Expo 2020 Dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/expo-2020-dubai/ RSI Concepts Blog Mon, 14 Mar 2022 05:44:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-RSI-Concepts-Logo-32x32.jpg Expo 2020 Dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/expo-2020-dubai/ 32 32 Prepare your Web Design for Expo 2020 and Attract More Online Leads https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/prepare-your-web-design-for-expo-2020-and-attract-more-online-leads/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/prepare-your-web-design-for-expo-2020-and-attract-more-online-leads/#respond Mon, 14 Mar 2022 05:44:36 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/?p=8031 The Expo 2020 is a mega event in Dubai, UAE. It has attracted huge numbers of investors and new businesses and it is still going on. Apart from that there are a huge number of visitors who are looking to explore new markets to strengthen their supply chain or to establish business relationships within local… Continue reading Prepare your Web Design for Expo 2020 and Attract More Online Leads

The post Prepare your Web Design for Expo 2020 and Attract More Online Leads appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The Expo 2020 is a mega event in Dubai, UAE. It has attracted huge numbers of investors and new businesses and it is still going on. Apart from that there are a huge number of visitors who are looking to explore new markets to strengthen their supply chain or to establish business relationships within local industries. For businesses who are located in Dubai or anywhere else in UAE this is a huge opportunity to generate more leads and increase their revenue. The Dubai Expo 2020 is attracting millions of visitors from all over the world. The chances are all those visitors will try to explore the other parts of the country as well, but not all of them might be able to reach to or around your location. However, one thing is certain, whoever is coming for the Expo 2020 must be using internet, surfing and searching for local businesses and local opportunities. This is when your website comes in to the play. If your website is well designed and is properly optimized for online lead generations, there is a great chance that these visitors could reach you through your website.

Prepare your Web Design for Expo 2020 and Attract More Online Leads

There would be so many other businesses especially your competitor who will be doing the same. Everyone wants to grow and avail an opportunity and opportunities like Dubai Expo 2020 are not ordinary, so everyone else would also be working on their website. In such scenario it is crucial to stand out of the crowd and be more visible and proactive in your approach and strategy. You will be needing all the available marketing and psychological triggers in your website which could convert a website visitors into a genuine online leads. For most of the marketers the top priority is to convert leads, however, the biggest challenge they face is online lead generation. For that the businesses invest in digital marketing efforts, which is a best strategy to generate online leads. However, if the web design and your digital marketing strategies are not aligned, the chances are you end up with lower conversion rate and less leads.

Prepare your Web Design for Expo 2020 and Attract More Online Leads

The question is how a web design can help businesses to attract more online leads while leveraging the Dubai Expo 2020 event and a huge number of new visitors. In this blog we will cover the major aspects of a web design which make your website more user friendly and aligned with the modern digital marketing trends to help you generating more online leads.

Effectively Communicate Value Proposition

No matter how good you are at your services and products, or customer support, when it comes to the website and online leads, the most important thing is the value proposition. Businesses should understand that the visitors who are coming to your website must be seeking something. The online leads can only be generated if you will provide them what they are looking for. No user will stay on your website if they think your website will not be able to benefit them. People will only keep reading through your content and/or clicking to your landing pages, or submitting a contact form if they think this will help them or benefit them in some way. That is what we called value proposition. The value proposition tells your website visitors what they should expect or what they can get from your business. If the value proposition is conveyed clearly and conveniently only then a website visitor will convert into an online lead.

Effectively Communicate Value Proposition

The value proposition must explain the visitor how you can solve their problem by highlighting the benefits of doing business with you or acquiring your services/products or making purchase from your website. The value proposition must also include key points that distinguishes you from the rest of the herd. Preparing the content and mentioning everything on the website is not as that difficult, however, when a user is on your website, attracting their attentions towards these key points is a difficult task. A good web design present these key selling points in a way that they remain highlighted and more visible. This can be achieved with various design techniques, such as fonts, color scheme, backgrounds, images, pointers, and various visual effects. Another important thing to understand is that the users are usually not interested in reading long essays, in fact they like short descriptions, taglines, highlights, lists and multimedia content. The web design help businesses to easily and effectively communicate their value proposition which translates into online leads and conversions.

Provide Excellent User Experience and Customer Journey

An excellent user experience is a key to online leads. If your website visitors are delighted with their experience they will convert and they will provide you the lead info. If they are not satisfied, they will simply move to the next website. The entire user experience is majorly based on the web design. Small changes in the web design could completely make or break your user experience. A good user experience is defined by the user’s convenient and ease of accessing information. The user journey is also part of the user experience, for example your user journey starts with sharing information about the product or service, then you take the user to next step where you highlight the features you are offering, then you show them trust markers and tell them how you are different from others, then comes the CTA, where user clicks and either they register or provide lead info or make a purchase. Businesses can leverage web design to improve customer journey and their experience while they are browsing through the website.

Provide Excellent User Experience and Customer Journey

A good web design effectively use white spaces to highlight the key information, moreover other visual effects are used to keep the user engaged in the content to let them absorb more information. Which will eventually encourage them to convert into an online lead. The CTA or call to action button, hyperlinks, lists, images, symbols, icons, headlines, simple enquiry forms, navigational components, menu, widgets, sliders, info-graphics and a lot many such web design elements can be used to enhance user experience and customer journey. The aim of any web page is to take the user from a pre-designed user journey and make every step impactful which will influence them to convert into an online lead. No matter how good information and content you are using if your web design is not supportive the online lead generation will be very hard. A good business oriented web design enhances user experience and it simplifies the user journey which leads to huge growth in online leads and conversions.

Make your CTA More Desirable

The CTA means Call to Action. It is used to describe an action that a user must have to take in order to obtain the full benefits of your web page. The website users in general are very familiar with visual cues and they use them to identify which content is important from the rest, hence they focus more on such content, when a user focus on a content, then their expectations also raised and they expect something from the website to provide from that particular area of the web page. A good web design always place call to action or CTA where it is most anticipated. A single page can also have more than one CTA buttons which can increase the chances of clicks and increase online leads. The size of the button the colors and the font on it as well as the background is dictated by the web design and its design theme. Several studies have shown that a business can witness somewhere from 8% to 35% increase in the online leads by simply tweaking the color and message of the CTA button. The font size, color, style and the actual message have huge effects on the click rate. Furthermore using different call to action in different areas of the page can also boost the online leads and conversions.

Make your CTA More Desirable

Enhance Brand Image and Brand Identity

A good business oriented web design always build a good brand identity and brand image. A modern day website acts as a salesman who is available 24/7, hence it can be turned into a valuable asset. That is why the online brand identity and online brand image is so critical for a business. The brand identity is basically a part visual and a part personality of the business. A bank’s website always look different from a cartoon or game’s website, which is a huge distinction in the look and feel and it is majorly done by using the web design techniques. Same is applicable for business websites as well. The web design builds your first impression. If you want to generate more online leads from your website, then you must have to build a first impression that can last longer and have positive effects on your website visitors. If a user gets a positive first impression, they will absorb the content of the website with a positive mindset. Which help you build a positive brand image.

Enhance Brand Image and Brand Identity

Color schemes have a huge impact on the visitors, the color can evoke the emotions and feelings, for example, the black color and gold color represents luxury and royalty, however, the yellow and orange colors represents youthfulness and non-seriousness or funny emotions, that is the reason major luxury brand utilize dark more often than light or shocking color schemes. A web design must also follow the color scheme of the brand logo, as the brand’s logo is the pinnacle of the brand identity and the rest of everything just flows down from it. The web design should be able to represent the personality of the brand logo. That is done by adopting the color schemes, geometry and graphical personality of the logo in the web design. The white spaces are crucial in any business oriented web design.

Enhance Brand Image and Brand Identity

A good web design use white spaces wisely to project and highlight the important content and functionalities. The content whether textual or multimedia is considered to be the backbone of the web design. If your content is not suitable or is not fully synchronized with the web design. The content highlights, taglines, paragraphs, images and videos should be inserted in the web design in a way that they look the part of the design, instead creating and impression of an overlay. The color contrast, font size and the image place-holders, color pallets, visual effects, interactive features, and everything build user interface, the user interfaces impacts on the user experience. A good user experience results in a good brand identity and a bad user experience means bad brand image.

Leverage the Power of Search Engine (SEO)

The search engine optimization or SEO is a technique to make your website and web pages aligned with the standards of the search engine. Mainly Google is used as the reference point when it comes to search engine optimization. The Google have almost 96% of search market share in UAE. These days’ people tend to search everything and anything online. For any business who is seeking to boost their online leads, it is extremely important to leverage the search engines. The Google and all other search engines works on almost same methods, a search engine have automated software programs or crawlers who scan through websites and their content on the internet and index them in their databases. When a user arrive at a search engine such as Google and write a search enquiry, the search engine produces the search results. It arrange the results on the bases of relevance, quality and several other perimeters which it fetched while crawling through the web page.

Leverage the Power of Search Engine (SEO)

It is important for a business to rank higher in the search results, as it will get more clicks, and more visitors to the website means more online leads.The web design plays a crucial role in search engine optimization. The two major factors a search engine notices are the quality of the content and user experience. The web design is majorly responsible for the user experience and user journey on the website. However, for the content, the web design is also a key component. The search engine crawlers are automated software they read the source code of the web page and they also consider the styling and visuals of the content. Same like any other document a web page must also have clear title which represents the subject or topic of the page, then there should be headings and sub-headings to further make it easier for the user to absorb the information more effectively and conveniently. Moreover the visual representation of all these key components such as the font size, color, or type of the headings, descriptions, sub-headings, taglines and highlights, etc. can also be scanned by the Google and other search engines.

Leverage the Power of Search Engine (SEO)

The web design helps highlighting those details and provide a clear and better understanding of the subject of the page and its content to the search engine. On top of that there are some web designing techniques which can make the content and various other sections inaccessible for these crawlers, a good web design never uses such practices, in fact it use only those technologies and programing techniques which help enhancing the visibility of the content for the search engines. Such web designs can rank higher very quickly and can boost the website traffic which then translates into more online leads and conversions.

Responsive or Mobile Friendly Web Designs

In Dubai almost everyone have access to the internet and everyone use smartphone and mobile devices. In fact in the entire UAE the internet penetration is almost 99% and almost the same amount of the people use smartphones. The smartphone based internet searches have already surpassed the regular of conventional computer searches. The modern digital marketing is heavily emphasizing on the importance of using mobile phone channels and platforms. This is why it is extremely important for a business to be able to grab the attention of the users who are coming from the mobile phone or smart devices. If the responsive experience is not good most of the user will immediately quit the page. Which will eventually impact on the bounce rate of the website which is an important factor that Google and other Search Engines consider while rating a web page. So it is important that you offer an excellent mobile experience as well.

Responsive or Mobile Friendly Web Designs

The responsive web designs are programmed to detect the screen size and device from where the website is being accessed and they can automatically render the user interface, web design elements and content of the website as per the screen size. Which ensures the mobile users will get a great user experience. Another important thing to consider is that a good mobile friendly web design not just re-render and re-arrange its web design as per the screen but it also keep the user journey and user experience as much similar as possible to the desktop version of the website. It is important because most of the customers are also familiar with the desktop website and they might be using mobile website on the go. So such users will expect same functionalities and same features on the mobile web design too which they are accustomed to of using at the desktop website. A good responsive or mobile friendly web design can improve user experience and help raising in the search engine ranks which can bring more traffic and both these factors directly improve the online leads and conversions.


The Dubai Expo 2020 is a mega event which attracted millions of visitors from all around the world. As use of internet and digital channels is very common all around the world, so people who will be visiting the Expo 2020 must be using internet and digital channels. Gaining higher visibility in the online media channels is a key to generate more online leads. The higher visibility can bring traffic to a business website, however, it is the website which should be capable of converting the traffic into online leads. The web design plays a crucial role in online lead generation. It is the web design that help businesses build a strong brand identity and it lifts up brand image. A professional and business oriented web design tend to generate more leads comparing to an ordinary website.

The first impression is always very important which can be improved by the web design, later the web design can also help effectively and conveniently communicating the value proposition which help engaging the visitors. The customer experience and customer journey can also be enhanced with the web design which increase the rate of online leads and conversions. Furthermore the web design can also support search engine optimization or SEO which resultantly help businesses generate more organic (free) traffic to the website and increase the chances of the online leads. A professional and business oriented web design could produce several time more leads than a traditional business website design. RSI Concepts is a professional web design Dubai, service. If you need any help with your web design or if you want to learn more about the subject, please feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Lead Generation with Real Estate Website Landing Page

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How to Utilize Expo 2020 for Your Business Growth https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/how-to-utilize-expo-2020-for-your-business-growth/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/how-to-utilize-expo-2020-for-your-business-growth/#respond Tue, 07 Sep 2021 05:13:09 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/?p=7523 The Expo 2020 is the world’s biggest event in the business history. The entire world, 191 countries to be precise are participating in the event. The main theme of the event is ‘Connecting Minds, Creating Future’ and it is also divided in three sections, ‘Opportunity, Sustainability and Mobility’.This is a mega event to connect the… Continue reading How to Utilize Expo 2020 for Your Business Growth

The post How to Utilize Expo 2020 for Your Business Growth appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The Expo 2020 is the world’s biggest event in the business history. The entire world, 191 countries to be precise are participating in the event. The main theme of the event is ‘Connecting Minds, Creating Future’ and it is also divided in three sections, ‘Opportunity, Sustainability and Mobility’.This is a mega event to connect the investors, create business opportunities and driving the future worldwide. Since the UAE is hosting the event it means that the UAE market could have witness an unprecedented growth, and the local businesses have opportunities to expand very quickly. The event is anticipating millions upon millions of visitors during the six month period. Most of them would be investors, entrepreneurs, business owners and executive level management, who will be seeking to create new opportunities to grow. It will be a mega event for arts, crafts, technology, culture, science, innovation and of course businesses such as real estate, investments, etc. It will provide an easy opportunity for startups, SMEs and also for large enterprises and businesses to get connected with other businesses from all around to globe to tap into unexplored markets and resources which will bring growth, stability and revenue.

Here is how the Dubai Expo 2020 will drive business growth for local businesses and enterprises:

The Dubai Expo 2020 is Expecting 25 Million Visitors

An event on such a humongous scale was never seen before not only in the UAE but all around the MENA and SA (South Asia) regions. The Dubai Expo 2020 is expecting around 25 million visitors during the event. This means that the event will be hosting guests from all over the world. These guests will be business owners, executive level managers, investors and decision makers. Local business in Dubai and all around the UAE can connect with their relevant audience and can get easy access to the targeted territories. In fact businesses can have such a great exposure that new ideas and innovative products can be market too. If a business wants to expand their territory, the Dubai Expo 2020 is the ultimate opportunity to get connected with the people and businesses from the unexplored territories to accelerate expansion and growth. Since the event will be covering almost each and every sector of the industry and business market so the any type and size of business can get its benefits.

The Dubai Expo 2020 is Expecting 25 Million Visitors

The Dubai Expo 2020 is a Great Opportunity for Brand Promotion

The Dubai Expo 2020 will provide a great platform to promote your brand. Business who are operating in Dubai or anywhere in the UAE regardless of their size and industry can present their brand to millions of prospects from worldwide. The businesses can reach out to millions of potential customers and can have deals with millions of businesses. Which will provide a very strong foundation for future growth and progress. The most important thing here is to have a plan. No matter what products or services you are selling, you should consider the competition too. Such events have shown that the hosting city and country can suddenly have an explosion of influx of investment worth billions upon billions. Eventually whatever is injected into the economy will reach to the each and every sector and industry. Think of the economy as a heart, the blood pumped through the heart reaches to head, stomach and even to the very cellular levels as well. The real economy also works like that, growth in the major sectors of the economy drive growth to each and every industry and business connected with that economy. You should be ready to search and identify the competitive advantages and be prepared to compete with the national and international rivals.

The Dubai Expo 2020 is a Great Opportunity for Brand Promotion

The Dubai Expo 2020 will attract huge investments from all over the world. The Dubai and the entire UAE serve as a gateway to the entire MENA region. The event will provide a great opportunity for businesses to get connected with other businesses from all around the world. The entire MENA region is growing, the demand is easily exceeding the supply .Your business which is currently operating only in Dubai or even in the entire UAE can have an opportunity to reach out to those unexplored markets. The tourism, culture, science, IT, education, healthcare, manufacturing, assembling industries are every other business sector can enjoy easy access to the new markets. Businesses can witness sudden demand, which might exceed your production limit, make sure you are ready for that. The entire world would be there, make sure you products and services are good enough to meet the global needs and international standards. Once you are ready start promoting your brand through the event directly and indirectly. Utilize the digital mediums and platforms. Step up your marketing strategies. Book a spot in the Expo 2020. Make a plan for connection building. Get your materials and content ready. Build a reputed image and promote your brand by any means necessary.

The Dubai Expo 2020 is a Great Opportunity to Make New Business Connections and Partnerships

As I have mentioned that the Dubai Expo 2020 is expecting around 25 Million guests. Which means there will be more opportunities. Investors would be seeking to enter into the local market and of course the regions which can be easily accessed through Dubai and UAE. Businesses would like to expand their operation by having a base in Dubai or anywhere in UAE and so on. This means that for local businesses there would be a lot of new opportunities to make new business connection and partnerships. The businesses and investors who would want to enter into the market, would prefer to have a collaboration with an already established business. If you are offering some kind of products or services for businesses, means your business model is B2B, you will see a huge spike in demand. If you are a B2C business, you will have millions of new consumers who would be seeking products and services.

The Dubai Expo 2020 is a Great Opportunity to Make New Business Connections and Partnerships

Another remarkable thing about the Dubai Expo 2020 is that it is designed and built by a strategy that around 80% of its infrastructure and facilities could be utilized for residential and commercial purposes after the event is finished. This indicates that there will be a demand in the market even after the Expo 2020. The infrastructure is always the first step towards progress and growth. The local businesses can thrive if suitable infrastructure is provided. As the infrastructure not only develop an area but it also reduces the cost. Which plays a vital role in success and growth of a business. Similarly like the small and medium sized businesses or SMBs the large enterprises and multinational businesses will also get an advantage by having a good infrastructure during the Expo 2020 and even afterwards.

Make a Marketing Plan for the Dubai Expo 2020

The marketing is a very important part of a successful business strategy. Without marketing it is very hard to survive in today’s market. If a business have a goal to achieve it better make a plan and build a strategy. And marketing is considered to be as a backbone in any business strategy. The Dubai Expo 2020 will also bring a great marketing opportunity. The traditional marketing is also good, but for certain scenarios and especially for SMBs the traditional marketing could be a bit expensive. However, these data the digital marketing is a great arsenal in any business’s hand. It can provide cheap and yet very effective marketing platforms which help small and medium size business to rapidly grow and build a positive brand identity in their targeted markets. In fact these days the big businesses, large enterprises and multination companies are also investing heavily in digital marketing platforms.

Make a Marketing Plan for the Dubai Expo 2020

The very first step for your digital marketing campaign should be your website. Try to make it as attractive and appealing as possible. Put correct information on it. Provide details of your products and services along with value propositions. Make sure it complies with the Search Engine Optimization or SEO rules. Make a digital marketing plan as well. The digital marketing have already surpassed the traditional marketing industry. It provide more control over the audience and allow precise targeting through various demographic and geographic parameters. Whoever will be coming to the Dubai Expo 2020, they must be using their social media platforms, which makes mobile and social media very important for the digital marketing. Pay special attention on your mobile strategy as well. With a good marketing plan a business whether small or large can easily achieve their business goals for the Dubai Expo 2020.

Get Ready for a Rapid Expansion and a Sudden Spike in Customer Enquiries

Potential to scale and adoptability to the market conditions are very important for any business to survive and sustain. The Dubai Expo 2020 could take businesses completely off-guard. A sudden spike in enquiries and leads could rather boosting revenues and profitability, ruin the business reputation and brand identity. If you will fail to meet the needs of the customers, you will end up destroying your brand image in the market. Better make sure you have plans for the rapid expansion and scalability. Make sure your IT infrastructure support quick expansion. Your supply chain, your work force and your HR everything should be ready to keep up with the lightning speed of the economic growth that we all will witness in the coming months. If you are offering services you better make sure your customer service is capable of handling load and is also ready to expand quickly. If you are offering products, make sure your supply chain is ready to take the load and you will be able to deliver as per the commitments.

Get Ready for a Rapid Expansion and a Sudden Spike in Customer Enquiries

In such scenarios the outsourcing is also a good alternative. Business should have to be ready for outsourcing if needed. Rather adding a tons of new products and services, it is better to focus on improving your current products and service quality. The customer service, customer satisfaction and customer happiness is everything. Make strategies to improve customer experience and customer journey. Better to add digital alternates, if possible. These days all over the world the customers are preferring a digitalized and contactless kind of customer journey and customer experience. The customer experience will drive customer happiness and satisfaction which will impact on your brand identity and brand reputation. If a business had good brand reputation it is easier to acquire new customers and yield good ROIs from your marketing efforts. The Dubai Expo 2020 is expected to generate USD 35 Billion in terms of revenue and almost USD 150 Billion in terms of investments. Which is huge, and it will definitely attract more business to step into the game. You better be ready for tougher competition. Expansion, scalability and growth requires equal improvement in the customer experience and customer journey. If you want to grow during the Dubai Expo 2020 you better make sure you are ready for it.


The Dubai Expo 2020 is a mega event. An event of such scale was never witnessed in the entire MENA region before. Around 25 Million visitors and guests are expected to visit this exhibition. It will include everything from art, science, healthcare, technology, IT, real estate and everything else. The Expo is expected to attract almost UAD 150 Billion in terms of foreign investments. Which is huge and it will going to have a huge impact on local economy and markets. The local businesses whether small or large will have a great opportunity to promote their brand and establish a brand identity. It really doesn’t matter if you are operating as a B2B business or a B2C business, the Dubai Expo 2020 will provide you equal opportunities to grow, expand and earn more profits. The Dubai Expo 2020 will provide the local businesses and brand a greater exposure as 191 countries of the world are participating in the expo. Moreover the local businesses can also use the event as a platform to make connection with the foreign investors, businesses, and individuals. New investors will prefer to build relationship with an already established business rather than a new startup. This will provide you all the ingredients for a rapid growth and sustainable progress. Marketing can also be very helpful in promoting your business. However, it is also important that you are ready to embrace growth, expansion and progress. RSI Concepts is a leading name in business growth technologies, if you need any clarification or have an enquiry, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us or leave a comment in the comment box below.
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