What makes a good website in 2020 Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/what-makes-a-good-website-in-2020/ RSI Concepts Blog Fri, 10 Jun 2022 11:59:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-RSI-Concepts-Logo-32x32.jpg What makes a good website in 2020 Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/what-makes-a-good-website-in-2020/ 32 32 The Common Traits of a Web Design that can convert your Website Visitors into Customers https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/the-common-traits-of-a-web-design-that-can-convert-your-website-visitors-into-customers/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/the-common-traits-of-a-web-design-that-can-convert-your-website-visitors-into-customers/#respond Fri, 10 Jun 2022 11:59:55 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/?p=8178 A website can be used as a very powerful tool to increase your online sales and conversions in Dubai, UAE. The overall consumer behavior have changed a lot since past few year. People tend to leverage smartphones, internet and social media to research about product and services. No matter what type of business you own… Continue reading The Common Traits of a Web Design that can convert your Website Visitors into Customers

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A website can be used as a very powerful tool to increase your online sales and conversions in Dubai, UAE. The overall consumer behavior have changed a lot since past few year. People tend to leverage smartphones, internet and social media to research about product and services. No matter what type of business you own whether it is a business to business (B2B) or a business to consumer (B2C) a strong digital presence is a must to survive and grow. Here in Dubai and in fact all around the UAE the social media channels are very popular people not only use search engines (Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc.) but they also use social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) to look up for brands. The digital brand identity have a very strong effect on the customers. In some cases your website is the very first interaction a prospect have with your brand. Another most important thing to understand is that people judge the businesses on the bases of their websites.

The Common Traits of a Web Design that can convert your Website Visitors into Customers

For most of the people your website would be your first introduction to them. It should leave a good impression to gain their trust and interest. For a successful business website it has to offer a great user experience along with the content and the design. Studies have revealed that now a day customers put experience almost equal to the quality of the product or service they are acquiring. That is why the customer experience is very crucial for a business website. Earlier the website was considered as a single time investment and the website design companies were also selling them as a product, however, things have changed drastically. Now a day’s a website is not just a product anymore, but it have transformed into a powerful marketing and communication channel which have great potential to generate sales and conversions. In this blog we will enlist the common traits of a web design that can convert your website visitors into a loyal and happy customer.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Branding Elements

Businesses often overlooked the branding factor in their web design. However, for any successful business building a unique and attractive visual brand identity it extremely crucial. A web design can help businesses in establishing a visually appealing and professional brand identity which not only attracts more customers but it also help businesses obtaining their trust. Every business has a unique logo, which is their identity. Think of any brand such as Majid Al Futtaim, Nesto, Lulu or even your favorite local restaurant, regardless of the size each business have something unique which distinguishes them from the others. That uniqueness will help your customers remembering you. A web design should include all important branding elements such as the color scheme, the design patterns and overall visuals which can relate your website to your business. People will remember those unique design traits and whenever they will see a social media post or your link shared via email, they will immediately know about you.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Branding Elements

The unique branding elements in web design not only help people remembering you but they also help them to remember the personality or experience they have attributed with you. This is also very helpful in establishing a relationship with your customers. Our brain works in a very peculiar way, it is easier for us to remember the pattern, geometrical shapes, and even colors but it is difficult for us to memorize the contextual data. It is easier for us to remember the character of a person but harder for us to remember the communication or exact discussion we had with them. Similarly people tent o remember brand image for a long time instead of their products or services. That is why it is crucial that a web design exhibits its brand identity very well.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Use Images Strategically

A good web design always use images at strategic positions and place them at high visibility areas. Everyone heard the saying, ‘A picture is work thousand words’ that is very true. We all use smartphones, we all use social media and we all spend several hours of a day on the internet either for work or for entertainment. Just think how much time you spend on reading large texts and how much time you spend on watching videos, pictures and other activities? It is not only a trend but it is entirely about biology and psychology. Our brains love pictures and videos. We can extract a lot of information from a single photo. For example, if you will have to explain a photo you might need around two paragraphs to explain all details and even then it depends on the reader. The reader could portray a totally different image of the details that you have mentioned and described about the image. However, if you share the image alone, the next person will take a second to understand what you want to communicate with them. That is the power of images.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Use Images Strategically

It is not that you put images smartly and improve the design as well, but the information the images are depicting is the most important. Business usually don’t pay much attention to the images. If an image can tell a story of thousand words then it must have to tell the right story. Isn’t it? That is why selection of the images is equally important too. It is always best to use real images rather than illustrations or cartoony graphics. The real images attract more attention and encourage the visitor to pay more attention to it. If images are good and placed strategically the business can witness a huge rise in its conversions and sales.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: The Information Architecture

Most of the time customers and visitors are landing at the homepage of a business website. It is for two main reasons, it is easier to remember and look up for the homepage by the domain name rather internal pages with longer URL and slightly complex syntax. The second reason is mostly the organic and non-organic marketing channels are also directed towards the homepage of the website. Anyway, in general almost 70% of the website traffic is received by the homepage. This means the homepage is one of the most important aspect of the web design. That is why the homepage of any website is different from the internal pages and landing pages. The homepage has to include a lot of details and links for the internal pages and content. The information architecture of a website is basically the mechanism of connecting different sections or pages of the website so the user can easily reach to the required information without any problem. The website navigation has to be very simple and user-friendly. Various studies and market experts suggest that each website’s information architecture should be designed in a way that the user can access any information within 2 to 3 clicks.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: The Information Architecture

The navigation is not only the menu in the web design but it is scattered all around the web design. All of the hyperlinks, clickable widgets, tabs, boxes, tags and even media also is part of the web design navigation and in general its information architecture. Furthermore the modern web design use special techniques to improve the navigations and information architecture of the website. The web design can utilize side bars, side menus, sticky widgets and specialized section in the internal pages to further inter-connect everything. The bread-crumbs, relevant pages’ links and several other techniques are used to strengthen the website navigation and to make it more user-friendly. If the users will be able to find all the required information they will keep on returning of your website, however, if it is hard for them to reach out to the relevant information then they will leave. So a great information architecture can significantly boost your online sales and conversions.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: User Experience

A great web design is not only about the look and feel it but it is all about how it works and how good it is at solving user’s problem. Whoever will be reaching to a business website is either for acquiring information or making purchase (online/offline). That is what a user experience is. The user experience can make or break a business website. A great looking website can’t be successful if it is not offering a great user experience (UX). Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE knows very well how competitive the market is. The customers are also very demanding and the current trends shows that the attention span of an average customer is also decreasing gradually. This means that the maximum attention a business can get from its web design. However, for the user experience it is important to understand that if the user can easily find the information they need or perform the task you want them to perform in order to convert, then you are at the right track else you will have to carefully examine the entire user journey and each step of the process you want them to perform.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: User Experience

Furthermore the web design can control the content placements and there are several other techniques to keep your user focused on the information you want them to read the most. This will help you conveying you brand message more effectively and it will increase both of your online and offline conversions and sales. In addition to that a good user experience always help obtaining the customer loyalty. The loyal customers are tend to be a good brand advocate and help promoting the brand in both online and offline communities. This all can be achieve only by improving the web design.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Responsive

According to latest stats in UAE almost 98% of the population owns a smartphone. The Google have already reported that the searches from the smartphone have surpassed the regular searches from laptops/desktops. This mean more people are using mobile devices and smartphones as their primary device to access the Google. That means a huge chunk of your traffic will be coming from the mobile devices and smartphone. If your web design is not built to support the smartphones you will lose all those potential customers who are visiting your website from a smartphone or mobile device. It is not considered as an industry standard to have a responsive web design. The responsive web designs are built on a special kind of platform or framework which allow them to identify the screen size and the platform from where the website is being accesses. Then the responsive web design automatically re-arrange its design elements and adjust everything according to the smaller screen of the smartphone, tablet or any other mobile device. This is called responsiveness and such web designs are called mobile-friendly or mobile compatible web designs.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Responsive

There is another web design technique which take this concept to one step further and it is called mobile-first web designs. These web designs are built primarily for the smartphones however, they perform equally well at the traditional desktop/laptop computers too. Whether it is mobile first or responsive web design a business must have to provide a seamless experience to its mobile audience to maximize its sales and to improve its reputation and brand image. We have witnessed huge sales and conversions boost when websites switched to a responsive or mobile first web design.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: SEO Friendly Web Design

The Google is one of the most popular search engine in the world and it is also the most popular search engine in UAE with almost 96% of the search market share. That means your 96% of the audience will be using Google to look up for the products or services you are offering. Studies and market research have revealed that search traffic could account for almost 70% of the web traffic for any regular business. The search traffic from Google, Bing, Yahoo or any such search engine is called organic as it is completely free. Now a days it is crucial for any business website to have a SEO (search engine optimization) friendly web design. It can provide you a great competitive advantage as well as it can boost your website traffic which will eventually translate into more sales and conversions. Sometimes the web designers focus all their attentions on the aesthetics they don’t consider what technology they are using, which could cause a lot of problems with the SEO. The search engines have automated programs that read the website and all its content. These programs are powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and are capable of understanding the user experience as well.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: SEO Friendly Web Design

However, these programs have some limitations too. They can’t read some programing languages or certain source codes. Which means if your web design is built using such programing language or source code it will be invisible for the search engine. If a search engine wouldn’t be able to read it then it will never add it to its search result from where users clicked on your link and reach to your website. That is why it is extremely crucial that your web design is built as per the SEO standards and it is fully accessible for the search engines. A SEO friendly web design not only help generating a huge amount of organic website traffic but it also help improving brand reputation. People tend to think the websites who appears in the top results of the search are good quality and more professional businesses. So, the SEO friendly web design plays a crucial role in online sales and conversions.


Whether you are a B2B or B2C business or you are a small local business or a large enterprise. Your website will play a crucial role in your overall success and growth. The market trends have been changed and now a days people do online research first and then move to the next step of the customer journey. In general people tend to use business websites as a measure of their credibility and authenticity. This means a website is extremely crucial for a business. The entire website is based on its web design. The content is equally important too but it is the web design which builds your first impression even before the user read a single bit of the content on the web page. That is why it is extremely important to have a business oriented web design. In this blog we have covered a few major traits that made a web design more efficient and help businesses score more online leads and conversions. RSI Concepts is a leading web design Dubai, company if you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to help you building your top-notch business web design please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: How to Design a Website in 2022?

The post The Common Traits of a Web Design that can convert your Website Visitors into Customers appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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