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In this blog, we will discuss the impacts of touch screens on web design. Well, touch screens have completely revolutionized our daily lives. Nowadays the touch screens are everywhere and are far more incorporated in our daily lives than ever before. The web design industry is also growing and adapting to new technologies, the touch screens and smartphones are one of them. The websites are very important for a business, as most of the times people will look up on the internet for a business before making a purchase decision which makes the websites even more important. That is not all, whenever someone needs something they search on the internet, it is very common. Which is why business is getting a huge chunk of their sales either directly or indirectly from the internet. The brand identity of any business or organization is heavily influenced by its website online presence and the website is the centre point of that online presence. The success of a website is depending upon two major factors, one is the layout of the web page and the second is customer experience.

See More: 5 Latest Trends of Websites in Dubai

Here are 5 Impacts of the touch screen devices on web design:

1. Web Design’s Layout and Presentation

The web design behaves differently on different touch screen sizes, we usually called refer to this phenomenon as “responsive web design”. Responsive web designs are programmed in a way that they can sense the screen size and device from which they are being accessed. Then the responsive web design automatically renders their design elements and information in a fashion which is most appropriate for that particular screen size. This all is to ensure the finest user experience and all this happens within a fraction of a second and a human being cannot even notice this all. The overall web design layout is made up of different design elements, for example, the images, photos, text, headings, boxes, buttons, navigation and such things, which present the information in a useful manner for the users.

Web Design’s Layout and Presentation

When a responsive web design is opened at different screen sizes it behaves differently, the objective here is to maintain an almost similar user experience on different screen sizes, for example, if you are accessing a website from a 14 Inch laptop screen you know the purchase button is located on the lower right corner of the product description. So when you are opening this website from your mobile phone which has a 5.5-inch screen you will surely go to expect that button just below the description, this is how the human brain works. And this is what a responsive design should do. Although the overall presentation of the information is changed still are able to meet the expectations of your visitor, this is how the responsive web designs are programmed.

See More: Importance of Web Design in 2021 in Dubai, UAE

2. Web Design Navigation Structure

The navigation structure is very important for any web design. The navigation structure is all the information are presented and provided on the website. Most of the time all the important things are placed in different places, for example in the first landing screen is the first visual interaction of a user, it mainly consists of an image slider with multiple important products or services along with appealing sales pitches. The second landing screen is when a user scrolls down and view the next section of the web design, it mostly contains more products/services or sales pitches or a short introduction of the business. Then there are more until the bottom or footer of the web design. On top of the web design, there is always a menu, which provides links to the internal pages and more information. This is how a full navigational structure of a web design is built.

Web Design Navigation Structure

When we open a website on a smartphone or smaller device, the menu cannot be displayed in its entirety as we can display it on the desktop or laptop computer screens that are bigger. So, in order to provide the menu most of the responsive designs display a button or icon of the menu, when a user tap on that menu the menu appears in vertical or nested or tree shape to let the user navigate through all of the information from the internal pages. This is how the navigation is reshaped for the touch screens. Now the most important thing here to consider is that the user might be touching the screen with a finger or thumb, so the size of the buttons and the size of the menu items should be enough to compensate for the effect of tapping with a large thumb of a finger. If the buttons are too small or the menu items are too many and have to be small to be displayed in a single screen view, then the user might accidentally tap on the wrong item/button. This will be very annoying and the user might not consider going any further if they are unable to easily tap the item/button they wanted to.

See More: 5 Facts of Productive Web Designs – Dubai, UAE

3. Hover Effects, Touch Sensitivity and Invisible Content

One of the biggest disadvantages of touchscreens is that they do not support hover effects. So, if your web design is heavily relying on hover effects and the information especially the navigations and menus are designed for the hovering effect, then immediately fix them. This could lead to a lot of problems when a user is viewing your website from a smartphone or any other touch device. Another problem with the touch devices is that there is a latency in some touchscreens, mostly it is 300ms which although doesn’t look much but when special effects are used on your web designs this factor could cause issues in the touch screen user experience. There are certain devices that support 3D Touch or a multi-dimensional touch which basically work differently on different levels of pressure, but these devices are very rare and the website development technologies don’t have enough support for these too. Such features are usually designed for smartphone applications rather than web browsers.

Hover Effects, Touch Sensitivity and Invisible Content

A huge concern related to user experience is the invisible content, like smartphones and most of the other touch screen devices are smaller than the usual computers and laptops this is why the web designs are programmed to hide certain aspects of the designs, graphic elements, and sometimes information too. Which could ruin your user experience. Most of the times the web designers program a responsive web design to hide the sidebars or widgets in the side column of the web design which is very bad for the user experience. The users and customers always expect the same navigations, structure, behaviour and information of a website on the smartphone and tablets as well as they are on the desktop and laptops. So, all the content and information available on a normal desktop or laptop version of the web design should also be provided in the smartphone or touch screen version too.

See More: Limitations in web designs for E-Commerce websites

4. Compatibility and Load Time

Compatibility and load time are very important not only for the users but for digital marketing too especially for search engine optimization (SEO). These days the modern web designs heavily rely on design elements, rich graphics and multimedia content rather than textual content so the compatibility and load time could be a nightmare for the web designer and web developers. Nowadays, touch screens are not only smartphones and tablets, but laptops are also adopting the technology and smart screens are dominating the TV industry. You don’t know if your user is coming from a smartphone, tablet, smart TV or smart media box (almost all smart media box/player support web browsing). All those touch screens enabled devices are built on different technologies, with different application priorities and also with different computing powers.

Compatibility and Load Time

This rise the importance of compatibility and load time. Smartphones and smart devices are comparatively weak in computing power compared to a regular desktop or laptop computer. Which could cause a longer load time on such devices. Sometimes the load time of modern web designs could be so long that a user quit on it and skip the website. This could be disastrous. Another important thing to consider is the compatibility as all touch screen enabled devices are built on different hardware and software technologies, their compatibility and behaviour towards different web design technologies are different. For example, the iPhones and iPads are running on iOS and most iOS users prefer the Safari web browser. Similarly, the Android Smartphone and Tablets are running on Android OS and most Android users prefer Google Chrome and Firefox browsers.

See More: 5 Different Phases of Web Design and Development Project

All the browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Others are built of different technologies and all the platforms or operating systems such as Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and others are also built on different technologies. For example, the Safari browser may behave differently on Windows than on iOS or MAC. The same applies to all other browsers. This causes a huge difference when it comes to user experience and how your web design, its content and its response will be on different browsers and on different platforms. So, a web design must have to be able to deal with all those technological differences to ensure the maximum user experience.

5. User Interaction with Mobile First and Desktop First Web Design

The user interaction with Desktop First or Mobile Fist web design is a very long debate among the web designing community. Most of the time the web designers carefully analyze the audience and estimate the web traffic source either it will be the desktop or laptop devices or smartphones and then make a decision. Which was somehow correct in the past but not anymore. Nowadays, the preferences of the people are changed. People are spending more time on mobiles than on computers. Still taking a decision between desktop-first web design approach and mobile-first web design approach could be tricky. As per my experience in the industry nowadays the mobile-first web designs are performing better than the desktop first web designs. As most of the users are spending more time browsing and surfing on smartphone devices so they are more familiar with the smartphone versions of websites and smartphone applications that carry a certain theme and design style. If your website is mobile friendly and is designed with the preference of mobile devices and touch screens in mind then the chances are they will also perform well on the desktop and laptop as well.

User Interaction with Mobile First and Desktop First Web Design

However, there is a huge difference between the desktop first web design approach and the mobile-first web design approach. The desktop websites are designed on a pre-defined structure which is 2 column or 3 columns or 4 column design. Whereas the mobile-first web designs are built on a modular structure, mostly box type design. The design is made up of different sizes of boxes, sometimes the boxes are visible and distinguishable and sometimes they are not. These boxes will allow the web designer to easily program them to fit and align according to the mobile touch screens, the buttons are also designed bigger to support touch screens and the key functions are placed on certain places which are easy to tap from the smartphones. The page scrolling can also be configured to enhance the mobile user experience. Most of the graphics and effects are achieved through CSS/programming to ensure quick load time on mobile devices. This is the major difference between the desktop first web design approach and the mobile-first web design approach.

See More: What kind of Web Design Compels Customers to Click Call to Action?


The touch screens are heavily impacting the web design trends and the user’s expectations. It is very crucial for the success of a web design that it maintains a similar user experience in any version of the website whether it is accessed from a desktop/laptop or smartphone or tablet the users should be able to easily identify and reach the important information and navigation. The load time and other programming limitations that are present in the touch screen enabled devices should also be considered and accounted for while designing a website. As we know that in general people are spending more time searching and surfing the internet from touch screen enabled devices so our web design must have to design to provide the ultimate user experience there. When we are designing the information and navigational structure of a web page for the touch screens, we can easily map it on the non-touch devices such as laptop and desktops, but if our design approach is desktop first, it could get harder to maintain a similar user experience on the touch screen enabled devices.

At RSI Concepts we have vast experience in web designing and development, our clientele expands from small local business websites to huge corporate sites and everything in between. If you need a business website, or corporate website or eCommerce or an online marketplace, feel free to reach us out using the below comment box or contact us through our Contact Us page.

Check out this: 6 Step guide to choose a web design firm in UAE

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5 Facts of Productive Web Designs https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/5-facts-of-productive-web-designs/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/5-facts-of-productive-web-designs/#respond Thu, 14 Jan 2021 07:19:36 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=7001 The web design industry has evolved a lot, starting from simple static pages and ending up in full-on web-based applications, the websites are doing everything. Advance development tools, programming and coding techniques, and innovative ideas made websites more capable and more engaging. The marketing and communication industry have shifted their focus from traditional mediums to… Continue reading 5 Facts of Productive Web Designs

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The web design industry has evolved a lot, starting from simple static pages and ending up in full-on web-based applications, the websites are doing everything. Advance development tools, programming and coding techniques, and innovative ideas made websites more capable and more engaging. The marketing and communication industry have shifted their focus from traditional mediums to online and digital mediums. Some stats suggest that almost 60% of all internet searches are made through a smartphone or a mobile device.

If you are living in UAE since the past 10 years or so, then you should have noticed the rapid pace of digitalization of the entire society and everything. Your website is your brand identity now, and the web design is an extremely crucial part of it. In web design and development community, it is being said that an extremely well-built web design is lifeless without the functionality! What your web designs are offering, what value they can add, and what solution are they providing matters a lot.

In this guide, we will discuss 5 facts of productive web designs.

Fact 1. User Experience and User Journey


What is the user experience? Well! The entire interaction of a user with a business through their website counts as the user experience. Actually, there are certain things that may not be controlled directly through your website which forms a full user experience. So, here we will only focus on the user journey, which entirely based on your website. The user journey mainly starts from search, even before that it starts from a demand. If there is a demand, a user will search to find a solution, either they will search it online, try to ask friends, colleagues or their connections. Let us assume somehow, a user landed to your website, either by a search engine, or a business card your sales staff left to someone, or whatever mean.

Once a user lands to your website, their journey begins, now they will immediately build an image of your brand in their sub-conscience mind about your brand within the first two or three seconds of landing onto your website. The next they will immediately seek the information they are searching for, which eventually provide them with a solution or at least a possibility to fulfil their need. If you got succeeded in providing them a solution or a possibility or even a hint, they will most likely try to find a way to get in touch with you. Now comes a very important part which we call CTA (call to action) or CTA button, this will convert your prospect into a lead and later as per your purchase cycle, you can convert them into a sale.

How come your web design impacts your user journey? Well, all of your users’ journey is entirely depending on the effectiveness and productivity of your web design. We all have big hopes from 2021, no matter if you are a small salon, a dentist, a store, an eCommerce, a retail chain, a business, a corporation, a company or an organization, no matter what type, size or industry you are operating into, having a great website is extremely important to maintain your online brand identity in Dubai, UAE. And a productive web design is the backbone of your website.

Fact 2. Web Design Appearance in Different Browsers and Devices


People usually complain that a website looks different in different devices. As almost everyone with basic computer proficiency knows that a website is a computer code which runs in the computer and they see a complete design on the screen. In fact, the websites are a combination of different programming codes which are stored in a server and when we type in a URL or click a link the browser download them from the server and read them, then accordingly it generates a complete web design which we interact with. Each browser has its own unique way of reading those programming codes, which results in a slightly different look and feel in different browsers.

So, either you or the web designing agency you hired to develop a website for you should be aware of the general trends. The website should be programmed to operate perfectly well in all types of browsers your targeted audience is using or is expected to use. This will not only improve the user experience but it will also improve your conversion rates. Because if someone is viewing your website and it looks disoriented or distorted or somehow not normal, then they will get a negative impression of your business or organization which could hurt your online reputation or even your brand identity.

Here in UAE, most commonly used web browsers are either Google Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. Although in the mobile devices people are using so many other browsers, we will come to this point later. So, you should make sure that your website is looking perfect and working absolutely fine in all popular browsers.

Fact 3. Mobile Version, Responsive Design or Mobile Application


Mobile version or a separate mobile website is a very old practice, but still, some organizations and businesses are using it. Although the number of mobile websites is decreasing day by day, still it is there. These types of web designs are completely different than the desktop web design but provide all necessary features. These web designs were popular back in the old days when the smartphones were not so smart. As the computing power and other software or operating system, related limitations were there in the smartphones then, so the website versions were meant to compensate for those deficiencies. But nowadays, when the smartphones are almost equally powerful as normal computers having a separate mobile site or mobile version is not a practical solution anymore.

Responsive designs are new and most productive web designs and they are also extremely popular. Since the last few years, responsive web designs became essential in the website development market. Responsive web designs are those web designs which automatically adjust themselves as per the device they are opened from. The intelligent software tools allow the web designs to sense the device prior to loading and then move and shift web design elements as per the device screen and size. The responsive web designs maintain a similar user experience and ensure the same similar user journey on any smartphone, tablet or mobile device. Not only that the responsive web designs can also adjust themselves for each and every smartphone screen size or desktop or laptop screen seize. Which is a great feature to maintain a steady user experience in different platforms. This also makes the navigation very easy and convenient for the user.

Mobile applications are the most modern trend. Everyone is making smartphone applications, especially large and medium-sized organizations, as they can offer a variety of digital services too through smartphone applications. Banks, Hospitals, Clinics, Public Offices, eCommerce, and such other organizations and businesses are preferring to have a smartphone application. But if you are only using your website to provide information and direct a prospect to the relevant communication channel then the smartphone application is not a good choice, because one, your responsive web design could also do the same and second people tend to remove such apps very frequently and later they might forget about the app or your business itself.

Fact 4. How the Web Design is Presenting the Content and What Content is Important?


The content is the most important part of a productive web design. A wonderful web design without the content is like a car without fuel. You can go nowhere. So, make sure your web design highlights the important content, either a sales pitch, an offer, or anything that you think might appeal the visitor to hit the CTA should be visible and highlighted properly. Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself:

  1. How your web design is presenting the content?
  2. What type of content you are presenting on the website?
  3. How easy it is accessible to a common user?
  4. How your web design is highlighting your competitive edge?
  5. How easy or difficult your purchase cycle is?
  6. How your web design is rendering the content on mobile devices? Or in different browsers?

The content, fonts, design elements and everything should work in harmony to create a unique user experience. Minor tweaks and changes in the content can heavily impact your online leads.

Textual Content

Textual content should be simpler, shorter and in easy language. The web design should be capable of presenting the content in the most readable and productive ways possible. The fonts, style, color scheme, text size everything matters.

Multimedia Content

These days, the multimedia content is dominating the web designs. Whether it is a photo, image, graphics, animation, video, sound or whatever it is, the visitor will automatically get attracted to that content prior to reading any textual details. Adding adequate multimedia content could heavily impact your web design. Excessive multimedia content will make your website bulky and heavy, try to avoid it. Using unnecessary videos or especially sounds/music will repel visitors.

Multi-lingual Content

The Emirates of Dubai and all other emirates of the United Arab Emirates are housing very multi-cultural societies. Expats from all over the world are residing all across the UAE. It is very critical to understand your targeted audience and their needs. At least your website should be in two major languages, English and Arabic. But if you are targeting other ethnicities or nationalities then you should include other languages too. But being a leading web design agency in Dubai, at RSI Concepts we have experienced that English and Arabic will suffice in most of the cases.

Read More: Basic Elements of Web Design 

Fact 5. Web Design and Visitors Behavior


Web designs and visitors behaviour are closely intertwined. Not only in Dubai, UAE but all over the world, the experts believe that a web design can dictate the visitor’s behaviour. Such as:

  1. What information the visitor will absorb from the web site?
  2. Where they will prefer to click?
  3. How the customer journey is formed?
  4. How many leads you will get?
  5. Will it serve your targeted audience?
  6. For how much time people will stay on your website?
  7. Will they bookmark your website or not?
  8. What impression do they get of your brand from your website?

These are only a few points that suggest how a productive web design can impact a visitor’s behaviour on your website, which could later directly impact your leads and conversions. Above all, whenever a visitor is reaching to your website, they must have been looking for a solution, how capable your website is to guide them towards that solution, And how all the relevant information are presented to make the process easy is totally depending on your web design.

This is very important to understand how your visitor will think, let say if a visitor is landing on your website or any landing page, and start reading and viewing the content, if your web design is well prepared it will keep the visitor interested in going further, else they will lose interest and they will leave without contacting your or without hitting the CTA. So, it is very important that your web design is prepared in a way that it leads a visitor toward the CTA and throughout the whole journey a productive web design could keep them busy and interested.

Your web design should also be very interactive, the web design should respond on every movement of the cursor and on every click. The headings, highlights, taglines, images, media, etc everything should be presented in a proper way, tooltips, mouse hover effects and other such cosmetics can do wonders. Just simple and minor things if prepared with mindfulness could significantly boost your online conversions.

Read More: Why is revamp of website important?

These are the 5 amazing facts about productive web designs that you can use to improve your online growth. Your website is not just an online company profile, but it is a very powerful communication tool, that can impact your business heavily. A great user experience and an excellent user journey is the key to success. In Dubai, UAE where the competition is very high and the expectations of the customers are even higher, the businesses, organizations and corporations should have to pay more attention to their website and online brand identity.

A productive web design will be a great advantage over your competitors. Your online mediums and online impression could make or break your overall brand image in the market. People trust online information, they prefer to do online searches, they seek for online recommendations, so, they should be provided with the needed information online, make sure you are appearing in the search results. You have sufficient social media activities, your website is up to date and is being continuously updated with the latest information. At RSI Concepts, we are helping our customer since more than a decade now to build their online presence and their websites, we have experienced team and highly qualified staff, feel free to contact us if you want us to help you with your website project.

Check out this: Best Web Design Trends for Corporate websites in Dubai – UAE

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What kind of Web Design Compels Customers to Click Call to Action? https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/what-kind-of-web-design-compels-customers-to-click-call-to-action/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/what-kind-of-web-design-compels-customers-to-click-call-to-action/#respond Sun, 13 Dec 2020 05:15:58 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6911 What kind of web design compels customers to click a call to action (CTA) button? A call to action is usually a button or an image or a short text, which demands the visitors to take a certain action, that action will convert a prospect into a lead. If you are selling online, then the… Continue reading What kind of Web Design Compels Customers to Click Call to Action?

The post What kind of Web Design Compels Customers to Click Call to Action? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

What kind of web design compels customers to click a call to action (CTA) button? A call to action is usually a button or an image or a short text, which demands the visitors to take a certain action, that action will convert a prospect into a lead. If you are selling online, then the call to action (CTA) could be “purchase”, or “checkout”, if you are offering certain products and services it could be requested for a quote, callback requests or a contact us form, etc. It entirely depends upon your business type and purchase cycle which dictates what kind of action is required from the prospects or visitors to convert into a lead. Call to Action (CAT) could be complex in case if you want to direct your different audiences for different routes such as new visitors or prospects, existing leads, existing customers, business partners, everyone have a different objective and should have an appropriate call to action route which is dedicatedly built for that particular audience.

Here are some of the most frequently used call to action (CTA) examples:

  1. Add to Cart
  2. Buy Now
  3. Leave a Call Back Request
  4. Contact Us
  5. Request a Quote/Estimate
  6. Request Free Consultation
  7. Download for Free
  8. Register or Signup for Free

These are the most commonly used call to action (CTA) methods. Obviously, there are a lot of many others, for example, “20% Discount for Existing Customers” people will click on it and it will verify them if they are existing customer then they will get a discount coupon. So, there are so many possibilities a call to action button or method can be adopted or created entirely to meet the specific needs.

How a web design can impact the effectiveness of the call to action (CTA)?

How-a-web-design-can-impact-the-effectiveness -of-the-call-to-action-(CTA)

A web design is comprised of different section and elements of the web page. Whatever is visible for the users in the web browser is the web design from the very top till the end of the page. So having a well-crafted, business-oriented web design is crucial for online conversions. The user interface and user experience matter a lot in any web design. A web design’s look and feel can hugely impact your business reputation. Sometimes the businesses put a large call to action (CTA) button, in some cases, they always stick to the screen no matter if you are scrolling up or down, or sometimes such links or buttons are flashing in bright shocking colours, these things could annoy the visitor, and they might get a very bad impression of such things. So it is always better to maintain elegance and professionalism in the design.

Tips to design an effective call to action (CTA)

Here are some tips that will help you to design a call to action (CTA) to improve online conversions:

  1. First of all, clearly define your objectives. You should know what exactly you want your visitor to do by clicking the call to action (CTA)
  2. Provide a concrete reason why the visitor should go for the call to action (CTA)
  3. Define clearly why it is important for the visitor to click on it and what benefits they will get from it, or how it could solve their problems
  4. Prepare a catchy statement to urge the visitors to click on it quickly, try to establish a sense of urgency, so that the visitor might fear if they don’t click on it now, they might miss it out
  5. Use short and strong words, do not use “Click Here” which is too simple and too generic, and the click-through rate is very low
  6. Choose the colour of the button wisely, use contrasting colours, so it appears highly visible and distinguished
  7. Place call to action button in the prominent places, but make sure the surrounding design elements and content are relevant to the CTA as well, place them accordingly to the flow, let say after the product description, or after the sales pitch/tagline, etc. Put the call to action inappropriate places
  8. Put call to action (CTA) on all pages, if all pages have different content, then make the CTA relevant to that content
  9. Try to avoid multiple calls to action buttons because this could confuse the visitors and people also get annoyed by such designs
  10. In the case of forms, create the shortest possible forms, because no one likes to fill in lengthy forms, so make them simple and easy, only take the necessary information, and do not ask irrelevant questions. if you need to gather more information then try to get only contact details and let your sales team contact them to get more information

These are some of the tips that will help you create an attractive and compelling call to action (CTA) for your web designs.

How to handle different audiences for call to action (CTA)

How to handle different audiences for call to action (CTA)

Obviously, as we mentioned earlier, there would be a different type of audiences reaching to your websites, such as new prospects who are seeking information, new leads who are only coming to your website to make a purchase or to click the CTA, or your existing customers, etc. Not only that there are two ways of getting website traffic:

1. Organic Website Traffic

Organic website traffic is the website visitors who are coming to your website from various search engines, such as Google, Yellow Pages or any other such platform. Sometimes you know what product or service people want, sometimes you don’t know what kind of visitor is coming and what exactly they are looking for. Be prepared for both scenarios.

In case you don’t know where your visitor will land on the website, then your web design should be capable of handling that kind of traffic by implementing a generic and simpler navigation structure and interlinked information. Try to make the visitor absorb as much of your content as possible, interlinking is a great approach to do so.

In case people are landing through a particular search query to a certain landing page, then obviously that particular page should be designed in a way to cater specific information that will lead the visitor to click on the call to action (CTA).

Search engine optimization is also very important. It let you filter out your organic traffic and let the visitors land on a certain page which is relevant to the search query/keyword they are searching for. Some businesses have tried to add the CTA in their Meta Description, which helps them a lot. However, until your description doesn’t have word or words which can be used as clickbait, Google has no objection in using whatever you want to use in the Meta Description.

Read also: Best Business Startup website ideas in Dubai

2. Inbound Website Traffic

Inbound marketing campaigns are very effective in increasing website traffic. As all the marketing campaigns have a specific goal and objective so most of the time the traffic is coming from the digital marketing campaign is already filtered out. Having a dedicated landing page for each campaign could significantly improve your leads.

As all the digital marketing campaigns are for targeted audiences, so the adverts and the landing page should have to be completely synchronized in terms of content, look and feel and everything. The call to action (CTA) should be placed in the appropriate place. The best way is to treat your incoming visitors as completely unfamiliar with your product/service. Take them through a journey from unfamiliarity to complete understanding. This will not only increase the possibilities of more CTR clicks, but it will also increase your conversion rate.

Read also: Website for Branding 


The call to action (CTA) is not only a design element, but it is a complete user experience in itself. The design, placement, size, color, text, everything matters. Your sales pitches adjacent to the CTA are also very crucial. The content on the page needs to be engaging and interesting if a visitor loses interest or find the information too difficult to understand or the navigational structure of your information is complex or the web design itself is sloppy then forget about getting any lead. Consider it as a car engine, each and every mechanical part is mandatory to run it, so your full web design including your content, design elements, pictures, videos, texts, color schemes, placements of the call to action (CTA), the design and content of the CTA, and everything else has to be perfect to get the desired results.

Even in some cases, some businesses have reported a 30% to 40% rise in their online sales by just changing the colour of their call to action (CTA) button; such a minor change and such a huge impact. It is always better to seek professional help and consultancy rather than taking everything into your own hands. RSI Concepts is one of the best web design agency in Dubai, UAE. We can help you with your web designs and online campaigns, feel free to Contact Us for free consultancy or leave a comment in the below comment box and someone will get in touch with you.

Check this out: Read this before starting Digital Marketing Campaign in Dubai

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6 Step guide to choose a web design firm in UAE https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/6-step-guide-to-choose-a-web-design-firm-in-uae/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/6-step-guide-to-choose-a-web-design-firm-in-uae/#respond Wed, 09 Dec 2020 08:30:05 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6901 Here is a 6 step guide to choose a web design firm in United Arab Emirates. As the local market has grown a lot in the past decade and there are so many vendors available in the market these days, it is very important to choose a good web design firm to ensure that you… Continue reading 6 Step guide to choose a web design firm in UAE

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Here is a 6 step guide to choose a web design firm in United Arab Emirates. As the local market has grown a lot in the past decade and there are so many vendors available in the market these days, it is very important to choose a good web design firm to ensure that you will achieve the objectives you want to achieve from your website. Your website will be your ultimate presence in unexplored new markets via an online domain. So, it should be a good one. Even in some cases, the entire digital strategy relies on the website. So it is very crucial to choose a reliable web design firm if you want to achieve the online marketing objectives and goals. Here is a 6 step guide to choose to a web design firm in UAE:

Step 1: Know your requirements


The first and very important step is to completely understand your requirements first. The business proprietors or marketing managers often think that the vendor will provide them with a complete solution, without even having a good understanding of their requirements, which is totally a wrong approach. You should be able to understand your needs and requirements. The vendor should be able to propose a solution which not only fulfils your needs but also ensures additional benefits because of their experience. But do not totally rely on the vendor to identify your needs and propose a solution.

Step 2: Allocate a Budget


Allocating a budget to your web design project is very important. You should know what your maximum limit is, no matter how attractive the presentation or quotation is you can’t cross that limit. This will also help you save a lot of time, and as all of the requirements are already defined and a budget is allocated for the project, you can easily choose from the offers. Sometimes the web design firms add a lot many extras and add-ons which you might not require. You can exclude such things to reduce the overall quote too.

Step 3: Experience, Portfolio, and Work Examples



A good web design firm always provides samples of their previous work along with the details of their existing clientele. You should check out their website, look up for their portfolio page, or work samples, or see it they have a client testimonial section on the website or not. Checkout for their business partners and team, whether they are providing information about their team and partners on the website or not? Such things define the stature of a web design firm in the United Arab Emirates. If you do not like their website, do not worry, check their work samples, and even if you do not like them either, or you found all of them somehow lookalike or following the same kinds of attitude then move on. They might not be able to help you out.

Step 4: Strategies and Technologies


Study the proposals thoroughly and lookup for their project execution strategy and methodologies. A good web design firm also mentions clearly the tools and technologies they will use to design and develop a website for you. So, if they haven’t listed any such information then ask them if they failed to provide such information or you even have a slight doubt, then don’t go for them. Their project plan or project execution strategy should be clearly defined and understandable, if you are unable to understand it then ask them to explain it to you. In short, you must be able to understand their project execution methodology and strategy and you should feel comfortable with that too.

Step 5: Support and Maintenance


Always choose a company who provide support and maintenance for a certain period of time after the deployment and commissioning of the project without any additional cost. In case if you have missed something during the designing and development phase you might be able to ask them after the completion of the project. This way you can easily get the desired results within the budget without any hustle. After-sales support is also important, such as training or supporting document for the content management system to update the website content or any such thing.

Step 6: Other Services


When choosing a web design firm for your website development project, always choose a firm which offers other relevant services, which you can later utilize. For example, digital marketing campaigns, or SEO or 3D Animation, Graphics designing, etc. You might not require them now, but maybe in future, you could be doing some digital marketing such as Facebook Ads, or Google Adwords, or Search Engine Optimization, etc. Having a vendor who can offer multiple services is always helpful. You don’t have to go through a lengthy selection process next time when you will require service. This helps a lot.


You should choose a web design firm very wisely in the United Arab Emirates as your website could heavily impact your online marketing strategy. Having a trustworthy and reliable partner ensures desired results. A good web design firm always helps and support you in improving your goals. So you should first define your needs and objectives clearly then allot a budget for the project and then carefully scrutinize the vendor. You should be able to clearly communicate your expectations too so that the vendor can propose a suitable solution. If you follow the above process to select a web design firm in UAE, you can easily find a suitable vendor for your website design and development project and not only that you will be able to get a higher return over investment rate too.

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Why do my Website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/why-do-my-website-looks-different-in-apple-or-ios-devices/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/why-do-my-website-looks-different-in-apple-or-ios-devices/#respond Mon, 23 Nov 2020 05:20:37 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6767 Why do my website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? This is a very common question web developers and designers are facing in the web development industry in Dubai, UAE. Well! Though this question may look simple it isn’t. Keeping in mind that there are different operating system with different browsers, and each operating… Continue reading Why do my Website looks different in Apple or iOS devices?

The post Why do my Website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

Why do my website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? This is a very common question web developers and designers are facing in the web development industry in Dubai, UAE. Well! Though this question may look simple it isn’t. Keeping in mind that there are different operating system with different browsers, and each operating system has different updated versions of each browser, not only that, different types of devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops with different screen sizes, the cross-browser or cross-platform compatibility could be a nightmare for a web developer. The customers most often test the websites on 3 to 5 different devices, with mostly two to three different browsers, but for a web designer or web developer, the best approach is to test a website in as many different devices as possible.

This blog could be a bit technical but I will try to keep it as simple as possible for a common reader. Here is some common reason that your website may look different on different devices:

Operating System Compatibility


For instance, let us take the example of Safari browser, the latest update of Safari browser on windows is Version 5.1 whereas for MAC the latest update is Version 14.0. This even further increases the complexity, your website may look great on Safari running in Windows operating system but it may look distorted, or doesn’t look as it should be on Safari running in MAC operating system. Same applies to other browsers too for different operating systems. That is not all, another thing with version compatibility is let say a particular update that enhances specifically the computing capability for JAVA Script, or CSS might be available in older versions of Safari for MAC and might not be available for newer versions of Safari for Windows.

Browser Compatibility


Apart from versions, when we are checking a website in different browsers the appearance may differ in different too. Let say for example if a website is appearing fine, and working completely well in Chrome and Opera, but it may show some issues in Firefox or in Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer browser. The internet explorer browser is discontinued and got replaced with latest Microsoft Edge browsers but still, you will notice some people are using the IE, especially in offices in Dubai, UAE. So, this could be another issue which results in your website appearing differently in different browsers.

Programming/Coding Language Versions


Programming/coding language versions are also very important if you want to have cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility. For example, these days the modern websites are developed using CSS3 (modern CSS version) and HTML5 (modern HTML version). These two are the major components of the modern web site’s user interface or front end, JAVA, JQuery, AJAX, etc and a few many more are also part of an interactive web design and the coder and programmer in Dubai, UAE love to use them for better user experience. Sometimes the web developer and UX/UI designers literally push the limits to achieve their looks and feels. Some browsers are quicker than others to adapt to such technologies, and some are not, not only that, the same browser in the different operating system may not support what it is already supporting in another operating system. This could also lead to a distorted website layout or simply it can cause a lot of compatibility issues.

Bulky Codes or Unused Codes


Another mistake that we found very common among the web designers and developers in Dubai, UAE is that they love to reuse the codes and chunks of the codes from their previous projects, this could also lead to a bulky file for a browser to execute, which could results in a lot many different issues, and it also makes the debugging even harder. I am not saying that one should never reuse their codes, what I am saying is that if you are using a CSS, HTML or JAVA Script from your previous project or from a code repository, then use them wisely and try to remove all unused or irrelevant codes from your front-end files. This will not only reduce the bugs and errors but it will also make the debugging easier.

Smartphone Compatibility or Responsive Web Designs


No web design is accepted these days which doesn’t come with smartphone compatibility, this is what we called responsive web designs. The responsive web designs have their own set of problems and issues. First of all, there are different operating systems such as Android and Apple iOS. The other major problem is there are tens of hundreds of different screen sizes. As time is passing the mobile phones are evolving rapidly, sometimes offering a technology which isn’t even available in the desktops or laptops. So we will be going to elaborate all compatibility issues with smartphones in details:

Smartphones Operating Systems

Majorly the market is occupied with two operating systems, Android by Google, and iOS by Apple. These two are completely different technologies. Not only that, the mobile phones market has the most frequent updates than any other IT technology. This also means there could be hundreds or thousands of different operating system versions running in the market. The smartphone eco-system is developed in a way that it always consider the older devices while preparing for a newer one, but there are tons of new devices with a variety of different operating system version running on them.

Smartphone Browsers

Same like desktops and laptops the smartphones to have different browsers, for example, the most popular browsers for iPhone or iOS users is Safari and for Android users, Google Chrome is the preference. This also means that each website should be able to be completely compatible with these different browsers.

Smartphone Screen Sizes

Another big problem with modern websites is to cope with a huge list of different smartphone screen sizes. Not only that let say if two smartphones have the same physical size let say 5inch but the screen resolution could be entirely different. These things even make it harder to troubleshoot layout and especially text related issues in smartphones.


Both Android and Apple Manufacturers have a variety of different tablets, and as most of the tablets support a full desktop-like layout, which has to be optimized for the smaller screen as well to support tablet devices. Again with a tablet, the operating system, browsers and versions, related issues are still there. So, the website should have to offer a variety of different cross-platform, cross-browser and screen resolution compatibilities.


Why do my website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? Like I said the answer to that question is not a simple one. The best way if to work with a framework platform such as bootstrap, even then the web designer and web developer should test the website on as many physical devices as possible. Do the coding with a minimalist approach, and include alternate codes for all possible browsers, operating systems, screen sizes and versions. This is the only way to provide a universal user experience for all devices and platforms. Creating responsive websites is not an easy task and it is getting harder day by day, by the inclusion of more devices, versions, screen sizes and higher demands of interactive user interfaces. The web designing agency in Dubai, UAE has to be capable of dealing with all those technologies.

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Future of eCommerce industry in UAE https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/future-of-ecommerce-industry-in-uae/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/future-of-ecommerce-industry-in-uae/#respond Tue, 28 Jul 2020 05:02:59 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6632 The future of eCommerce industry in UAE is very promising. In fact the year 2019 was the year with rapid expansion in eCommerce and since the beginning of 2020, most of the retails have shifted to eCommerce. The massive digitalization, internet access for more than 90% of the population and current scenario contributed a lot… Continue reading Future of eCommerce industry in UAE

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The future of eCommerce industry in UAE is very promising. In fact the year 2019 was the year with rapid expansion in eCommerce and since the beginning of 2020, most of the retails have shifted to eCommerce. The massive digitalization, internet access for more than 90% of the population and current scenario contributed a lot in the eCommerce revolution. Another thing is the payment security, anti-fraud measures and government’s policies are the key factors to build up trust in the eCommerce sector. The UAE has emerged as the most paying per individual country in the MENA region and it is all because of the customer protection policies, and security standards implemented by the government of the United Arab Emirates.

The population of the United Arab Emirates

A large part of the population in UAE comprises of the digital-native millennial generations, who always prefer to stay connected and need on-demand based instant solutions. Which also cause a continuous growth in the online shopping and eCommerce industry over the last 5 years. Another important factor was the rise in the electronic transactions, like online banking, online payments, debit/credit cards and eWallets. These all contributed and supported the eCommerce sector in UAE.

Proactive and Supportive Government Policies

Due to the proactive and supportive government policies, there are so many eCommerce platforms flourished over the past few years and form a very competitive consumer-friendly eco-system. This is also another reason for such unprecedented growth in the eCommerce and online shopping. The banking and financial system of the country is also very supportive for both eCommerce businesses and the consumer too.

The Logistics

Along with all that, another most important sector which supported the eCommerce industry in UAE is the logistics. The United Arab Emirates is the most developed country in terms of modern infrastructure and the network of roads and highways. So, logistics was not an issue at all. Amid the recent crises, most of the popular eCommerce online shopping sites have started offering same-day delivery services which can only be done if the logistics and transportation sector is supportive. This is another reason the eCommerce businesses and startups are very confident in operating in the country.

Banking Sector

Moreover, the banking sector was also very supportive and all the banks in the country have implemented modern technologies and payment processing protocols to support online transactions. Now the eCommerce businesses and merchandisers can team up with so many different banks and online payment processing networks simultaneously. This results in a very healthy and competitive environment which directly benefits the consumers by lowering down the transaction fee and other costs.


The modern infrastructure, massive logistics and transportation networks, online payment security, supportive financial sector, government policies, consumer protection measures, internet availability and high buying power contributes in the rapid growth of the eCommerce sector in UAE. As the current stats suggest the eCommerce and online shopping sector will keep growing and the future of the eCommerce industry in UAE is brighter than any other conventional eCommerce market such as the US and China. If you want to invest in the eCommerce sector this is the time to jump in. If you are already a merchant or trader you should take the ride too because all the projections are suggesting that in coming future the eCommerce will definitely overgrow the conventional retail sector.

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