19 January, 2022

How Fashion and Beauty (F&B) Business can Boost Sales with a Customer Centric Web Design?

The fashion and beauty (F&B) businesses can boost their sales with customer centric web design and strategies. A customer centric web design is a web design that is prepared specifically to address the problems a customer or prospect could have while visiting a business website. A customer centric web design provides all the information in… Continue reading How Fashion and Beauty (F&B) Business can Boost Sales with a Customer Centric Web Design?

16 November, 2021

How Customer Centric Web Design can Improve Workflow and Online Conversions?

A business website or corporate website is not just an online brochure or profile, in fact it is a full-fledged marketing and communication channel which can generate quality leads and conversions. There are two general classifications of the businesses, one is B2B (business to business) model and the other is B2C (business to consumer) model.… Continue reading How Customer Centric Web Design can Improve Workflow and Online Conversions?

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