do complain a lot about the websites, when they don’t know where should they look at a site. You should always focus on displaying all your information in an easy and attractive manner. This way you will let the user to read all your content easily and will navigate your format in a comfortable way. Only with a simple layout the users will feel overwhelmed and will want to spend more time on your site.

* Never forget that the content is the king and queen both: We generally think that by adding more colors, images, font choices and logos are the most important thing for nay site. In reality,  people are not considered about the design, but about the content. Thus, how you present your content and what it say both are important for the site. You should always keep your content up to date, by doing this your audience will know that you are ahead of the competition.

* Make your site responsive enough: Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone and thus responsive website is essential to stay in the market. By this your site will be available to everyone and everywhere. By making your site responsive you can fit your site on any screen size and on any device.
The customers will find it easy to use.

If you are looking for a website design company in Sharjah, then various good options are available for you. You can find many good Web design companies in Sharjah, you just need to widen your search. You can take their help in designing beautiful websites, which will attract more and more potential customers. What else do you expect from a good website?…. Actually, nothing else, so go for it.

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