Website Design Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Thu, 11 Aug 2022 08:30:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Website Design Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 5 Ways to Make Your Website More Accessible? Thu, 11 Aug 2022 08:30:56 +0000 The websites have become an essential part of any business’s communication strategy. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the internet is widely available for everyone. Which lead people spending more time over the internet than ever before. Over the time the influence of the internet and social media have become stronger. Businesses also… Continue reading 5 Ways to Make Your Website More Accessible?

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The websites have become an essential part of any business’s communication strategy. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the internet is widely available for everyone. Which lead people spending more time over the internet than ever before. Over the time the influence of the internet and social media have become stronger. Businesses also realized the importance of the digital marketing and started giving more attentions to their websites. Now a days businesses are investing huge amount of resources in their corporate and business websites. The success of any business website is not related to how much you have invested in it, but it depends on how effectively the website is capable of solving the user’s problem and catering to their needs. That is all the accessibility is about. The accessibility of a website is a level of ease and convenience a user has while navigating through your website and accessing to your content or performing some tasks on the website.

5 Ways to Make Your Website More Accessible

Unfortunately the website accessibility is one of the most overlooked aspect of the web design. That is why we are writing about it and in this blog we will discuss 5 ways or techniques which will help a business to easily make their corporate web design more accessible and user-friendly. The main goal of designing an accessible web design is to make your website available for everyone on the internet without any barrier. Here are 5 tips that will help you make your website more accessible:

1. Chose an Accessibility Enabled CMS (Content Management System)

The CMS or content management system is a software tool that is designed for non-programmers or non-technical users to help them update the website content and any other information. There are so many open-source (free) content management systems available with excellent features to improve the accessibility of your web design. However, if you are planning to get more innovative features then it is better to have web design agency build you a customized CMS. You can always reach out to a professional web design agency such as RSI Concepts to let them take care of your needs. Basically the CMS is a technical part and it require a lot of professional programming knowledge to develop or customize the CMS. However, the open source CMS such as WordPress can also offer great features, but it also require technical knowledge to configure it properly. That is why acquiring the help of a professional web design agency will always pay off.

Chose an Accessibility Enabled CMS

2. Organize the Structure of the Content

It is crucial to organize the website content and structure in a way that it aids accessibility and support major tools such as screen readers, etc. These tools can easily interpret the organized and well-structured content and if the content is not properly organized it can confuse these tools and eventually the visitor too. So, using of heading tags, separating different sections and descriptions with the effective use of CSS and other coding tactics could raise the accessibility of your website by tenfold. Most of the time businesses select different elements of the web design only on the bases of visual representation. However, if you want to make your web design accessible then the entire web design should be prepared with that in mind.

Organize the Structure of the Content

Another most common mistake that most of the web designers made is repetitive usage of heading tags, for example the H1 should appear only once at the page as the main title of the page, and the H2 should differentiate properly in case if you want to emphasize on a text phrase, it is better to achieve it with the CSS and design techniques, rather putting it in the H2 or H3 which breaks the continuity of the content flow and it could confuse some users with needs.

3. Use Appropriate and Descriptive Titles and Alt Tags

The title and alt tags are very important as they provide additional information about the links, photos or media on the website. Let us take an example of hyperlinks, if the anchor text, and the title tag is the same, then it will going to add no value to the user experience, especially the users of screen readers. Let say you have a hyperlink on the words ‘bestselling product’ and the title also says the same, it means it is not adding any value, however, if the title name the bestselling product of the month, the user experience would be enhanced significantly, as now they will know that clicking on that link will take them to which product page. Similarly the alt tags are also very important, usually a webpage could have up to 10 photos in it, some of them are just images related to your product or services and some might be infographics who could also have text on them.

Use Appropriate and Descriptive Titles and Alt Tags

In such scenarios describing the image in the alt tag section is important and if there is some information on it in form of text, than that information should also be mentioned in the alt tags area. The title and alt text are not only for the users with special needs, but such features in a web design also help regular users too. If the images are for the decoration or are part of the web design, etc. then no need to add alt tags to them.

4. Add Skip Navigation and Ensure the Content is Accessible with a Keyboard

For the users with the screen readers or who can’t use mouse or are simply using a keyboard to navigate at your web design the skip navigation or also known as skip link is a simple yet very effective technique to enhance accessibility of the web design. For some users who can’t use mouse or trackpad or require screen readers the skip navigation is very important. It is a hyperlink or button which allow the users who are using keyboard or screen reader to skip all the links in the main navigation or primary navigation of the page. This can save a lot of time by taking the user immediately to the content of the web page. Hence they can start navigating the content rather going through several unwanted navigation, buttons, links, etc. to reach to the actual content of the page.

Add Skip Navigation and Ensure the Content is Accessible with a Keyboard

You can also check your existing website by simply pressing the tab key and see where the pointer lands, now keep pushing the tab key until you reach to the actual content of the web page. If it was just a few taps or if it was endless tapping to finally reach to your desired content. That is what users with special needs will have to go through if you are not making your web design more accessible by utilizing the skip navigation or skip links or other web design optimization techniques. The skip navigation is placed at the top of the page and allow the users to skip the navigation and other links and take them directly to the content.

5. Improve HTML Structure of the Web Page

One of the most important accessibility technique is to improve and organize the structure of the HTML document. The users with disability who can’t see monitors and are relying on other technologies will only see the HTML of the document. There are few things that can be done to improve the HTML structure of the web page and make it more accessible. The first step is to label all the design elements in the HTML, especially the forms and other interactive sections. Mostly the web designing agencies don’t focus much on it and instead they utilize the CSS and other designing methods to make interactive sections visible for the users. However, the users who can’t view it would not be able to access it. So, adding the HTML labels is very important, it let the users and screen readers identify different elements of the web page and let them access the desired section easily or allow them to input their information, etc.

Improve HTML Structure of the Web Page

You can also do a simple test to evaluate and improve the accessibility of the web design by simply disabling the CSS and JavaScript of the web page. The CSS is used to assign visual attributes such as color, position, size, etc. Hence the web designer can place an element at a certain place on the screen regardless of its actual placement in the HTML source code. Whereas the JavaScript is used for visual effects to make content/design elements more visible, moving, and hidden or even to remove them or make them appear at a certain action from the user. By disabling the CSS and JavaScript you will be able to analyze the accessibility of the web design. It will help you improving the design layout and HTML structure to make it more accessible-friendly.


The accessibility features in the website help businesses to communicate with the users with disabilities or special needs. Such users might have disability which impacts their vision, cognition, motion, hearing or anything that requires them to use various non-traditional peripherals to operate a computer or to access a website, such as alternative keyboards, screen readers, special tracking tools, screen magnifiers or any such device. For such users it is difficult to access the content of the web page in a traditional way such as any ordinary user. That is why the website accessibility is very important. It also add value to the brand and help improving brand image. It has very positive psychological impact on the visitors offer great value for the visitors with special needs. Making your website more accessibility-friendly is not a difficult or expensive task.

All you need is to understand how accessibility works and you can ask your web design team or the third-party company who is building your corporate or business website to implement accessibility features in the web design. RSI Concepts is a leading web design agency in Dubai, UAE. It help businesses achieving their long-term marketing goals. If you need any more help about the topic or if you want us to make your corporate website more accessible, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: How to Change Your Domain without Hurting SEO and Losing Website Traffic?

The post 5 Ways to Make Your Website More Accessible? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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The Common Traits of a Web Design that can convert your Website Visitors into Customers Fri, 10 Jun 2022 11:59:55 +0000 A website can be used as a very powerful tool to increase your online sales and conversions in Dubai, UAE. The overall consumer behavior have changed a lot since past few year. People tend to leverage smartphones, internet and social media to research about product and services. No matter what type of business you own… Continue reading The Common Traits of a Web Design that can convert your Website Visitors into Customers

The post The Common Traits of a Web Design that can convert your Website Visitors into Customers appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

A website can be used as a very powerful tool to increase your online sales and conversions in Dubai, UAE. The overall consumer behavior have changed a lot since past few year. People tend to leverage smartphones, internet and social media to research about product and services. No matter what type of business you own whether it is a business to business (B2B) or a business to consumer (B2C) a strong digital presence is a must to survive and grow. Here in Dubai and in fact all around the UAE the social media channels are very popular people not only use search engines (Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc.) but they also use social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) to look up for brands. The digital brand identity have a very strong effect on the customers. In some cases your website is the very first interaction a prospect have with your brand. Another most important thing to understand is that people judge the businesses on the bases of their websites.

The Common Traits of a Web Design that can convert your Website Visitors into Customers

For most of the people your website would be your first introduction to them. It should leave a good impression to gain their trust and interest. For a successful business website it has to offer a great user experience along with the content and the design. Studies have revealed that now a day customers put experience almost equal to the quality of the product or service they are acquiring. That is why the customer experience is very crucial for a business website. Earlier the website was considered as a single time investment and the website design companies were also selling them as a product, however, things have changed drastically. Now a day’s a website is not just a product anymore, but it have transformed into a powerful marketing and communication channel which have great potential to generate sales and conversions. In this blog we will enlist the common traits of a web design that can convert your website visitors into a loyal and happy customer.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Branding Elements

Businesses often overlooked the branding factor in their web design. However, for any successful business building a unique and attractive visual brand identity it extremely crucial. A web design can help businesses in establishing a visually appealing and professional brand identity which not only attracts more customers but it also help businesses obtaining their trust. Every business has a unique logo, which is their identity. Think of any brand such as Majid Al Futtaim, Nesto, Lulu or even your favorite local restaurant, regardless of the size each business have something unique which distinguishes them from the others. That uniqueness will help your customers remembering you. A web design should include all important branding elements such as the color scheme, the design patterns and overall visuals which can relate your website to your business. People will remember those unique design traits and whenever they will see a social media post or your link shared via email, they will immediately know about you.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Branding Elements

The unique branding elements in web design not only help people remembering you but they also help them to remember the personality or experience they have attributed with you. This is also very helpful in establishing a relationship with your customers. Our brain works in a very peculiar way, it is easier for us to remember the pattern, geometrical shapes, and even colors but it is difficult for us to memorize the contextual data. It is easier for us to remember the character of a person but harder for us to remember the communication or exact discussion we had with them. Similarly people tent o remember brand image for a long time instead of their products or services. That is why it is crucial that a web design exhibits its brand identity very well.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Use Images Strategically

A good web design always use images at strategic positions and place them at high visibility areas. Everyone heard the saying, ‘A picture is work thousand words’ that is very true. We all use smartphones, we all use social media and we all spend several hours of a day on the internet either for work or for entertainment. Just think how much time you spend on reading large texts and how much time you spend on watching videos, pictures and other activities? It is not only a trend but it is entirely about biology and psychology. Our brains love pictures and videos. We can extract a lot of information from a single photo. For example, if you will have to explain a photo you might need around two paragraphs to explain all details and even then it depends on the reader. The reader could portray a totally different image of the details that you have mentioned and described about the image. However, if you share the image alone, the next person will take a second to understand what you want to communicate with them. That is the power of images.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Use Images Strategically

It is not that you put images smartly and improve the design as well, but the information the images are depicting is the most important. Business usually don’t pay much attention to the images. If an image can tell a story of thousand words then it must have to tell the right story. Isn’t it? That is why selection of the images is equally important too. It is always best to use real images rather than illustrations or cartoony graphics. The real images attract more attention and encourage the visitor to pay more attention to it. If images are good and placed strategically the business can witness a huge rise in its conversions and sales.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: The Information Architecture

Most of the time customers and visitors are landing at the homepage of a business website. It is for two main reasons, it is easier to remember and look up for the homepage by the domain name rather internal pages with longer URL and slightly complex syntax. The second reason is mostly the organic and non-organic marketing channels are also directed towards the homepage of the website. Anyway, in general almost 70% of the website traffic is received by the homepage. This means the homepage is one of the most important aspect of the web design. That is why the homepage of any website is different from the internal pages and landing pages. The homepage has to include a lot of details and links for the internal pages and content. The information architecture of a website is basically the mechanism of connecting different sections or pages of the website so the user can easily reach to the required information without any problem. The website navigation has to be very simple and user-friendly. Various studies and market experts suggest that each website’s information architecture should be designed in a way that the user can access any information within 2 to 3 clicks.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: The Information Architecture

The navigation is not only the menu in the web design but it is scattered all around the web design. All of the hyperlinks, clickable widgets, tabs, boxes, tags and even media also is part of the web design navigation and in general its information architecture. Furthermore the modern web design use special techniques to improve the navigations and information architecture of the website. The web design can utilize side bars, side menus, sticky widgets and specialized section in the internal pages to further inter-connect everything. The bread-crumbs, relevant pages’ links and several other techniques are used to strengthen the website navigation and to make it more user-friendly. If the users will be able to find all the required information they will keep on returning of your website, however, if it is hard for them to reach out to the relevant information then they will leave. So a great information architecture can significantly boost your online sales and conversions.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: User Experience

A great web design is not only about the look and feel it but it is all about how it works and how good it is at solving user’s problem. Whoever will be reaching to a business website is either for acquiring information or making purchase (online/offline). That is what a user experience is. The user experience can make or break a business website. A great looking website can’t be successful if it is not offering a great user experience (UX). Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE knows very well how competitive the market is. The customers are also very demanding and the current trends shows that the attention span of an average customer is also decreasing gradually. This means that the maximum attention a business can get from its web design. However, for the user experience it is important to understand that if the user can easily find the information they need or perform the task you want them to perform in order to convert, then you are at the right track else you will have to carefully examine the entire user journey and each step of the process you want them to perform.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: User Experience

Furthermore the web design can control the content placements and there are several other techniques to keep your user focused on the information you want them to read the most. This will help you conveying you brand message more effectively and it will increase both of your online and offline conversions and sales. In addition to that a good user experience always help obtaining the customer loyalty. The loyal customers are tend to be a good brand advocate and help promoting the brand in both online and offline communities. This all can be achieve only by improving the web design.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Responsive

According to latest stats in UAE almost 98% of the population owns a smartphone. The Google have already reported that the searches from the smartphone have surpassed the regular searches from laptops/desktops. This mean more people are using mobile devices and smartphones as their primary device to access the Google. That means a huge chunk of your traffic will be coming from the mobile devices and smartphone. If your web design is not built to support the smartphones you will lose all those potential customers who are visiting your website from a smartphone or mobile device. It is not considered as an industry standard to have a responsive web design. The responsive web designs are built on a special kind of platform or framework which allow them to identify the screen size and the platform from where the website is being accesses. Then the responsive web design automatically re-arrange its design elements and adjust everything according to the smaller screen of the smartphone, tablet or any other mobile device. This is called responsiveness and such web designs are called mobile-friendly or mobile compatible web designs.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: Responsive

There is another web design technique which take this concept to one step further and it is called mobile-first web designs. These web designs are built primarily for the smartphones however, they perform equally well at the traditional desktop/laptop computers too. Whether it is mobile first or responsive web design a business must have to provide a seamless experience to its mobile audience to maximize its sales and to improve its reputation and brand image. We have witnessed huge sales and conversions boost when websites switched to a responsive or mobile first web design.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: SEO Friendly Web Design

The Google is one of the most popular search engine in the world and it is also the most popular search engine in UAE with almost 96% of the search market share. That means your 96% of the audience will be using Google to look up for the products or services you are offering. Studies and market research have revealed that search traffic could account for almost 70% of the web traffic for any regular business. The search traffic from Google, Bing, Yahoo or any such search engine is called organic as it is completely free. Now a days it is crucial for any business website to have a SEO (search engine optimization) friendly web design. It can provide you a great competitive advantage as well as it can boost your website traffic which will eventually translate into more sales and conversions. Sometimes the web designers focus all their attentions on the aesthetics they don’t consider what technology they are using, which could cause a lot of problems with the SEO. The search engines have automated programs that read the website and all its content. These programs are powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and are capable of understanding the user experience as well.

Traits of High-Converting Web Design: SEO Friendly Web Design

However, these programs have some limitations too. They can’t read some programing languages or certain source codes. Which means if your web design is built using such programing language or source code it will be invisible for the search engine. If a search engine wouldn’t be able to read it then it will never add it to its search result from where users clicked on your link and reach to your website. That is why it is extremely crucial that your web design is built as per the SEO standards and it is fully accessible for the search engines. A SEO friendly web design not only help generating a huge amount of organic website traffic but it also help improving brand reputation. People tend to think the websites who appears in the top results of the search are good quality and more professional businesses. So, the SEO friendly web design plays a crucial role in online sales and conversions.


Whether you are a B2B or B2C business or you are a small local business or a large enterprise. Your website will play a crucial role in your overall success and growth. The market trends have been changed and now a days people do online research first and then move to the next step of the customer journey. In general people tend to use business websites as a measure of their credibility and authenticity. This means a website is extremely crucial for a business. The entire website is based on its web design. The content is equally important too but it is the web design which builds your first impression even before the user read a single bit of the content on the web page. That is why it is extremely important to have a business oriented web design. In this blog we have covered a few major traits that made a web design more efficient and help businesses score more online leads and conversions. RSI Concepts is a leading web design Dubai, company if you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to help you building your top-notch business web design please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: How to Design a Website in 2022?

The post The Common Traits of a Web Design that can convert your Website Visitors into Customers appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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How to Design a Website in 2022? Mon, 30 May 2022 05:24:29 +0000 We have witnessed website evolving from a simple online brochure to a multi-billion worldwide businesses. The major cause of this evolution is the easy access to the internet. Especially in Dubai and all around the UAE since past decade the use of smartphone have significantly risen. Studies and statistical data revealed that almost 99% of… Continue reading How to Design a Website in 2022?

The post How to Design a Website in 2022? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

How to Design a Website in 2022?

We have witnessed website evolving from a simple online brochure to a multi-billion worldwide businesses. The major cause of this evolution is the easy access to the internet. Especially in Dubai and all around the UAE since past decade the use of smartphone have significantly risen. Studies and statistical data revealed that almost 99% of the UAE population have access to the internet via computers and smartphones. The internet users all around the world are increasing. This trend forced businesses to explore the possibilities to establish their brand in the online sphere. Now a days, an ordinary customer expect from business to offer some kind of online or digital experience. In Dubai and all around the UAE the digital interaction become an essential part of customer relationship and communication. Regardless of industry or business model, each business needs to make digital offerings in order to stay relevant and visible in the market. That is why we decided to write this blog to give our audience a basic understanding of how website designing is done and how they can reap maximum out of their website.

How to Design a Website in 2022?

Earlier the websites were designed to provide some basic information and contact details about the business. Businesses in Dubai, UAE were considering it as a one-time investment, they acquire a web design company to build the website and then leave it as is. However, now a days a website have become more dynamic. The web user experience is becoming more interactive and intuitive. Website is not only proving information but the websites are also used to facilitate online customer journey, generating leads and converting them into sales as well. The websites are delivering a very exclusive digital experience and can help building brand reputation and brand identity. This makes them extremely important for long term growth. Almost every smart business owner or manager understands that the website is important but how to design a website that can help you achieve your goals in 2022 is a difficult question. In this blog we will discuss key components of website designing and how you can do them to make difference.

How to Design a Website in 2022?

Web Design – Homepage

The homepage is the main page of any website. It is basically the gateway to the website. When we open Google the page comes first is the homepage and after the search the result page is called the internal page. For business websites the main domain address is the homepage and rest of all are internal pages. Usually the homepage brings almost 70% to 80% of the total website traffic. That means a business must have to convey their brand message clearly through the homepage. Along with that a small introduction of the business, some trust markers, and what you do should be properly explained. So, if a prospect want to explore anything they should be able to reach to that product/service or information. That is why the homepage is a very crucial part of the web design. Usually the homepage design is slightly different and bit more complex than the internal pages. Along with that a business website can also have certain internal pages which are exclusively designed for lead generation, sales or conversions and these pages only talk about one topic. Such pages are called landing pages. We will explain it later.

Web Design – Homepage

As the homepage is the most visible part of the entire web design hence it should be able to push customers further into the customer journey. The overall market trends are shifting since the last quarter of the 2021 and in 2022 businesses started to design a bit more business oriented or lead oriented websites. Although this may sound simple, but it isn’t. The homepage web design is majorly responsible for building the first impression of the business. The studies have revealed that most of the users try to judge the business on the bases of their web design and especially for the first look or first impression. The first impression impact the entire user interaction with the website, if it is good the user remains positive throughout the interaction and vice versa. That is why it is extremely important to design the homepage with great care. Just think from your customer’s prospective and more importantly from a lay man’s prospective, imagine you are looking for a product or service, you will surely going to have some questions, what those questions would be will tell you what type of content you need to arose the interests of the visitor.

Web Design – Homepage

Homepage Color Scheme

For any brand the colors and patterns are the unique identity which distinguishes it from the rest of the brands. For example, have you ever noticed McDonalds, the M alone is enough to tell us it is McDonalds, that is their brand identity and it is unique. Similarly each business have their own unique logo which have two major components that dictates the overall design and theme of the website, one is the color scheme and the second is the style which could include design patterns, shapes, geometrical shapes, and even the font color and style as well. These unique elements brings exclusivity and uniqueness to the entire website. It is important to follow the color scheme and design style of the logo for the homepage web design.

Homepage Color Scheme

Homepage Header and Footer

Same like the color scheme and other design elements of the homepage theme are repeated throughout the website except the landing pages. The header and the footer are also the two sections which remain same throughout the website. The header is the top most section of the web design and the footer is the last section or bottom of the web design. The header usually contains the logo, contact details, social media profile links and icons, and navigation or menu of the website. The navigation or menu is used to provide links for the internal pages or internal sections of the website. Usually the menu contains, Home, About, Products/Services, Portfolio, Blog/News, Contact and in some cases login/logout buttons. This is called the header and it is universal for the entire website.

Homepage Header and Footer

The footer is the bottom area or the last section of the web design, it is also universal. Footer usually contains the important links, sometimes a subscription form or contact form, business’s address and contact details. The footer also contain copyright message, Privacy Policy, Terms of User and other such pages. The header and footer improve the design consistency and navigational structure of the website which is important for a good user experience.

Hero Area

The hero area is the area right next to the header. This area dominates the first impression and it also covers the entire remaining screen. Whenever a user land on your website. The first section or screen of the web design that appears is very important as a human brain only take 50 milliseconds to perceive an impression of the website and the business upon looking at this section. Furthermore businesses need to convey their brand message, value proposition or unique selling point in this area to attract user’s attentions. If a user got interested by looking at the information, design, content and multimedia of that area they will definitely scroll further down the page. Mostly an automatic image slider is used with up to 5 images in it. Each image has a title, a tagline or value proposition and in some cases link to the most relevant internal page. This increases the chances of conversion too.

Hero Area

In 2020 and first half of the 2021 adding a background video was a common trend in Dubai and all around the UAE. However, since the beginning of the year 2022 this trend is fading away. No matter what you use just make sure the visitor gets enough information to awake their interest.

Body of the Homepage

After the hero area the homepage’s body starts. Although the homepage is mostly different from the rest of the website, however, it is important to maintain design and layout consistency. The body of the homepage could be a continuous scroll or divided into various independent sections. Where each section is about only one topic. This makes it easier for readers to navigate through the page and to find the relevant information more quickly. Furthermore the homepage is not only meant to be divided in equal sections, in fact the homepage design can include a lot more details. The ideal is to use a small intro or description of the business immediately after the hero area. Then there could be products/services and other valuable information that might answer the questions a user could have in their mind. The homepage must have trust markers, such as badges in the footer, customer names, testimonials, case studies, portfolio, etc. in the lower section of the web design and so on.

Body of the Homepage

The homepage should be able to highlight each and everything a business does. Textual content alone is not enough the multimedia content, info-graphics, icons, and hyperlinks enriches the user experience and improve the website navigation. The homepage should be able to deliver an excellent user experience.

Web Design – Internal Pages

Apart from the homepage all other pages can technically be called internal pages. However, the landing pages are slightly different from other internal pages. Commonly the internal pages are About, Product/Service, Portfolio, Blogs/News, Contact, and any other important information that you want to provide to your audience. All the internal pages borrow the header and footer from the homepage. Then there are a few slight variations in the web design. Mostly the middle section is designed to accommodate the content. For example the About page or Team page are designed differently as they have to include textual information and some photos. However, the products or services pages are designed differently as they will have to provide another type of information. Mostly in a business website in Dubai, UAE the trend is to categorize the relevant pages into a category and follow a same theme for all of them. However, it is up to you. But better is to maintain consistency and do not built very different designs. The consistency in web design and layouts add value to the brand identity.

Web Design – Internal Pages

Web Design – Key Design Elements

For any web design there are certain design elements that has to be taken care of. For example, the font and typography is very important. There is no compulsion on using any particular font type, however, a few basic improvement could significantly improve the entire web design. The first and most important thing is the contrast. The font color should be different from the background where it is placed. This contrast will determine the readability, so it is always recommended to use a darker font on a lighter background and vice versa. Often businesses are afraid of white spaces, as there is a common belief that the white spaces are wasting precious real estate on the web page. However, the reality is completely opposite. The white spaces are a great tool to focus your audience on important things. Furthermore businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are also not very appreciative towards using intensive animations, reactive and responsive UI (user interface) elements. Which is also wrong, the interactive design elements keep the user interested and can increase customer engagement.

Web Design – Key Design Elements

Apart from that, the textual content should be well organized. Think of a word document, if the entire document of let say 4 pages, have similar text without adding headings, or distinguished paragraphs, how would you feel reading it? It would be very boring and confusing. Similarly on a web design, all the headings, taglines, paragraphs, or different text should appear differently and distinguishable for a common reader. This can significantly increase the online leads and conversions. In addition to the textual content, the modern web designs also have to account for the multimedia content and images on the web page. All the images or multimedia content should be well organized and connected to the original topic. For internal pages it might be easier to understand which image or video belongs to which topic, but for homepage it is important to visually distinguish the multimedia content so the reader can relate them to the intended topic. This can also increase customer engagement and it improves customer experience. Which is good to improve online sales and conversions.

Web Design – Key Design Elements

Web Design – Trends in 2022

The web design trends changes continuously. Sometimes these changes are rapid sometimes slow. But the websites and web designs are continuously evolving. There are certain trends which are popular a few years ago and now they got vanished, there are some trends which became popular around a decade ago and still in use although in a bit more advanced form. However, if you carefully chose a trend to follow and incorporate innovation into it, it could remain relevant for several years in future. Here are a few web design trends in 2022 that I think will remain popular for a few more coming years:

Large Typography Replaced Hero Image

The typography can be used as a very effective tool of delivery information. The hero images were doing great, but in order to obtain more focus from the visitors the modern web designs start replacing it with the large typography, sometimes it is even interactive and moving. The animated movements of large text on a plain background can immediately get user’s attentions. Even if you are using static text, the large typography attracts more user attention and it also make the message more readable.

Large Typography Replaced Hero Image

Micro Animations

The micro animations are not a new concept, but very recently it gains popularity. The web design that strategically includes micro-animation in different places can easily divert user’s attentions to the important content and messages. This can not only help increasing online leads and conversions but it also make the website more alive interactive. The micro animations make user experience more interesting and make your website more memorable.

Micro Animations

Minimalistic Web Designs

The minimalistic web design approach is a quite modern trend. It uses fewer text and design elements with large white spaces which help designers to get users focused on important elements more quickly. The minimalistic web designs reduce distractions and keep user focus to a set path of customer journey while making it simpler and quicker. Minimalistic web designs are great at increasing online leads and are very effective for almost any business sector.

Minimalistic Web Designs


The Neumorphism is the modern or evolved form of older Skeuomorphism which was itself a modernized form of flat web design. The Neumorphic web designs are almost monochromatic web designs with very little variation in colors. Mainly such designs utilize the shades and 3D effects, the buttons, links, widgets, content container and other elements look popping out from a flat surface. Which makes it very clean and comfortable for the visitors. The Neumorphic web designs are more mobile-friendly and can deliver excellent user experience.


Non-traditional Scrolling and Parallax Web Designs

The non-traditional scrolling and parallax although used interchangeably, but are slightly different. The horizontal scrolling can be called non-traditional scrolling but it is not necessarily parallax. The parallax could be vertical scrolling but it is not traditional. The parallax scrolling is a non-traditional scrolling which moves multiple layers of the web designs and its backgrounds on a different pace to mimic a sense of depth and three dimensional visuals. The parallax web design could provide you a great competitive edge by offering a very modern and futuristic aesthetic.

Non-traditional Scrolling and Parallax Web Designs

Gradient Color Schemes

The gradient color scheme doesn’t dictate the overall design, it just put a layer of gradient on everything. Majorly minimalistic adopted the gradient color scheme very quickly but it looks absolutely stunning on any design type. Here in Dubai, UAE major businesses, brands and even large corporations are implementing gradient color schemes. It looks modern, futuristic and it can produce excellent designs which your visitors will never going to forget for a long time. It is a great way to rebrand your brand and give it a modern look and feel.

Gradient Color Schemes


By viewing Claymorphism one could easily judge the evolution took the right path for the Skeuomorphism. Basically the Claymorphism is not only the modernization of the Skeuomorphism but it also borrow looks and feels from the Neumorphism. It just took the 3D and floating element effect to the next level. Majorly the design is dominated by small illustrations of real-life objects in a more like a cartoony form. Which makes designs very interesting and visually appealing. Business in Dubai and all around the UAE are quickly adopting Claymorphism into both front-end websites and also on backend dashboards and UIs.


Responsive Web Design

The responsive web design is an essential for any business. The studies and statistical data have revealed that almost 99% of the population is using mobile phones and almost the same amount of population have access to the high-speed internet. The Google stats suggests that the searches made by using a smartphone or mobile device have already surpassed the traditional laptop/desktop computers. Which means a significant amount of your audience could be using the mobile devices as their primary mean of internet searches and web surfing. Especially with the rise of social media, everyone is connected with everyone using their social media platforms. This means the mobile experience is extremely important for the business and for the customers too. The studies have shown that almost more than half of the users never visit a website again if they have a bad user experience from the mobile.

Responsive Web Design

That is why having a responsive or mobile friendly web design is absolutely necessary for any business. No matter what industry you belongs too or whether your business model is B2B or B2C, you could be having a huge number of website traffic from the mobile devices. A responsive web design is a web design which is equipped with special source code that allow it to detect the screen size and the platform before even opening the web page. It also enable the web design to render itself as per the screen size and other specs of the device from where it is being accessed. This ability make a web design responsive. The responsive web designs just resize and rearrange different design elements to accommodate the screen size and doesn’t have much impact on the user journey. In fact the responsive and mobile-friendly web designs improve user experience and make customer journey easier.

Responsive Web Design

SEO Friendly Web Design

The SEO stand for search engine optimization. The SEO is a technique to make a website more search engine friendly. Google is one of the most used search engine in UAE. It have certain guidelines which makes a website more readable for the search engine and also more user friendly. The search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, ect. Use automated programs to read a web page and its content. These software are often called bots or spiders, they keep crawling web pages from the internet and put them in their data repositories. Where Google and any other search engine rank a web page on the bases of its content’s quality, user experience and relevance to a topic. If a web page is relevant to a topic and is good as per Google’s standards it could secure first place in the search results. Having first place in search results means unprecedented amount organic web traffic. This traffic is completely free and can be game changer for the businesses.

SEO Friendly Web Design

A web design could have great impact on search visibility and ranking too. Most of the time the web and graphic designers doesn’t pay much attention to the SEO factors. They often use such design technologies and programing code which produce great visual aesthetics but unfortunately it also make the content of the webpage unreadable for the search engines. This way the search engine couldn’t effectively register the content, topic and other required details of the web page. It means such web pages never appear on the first page, in fact such web pages doesn’t appear in the search at all. This makes you invisible for a huge number of potential customers who are searching in Google or any other search engine. That is why it is very crucial for a web design to be able to follow the guidelines and standards of the Google. All other search engines mostly also follow the same guidelines and standards.

SEO Friendly Web Design

Web Design and Load Speed

Most of the time the web designers and creative artists doesn’t pay much attention to the page load time. In order to obtain excellent graphics and visual effects sometimes designers include very bulky resources into the page. These resources and multimedia content can make the page very heavy to load and the web browser take more time to load the full web page. However, this could be catastrophic in both long terms and short terms. If a web page keeps two much time to load the user will simply close it and move on to the next website. It means your prospect is moving to your competitor. Normally a user waits for 2 to 3 seconds and maximum 4 seconds, a good web page must get load within that time. Any time later than that, and you will lose valuable potential customers. It is extremely important that you utilize modern design and development techniques for your web design. Which not only make the load speed better but also allow you to add more innovative features in the web design. Along with that the website hosting also plays a crucial role in page load speed. Make sure you have a good website hosting. A quickly loading page is good for customer experience and it also add value to your credibility.

Web Design and Load Speed


Whenever a business decides to jump into online world or want to revamp their online brand image. This question haunts them, how to design a website. In 2022 the web design trends have been changed a lot. However, there are certain things that every business should consider while designing a website in 2022. In this blog we have discussed how the homepage and several other internal pages are designed. It is very important that the design and the content of the website is prepared in a way to attract more visitors and to communicate the brand message effectively. This will help you generate more online leads and sales. The website is equal to a business’s reception but in the online world. So, you must have to provide all the information that can answer the questions of the prospects and encourage them to convert. The web design enables you to effectively communicate the brand message, unique value proposition, and the value that you can offer which no one else can offer. If a website communicates right message in a right way, then a business can have significant increase in online leads and conversions.

This blog was designed for an ordinary reader who doesn’t have much technical knowledge. If you follow the instructions and suggestion in this blog you can design a wonderful website for your business which will perform exceptionally well in 2022 and will also remain relevant for several coming years. RSI Concepts is a leading web design Dubai agency. If you want to learn more about the subject or want our help with your web design please feel free to reach us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment section below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: How Modern Web Design can boost Online Leads and Conversions?

The post How to Design a Website in 2022? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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Website Designs – Guide 2021 Sun, 20 Jun 2021 11:36:42 +0000 The year 2021 is the year of the digital revolution. Website designs are no exception. The general website trend has completely changed in the past few years, businesses are focusing more on digital mediums and the user experience of their website. It is a well-known fact that web design is almost 90% to 95% responsible… Continue reading Website Designs – Guide 2021

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The year 2021 is the year of the digital revolution. Website designs are no exception. The general website trend has completely changed in the past few years, businesses are focusing more on digital mediums and the user experience of their website. It is a well-known fact that web design is almost 90% to 95% responsible for the first impression. The human brain works in a bit more peculiar way when it comes to websites. It requires only a few milliseconds to build the very first impression of a website. The first impression of the website immediately rates and ranks that website in the user’s mind. If the impression is positive the user will go on and explore further, if the first impression is negative, the user might not explore a lot and quickly earlier. The same goes for the company or brand itself. Whatever impression a user got at first glance about the website will definitely influence their ideas and thoughts about the brand itself. This is why website designs are extremely important for your online brand identity and brand reputation.

This blog is a website design guide for 2021. Here are some of the trends that are gaining traction in 2021:

Full Page Size Headers

Full Page Size Headers

The full-page header or the header that covers the entire visible screen is not a new website design trend but it is gaining a huge amount of attention from the website developers and web designers in Dubai and all around the UAE. There are different variations of the designs which are equally popular and effective for their respective cases. Certain businesses prefer to use only a single static full-page size header. Some prefer to have animated sliders for the header and some are using multimedia content or animated effects to focus on their products/services and features. Whatever is the case the full page header is gaining popularity and not only in 2021 but it seems like it will still remain in fashion in the year 2022 as well.

Visual Effects and Cursor Response

Visual Effects and Cursor Response

As the user experience is the most important aspect of modern website design. The visual effects and micro animations are also gaining popularity. The overall general public is liking such effects. The visual effects, micro animations, and cursor responses make the web design more interactive and engaging. It keeps the interest of the user as the user expects to see anything new coming out of the button or box or just the cursor changing into a different cursor or animation. It keeps the user busy with the design. Although such designs contain less textual content than traditional web designs still these websites are better at getting attention from the visitors. The visitors and users tend to spend more time on such a website, which provides more chances of converting a prospect into a lead.

Minimalist Web Design Approach and White Spaces

Minimalist Web Design Approach and White Spaces

The minimalist web design approach was very popular around 5, 6 years ago, then the textual content and very congested designs dominated it, and now again we are witnessing a tremendous 180-degree shift to minimalist web designs. The minimalist web designs are proven to be able to get more attention from the users. Different elements of the designs can be placed strategically to form a hierarchy. The white space not only lets the users’ eyes get rest but also lets their brains be more focused on the statement or image or sales pitch.

The placement of two elements can tell the users if they are the same or different. For example, if two elements are placed too close to each other the human eye will take them as one element and the brain will process the information in the same way. If the two elements are placed further apart then the brain will treat them as separate elements and hence the information will be perceived as different. This way businesses can improve the user experience as well as their online conversion rates.

Non-Traditional Scrolling

Non-Traditional Scrolling

There are so many different types of non-traditional scrolling however the dynamic scrolling, horizontal scrolling, scroll-triggered animation, and parallax animation are the most popular among the web designers in Dubai and UAE. The dynamic scrolling sets different speeds for background and for the elements of the web design, this is usually used to portray 3D effects and animations. The dynamic scrolling also allows to include videos and animations in the background which can also be linked to the scrolling. The parallax animated scrolling is not a new thing it is in fashion for more than three years now and still it is very popular. Horizontal scrolling is also not a new concept, but it is gaining popularity recently and especially the service-based industries are adapting to this new trend.

The scroll-triggered animations are very popular among the small and medium-sized enterprises and businesses in Dubai, UAE. This design changes the elements but simple, fading effects, or movements to refresh the design upon scrolling. In 2021 we are witnessing some of the most spectacular parallax animations and effects, the technology has been improved and is more responsive towards the cursor. These non-traditional scrolling can be very attractive for the visitors but keep in mind that too much animation and visual effects could also distract your visitors from the content.

Gradient Colors and Colorful Patterns

Gradient Colors and Colorful Patterns

The gradient colors and colorful patterns have started gaining traction after the iconic Instagram revamp of their logo. As we all are so much into social media and such networks, we all are familiar with them. This laid the base of the new trend of including colorful pallets and gradient color schemes. These days in Dubai and all around the UAE big brands and multinational corporate business entities are shifting towards gradient color schemes. Thanks to modern website designing and development technologies working on web designs with gradient color schemes and themes are very easy. The colorful patterns are utilized heavily to differentiate different sections of the websites and to focus on the primary content and CTA (call to action).

Grid Design

Grid Design

The grid designs were present for a long but in past few years when more mobile-centric designs started popping up, the web designers started considering the grid designs to bridge the gap between a completely mobile-centric web design and a traditional web design. Especially in Dubai and all around the UAE the businesses are adopting grid designs to improve their web experience on both the desktops/laptops and smartphones. Apart from the general web design trend in 2021, the programming languages and coding tools have also been updated and now the web designers can easily handle sophisticated user journeys and user experience easily on all supported smartphones and traditional desktops or laptops without increasing the loading time of the web pages.

Dark Mode Enabled UIs

Dark Mode Enabled UIs

The dark mode enabled UI is a fairly new trend in Dubai, UAE. There are two types of dark mode, one is the website provides a selector option between the dark mode and the normal UI modes. Another common occurrence is the default dark mode. No matter whatever method you chose, if you are designing a dark mode for your website, it is extremely important to consider its impact on the primary content of the website. The dark mode should be able to focus more on the important web design elements and the content of the website. So, whatever types of content, media, graphics, and visual effects you use, make sure they look equally important (if not more) on the dark mode as well. The dark mode is happened to be more effective and productive for the minimalist, flat, retro, and long scroll or vertical scroll designs.

Glassmorphism UI

Glassmorphism UI

Another great example of an ever-changing trend is the Glassmorphism. The Glassmorphism means that the UI is designed on multiple layers, usually only two. One is the background, which could be a color pallet or an illustration, and the actual content on the foreground and more prominent. This UI type was first introduced in Windows Vista, later adopted by Apple iOS and nowadays you can see it in tons of web apps all around the UAE. The transparency, vivid color schemes or gradient backgrounds, visible borders, and floating objects make it more attractive, futuristic, and modern. The important thing is to keep the glassy look under control, do not overdo it, and make sure all the primary content and elements are highly visible.

The Glassmorphism is usually used to increase the visibility of the important elements but there are so many examples where the entire UI is designed this way and was highly appreciated by the audience. The selection of background color, transparency, and the number of layers plays a critical role, if not done properly it could fail miserably. As soon as you lose a certain level of visibility the vivid colors and the glassy effects will start irritating your users. The accessibility and responsiveness could also be a bit tricky too so be careful while designing such UIs.

UI/UX Focused Designs

UI/UX Focused Designs

These days the user interface or UI and user experience of UX is the most important part of any website, especially if you are expecting online leads or offering online portals and services, then the user interface and user experience are critically important. As the year 2021 comes with another huge trend of digitalization and online services so the website has become very crucial in any business’s success. The website designers and developers started working on UI/UX-focused designs. In order to improve user experience, the user interface must be very user-friendly and engaging. All the information should be easily available and should be presented in a very engaging manner.

Mobile First Designs

Mobile First Designs

The world is witnessing a tectonic shift in the trend of how we are accessing information. Smartphones and mobile devices are the most preferred means to access information online. The search engine stats and market studies have shown that smartphone-based internet searches have already surpassed the traditional desktop/laptop-based searches. Another very important trend is in the marketing and communication field. Digital marketing is way too popular than traditional marketing. This fueled the trend of mobile-first web designs in Dubai and all around the UAE. The mobile-first design is built to enhance the user interface and user experience for the users using the smartphone and mobile devices. I don’t disagree that the mobile-first designs are not great but for certain industries and sectors, I don’t think the mobile-first approach is very suitable. However, businesses are using it, customers are asking us to do such designs and we are also witnessing great outcomes too.

SEO Friendly Web Design

SEO Friendly Web Design

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is very important these days. Digital mediums are a very powerful factor in influencing purchase decisions. Another important aspect of a search engine is that it also contributes to the brand reputation. Studies have shown that when a customer is searching about a product or service and the very first results show up on the search engine result page are considered to be the most trusted and reliable. The statistical and analytical data shows that the top results in the search engines are the getting the most clicks. This is also very helpful in getting organic traffic. The problem with most modern website designs is that there are so many animations and scripts are used to build the user interface which sometimes prevents the search engines from reading the actual data and subject of the web page. That is why the web design must have to be search engine friendly.


If you are a business operating in Dubai or any part of UAE or in fact anywhere in the world, the websites and the contribution of digital mediums in a business generation is huge. The web designs and website programming tools are continuously evolving, it amazing how much development and progress is done in the website industry in the past few years. This is because the websites and the digital brand identity of any business could have the potential to make or break it. For almost all of the digital branding and marketing activities, the website is the cent point of everything. Web design is responsible for building brand impression. It is considered that the business impression is built within a few milliseconds of when the user has landed on it. The only information that the human brain can process in this time is the design and the visuals. No matter how well you did with the functionalities and the data if your design is not good you will be going to lose.

As Dubai and all around the UAE the markets are very competitive and the customers are very demanding, it is extremely important for a business to remain up-to-date. That is why we wrote this article to let our audience understand the modern web design trends in Dubai. However if you are planning to build a new website or if you want to revamp your existing website, we are here to help you. At RSI Concepts we have built websites for huge multinational corporations, enterprises, local businesses, government departments, SMEs, and all sorts of different industries. We offer competitive rates for web design and development service, along with that we also provide website hosting, emails, SEO, digital marketing, PPC, CPC, Adwords, Lead Generation, and a lot many other digital services. We are offering a one-stop solution for all your digital needs. Feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will revert back to you.

Check out this: Qualities of top Website Designer Companies

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5 Impacts of Touch Screen Devices on Web Design Sun, 14 Mar 2021 07:03:53 +0000 In this blog, we will discuss the impacts of touch screens on web design. Well, touch screens have completely revolutionized our daily lives. Nowadays the touch screens are everywhere and are far more incorporated in our daily lives than ever before. The web design industry is also growing and adapting to new technologies, the touch… Continue reading 5 Impacts of Touch Screen Devices on Web Design

The post 5 Impacts of Touch Screen Devices on Web Design appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

In this blog, we will discuss the impacts of touch screens on web design. Well, touch screens have completely revolutionized our daily lives. Nowadays the touch screens are everywhere and are far more incorporated in our daily lives than ever before. The web design industry is also growing and adapting to new technologies, the touch screens and smartphones are one of them. The websites are very important for a business, as most of the times people will look up on the internet for a business before making a purchase decision which makes the websites even more important. That is not all, whenever someone needs something they search on the internet, it is very common. Which is why business is getting a huge chunk of their sales either directly or indirectly from the internet. The brand identity of any business or organization is heavily influenced by its website online presence and the website is the centre point of that online presence. The success of a website is depending upon two major factors, one is the layout of the web page and the second is customer experience.

See More: 5 Latest Trends of Websites in Dubai

Here are 5 Impacts of the touch screen devices on web design:

1. Web Design’s Layout and Presentation

The web design behaves differently on different touch screen sizes, we usually called refer to this phenomenon as “responsive web design”. Responsive web designs are programmed in a way that they can sense the screen size and device from which they are being accessed. Then the responsive web design automatically renders their design elements and information in a fashion which is most appropriate for that particular screen size. This all is to ensure the finest user experience and all this happens within a fraction of a second and a human being cannot even notice this all. The overall web design layout is made up of different design elements, for example, the images, photos, text, headings, boxes, buttons, navigation and such things, which present the information in a useful manner for the users.

Web Design’s Layout and Presentation

When a responsive web design is opened at different screen sizes it behaves differently, the objective here is to maintain an almost similar user experience on different screen sizes, for example, if you are accessing a website from a 14 Inch laptop screen you know the purchase button is located on the lower right corner of the product description. So when you are opening this website from your mobile phone which has a 5.5-inch screen you will surely go to expect that button just below the description, this is how the human brain works. And this is what a responsive design should do. Although the overall presentation of the information is changed still are able to meet the expectations of your visitor, this is how the responsive web designs are programmed.

See More: Importance of Web Design in 2021 in Dubai, UAE

2. Web Design Navigation Structure

The navigation structure is very important for any web design. The navigation structure is all the information are presented and provided on the website. Most of the time all the important things are placed in different places, for example in the first landing screen is the first visual interaction of a user, it mainly consists of an image slider with multiple important products or services along with appealing sales pitches. The second landing screen is when a user scrolls down and view the next section of the web design, it mostly contains more products/services or sales pitches or a short introduction of the business. Then there are more until the bottom or footer of the web design. On top of the web design, there is always a menu, which provides links to the internal pages and more information. This is how a full navigational structure of a web design is built.

Web Design Navigation Structure

When we open a website on a smartphone or smaller device, the menu cannot be displayed in its entirety as we can display it on the desktop or laptop computer screens that are bigger. So, in order to provide the menu most of the responsive designs display a button or icon of the menu, when a user tap on that menu the menu appears in vertical or nested or tree shape to let the user navigate through all of the information from the internal pages. This is how the navigation is reshaped for the touch screens. Now the most important thing here to consider is that the user might be touching the screen with a finger or thumb, so the size of the buttons and the size of the menu items should be enough to compensate for the effect of tapping with a large thumb of a finger. If the buttons are too small or the menu items are too many and have to be small to be displayed in a single screen view, then the user might accidentally tap on the wrong item/button. This will be very annoying and the user might not consider going any further if they are unable to easily tap the item/button they wanted to.

See More: 5 Facts of Productive Web Designs – Dubai, UAE

3. Hover Effects, Touch Sensitivity and Invisible Content

One of the biggest disadvantages of touchscreens is that they do not support hover effects. So, if your web design is heavily relying on hover effects and the information especially the navigations and menus are designed for the hovering effect, then immediately fix them. This could lead to a lot of problems when a user is viewing your website from a smartphone or any other touch device. Another problem with the touch devices is that there is a latency in some touchscreens, mostly it is 300ms which although doesn’t look much but when special effects are used on your web designs this factor could cause issues in the touch screen user experience. There are certain devices that support 3D Touch or a multi-dimensional touch which basically work differently on different levels of pressure, but these devices are very rare and the website development technologies don’t have enough support for these too. Such features are usually designed for smartphone applications rather than web browsers.

Hover Effects, Touch Sensitivity and Invisible Content

A huge concern related to user experience is the invisible content, like smartphones and most of the other touch screen devices are smaller than the usual computers and laptops this is why the web designs are programmed to hide certain aspects of the designs, graphic elements, and sometimes information too. Which could ruin your user experience. Most of the times the web designers program a responsive web design to hide the sidebars or widgets in the side column of the web design which is very bad for the user experience. The users and customers always expect the same navigations, structure, behaviour and information of a website on the smartphone and tablets as well as they are on the desktop and laptops. So, all the content and information available on a normal desktop or laptop version of the web design should also be provided in the smartphone or touch screen version too.

See More: Limitations in web designs for E-Commerce websites

4. Compatibility and Load Time

Compatibility and load time are very important not only for the users but for digital marketing too especially for search engine optimization (SEO). These days the modern web designs heavily rely on design elements, rich graphics and multimedia content rather than textual content so the compatibility and load time could be a nightmare for the web designer and web developers. Nowadays, touch screens are not only smartphones and tablets, but laptops are also adopting the technology and smart screens are dominating the TV industry. You don’t know if your user is coming from a smartphone, tablet, smart TV or smart media box (almost all smart media box/player support web browsing). All those touch screens enabled devices are built on different technologies, with different application priorities and also with different computing powers.

Compatibility and Load Time

This rise the importance of compatibility and load time. Smartphones and smart devices are comparatively weak in computing power compared to a regular desktop or laptop computer. Which could cause a longer load time on such devices. Sometimes the load time of modern web designs could be so long that a user quit on it and skip the website. This could be disastrous. Another important thing to consider is the compatibility as all touch screen enabled devices are built on different hardware and software technologies, their compatibility and behaviour towards different web design technologies are different. For example, the iPhones and iPads are running on iOS and most iOS users prefer the Safari web browser. Similarly, the Android Smartphone and Tablets are running on Android OS and most Android users prefer Google Chrome and Firefox browsers.

See More: 5 Different Phases of Web Design and Development Project

All the browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Others are built of different technologies and all the platforms or operating systems such as Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and others are also built on different technologies. For example, the Safari browser may behave differently on Windows than on iOS or MAC. The same applies to all other browsers. This causes a huge difference when it comes to user experience and how your web design, its content and its response will be on different browsers and on different platforms. So, a web design must have to be able to deal with all those technological differences to ensure the maximum user experience.

5. User Interaction with Mobile First and Desktop First Web Design

The user interaction with Desktop First or Mobile Fist web design is a very long debate among the web designing community. Most of the time the web designers carefully analyze the audience and estimate the web traffic source either it will be the desktop or laptop devices or smartphones and then make a decision. Which was somehow correct in the past but not anymore. Nowadays, the preferences of the people are changed. People are spending more time on mobiles than on computers. Still taking a decision between desktop-first web design approach and mobile-first web design approach could be tricky. As per my experience in the industry nowadays the mobile-first web designs are performing better than the desktop first web designs. As most of the users are spending more time browsing and surfing on smartphone devices so they are more familiar with the smartphone versions of websites and smartphone applications that carry a certain theme and design style. If your website is mobile friendly and is designed with the preference of mobile devices and touch screens in mind then the chances are they will also perform well on the desktop and laptop as well.

User Interaction with Mobile First and Desktop First Web Design

However, there is a huge difference between the desktop first web design approach and the mobile-first web design approach. The desktop websites are designed on a pre-defined structure which is 2 column or 3 columns or 4 column design. Whereas the mobile-first web designs are built on a modular structure, mostly box type design. The design is made up of different sizes of boxes, sometimes the boxes are visible and distinguishable and sometimes they are not. These boxes will allow the web designer to easily program them to fit and align according to the mobile touch screens, the buttons are also designed bigger to support touch screens and the key functions are placed on certain places which are easy to tap from the smartphones. The page scrolling can also be configured to enhance the mobile user experience. Most of the graphics and effects are achieved through CSS/programming to ensure quick load time on mobile devices. This is the major difference between the desktop first web design approach and the mobile-first web design approach.

See More: What kind of Web Design Compels Customers to Click Call to Action?


The touch screens are heavily impacting the web design trends and the user’s expectations. It is very crucial for the success of a web design that it maintains a similar user experience in any version of the website whether it is accessed from a desktop/laptop or smartphone or tablet the users should be able to easily identify and reach the important information and navigation. The load time and other programming limitations that are present in the touch screen enabled devices should also be considered and accounted for while designing a website. As we know that in general people are spending more time searching and surfing the internet from touch screen enabled devices so our web design must have to design to provide the ultimate user experience there. When we are designing the information and navigational structure of a web page for the touch screens, we can easily map it on the non-touch devices such as laptop and desktops, but if our design approach is desktop first, it could get harder to maintain a similar user experience on the touch screen enabled devices.

At RSI Concepts we have vast experience in web designing and development, our clientele expands from small local business websites to huge corporate sites and everything in between. If you need a business website, or corporate website or eCommerce or an online marketplace, feel free to reach us out using the below comment box or contact us through our Contact Us page.

Check out this: 6 Step guide to choose a web design firm in UAE

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Why do my Website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? Mon, 23 Nov 2020 05:20:37 +0000 Why do my website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? This is a very common question web developers and designers are facing in the web development industry in Dubai, UAE. Well! Though this question may look simple it isn’t. Keeping in mind that there are different operating system with different browsers, and each operating… Continue reading Why do my Website looks different in Apple or iOS devices?

The post Why do my Website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

Why do my website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? This is a very common question web developers and designers are facing in the web development industry in Dubai, UAE. Well! Though this question may look simple it isn’t. Keeping in mind that there are different operating system with different browsers, and each operating system has different updated versions of each browser, not only that, different types of devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops with different screen sizes, the cross-browser or cross-platform compatibility could be a nightmare for a web developer. The customers most often test the websites on 3 to 5 different devices, with mostly two to three different browsers, but for a web designer or web developer, the best approach is to test a website in as many different devices as possible.

This blog could be a bit technical but I will try to keep it as simple as possible for a common reader. Here is some common reason that your website may look different on different devices:

Operating System Compatibility


For instance, let us take the example of Safari browser, the latest update of Safari browser on windows is Version 5.1 whereas for MAC the latest update is Version 14.0. This even further increases the complexity, your website may look great on Safari running in Windows operating system but it may look distorted, or doesn’t look as it should be on Safari running in MAC operating system. Same applies to other browsers too for different operating systems. That is not all, another thing with version compatibility is let say a particular update that enhances specifically the computing capability for JAVA Script, or CSS might be available in older versions of Safari for MAC and might not be available for newer versions of Safari for Windows.

Browser Compatibility


Apart from versions, when we are checking a website in different browsers the appearance may differ in different too. Let say for example if a website is appearing fine, and working completely well in Chrome and Opera, but it may show some issues in Firefox or in Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer browser. The internet explorer browser is discontinued and got replaced with latest Microsoft Edge browsers but still, you will notice some people are using the IE, especially in offices in Dubai, UAE. So, this could be another issue which results in your website appearing differently in different browsers.

Programming/Coding Language Versions


Programming/coding language versions are also very important if you want to have cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility. For example, these days the modern websites are developed using CSS3 (modern CSS version) and HTML5 (modern HTML version). These two are the major components of the modern web site’s user interface or front end, JAVA, JQuery, AJAX, etc and a few many more are also part of an interactive web design and the coder and programmer in Dubai, UAE love to use them for better user experience. Sometimes the web developer and UX/UI designers literally push the limits to achieve their looks and feels. Some browsers are quicker than others to adapt to such technologies, and some are not, not only that, the same browser in the different operating system may not support what it is already supporting in another operating system. This could also lead to a distorted website layout or simply it can cause a lot of compatibility issues.

Bulky Codes or Unused Codes


Another mistake that we found very common among the web designers and developers in Dubai, UAE is that they love to reuse the codes and chunks of the codes from their previous projects, this could also lead to a bulky file for a browser to execute, which could results in a lot many different issues, and it also makes the debugging even harder. I am not saying that one should never reuse their codes, what I am saying is that if you are using a CSS, HTML or JAVA Script from your previous project or from a code repository, then use them wisely and try to remove all unused or irrelevant codes from your front-end files. This will not only reduce the bugs and errors but it will also make the debugging easier.

Smartphone Compatibility or Responsive Web Designs


No web design is accepted these days which doesn’t come with smartphone compatibility, this is what we called responsive web designs. The responsive web designs have their own set of problems and issues. First of all, there are different operating systems such as Android and Apple iOS. The other major problem is there are tens of hundreds of different screen sizes. As time is passing the mobile phones are evolving rapidly, sometimes offering a technology which isn’t even available in the desktops or laptops. So we will be going to elaborate all compatibility issues with smartphones in details:

Smartphones Operating Systems

Majorly the market is occupied with two operating systems, Android by Google, and iOS by Apple. These two are completely different technologies. Not only that, the mobile phones market has the most frequent updates than any other IT technology. This also means there could be hundreds or thousands of different operating system versions running in the market. The smartphone eco-system is developed in a way that it always consider the older devices while preparing for a newer one, but there are tons of new devices with a variety of different operating system version running on them.

Smartphone Browsers

Same like desktops and laptops the smartphones to have different browsers, for example, the most popular browsers for iPhone or iOS users is Safari and for Android users, Google Chrome is the preference. This also means that each website should be able to be completely compatible with these different browsers.

Smartphone Screen Sizes

Another big problem with modern websites is to cope with a huge list of different smartphone screen sizes. Not only that let say if two smartphones have the same physical size let say 5inch but the screen resolution could be entirely different. These things even make it harder to troubleshoot layout and especially text related issues in smartphones.


Both Android and Apple Manufacturers have a variety of different tablets, and as most of the tablets support a full desktop-like layout, which has to be optimized for the smaller screen as well to support tablet devices. Again with a tablet, the operating system, browsers and versions, related issues are still there. So, the website should have to offer a variety of different cross-platform, cross-browser and screen resolution compatibilities.


Why do my website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? Like I said the answer to that question is not a simple one. The best way if to work with a framework platform such as bootstrap, even then the web designer and web developer should test the website on as many physical devices as possible. Do the coding with a minimalist approach, and include alternate codes for all possible browsers, operating systems, screen sizes and versions. This is the only way to provide a universal user experience for all devices and platforms. Creating responsive websites is not an easy task and it is getting harder day by day, by the inclusion of more devices, versions, screen sizes and higher demands of interactive user interfaces. The web designing agency in Dubai, UAE has to be capable of dealing with all those technologies.

The post Why do my Website looks different in Apple or iOS devices? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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