25 July, 2021

Must have School Website Features in 2021

The year 2021 brings new challenges and have completely changed various sectors of our life. Especially the schools and educational institutes require a completely new strategy to communicate with students and parents, in this blog we will cover the must-have school website features in 2021. As we all know the pandemic has completely changed the… Continue reading Must have School Website Features in 2021

12 July, 2021

Website Trends for School in 2021

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the school marketers are always focusing on their website, social media, and digital marketing strategies. However, as the year 2020 has completely transformed the educational sector, the schools are also revamping their websites to be more attractive, interactive, and useful. In the year 2021, we have witnessed… Continue reading Website Trends for School in 2021

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