SEO Dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Tue, 15 Jun 2021 09:26:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SEO Dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 10 Tips to Design a Website in UAE Market Wed, 02 Sep 2020 13:28:24 +0000 The Gulf in whole and the UAE, in particular, is a very competitive and healthy market for businesses. This is the reason I was compelled to write this blog. Although there are so many minor and major things that should be accounted for in this article we will enlist 10 tips to design a website… Continue reading 10 Tips to Design a Website in UAE Market

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The Gulf in whole and the UAE, in particular, is a very competitive and healthy market for businesses. This is the reason I was compelled to write this blog. Although there are so many minor and major things that should be accounted for in this article we will enlist 10 tips to design a website in the UAE market.

Before jumping straight into the topic I just wanted to ask you some questions:

  1. Can a visitor or stranger determine the nature of your business within the 4 to 5 seconds on landing on your homepage?
  2. Is your navigation easy enough to lead the visitor to the desired content within 2 or 3 clicks?
  3. Can a visitor notice your major products and services in the first glimpse?
  4. Is your tagline or taglines are attractive enough to take your prospect to the next step?
  5. What is the bounce rate of your website? Is it acceptable or high or maybe too high?

If your answers to those questions are not satisfactory then you need to have a serious look at your current web design if you want to excel in the UAE market.

Here are the 10 Tips to Design a Website in the UAE Market:

1. Develop a Strategy


You should develop a strategy and your strategy should be based on the customer journey. Better take feedback from your existing customers or get reviews from other people. The website should answer all the questions a prospect could have before converting into a customer. The content, the navigation, and all the information that you are planning to serve them are considered as the customer journey. You should lay down a path through which a prospect will lead to conversion.

2. Play around the Fold


You have a very short window of 5 to 8 seconds to convince a visitor that he/she can find the desired information in your website. So many studies showed that the people, in general, don’t prefer to explore further than the two screenfuls. The main landing screen or the very first screen a visitor views upon reaching your website is the most important and requires more planning and efforts than any other section of the web design.

3. Keep it Simple and Small


Always put precise content and information. There have been so many researches on Hick’s Law, which is that if you present fewer options to choose, the customers will buy more but if you provide them with more options the customers are less likely to make a purchase. Similar applies to web designs as well. If you provide them with too many similar products and services or packages and plans, they are less likely to convert.

4. Simple Navigation


Make your navigation more accessible and less complex. Avoid putting large lists on the menu. Try to use organize things in categories and sub-categories but tag them with easy-to-understand words/phrases. Avoid clicks and use scrolling. Arrange and organize the menu items, and various sections of the web design and try to maintain a continuous flow of information rather mixed and random information. We have noticed a huge rise in online conversions when we replaced our ordinary clickable navigation interface landing page with a 20 times longer scrollable navigation interface landing page.

5. Use Visual Aid to Direct the Attentions


The web design should guide and lead visitors through the customer journey. Everything should resonate and work in harmony in order to get the desired results. Web designers use various types of visual aids and graphical clues to direct visitors’ attention. There have been so many studies on this and they have found that the people tend to look into the same direction as they see other people looking into. Another ordinary but very important visual clue is to put arrows, or signs, or something and people will look more into the direction it is pointing to. Such things can be used to direct visitors through the desired customer journey.

6. Don’t Mind the White Spaces


Having white spaces is widely accepted now. Even minimalists web designs are also in trend these days. Never get afraid of the white spaces, in fact, most of the designers are using white spaces to highlight some design elements. The white space enhances the readability of web design. It also helps highlighting something, you can easily add weight to a certain design element or a tag or something adding white spaces around it. Though it is always suggested that overuse of white spaces will cause the visitors to lose interest in the web design.

7. Use Graphics Wisely


These days everyone is in a hurry and people tend to read less and love to view more. So, it is always suggested to use appropriate graphics, animations, photos and images to make your design more alive and interactive. People love to interact with other people, different studies suggested using a real person’s photo can boost online conversions instantly. But make sure whatever photo or animation or graphics you are using should be relevant, descriptive and well placed in the web design. Another very important thing to consider is the modern internet audience is very allergic to the stock photos, the brain can instantly distinguish between a real person’s real photo and a stock photo. So, it is always advised to use real photos instead of stock photos.

8. Never Compromise on Site Speed


This is the most neglected thing in the web design industry. Customer usually and the web designers very often neglect the website speed or page load time while designing web designs. But in reality, the page speed directly impacts everything from user experience, site bounce rate and online conversions, everything can be impacted heavily by site speed or page load time. If the website takes longer to load the users will simply leave it, even the search engine takes it as a negative and degrade such websites with higher load times.

9. Mobile Compatibility & Responsiveness


More than 90% of the population in UAE own a smartphone. Having your website optimized for smartphones compatibility or having a responsive web design is very important. As per numerous studies and researches almost 50 to 60 per cent users never return to the site if they face difficulties in viewing it in the smartphone. Having a responsive web design with a multi-lingual user interface and fast loading will always give you a competitive edge.

10. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly Web Design


Always prefer a search engine optimization (SEO) friendly web design approach. Everyone these days tries to find out the desired information from the search engines. Your website should be in-line with the search engine policies and requirements. Above mentioned factors are also help raising your ranks in the search engine results pages along with a strong backlinks profile, necessary meta tags and interlinking could help you score higher ranks in the search engine which could dramatically boost your sales.


Defining a user journey prior to the designing is very helpful in boosting user experience. The web design should be designed to serve a particular purpose rather just random information. The navigation, content, visual and graphics and everything should be strategically selected to boost customer journey and experience to achieve the online conversions goal. The web design should be responsive and smartphone compatible. You should never compromise on the site load time or page speed. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the key factor in generating a continuous stream of organic traffic to your website. Never hesitate to take the professional help of IT experts like RSI Concepts. If you have any question please feel free to approach us through the below comment box.

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Top 5 WordPress Content Writing Hacks to Boost SEO Mon, 03 Aug 2015 06:21:21 +0000 PART OF OUR SEO DUBAI TREND SERIES Without doubt, writing SEO optimized content for WordPress is one of the most challenging tasks for any writer. As a part of our SEO Dubai Trend Series, this blog has been written with content writers as focus! We give you 5 WordPress hacks which will help you come… Continue reading Top 5 WordPress Content Writing Hacks to Boost SEO

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Without doubt, writing SEO optimized content for WordPress is one of the most challenging tasks for any writer. As a part of our SEO Dubai Trend Series, this blog has been written with content writers as focus! We give you 5 WordPress hacks which will help you come up with content which will also be SEO friendly! Read on!

Tip 1: Ergo: Smart way to establish harmony between your left and right parts of the brain!

Ergo is an amazing tool for writers to use! Seriously! The tool literally blanks out everything on your screen except the text book. So your brain is not pulled between the need to write and the urge to look at the peripheries which play host to a variety of options! Use Ergo and wham your concentration catapults! You are no longer going all over your Word Press window!

Tip 2: Custom post option for easy planning of content flow

Now if you have to write multiple posts with similar or the same set of side headings or labels for WordPress (which we always do many a time!), Custom post is the option for you. It helps you to template the format of any kind of article. You can pre-define the headings, side-headings, and completely template an article format in order to save a lot of time and effort. It definitely increases your productivity and efficiency!

Tip 3: WordPress link search help: take it!

Follow this instruction: Ctrl+K >Insert/Edit Link> Under URL and Title boxes click on Or link to existing content and whoosh, an entire list of posts and pages appear based on your topic. You can sift through these and choose and pick the ones to reference. Now this hack saves you so much time! Imagine if you have written a 750+ worded article and need to find references by yourself. That is a lot of work as you have to search and filter, and then reference.

Tip 4:Em Dash: WordPress has it!

We know that as a content writer, you are in love with the em dash (-). Search Engine Optimized content usually ends up containing the em dash at multiple places. So are you one of those who keep a Microsoft window open and copy pastes an em dash whenever you type on WordPress? Ok we have good news for you! Word Press creates an em dash if you enter the secret code! Just type three of the em dashes and lo behold!

Tip 5: Photo Plugins: easy ways to find photos inside WordPress

Instead of dashing now and then to other sites to search for photos, you can choose to download photo plug-ins such as FooBox or Flickr and get photos without moving out of WordPress.

Use these five hacks to optimize your time spent on WordPress! Write SEO optimized content and stay ahead of the marketing trends. Happy Writing!

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How to Build Links to Increase Leads: SEO Dubai Strategy Wed, 29 Apr 2015 10:54:01 +0000 In today’s SEO dominated cyber world, link building holds a definitive key for the popularity of a site. A link, as is the literal meaning of the word, is the connection made to your website through another website. This means that users of other websites see your site on the other site and visit your… Continue reading How to Build Links to Increase Leads: SEO Dubai Strategy

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In today’s SEO dominated cyber world, link building holds a definitive key for the popularity of a site. A link, as is the literal meaning of the word, is the connection made to your website through another website. This means that users of other websites see your site on the other site and visit your web page through them.   A link also means that your web page has some website addresses through which your users visit another page. It works both ways! Link building is extremely essential as it paves the way for more visitors to visit your site. When visitors from another web page come to your page, they do so with more confidence as another web page will not feature you if your web site is not adding value.
Further, search engines algorithms consider both inbound and outbound links to rank pages. The more the links, the higher is the rank.

Effective Link Building Strategy is Critical for Regional SEO – Dubai

Given that links are so important, the premise of this blog is to help you know how you can build links using your SEO Dubai strategy.

Pay heed to Content Marketing

Your SEO Dubai strategy must incorporate smart content marketing plans to increase and build links.  Also your content should have and add value to the sea of content available online. When the content you feature makes sense, is readable, and not copied, more readers will share and hence link building will happen automatically. Further, your website will become more SEO friendly. Ensure that your regularly feature content as blogs, newsletters, press releases, white papers, and case studies. Make the content exciting and inviting. The content should act as a lever for you to pull people into reading and sharing. By smartly marketing good content across various social media platforms, you can really enhance the links to your site.

Craft for Building a Brand Image

Your SEO Dubai strategy for link building must be crafted and executed for creating a band image for your portal or organization. Every SEO effort you take must be pivoted around making and etching that brand image. Online users should be able to associate a particular brand and value to your portal. The content and marketing strategy should be tailored around the same. Think, deliberate, decide, and then embark on a SEO Dubai campaign, only after the brand image to be created is clear in your mind. What you perceive, you can convey!

Images for SEO

Incorporating images in your SEO strategy is a clincher because just words get boring for readers. Images or info-graphics with succinct words conveying the essence capture attention faster. They also get shared quickly across social media platforms, which immediately translate to link building. Hence always choose and showcase pictures with care. Images can also indirectly help online users associate your brand with certain kinds of pictures or images.

Link building is paramount for an SEO Dubai plan of action aimed at catapulting the popularity of a site. Use these tips and reap links as rewards!

Disclaimer: All graphics/images are copyright to their respective owner unless stated otherwise. If you are the owner or you want to remove any of the graphic/image from this page please contact us HERE.

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Tips to Design SEO Friendly eCommerce Websites in Dubai – UAE Tue, 28 Apr 2015 12:41:59 +0000 eCommerce websites in Dubai are on the rise with the evolution in online shopping all around the UAE. The need to have a web design which is SEO friendly, hence, becomes paramount, as more and more shoppers tend to find sites online. An intrinsically SEO friendly web design will result in cost and time savings… Continue reading Tips to Design SEO Friendly eCommerce Websites in Dubai – UAE

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eCommerce websites in Dubai are on the rise with the evolution in online shopping all around the UAE. The need to have a web design which is SEO friendly, hence, becomes paramount, as more and more shoppers tend to find sites online. An intrinsically SEO friendly web design will result in cost and time savings for the portal owner. This blog of ours provides three tips to design SEO friendly eCommerce sites in general and specifically the current trends among the web design companies in Dubai. You can request a free quote or get suggestions from RSI Concepts’ Web Design Dubai team.

Tip 1: Pay attention to URL structure and information flow of the site right from the beginning

Even before you begin the development of your eCommerce portal, pay attention to the URL structure and information flow of your website. Get the SEO expert to work in tandem with the web designer and information architecture specialist who have enough knowledge of the behaviour of online shoppers in Dubai and UAE. This way, right from the beginning, the website is aligned towards being SEO friendly and also optimizes on many resources.

Most of the shoppers are diverting to eCommerce sites and the online shopping is becoming an industry in UAE.

You can consult with one of our expert from our SEO Dubai team, contact us to get free suggestions. Information flow from each page to other pages, and user friendly features like filters should make the website easily navigable and not mar the usability aspect. Any deterrent to the usability of a site will negatively impact the SEO friendliness of an eCommerce portal.

Tip 2: Avoid repeated content within the site and say no to plagiarism!

Many a time it so happens, that the same content gets repeated at multiple places on an eCommerce portal. Web designers are not content experts and hence just mindlessly place the content without thought. Repeated content is a big detriment for SEO friendliness. Give enough attention and place suitable content which adds value to the site and if you are having an eCommerce site in Dubai – UAE and have multiple languages then you must index each language properly to prevent duplications.

Anything which adds value to a site increases its SEO friendliness. Plagiarised content is a big no-no! No search engine likes copied content. Plagiarism defeats the very purpose of the existence of your eCommerce portal and will prove to be a big detriment.  If you do not spend on writing authentic content now, you will pay the price in the future. It will become a case of penny wise pound foolish.

Tip 3: Good Product Detailing

Being an eCommerce website owner in Dubai, your products are your USP. You have to be paying attention to how they are featured as they will be grabbing the attention of your buyers. Good eCommerce portals always have a very succinct and clear product description for every product on their site. They feature multiple high resolution images of the product taken at various angles to let the buyer have as real an idea about the product dimensions and actuality.

Neatly listing the pros and cons of the product, and highlighting its unique aspects will go a long way in increasing the SEO friendliness of an eCommerce portal. The web design should inherently keep product detailing and product pages as an important aspect while coming up with the page flows.

The web design of an eCommerce portal should keep these three pointers in mind as they help an eCommerce portal intuitively be aligned towards being SEO friendly. When the web design is SEO friendly, optimization for semantic search becomes easy and less cumbersome. Here I would like to mention that most of the present day search engines works on semantic search and prefer those sites that have structured data. RSI Web Design Dubai team and SEO team work together to provide our customer the best eCommerce solution keeping the budget and other limitations in mind.

Was this useful? Let us know!

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Responsive Web Design Thu, 05 Feb 2015 11:21:53 +0000 Smartphone Application, Mobile Site and Responsive Web Design are considered to be a key to success in modern digital marketing and branding industry! All the mobile app and website development and responsive web design companies in Dubai are facing cut-throat competition and with the increasing use of smartphone, tablets, mobile internet and smartphone app users,… Continue reading Responsive Web Design

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Smartphone Application, Mobile Site and Responsive Web Design are considered to be a key to success in modern digital marketing and branding industry!

All the mobile app and website development and responsive web design companies in Dubai are facing cut-throat competition and with the increasing use of smartphone, tablets, mobile internet and smartphone app users, challenges are myriad. Hence we design the best mobile solutions for your business exclusively targeting your mobile phone users. Mobile web access has been a dominating trend in the present market and our mobile solution comprises of responsive web design, mobile version and smartphone application development.

Current Market Trends

With a relatively higher use of internet, mobile phones and mobile site and apps, request for the DSL line numbers are also growing rapidly. In a country that is becoming internet savvy with growing time, businesses can’t afford to miss out creating mobile versions of their websites that let consumers interact with their favorite brand or preferred service anytime.Information and services regarding Expo 2020 can be accessed on your mobile phones and through android apps. We also design for the Dubai Expo 2020.

RSI Mobile Solutions and Responsive Web Design in Dubai

Our mobile solutions team not just understands the expectations of your target market from your website’s mobile version but also ensures that your design works really well on the smaller screens and even on the slower connections, letting your prospects instantly connect with your brand anytime and anywhere.

Our mobile solutions and responsive web design services are aimed at providing your consumers with higher freedom and flexibility in the way they ultimately communicate with you. No matter what the platform is, we ensure that the mode of interaction is the best. Our focus is on empowering mobile site users through user-centric mobile solutions. List of Smartphone (BlackBerry, iPhone, Android and Windows Phone) should also be included here. We also consider security risks and the challenges involved with the use of these devices and apps.

We also see to it that your mobile site works well on the slower connections too. Our mobile applications development services are designed to help you generate revenue, sales and gain benefits through decent mobile experience.

We make all the difference making your services accessible on the go and without fuss!

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Online Marketing and SEO Thu, 05 Feb 2015 07:59:14 +0000 Online Marketing Branding and Search Engine Optimization can be yours best Marketing Strategy in Today’s Digital World At RSI Concepts our SEO Dubai team offers such search engine optimization strategies that businesses can use as their vital promotion tools. We first understand your goals and analyze your business model and only then proceed. With a good reputation of… Continue reading Online Marketing and SEO

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Online Marketing Branding and Search Engine Optimization can be yours best Marketing Strategy in Today’s Digital World

At RSI Concepts our SEO Dubai team offers such search engine optimization strategies that businesses can use as their vital promotion tools. We first understand your goals and analyze your business model and only then proceed. With a good reputation of being a dedicated and professional SEO, branding and marketing team in Dubai, our aim is not just to help your website stay ahead of competition. We also focus on building long-term relations with our clients and keep them informed at each stage. We believe in helping you stay ahead of the game even amidst dynamic changing trends in the world of online marketing.

Our SEO Dubai Service is a cost effective solution for your marketing needs
Our SEO services in Dubai include guidelines by the Google webmaster since they affect search activity and website rankings hugely. We don’t really spam and rather believe in staying away from SEO tricks that are meant to damage your website’s reputation which means we believe in fair game and facing healthy challenges. If you are receiving impressive results from our SEO campaign efforts, that’s not without our legitimate marketing strategies put into use. Bringing your online business the right kind of exposure is our top priority.

Digital Branding and Online Marketing

We, at RSI Concepts work to engender confidence in your consumers regarding your brand. Our online marketing and branding team takes your business to the next level by putting your corporate identity first. We develop your brand and business through multiple digital channels and social communities online. We take care of your potential customers and the existing ones too and we do it with full conviction and complete responsibility. We are experts in online marketing and branding with a complete range of creative and strategic branding strategies for your online audiences. Our Web Design Dubai team works very closely with client to fulfill the demand of the client, hence ensure satisfactory services.

Our team can help your brand communicate and we also inform you about how people are talking about your brand online. Our strategies are not just traffic oriented but also brand value oriented. We don’t spam and we work tirelessly to promote your business through exclusive online branding techniques. We encourage transparency and hence keeping you informed at each stage is our responsibility. Our pricing is one of the best in the industry and we respect your financial limitations like no one else.

RSI Marketing and SEO Dubai Services

Ours is a full-fledged online marketing branding and SEO package in Dubai based on the expectations of your target market and needs of your business. Our online marketing campaigns focus on everything that can make websites user friendly and search engine friendly, be it rich content, good design, improved accessibility and so on.

Our online marketing strategy is teamed with technology and dedication without compromising on quality at any stage. Moreover, we encourage transparency and take up all possible activities that can lift your website’s visibility in search engine rankings.

Social Media Marketing and Social Networking

Our social media marketing team gets your conversations going, creates and handles your social media accounts and strengthens your brand image. We also do social bookmarking, social media optimization, etc for you.

Paid Marketing – Google Adwords, PPC, CPC and Social Media Ads

Our paid per click services are the soul of our CPC and PPC campaign. We also promote your business through facebook ads. We work according to your marketing budgets and the concept of our paid marketing service is simple – pay for your results. Our paid marketing services aim at promoting your brand, services and products in the most innovative way.  Our paid marketing strategies aim at driving traffic to your page and helping your website rank higher in search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.

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