Web Design Dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/web-design-dubai/ RSI Concepts Blog Tue, 15 Jun 2021 09:28:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-RSI-Concepts-Logo-32x32.jpg Web Design Dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/web-design-dubai/ 32 32 5 Latest Trends of Websites in Dubai https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/5-latest-trends-of-websites-in-dubai/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/5-latest-trends-of-websites-in-dubai/#respond Tue, 02 Mar 2021 05:03:29 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=7058 Your website plays a vital role in establishing a positive brand identity and also improve brand reputation. As the online domain is expanding rapidly, even people are relying more on online business practices as comparing to the traditional methods. Earlier having a small, static website with a short brand profile and contact details were sufficient… Continue reading 5 Latest Trends of Websites in Dubai

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Your website plays a vital role in establishing a positive brand identity and also improve brand reputation. As the online domain is expanding rapidly, even people are relying more on online business practices as comparing to the traditional methods. Earlier having a small, static website with a short brand profile and contact details were sufficient but nowadays, your online brand identity is crucial and in some business sectors your online brand identity and brand image are extremely critical in your success. The importance of the websites has increased and these trends transformed the websites from a digital company brochure or profile into a powerful communication & marketing tool. This transformation leads to a lot many technological advancements in website technologies and is still growing rapidly. The advancements also lead to ever-changing trends in the industry, it is getting harder for ordinary customers to stay up to date. That is why in this blog we will mention the 5 latest trends of websites in Dubai.

1. Dynamic Websites VS Static Websites

Dynamic Websites VS Static Websites

There are two major types of websites, static websites and dynamic websites. A few years back there was a third type which was the mobile site or a completely separate mobile version of the website, this trend is now being replaced with responsive websites. The two major classifications of the websites are as follow:

Static Website

A static website is developed on a basic front-end design. The major difference is in order to update the website content or data a professional website developer is required. As it can only be done by changing the source code of the web pages. In the light of modern trends and the website’s function in marketing and communication, the businesses will have to update their websites and some web pages on regular basis. Each time when an update is required a professional website programmer is acquired to do so. As the website is built using HTML and CSS components, which both are purely source codes, so only a professional website programmer can update the website content and data. In that case, the businesses will have to hire a full-time website programmer or a service provider to maintain the website content updates and changes such as blogs, news, press releases, etc.

Dynamic Website

A dynamic website is developed in two major section one is a frontend which is almost a static website and the other section is a control panel or content management system. The main difference between a dynamic and static website is that the businesses don’t require a full-time professional website developer to do the updates on the website. The CMS or the content management system is a powerful software tool with an interactive admin control panel dashboard that allows ordinary people to do the updates on the website and also enable them to create new pages such as news, blogs, press releases, product pages and services pages. The frontend of the website is also made using HTML and CSS however the backend or the admin control panel is made using PHP, ASP, and Database tools.

What is a Content Management System or CMS?

A content management system or CMS as clear from its name allows managing the content of the corresponding application/frontend of a website. Although it is used for various other applications too the major application is websites. There are tons of content management system available in the market, some are open-source, some are propriety tools, some are general purpose and some are for specific applications. The businesses will have to choose the content management system or CMS wisely which could fulfil their needs.

2. Responsive Websites

Responsive Websites

The responsive website trend has gained huge popularity not only in Dubai but all over the world. These days, almost 99% of the enquiries are coming for a responsive website. As the name itself is self-explanatory, the responsive websites are those who respond to the screen size, operating system, web browser and the device from where the website is opened. The main objective of a responsive website is to maintain a similar user experience and user journey on all devices and platforms regardless of any dependency on the screen size, browser, or platform. This is achieved through the latest website programming techniques and tools. A responsive website can automatically sense the device and other details in just a fraction of a second and render its design elements, content, fonts, photos, videos and everything else as per the screen size and the platform it is being opened from. This provides a great advantage to maintain the brand identity, user experience and user journey which resultantly contributes to more sales and online leads.

3. Multimedia Content

Multimedia Content

These days another popular trend is using multimedia and graphic-rich content on the website. As in Dubai, everyone has access to broadband, 4G and even 5G also, in fact, Dubai was one of the earliest adopters of the 5G technology. So, using multimedia content is not an issue at all. These days most websites are using very attractive videos, micro animations, rich graphics elements and multimedia content to provide a good user experience. Here are a few examples of trendy multimedia elements:

Full-Screen Video

Using a full-screen video could increase customer interest in your products and services. It is human nature that our brand responds more to a moving object and moving picture than a static picture. So, the video will automatically increase the customer engagement level. You can include a lot many things in a few seconds of video which if described in words could take up to 500 words. So having an attractive video could really make a difference in your online conversion rates.

Full-Screen Image Sliders

Full-screen image sliders are also gaining popularity, you can use multiple images in an automatically rotating slider. Like I said moving objects tend to interest the human brain more than a simple static image. Another advantage of the image slider will be to be able to present multiple sales pitches in one screen area. You can further improve the user interest by adding taglines and slogans or a short description or maybe a sub-heading. Whatever you use, a full-screen image slider is far better than a small tiny image slider or image at the landing screen.

Micro Animations

Micro Animations are also gaining popularity, you can use micro animations in your image slider, in different widgets and areas of your website. The micro animations are also used to increase customer engagement. You can also utilize a single area or space to accommodate two or three taglines or sales pitches.

The multimedia content really helps to improve the user experience and use journey on your website and also help to improve your online conversions. There are so many possibilities of using the above-mentioned multimedia content or any other content on the website to increase customer engagements on the website.

4. Interactive Websites

Interactive Websites

Interactive websites are a slightly new phenomenon in Dubai, and it getting excellent response from the users. Interactive web designs are the designs that interact with the users, respond to their movements and provide a great user experience. There are several ways to improve the user experience, for example, whenever the user is moving their mouse cursor the design elements responds or at least show some kind of movements. This keeps the customer interested as they will expect to experience more such movements or responses in the website. This way the users will access more internal pages and spend more time staying on your website, either way, it is very helpful in improving the user experience at the website.

5. Thumb-Friendly Websites

Thumb-Friendly Websites

Although sometimes people consider thumb-friendly as mobile-first web designs. But both are two different things. Mobile-first designs are for those businesses that are getting most of their online conversions from mobile devices. Especially the eCommerce websites, they are heavily relying on mobile traffic so they can improve their online conversion by implementing a mobile-first web design to their website. However, thumb-friendly websites are one-fit-for-all. No matter what you do, you should have thumb-friendly navigation. As in Dubai, almost everyone has a smartphone with internet access. People spent a lot of time on their mobile devices, just think about yourself or check your friends, family and colleagues, you will surely notice people tend to spend more time on their mobile devices than on regular computers. This is why smartphones are a very important aspect that each and every marketer needs to address.

These days almost 99% of our website design and development enquirer asked for a responsive website. This means everyone knows the importance of smartphone compatible websites. But most of the time our customers do not understand the importance of navigation. The navigation, menu and buttons of your websites which will navigate your customers through the various pages of the website and also take them through their user journey on your website are extremely important. So no matter how cool your website looks on smartphones if its navigation is hard to access on the smartphones, it could significantly decrease your online conversions.


In Dubai, almost everyone has access to the computer, internet and smartphone. The websites have a great impact and influence on purchasing decisions. No matter what a customer is looking for they will first try to look it up on Google. Even if by any promotion or marketing method you have reached your customer with a product, service or solution there is almost the probability of 90% that the prospect will try to look it up on the internet. This is when you have to be very vigilant, attentive and attractive too. Your website’s design, functions, content and everything in between will heavily impact the decision of the purchaser.

Make sure your website is dynamic and you can easily update it any time you want without any additional cost or any additional technical speciality. Your website should be able to maintain the same user experience and user journey across all devices and platforms. Multimedia content could really help you out in gaining more attention from the visitors. Interactive websites can easily gain popularity and produce better results than any traditional website. As most of the users tend to do online searches from their mobile devices so make sure your website is offering an excellent smartphone experience.

It is always wise to consult a professional. RSI Concepts is a leading web design and development agency in Dubai, having more than a decade long experience and serving hundreds of clients all across the GCC. Feel free to get in touch with us if you want to redesign your website or need any consultation. You can reach us out via the comment box below or you can approach us from our Contact Us page.

Check this out: Importance of Web Design in 2021 in Dubai

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Limitations in web designs for E Commerce websites https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/limitations-in-web-designs-for-e-commerce-websites/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/limitations-in-web-designs-for-e-commerce-websites/#respond Tue, 12 Jan 2021 08:46:14 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6976 An e-commerce website opens up a huge new market for any business. When it’s not feasible for brick-and-mortar stores to remain open 24×7, an e-commerce website developed in web design Dubai can reach a global market without the costs typically associated with physical stores. Designing an e-commerce website is not all that simple, and the… Continue reading Limitations in web designs for E Commerce websites

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An e-commerce website opens up a huge new market for any business. When it’s not feasible for brick-and-mortar stores to remain open 24×7, an e-commerce website developed in web design Dubai can reach a global market without the costs typically associated with physical stores.

Designing an e-commerce website is not all that simple, and the best eCommerce website design can bring in sustained revenue for your organization. We will take a look at 14 unique problems of e-commerce website design, and therefore you can consider this as the ultimate eCommerce website design guide.

Most of the limitations in web design Dubai for eCommerce are easy to fix, and there are many good eCommerce website examples that show you how it’s done.

1. Lack of adequate product information


Your customers visit your website to buy the products you offer. It goes without saying that if you are not able to serve proper information on the products you are trying to sell, customers are likely to go look for information elsewhere. Many e-commerce websites templates overlook the importance of proper descriptions for products. So this is perhaps one of the most important of the 14 unique problems of e-commerce website design that we will look at.


2. Poor and untrustworthy design

Poor-and-untrustworthy-designYour eCommerce site is only as good as it looks. Ideally, a customer who wants to purchase a particular product from the website should be able to do so in the lowest number of clicks possible. A website that runs on a trusted e-commerce platform and is aesthetically pleasing will instil a sense of trust in the customer as they navigate different pages. A shady-looking site is much less likely to make any money out of its eCommerce business. Therefore your eCommerce website design inspiration must take into account the utility of a good design and incorporate it into web design Dubai.


3. Mobile-friendly design 


A basic requirement for any website is that is should function well no matter what device someone uses to access the site. Recent studies indicate that almost half of all eCommerce website visitors are on mobile devices. Therefore, it is crucial that your web design Dubai is responsive. Take a look at the top 10 e-commerce websites and you can see that all of them are responsive.


4. Unintuitive payment processing and checkout 


No ultimate eCommerce website design guide is complete without mentioning the checkout and payment process. The ultimate aim of your website is to bring in sales and increase the customer base. A long or confusing checkout process is one of the most damaging limitations that you can make in your eCommerce website design. Along with the lack of popular payment options, it gives your customers a reason to abandon the website without completing the purchase. The checkout process should follow the ideal model of eCommerce website examples, with just a single page for customers to check their order and proceed to the payment gateway.


5. Lack of product search feature 


If you run an e-commerce website, you must have a search bar for people to find the products they want. No one has the time to navigate page after page to find something. One of the benefits of e-commerce design is to make it as easy as possible for users to find the product and complete the purchase.


Along with the search functionality, the search engine on the website should be well built so that relevant search results are given to the user. Including features like filter or sort in the design are advantageous.


We have seen the 5 Limitations Your Ecommerce Site Can Overcome that form the basis of a good website.


6. Lack of customer service features


The best eCommerce websites have robust customer service features. You have made it easy for customers to get in touch if they have a problem or require assistance with something. Including basic design elements like a help request form or chat support toggle in your web design Dubai goes a long way to instil confidence in your customers.


7. Limited or complex navigation options


The site should be easy to navigate. There’s nothing worse than a user abandoning your site because they find it cumbersome to navigate. Implement navigation best practices and try to create the best eCommerce website design that fulfils the needs of your target audience.


9. No product reviews 

No-product-reviews One feature that could persuade or prevent a user from buying a product on your eCommerce website reviews. They will want to see how products are rated by other customers. Social proof is an important factor that affects trust and transparency, so ensure to incorporate the option of reviews in your design.

10. Lack of security authentication/certificates


Failing to implement proper security authentication and features on your website can have ethical and legal implications. Customers want proof that they are browsing a secure website and that their information will remain safe. Top e-commerce websites list will show you that all good e-commerce sites implement safety features in their design.

11. Product imagery

Product-imageryA drawback of eCommerce platforms compared to physical stores is that people cannot personally handle products before buying them. One way to circumvent this limitation is to do as much as you can to recreate that experience through product images. Your eCommerce web design Dubai must have a provision to display product images prominently. Users are more likely to buy if they get proper visual feedback.

12. Lack of accessible resource information

Lack-of-accessible-resource-informationThe design should include features to display information like FAQ or shipping related questions. These are details that can slip through the cracks when designing an eCommerce website, but crucial to the overall experience. Your customers should be able to find answers to all their questions easily, and therefore easily accessible resource information is important.

13. Poor shopping cart design

Poor-shopping-cart-designThe shopping cart is an understated part of your site. The cart should be designed as intuitively as possible without making the experience slow and complicated. If your user cannot add or modify items in the cart, they may as well abandon the website altogether.

14. No related products listing

No-related-products-listingOne way to increase revenue from your eCommerce site is to have a related product listing in the design. There are modules that can automate this feature and can increase add-on sales on the website.


15. Spammy ads


There is a difference between advertising and spamming a user who is browsing your site. Ensure that your website design does not place obtrusive banner ads that lead to poor user experience, especially on mobile devices. Spammy ads is a fast way to make a user doubt the credibility of your site. Good eCommerce website examples show that unnecessary ad banners should be avoided.


So, these are the 14 unique problems of e-commerce website design that you should take care of when building your own site.

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6 Step guide to choose a web design firm in UAE https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/6-step-guide-to-choose-a-web-design-firm-in-uae/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/6-step-guide-to-choose-a-web-design-firm-in-uae/#respond Wed, 09 Dec 2020 08:30:05 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6901 Here is a 6 step guide to choose a web design firm in United Arab Emirates. As the local market has grown a lot in the past decade and there are so many vendors available in the market these days, it is very important to choose a good web design firm to ensure that you… Continue reading 6 Step guide to choose a web design firm in UAE

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Here is a 6 step guide to choose a web design firm in United Arab Emirates. As the local market has grown a lot in the past decade and there are so many vendors available in the market these days, it is very important to choose a good web design firm to ensure that you will achieve the objectives you want to achieve from your website. Your website will be your ultimate presence in unexplored new markets via an online domain. So, it should be a good one. Even in some cases, the entire digital strategy relies on the website. So it is very crucial to choose a reliable web design firm if you want to achieve the online marketing objectives and goals. Here is a 6 step guide to choose to a web design firm in UAE:

Step 1: Know your requirements


The first and very important step is to completely understand your requirements first. The business proprietors or marketing managers often think that the vendor will provide them with a complete solution, without even having a good understanding of their requirements, which is totally a wrong approach. You should be able to understand your needs and requirements. The vendor should be able to propose a solution which not only fulfils your needs but also ensures additional benefits because of their experience. But do not totally rely on the vendor to identify your needs and propose a solution.

Step 2: Allocate a Budget


Allocating a budget to your web design project is very important. You should know what your maximum limit is, no matter how attractive the presentation or quotation is you can’t cross that limit. This will also help you save a lot of time, and as all of the requirements are already defined and a budget is allocated for the project, you can easily choose from the offers. Sometimes the web design firms add a lot many extras and add-ons which you might not require. You can exclude such things to reduce the overall quote too.

Step 3: Experience, Portfolio, and Work Examples



A good web design firm always provides samples of their previous work along with the details of their existing clientele. You should check out their website, look up for their portfolio page, or work samples, or see it they have a client testimonial section on the website or not. Checkout for their business partners and team, whether they are providing information about their team and partners on the website or not? Such things define the stature of a web design firm in the United Arab Emirates. If you do not like their website, do not worry, check their work samples, and even if you do not like them either, or you found all of them somehow lookalike or following the same kinds of attitude then move on. They might not be able to help you out.

Step 4: Strategies and Technologies


Study the proposals thoroughly and lookup for their project execution strategy and methodologies. A good web design firm also mentions clearly the tools and technologies they will use to design and develop a website for you. So, if they haven’t listed any such information then ask them if they failed to provide such information or you even have a slight doubt, then don’t go for them. Their project plan or project execution strategy should be clearly defined and understandable, if you are unable to understand it then ask them to explain it to you. In short, you must be able to understand their project execution methodology and strategy and you should feel comfortable with that too.

Step 5: Support and Maintenance


Always choose a company who provide support and maintenance for a certain period of time after the deployment and commissioning of the project without any additional cost. In case if you have missed something during the designing and development phase you might be able to ask them after the completion of the project. This way you can easily get the desired results within the budget without any hustle. After-sales support is also important, such as training or supporting document for the content management system to update the website content or any such thing.

Step 6: Other Services


When choosing a web design firm for your website development project, always choose a firm which offers other relevant services, which you can later utilize. For example, digital marketing campaigns, or SEO or 3D Animation, Graphics designing, etc. You might not require them now, but maybe in future, you could be doing some digital marketing such as Facebook Ads, or Google Adwords, or Search Engine Optimization, etc. Having a vendor who can offer multiple services is always helpful. You don’t have to go through a lengthy selection process next time when you will require service. This helps a lot.


You should choose a web design firm very wisely in the United Arab Emirates as your website could heavily impact your online marketing strategy. Having a trustworthy and reliable partner ensures desired results. A good web design firm always helps and support you in improving your goals. So you should first define your needs and objectives clearly then allot a budget for the project and then carefully scrutinize the vendor. You should be able to clearly communicate your expectations too so that the vendor can propose a suitable solution. If you follow the above process to select a web design firm in UAE, you can easily find a suitable vendor for your website design and development project and not only that you will be able to get a higher return over investment rate too.

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5 Qualities of a good web designer firm in Dubai – UAE https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/5-qualities-of-a-good-web-designer-firm-in-dubai-uae/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/5-qualities-of-a-good-web-designer-firm-in-dubai-uae/#respond Wed, 09 Dec 2020 05:12:17 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6893 As Dubai, UAE is a huge and most competitive market in the entire GCC. There are hundreds of companies and agencies who are designing and developing websites for local and overseas clientele. Having a website that completely resonates with your brand identity and could be helpful in supporting your marketing efforts, is very important for… Continue reading 5 Qualities of a good web designer firm in Dubai – UAE

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As Dubai, UAE is a huge and most competitive market in the entire GCC. There are hundreds of companies and agencies who are designing and developing websites for local and overseas clientele. Having a website that completely resonates with your brand identity and could be helpful in supporting your marketing efforts, is very important for businesses. As your website could be your first impression to hundreds and thousands of new prospects so it should be perfect. The question here arises is how one can find a suitable web designer firm in Dubai, UAE? In this blog, we will discuss 5 qualities of a good web designer firm in Dubai, UAE.

1. Experience and Portfolio



This is the most important point of all, the web designer firm that you want to choose should have sufficient work experience and a great portfolio. If they built websites for large corporations, multinational enterprises, government entities and local businesses then they must have sufficient work experience and a better understanding of the local market. The big businesses/organizations and SMEs ensures the web designer firm can deliver if they have experience in your industry that will be a great assurance that the firm is familiar with your industry and can design a great website for you as well. The sample work will help you understand the capabilities and quality of work that a web designer firm can deliver. Which is a great sign of a successful project with them.

2. Competitive Quote and Pricing


Competitive quote and pricing is one of the most influential factors in decision making and project allotment for web designing and development projects. What exactly are they offering you, how descriptive and detailed the quote is? These things matter a lot. You must have to request for a costing break-down rather a lump sum quote. This will help you compare different modules, their cost and overall the quote with other vendors. Having competitive pricing with more free offers, such as free website hosting, free AMC for the first year, etc such things also matters a lot.

3. Website Building Technologies and Project Execution Methodologies


Website building technologies are HTML, CSS, PHP, CMS, etc. What version of the technologies or programming language the web designer firm uses for their projects? Do they use the latest website building tools and such stuff or not? What is their project execution method? Do they follow any standard method or they have their own project execution methodology? These are things are important to know and if a web designer firm failed to clearly describe those things to you, then you might face difficulties afterwards. So, it is better to have a sound understanding of these things before assigning the project to any web designer firm in Dubai, UAE.

4. Content Management System or CMS


The content management system of CMS is a software tool that lays in the backend of a website and allows the web administrator to manage the content of the website. So, it is very crucial to have a workable and easy-to-use content management system or CMS for your website, so that in future if you will have to change or add new content such as text, pictures, videos, pages and such things in the website, you would be able to do so without bearing any additional cost of involving the website designer firm.

5. Reasonable and Flexible Agreement


In Dubai, UAE if you are hiring a web designer firm to develop or revamp your website, you have to sign a written agreement with them. You have to make sure that you clearly understand each and everything in the terms and conditions section before signing up for the project. If you have any difficulty to interpret the contract, please ask for the explanation to the web designer firm or contact a layer to interpret it to you. So, that in future you don’t get into any dispute. The terms and conditions of the agreement should be flexible and supportive for you too in order to achieve the desired objectives within agreed timelines and budget.


Having a website is very important these days, as your website could reach out to untouched audiences and new unexplored markets. It would be the first impression of your business. As smartphones and internet access is available to everyone, and people tend to look upon the internet before making any decision, so your website could play an important role in establishing your brand identity. So, choosing a good web designer firm is vital to have a business-oriented online brand identity. If you consider all the above-mentioned factors you can hook up with a good web designer firm in Dubai, UAE such as RSI Concepts. It is always wise to consult with a professional web design firm. At RSI Concepts we provide free consultancy. Feel free to approach us at our Contact US page or leave a call back request and someone will get in touch with you.

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Why do my Website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/why-do-my-website-looks-different-in-apple-or-ios-devices/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/why-do-my-website-looks-different-in-apple-or-ios-devices/#respond Mon, 23 Nov 2020 05:20:37 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6767 Why do my website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? This is a very common question web developers and designers are facing in the web development industry in Dubai, UAE. Well! Though this question may look simple it isn’t. Keeping in mind that there are different operating system with different browsers, and each operating… Continue reading Why do my Website looks different in Apple or iOS devices?

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Why do my website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? This is a very common question web developers and designers are facing in the web development industry in Dubai, UAE. Well! Though this question may look simple it isn’t. Keeping in mind that there are different operating system with different browsers, and each operating system has different updated versions of each browser, not only that, different types of devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops with different screen sizes, the cross-browser or cross-platform compatibility could be a nightmare for a web developer. The customers most often test the websites on 3 to 5 different devices, with mostly two to three different browsers, but for a web designer or web developer, the best approach is to test a website in as many different devices as possible.

This blog could be a bit technical but I will try to keep it as simple as possible for a common reader. Here is some common reason that your website may look different on different devices:

Operating System Compatibility


For instance, let us take the example of Safari browser, the latest update of Safari browser on windows is Version 5.1 whereas for MAC the latest update is Version 14.0. This even further increases the complexity, your website may look great on Safari running in Windows operating system but it may look distorted, or doesn’t look as it should be on Safari running in MAC operating system. Same applies to other browsers too for different operating systems. That is not all, another thing with version compatibility is let say a particular update that enhances specifically the computing capability for JAVA Script, or CSS might be available in older versions of Safari for MAC and might not be available for newer versions of Safari for Windows.

Browser Compatibility


Apart from versions, when we are checking a website in different browsers the appearance may differ in different too. Let say for example if a website is appearing fine, and working completely well in Chrome and Opera, but it may show some issues in Firefox or in Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer browser. The internet explorer browser is discontinued and got replaced with latest Microsoft Edge browsers but still, you will notice some people are using the IE, especially in offices in Dubai, UAE. So, this could be another issue which results in your website appearing differently in different browsers.

Programming/Coding Language Versions


Programming/coding language versions are also very important if you want to have cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility. For example, these days the modern websites are developed using CSS3 (modern CSS version) and HTML5 (modern HTML version). These two are the major components of the modern web site’s user interface or front end, JAVA, JQuery, AJAX, etc and a few many more are also part of an interactive web design and the coder and programmer in Dubai, UAE love to use them for better user experience. Sometimes the web developer and UX/UI designers literally push the limits to achieve their looks and feels. Some browsers are quicker than others to adapt to such technologies, and some are not, not only that, the same browser in the different operating system may not support what it is already supporting in another operating system. This could also lead to a distorted website layout or simply it can cause a lot of compatibility issues.

Bulky Codes or Unused Codes


Another mistake that we found very common among the web designers and developers in Dubai, UAE is that they love to reuse the codes and chunks of the codes from their previous projects, this could also lead to a bulky file for a browser to execute, which could results in a lot many different issues, and it also makes the debugging even harder. I am not saying that one should never reuse their codes, what I am saying is that if you are using a CSS, HTML or JAVA Script from your previous project or from a code repository, then use them wisely and try to remove all unused or irrelevant codes from your front-end files. This will not only reduce the bugs and errors but it will also make the debugging easier.

Smartphone Compatibility or Responsive Web Designs


No web design is accepted these days which doesn’t come with smartphone compatibility, this is what we called responsive web designs. The responsive web designs have their own set of problems and issues. First of all, there are different operating systems such as Android and Apple iOS. The other major problem is there are tens of hundreds of different screen sizes. As time is passing the mobile phones are evolving rapidly, sometimes offering a technology which isn’t even available in the desktops or laptops. So we will be going to elaborate all compatibility issues with smartphones in details:

Smartphones Operating Systems

Majorly the market is occupied with two operating systems, Android by Google, and iOS by Apple. These two are completely different technologies. Not only that, the mobile phones market has the most frequent updates than any other IT technology. This also means there could be hundreds or thousands of different operating system versions running in the market. The smartphone eco-system is developed in a way that it always consider the older devices while preparing for a newer one, but there are tons of new devices with a variety of different operating system version running on them.

Smartphone Browsers

Same like desktops and laptops the smartphones to have different browsers, for example, the most popular browsers for iPhone or iOS users is Safari and for Android users, Google Chrome is the preference. This also means that each website should be able to be completely compatible with these different browsers.

Smartphone Screen Sizes

Another big problem with modern websites is to cope with a huge list of different smartphone screen sizes. Not only that let say if two smartphones have the same physical size let say 5inch but the screen resolution could be entirely different. These things even make it harder to troubleshoot layout and especially text related issues in smartphones.


Both Android and Apple Manufacturers have a variety of different tablets, and as most of the tablets support a full desktop-like layout, which has to be optimized for the smaller screen as well to support tablet devices. Again with a tablet, the operating system, browsers and versions, related issues are still there. So, the website should have to offer a variety of different cross-platform, cross-browser and screen resolution compatibilities.


Why do my website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? Like I said the answer to that question is not a simple one. The best way if to work with a framework platform such as bootstrap, even then the web designer and web developer should test the website on as many physical devices as possible. Do the coding with a minimalist approach, and include alternate codes for all possible browsers, operating systems, screen sizes and versions. This is the only way to provide a universal user experience for all devices and platforms. Creating responsive websites is not an easy task and it is getting harder day by day, by the inclusion of more devices, versions, screen sizes and higher demands of interactive user interfaces. The web designing agency in Dubai, UAE has to be capable of dealing with all those technologies.

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Why is revamp of website important? – Web Design Dubai https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/why-is-revamp-of-website-important/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/why-is-revamp-of-website-important/#respond Mon, 07 Sep 2020 11:42:50 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6650 Why is the revamp of the website important? Well in case if you are not getting the desired results from your current website or you are expanding your targeted audiences or you are implementing a new branding or you simply got a new idea. Revamping your website is always a good thing if done properly.… Continue reading Why is revamp of website important? – Web Design Dubai

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Why is the revamp of the website important? Well in case if you are not getting the desired results from your current website or you are expanding your targeted audiences or you are implementing a new branding or you simply got a new idea. Revamping your website is always a good thing if done properly. Sometimes we got attached to something that we don’t change them in my case I have a 4-year-old phone and I am not changing it the one reason is that it is still technically performing well and I got no issue with it at all. This could also happen in the case of a website. But in order to improve user experience and get the maximum output of your website, we just have to keep them up-to-date regularly and revamp maybe once in a couple of years. Here in this blog, we will discuss some important reasons to revamp your old website.

Here are a few reasons and benefits that you can get by revamping your website:

  1. Outdated Design
  2. Customer Journey
  3. Changed Branding, Content Strategy or Targeted Audience
  4. Competitors Have Better Websites
  5. Poor SEO
  6. Poor or No Mobile Compatibility
  7. High Bounce Rate
  8. Low Online Conversions
  9. Updates and Management is Difficult
  10. Security & Programming Issues

Outdated Design


If your web design is outdated or old and doesn’t interact well then you must have to think seriously about the revamp of your website. Even if your website is technically working fine but it is older than 3 years then you must have to revamp it. The internet world is very fast and rapidly evolving on the daily bases. If your website is running on a technology that is a couple of years old, then you might seriously consider the revamp. The website technology platform should be selected wisely so that for some coming years the platform could remain relevant and updated.

Customer Journey


Customer Journey is a very important factor to boost or maintain the online conversions rate. If you are unable to lead a customer through the point of visiting your website to converting into lead/sale and in between finding all the relevant information they are looking for, then your website is pretty much useless. The website poor content placement, complex navigation, misleading images, etc those all things are responsible for the user experience and the user journey on the website. If you are unable to get sufficient online conversions then, first of all, check your customer journey and then decide if you need a revamp or you should check a different part.

Changed Branding, Content Strategy or Targeted Audience


If you have changed your branding, content strategy, or the targeted audiences then you must have to revamp the website in order to align everything. Sometimes we do not completely change our audience but we may expand it, even in that case too, you have to be careful and if you are including a new language, country, region, or want to address a large community or something, then you must have to have relevant content on the website to let those people navigate through. You have to build the customer journey and customer experience for them. If you are updating the content or you have changed your branding, then your website must represent the new branding and must be able to highlight the new content.

Competitors Have Better Websites


Well, usually businesses have many competitors, so it is ridiculous to suggest that each time one of your competitors have changed their website you should change yours too. But whenever you notice that your competitor has changed their website and pushed you down in the search engine’s search result page then you must have to seriously think what have they improved in their new website and where you are lagging behind from them. So, now is the time to think about a complete overhaul of your website or website revamp. Try to identify the major changes your competitor have done to their website and see if you are lagging in any one of them.

Poor SEO


The SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the key to organic visitors. Everyone on the internet used the search engine to look up for the desired information. If your business is following a good SEO strategy then it will result in higher ranks in the search result pages of Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Search engine optimization is also an ever-changing industry. One thing which is doing wonderful today might not even remain relevant in a year or so. SEO is very rapidly changing and evolving with new strategies and standards. So, if your website starts losing ranks in the search engine or completely fail to achieve any rank at all then it is the time to revamp your website to aid your SEO.

Poor or No Mobile Compatibility


If your website is not responsive at all then you must have to build a responsive or mobile compatible version. These days the number of people accessing the internet from smartphones and mobile devices have significantly surpassed the number of internet users on PC/Laptops. This has revolutionized the digital marketing industry. Having a mobile compatible website is now a must-have a thing. Without a responsive website, you won’t be able to address a large audience. Which could be very harmful to your online digital marketing and branding campaigns. Poor Mobile Compatibility means your website is old and it is not compatible with the latest smartphones and mobile devices which means your website will appear distorted or improper. Whatever the case is your website should always be compatible with the latest mobile devices and mobile browsers.

High Bounce Rate


Bounce rate is a very important criterion in the search engine optimization (SEO). There could be several reasons for the high bounce rate but mainly the web design, the information layout, navigational structure and the content are responsible. In case if something went wrong with your SEO or somehow you managed to target the wrong audience, then your bounce rate could increase exponentially. We have noticed a dramatic decline in the bounce rate after revamping our clients’ websites. In most of the cases, only the design change was enough, but in some cases, we have to optimize the content and the navigation too. Whatever the case is if your bounce rate is higher and your online conversions are not as expected then you must have to revamp your website design.

Low Online Conversions


Your website looks good, it is up to the mark, the bounce rate is low and apparently there is no issue in it. Still, you are not getting enough online conversions or sales. That means the visitors or prospects are expecting something else or are not getting the desired information. The most common cause could be call-to-action or CTA. The CTA should be on the exact spot where the visitors/prospects are expecting it to be. Another possible issue could be the language or content, the content could be confusing, less appealing, or is not presented in a proper way. The navigation is complex, misleading or has too many options which could easily distract the visitor. If that is the case you should seriously consider a revamp of your website. The CTA should be easy-to-understand, available at the right spot, and the user interface should be properly optimized to drag the visitors deep into the sales funnel.

Updates and Management is Difficult


Your marketing team wants to do frequent updates in the website content, they might want to create new landing pages or they simply want to change the Homepage banners, if for any reason the marketing team will have to rely on the development team or the vendor to do the basic and most frequent tasks on the website, this will discourage them to do the updates on the website and will make the website management way too difficult for your team. Most websites are developed either with a Content Management Software (CMS) or just static pages. Whatever the case is your marketing team should be able to manage and update the website with ease and comfort without any delay. If your website is hard to manage and update for your marketing team then you should consider a revamp with a powerful CMS so that your marketing team can perform regular tasks without any delay or dependency on any other department or vendor.

Security & Programming Issues


If your website is having programming issues which means it is showing some alien language like codes on the pages in some sections, or some buttons are misleading or not working, or any such sort of issue, then you must immediately get it fixed or do the revamp. If you only one or two bugs in the website that is fine but if more, than the revamp in the only solution. Broken links, visible code/programing errors, faulty buttons and distorted layout are the things that will repel your valuable visitors/prospects. If you notice any security breach on your website then you must immediately revamp your website as this could destroy your business’s reputation and can completely ruin your online marketing efforts.


If you notice any one of the above then you should seriously think to revamp your website. Make up a strategy to revamp your website. Try to identity all loose ends and areas where you are lacking. Evaluate your content strategy, the navigational structure, sales pitches, graphics and visual content, photos and everything. Prepare a plan for the customer journey and then build your user interface accordingly. Websites are not just a company brochure anymore but a powerful marketing tool. First of all, rectify all the major issues and do a revamp then keep on doing minor tweaks to keep your website up to date. This way your website will help to pour more into your online marketing funnel. If you found this hard to do then acquire a professional website designer in Dubai, UAE, such as RSI Concepts. Feel free to write us in the comment box if you have any query or feedback.

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10 Tips to Design a Website in UAE Market https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/10-tips-to-design-a-website-in-uae-market/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/10-tips-to-design-a-website-in-uae-market/#respond Wed, 02 Sep 2020 13:28:24 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6646 The Gulf in whole and the UAE, in particular, is a very competitive and healthy market for businesses. This is the reason I was compelled to write this blog. Although there are so many minor and major things that should be accounted for in this article we will enlist 10 tips to design a website… Continue reading 10 Tips to Design a Website in UAE Market

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The Gulf in whole and the UAE, in particular, is a very competitive and healthy market for businesses. This is the reason I was compelled to write this blog. Although there are so many minor and major things that should be accounted for in this article we will enlist 10 tips to design a website in the UAE market.

Before jumping straight into the topic I just wanted to ask you some questions:

  1. Can a visitor or stranger determine the nature of your business within the 4 to 5 seconds on landing on your homepage?
  2. Is your navigation easy enough to lead the visitor to the desired content within 2 or 3 clicks?
  3. Can a visitor notice your major products and services in the first glimpse?
  4. Is your tagline or taglines are attractive enough to take your prospect to the next step?
  5. What is the bounce rate of your website? Is it acceptable or high or maybe too high?

If your answers to those questions are not satisfactory then you need to have a serious look at your current web design if you want to excel in the UAE market.

Here are the 10 Tips to Design a Website in the UAE Market:

1. Develop a Strategy


You should develop a strategy and your strategy should be based on the customer journey. Better take feedback from your existing customers or get reviews from other people. The website should answer all the questions a prospect could have before converting into a customer. The content, the navigation, and all the information that you are planning to serve them are considered as the customer journey. You should lay down a path through which a prospect will lead to conversion.

2. Play around the Fold


You have a very short window of 5 to 8 seconds to convince a visitor that he/she can find the desired information in your website. So many studies showed that the people, in general, don’t prefer to explore further than the two screenfuls. The main landing screen or the very first screen a visitor views upon reaching your website is the most important and requires more planning and efforts than any other section of the web design.

3. Keep it Simple and Small


Always put precise content and information. There have been so many researches on Hick’s Law, which is that if you present fewer options to choose, the customers will buy more but if you provide them with more options the customers are less likely to make a purchase. Similar applies to web designs as well. If you provide them with too many similar products and services or packages and plans, they are less likely to convert.

4. Simple Navigation


Make your navigation more accessible and less complex. Avoid putting large lists on the menu. Try to use organize things in categories and sub-categories but tag them with easy-to-understand words/phrases. Avoid clicks and use scrolling. Arrange and organize the menu items, and various sections of the web design and try to maintain a continuous flow of information rather mixed and random information. We have noticed a huge rise in online conversions when we replaced our ordinary clickable navigation interface landing page with a 20 times longer scrollable navigation interface landing page.

5. Use Visual Aid to Direct the Attentions


The web design should guide and lead visitors through the customer journey. Everything should resonate and work in harmony in order to get the desired results. Web designers use various types of visual aids and graphical clues to direct visitors’ attention. There have been so many studies on this and they have found that the people tend to look into the same direction as they see other people looking into. Another ordinary but very important visual clue is to put arrows, or signs, or something and people will look more into the direction it is pointing to. Such things can be used to direct visitors through the desired customer journey.

6. Don’t Mind the White Spaces


Having white spaces is widely accepted now. Even minimalists web designs are also in trend these days. Never get afraid of the white spaces, in fact, most of the designers are using white spaces to highlight some design elements. The white space enhances the readability of web design. It also helps highlighting something, you can easily add weight to a certain design element or a tag or something adding white spaces around it. Though it is always suggested that overuse of white spaces will cause the visitors to lose interest in the web design.

7. Use Graphics Wisely


These days everyone is in a hurry and people tend to read less and love to view more. So, it is always suggested to use appropriate graphics, animations, photos and images to make your design more alive and interactive. People love to interact with other people, different studies suggested using a real person’s photo can boost online conversions instantly. But make sure whatever photo or animation or graphics you are using should be relevant, descriptive and well placed in the web design. Another very important thing to consider is the modern internet audience is very allergic to the stock photos, the brain can instantly distinguish between a real person’s real photo and a stock photo. So, it is always advised to use real photos instead of stock photos.

8. Never Compromise on Site Speed


This is the most neglected thing in the web design industry. Customer usually and the web designers very often neglect the website speed or page load time while designing web designs. But in reality, the page speed directly impacts everything from user experience, site bounce rate and online conversions, everything can be impacted heavily by site speed or page load time. If the website takes longer to load the users will simply leave it, even the search engine takes it as a negative and degrade such websites with higher load times.

9. Mobile Compatibility & Responsiveness


More than 90% of the population in UAE own a smartphone. Having your website optimized for smartphones compatibility or having a responsive web design is very important. As per numerous studies and researches almost 50 to 60 per cent users never return to the site if they face difficulties in viewing it in the smartphone. Having a responsive web design with a multi-lingual user interface and fast loading will always give you a competitive edge.

10. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly Web Design


Always prefer a search engine optimization (SEO) friendly web design approach. Everyone these days tries to find out the desired information from the search engines. Your website should be in-line with the search engine policies and requirements. Above mentioned factors are also help raising your ranks in the search engine results pages along with a strong backlinks profile, necessary meta tags and interlinking could help you score higher ranks in the search engine which could dramatically boost your sales.


Defining a user journey prior to the designing is very helpful in boosting user experience. The web design should be designed to serve a particular purpose rather just random information. The navigation, content, visual and graphics and everything should be strategically selected to boost customer journey and experience to achieve the online conversions goal. The web design should be responsive and smartphone compatible. You should never compromise on the site load time or page speed. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the key factor in generating a continuous stream of organic traffic to your website. Never hesitate to take the professional help of IT experts like RSI Concepts. If you have any question please feel free to approach us through the below comment box.

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Standard website development practices in UAE https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/standard-website-development-practices-in-uae/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/standard-website-development-practices-in-uae/#respond Sun, 09 Aug 2020 05:29:19 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6643 Website development is not an easy process today as there are many variables that can affect the features and functionality of the website you are trying to create. Just having a website running is not enough as to how well designed your website is will impact conversions and credibility. There are many web design standards… Continue reading Standard website development practices in UAE

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Website development is not an easy process today as there are many variables that can affect the features and functionality of the website you are trying to create. Just having a website running is not enough as to how well designed your website is will impact conversions and credibility. There are many web design standards and web development best practices that should be considered when creating a website. We will take a look at website development in UAE and standard practices that are followed in Web Design Dubai.

There are many web development companies in the UAE that design website that offer the ideal user experience. We are one of the best web development company in Dubai that follow best web development practices and focus on creating aesthetically pleasing websites that also serve your business requirements.

Consistent Branding


Branding is a fine art. In Web Design Dubai, customers are largely influenced by consistent and sleek branding on a website. Web development companies in the UAE generally need to put an emphasis on conveying the organization’s intent through elegant branding that speaks to the customer.

Websites that lack consistent branding will often confuse customers and lead to higher bounce rates. Therefore, in the rulebook of web design standards, good branding plays a key role.

Your website should have clean code


Being the best web development company in Dubai, we always ensure that the coding on websites is clear and comprehensible. A website’s code is its backbone, so in Web Design Dubai, proper coding with the right amount of testing is key to maintaining the performance and usability of a website. The badly coded website often causes errors and other problems that affect the overall user experience. The underlying website code should follow the latest web design standards and also be easily modifiable for future improvements.

Simple and seamless navigation


People visiting your website should be able to find what they are looking for with minimum effort. The navigation scheme of a website is usually dependant on its complexity. In a fast-paced environment like Dubai, a web design company Dubai should take care to implement a visual, responsive and scalable navigation system for client websites.

Proper content strategy and image optimization


One of the most important best web development practices that all web development companies in UAE should follow is to implement a proper content strategy and optimize the images appearing on a website. The content should be structured keeping the audience in mind. Instead of long paragraphs that customers may not have the time or patience to read, the more recent trend that the best web development company in Dubai should implement is included short content that prompts users towards a CTA and leads to a conversion.

Similarly, another one of web design best practices is to optimize images for fast loading but also not compromise on quality.

A good website should be mobile responsive 


Recent statistics indicate that more than 90% of internet users in the UAE use their mobile phones to browse the internet, and over 50% actually prefer to browse on their smartphones than desktops. This opens up a huge market of mobile users. Perhaps the most important web design practice that must be followed in Web Design Dubai is to make the website mobile responsive. A mobile-optimized website is not just important for the end-user experience, but also important for SEO purposes as well. Search engines usually reward websites that are mobile-friendly by ranking them better in search results.

Prioritize local SEO during development


Implementing basic SEO like proper page titles and optimizations can take away a lot of effort later on once your website is launched. Small tweaks like faster loading times and proper tags can go a long way in getting the new website ranking once it is launched.  

In Web Design Dubai, a standard practice that a web design company Dubai can implement is to optimize for local SEO that will allow the website to rank for local searches within UAE.

Proper Testing and Quality Control


Before launching any website, it should be professionally tested for bugs and issues that could hamper the user experience. Quality control is necessary to follow universal security standards and safeguard the website against malware attacks. This is especially important if you are developing an e-commerce website because of transactions involving personal and financial data.

Your customers’ safety is always a huge priority, and therefore a website should be properly tested before launch.

Choose the right domain


Even if a website looks impressive, the domain URL plays a crucial role in getting visitors to the website. As part of Web Design Dubai standard practices, a domain name should be chosen considering the human perspective, brand perspective, and SEO perspective.

Human perspective means that the domain URL should be easy to read, remember, and type.

Brand perspective means that the URL should reflect what the website is about like the name of the company. For an organization based in UAE, a domain extension with .ae might be more useful.

SEO perspective means that it should contain the right, relevant business keywords.

Hosting and Deployment


When it comes to selecting a host and deploying the website, a standard practice in website development in UAE is to select the right host that meets the requirement of the website. The decision depends on how fast the website should load, scalability, the scope of technical support offered by the hosting provider etc. Without proper deployment, a website will not run efficiently and can delay ROI on the development investment.

So, these are some of the web design and development best practices in the UAE when creating a website. Web development companies in the UAE follow these standards to give their clients the best possible realization of their requirement. As the best web development company in Dubai, we give our clients web development services that follow the latest standards in quality and usability.

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Why a Multilingual Website is required in Dubai? https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/why-a-multilingual-website-is-required-in-dubai/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/why-a-multilingual-website-is-required-in-dubai/#respond Tue, 04 Aug 2020 04:31:15 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6639 Why a multilingual website is required in Dubai? If you are a business operating in UAE, no matter if you operate as B2B or B2C you must have to be culturally sensitive. You must portray a trustworthy and customer-centric image of your business. This will help you achieve your marketing goals and online sales/conversions target.… Continue reading Why a Multilingual Website is required in Dubai?

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Why a multilingual website is required in Dubai? If you are a business operating in UAE, no matter if you operate as B2B or B2C you must have to be culturally sensitive. You must portray a trustworthy and customer-centric image of your business. This will help you achieve your marketing goals and online sales/conversions target. The multilingual websites also help businesses to reach out to the extended audience which could give them an edge over their competitors.

There are two ways to build multilingual websites, one is to have a separate standalone version of the website in multiple languages and the second way is to install translation plugins such as Google Translate. The best approach is to have a separate version for different languages because some languages could start from left-hand-side and some could start from right-hand-side so this could sometime distort the design, so having separate pages perfectly optimized for the language is always the best approach. Another issue with the translation plugin is that it is not as that precise and sometimes it mistranslates the words and phrases.

In this blog we will enlist the advantages of having a multilingual website:

Access to the broader market


Having a multilingual website expand your targeted market to a whole new community. This could help you reach out with thousands of new customers who were not been able to reach you earlier. So, it could boost your online sales/conversions instantly.



Multilingual websites are more trustworthy than only English language websites. People feel a sense of care and importance if a website is available in their native language. Companies who have added new languages showed an instant increase in their online sales/leads.

Culturally Sensitive


Having a website in the native language helps businesses overcome the cultural barriers among the different community. The online users feel comfortable in navigating through the information in their native languages. This also provides a better understanding and helps to boost brand awareness.

Competitive Edge


A multilingual website provides a competitive edge and a better understanding of the business if designed properly. The content must not necessarily the exact translation of the main language but it could be re-written minding the targeted audiences.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO


Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a very important aspect of digital marketing and online brand identity. Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo always prefer the multilingual websites and it also helps to reach out to people who are searching in their native languages.


If you are operating in Dubai, UAE then you must have to understand what kind of audience you want to target and what are your online marketing goals and objectives? If you are serving the local community and businesses then you must understand there are two dominant audiences in UAE, one type of audience prefers the English language and the other prefers the Arabic language. So, if you want to boost your sales/leads form your website then at least you should have your website in English and Arabic language. The Government and big industry usually deal in both English and Arabic languages so these two are very important to have.

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Future of eCommerce industry in UAE https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/future-of-ecommerce-industry-in-uae/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/future-of-ecommerce-industry-in-uae/#respond Tue, 28 Jul 2020 05:02:59 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=6632 The future of eCommerce industry in UAE is very promising. In fact the year 2019 was the year with rapid expansion in eCommerce and since the beginning of 2020, most of the retails have shifted to eCommerce. The massive digitalization, internet access for more than 90% of the population and current scenario contributed a lot… Continue reading Future of eCommerce industry in UAE

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The future of eCommerce industry in UAE is very promising. In fact the year 2019 was the year with rapid expansion in eCommerce and since the beginning of 2020, most of the retails have shifted to eCommerce. The massive digitalization, internet access for more than 90% of the population and current scenario contributed a lot in the eCommerce revolution. Another thing is the payment security, anti-fraud measures and government’s policies are the key factors to build up trust in the eCommerce sector. The UAE has emerged as the most paying per individual country in the MENA region and it is all because of the customer protection policies, and security standards implemented by the government of the United Arab Emirates.

The population of the United Arab Emirates

A large part of the population in UAE comprises of the digital-native millennial generations, who always prefer to stay connected and need on-demand based instant solutions. Which also cause a continuous growth in the online shopping and eCommerce industry over the last 5 years. Another important factor was the rise in the electronic transactions, like online banking, online payments, debit/credit cards and eWallets. These all contributed and supported the eCommerce sector in UAE.

Proactive and Supportive Government Policies

Due to the proactive and supportive government policies, there are so many eCommerce platforms flourished over the past few years and form a very competitive consumer-friendly eco-system. This is also another reason for such unprecedented growth in the eCommerce and online shopping. The banking and financial system of the country is also very supportive for both eCommerce businesses and the consumer too.

The Logistics

Along with all that, another most important sector which supported the eCommerce industry in UAE is the logistics. The United Arab Emirates is the most developed country in terms of modern infrastructure and the network of roads and highways. So, logistics was not an issue at all. Amid the recent crises, most of the popular eCommerce online shopping sites have started offering same-day delivery services which can only be done if the logistics and transportation sector is supportive. This is another reason the eCommerce businesses and startups are very confident in operating in the country.

Banking Sector

Moreover, the banking sector was also very supportive and all the banks in the country have implemented modern technologies and payment processing protocols to support online transactions. Now the eCommerce businesses and merchandisers can team up with so many different banks and online payment processing networks simultaneously. This results in a very healthy and competitive environment which directly benefits the consumers by lowering down the transaction fee and other costs.


The modern infrastructure, massive logistics and transportation networks, online payment security, supportive financial sector, government policies, consumer protection measures, internet availability and high buying power contributes in the rapid growth of the eCommerce sector in UAE. As the current stats suggest the eCommerce and online shopping sector will keep growing and the future of the eCommerce industry in UAE is brighter than any other conventional eCommerce market such as the US and China. If you want to invest in the eCommerce sector this is the time to jump in. If you are already a merchant or trader you should take the ride too because all the projections are suggesting that in coming future the eCommerce will definitely overgrow the conventional retail sector.

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