Advantages of content marketing Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Mon, 19 Dec 2022 11:11:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Advantages of content marketing Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 Importance of High-Quality Content and Web Design Mon, 19 Dec 2022 11:11:33 +0000 The world have become more technology dependent than ever before. We have witnessed in past two decades how the technology have changed each and every aspect of our daily lives, both personal and work lives. Furthermore the rise of internet, social media, smartphones, and personal gadgets have also had a huge impact on our lifestyle.… Continue reading Importance of High-Quality Content and Web Design

The post Importance of High-Quality Content and Web Design appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The world have become more technology dependent than ever before. We have witnessed in past two decades how the technology have changed each and every aspect of our daily lives, both personal and work lives. Furthermore the rise of internet, social media, smartphones, and personal gadgets have also had a huge impact on our lifestyle. Here in Dubai and in fact in the entire UAE an average person spends hours on the internet. In the country the internet penetration is almost 99% which is significant. Both the government and corporate sectors are offering tons of services via online mediums and channels. The online communication and digital experience have become an essential for modern businesses. In fact these day’s customer expect from their favorite brand to offer them digital interactions. This is what makes online presence, particularly the business website more crucial and impactful for any business or organization. In this day and age the business websites can have a huge impact on your success.

Importance of High-Quality Content and Web Design

Most of the businesses don’t realize how important a website is and in fact a huge percentage of businesses still don’t pay much attention to their corporate website. Sometimes, especially the SMEs are hesitant to establish a digital presence, as they think they are not as that technically capable or equipped to manage the websites, social media and digital marketing, etc. However, several studies have revealed that the customers tend to judge a business or organization on the bases of their website and online presence. An ordinary customer or prospect often judge the credibility, brand image and their quality of work by the content and web design of their corporate website. The website have huge influence in building the perception of the brand among the audience. It also help reaching out to targeted audience, and it can generate huge revenue for business by attracting and converting more customers. In this blog we will discuss why high-quality content and web design is important for a business.

Importance of High-Quality Content and Web Design

Why High-Quality Content and Web Design is so Important?

The web design builds the first impression on the customers, the intuitive UI makes navigation simple and the content communicate right brand message to the visitors. Together the web design and high-quality content convert interests into action and produce genuine leads for the business. It may sound simple, but the impact of the content and the web design is much deeper. The reason of this blog is to highlight the importance of the quality content and a good web design and its impact on the business. In order to simplify the subject we will discuss both separately.

Importance of High-Quality Content

The content is the most crucial part of any website. Businesses don’t often realize how important the content is and how it can be leveraged to generate more revenue. Think of a well-build and beautiful luxury car, everyone will like it at first look, but if the car doesn’t have a good engine in it, no one will like to buy it. The content plays the same role, it is like the engine of the car, and a website can’t perform well without a high-quality content. Here are some key advantages of a high-quality website content:

Communicate Brand Message and Value Proposition

Your business website is like a reception in the online world, it should offer valuable information and it should be able to present your brand message in order to attract your audience. Just think of a new visitor who doesn’t know anything about the products or services you are offering and prepare content for them. Let them see your products and services at the top of the page, as soon as they land on your website’s homepage they should be able to see the products or services you are offering. People tend to search for products and services they need, if they land on a website the first thing they try to look up is the product or service they are searching for. So, it is important to write clear and simple descriptions of the products and services you are offering. When people realize that the service or product they need is available at your website, the next thing they will be needing would be more information about it. Here is when your content plays the most crucial role.

Communicate Brand Message and Value Proposition

The website content must be able to communicate the brand message and value proposition. The products are services you are offering are also offered by hundreds of other businesses, it is extremely important to communicate what makes you different and more beneficial than the others. This is what the website content will do, your content will communicate the right brand message and it will provide the value that your solutions can offer. This will be the turning point, if the content failed to convince the users at this stage they might not venture further and leave without converting. The content can provide the required information that highlights the value of the product or service and convince the visitors to scroll further or move to the next phase of the customer journey. It is important thing to remember that the people who will be reaching to your website must be looking for something, the first thing that can satisfy their need is the information that ensure them you can provide the required solution. That can only be done with the high-quality content.

Communicate Brand Message and Value Proposition

Build Users’ Trust

The competition is very high in Dubai and all across the UAE. That doesn’t mean there are less opportunities, in fact that means there are more opportunities. Studies have revealed that after sometime the customers get unsatisfied or unhappy with the brand they are dealing with. This mean each time they might be needing something they will also look up for other possibilities rather than their current supplier or service provider. It is the customer’s trust that can help you get more opportunities via your website. The website content is a great tool to gain visitor’s trust. The information you convey and the message you communicate will help you gain visitor’s trust. The content highlights the value of the product or service you offer, it is crucial to highlight the distinguishing features and competitive advantages to attract more customers. It is the content of the website which has ability to convince the customer, obviously the web design also plays an important role in gaining the trust but the content is more crucial to build user’s trust.

Build Users’ Trust

Generate More Sales and Conversions

A business website is a powerful marketing tool, it can be utilized to generate leads and sales. For that the website content is the most important thing. Think of a salesman, any smart salesman knows very well how to portray the picture of their products and services in order to convert the lead. Similarly in the website the content plays the role of the salesman, the content should be able to highlight the features as well as it should be able to answer the questions that might be on a customer’s mind. The customer purely seek information when they land on a website, it is the content and the web design which lead the customer further down the customer journey. The content should be able to communicate with all types and levels of customers, for example, some customers are more tech savvy, and some are not, some have more knowledge of the product or service than the others and so on. The high quality content can meet the need of all audience groups. Furthermore the content make it easier for customers to move through the customer journey and guide them for each step which help maximizing the online conversions and sales from the website.

Generate More Sales and Conversions

Generate More Organic Traffic

For any website the organic traffic is a great contributor to its outcome. Obviously businesses utilize many digital marketing methods to increase more website traffic, although most of the paid digital marketing platforms are not as that expensive but the organic traffic is absolutely free. The organic traffic is the website traffic that is generated from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. and the social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. However, on average almost 70% to 80% of the website traffic is organic, obviously if you don’t have any social media presence or any other digital marketing campaign such as Email, SMS, etc. then the stats would be different but for an average business who invested adequate resources in the digital marketing, the 70% to 80% of the website traffic would be organic. Above all almost 70% of the website traffic is being generated by the search engines. When it comes to search engines “the content is the king”. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the Google have almost 96% share of the search market, which make it the most significant tool for generating organic and absolutely free website traffic.

Generate More Organic Traffic

The search engine optimization or SEO is a technique of making your website align with the standards and guidelines by the search engines. Mostly all other search engines follow the same guidelines as Google. The Google search engine and SEO could be a game changer for any business. More traffic means more leads and more conversions. The website content plays major role in SEO and generating organic website traffic. The search engine ranks a website and rate its internal pages on the bases of the content quality, relevancy and a few other major factors. For example, if you are selling mobile phones and you have listed Apple iPhone 14 on your website, if someone search in Google with relevant keywords or key-phrase such as ‘buy iPhone 14’ or ‘purchase iPhone 14 in Dubai’, etc. then the Google will pull up all the relevant websites. If your content is good and you ranked higher, the chances are your page will be listed in top search results and you will get most of the clicks. Which means you will get most of the sales too.

Generate More Organic Traffic

Similarly for business websites whatever products or services you are offering should have relevant content on the website or its internal pages. This will help you rank higher in the Google and other search engines as well. Usually the homepage have information about all major products and services and there are dedicated internal pages which have more details about each product or service. The Google and other search engines have ability to read the content from the entire website unless you purposely block some of the pages. Furthermore the Google and other search engines also consider the quality of the content even the grammatical errors also matters. Furthermore if the content is great then the user spend more time on the website, which is also taken as a positive sign for the quality of the content. There are several other signs and other methods to improve your SEO, but the center of gravity is the content. No matter how much efforts you put in SEO if the content is not up to the mark, you can never achieve higher ranks. That is why the high quality content is extremely important for generating organic website traffic.

Generate More Organic Traffic

High Quality Content Improve Customer Experience

The high quality content offers great value for the SEO, moreover it last longer, the Google, social media and other platform keep highlighting it all the time and it keep generating traffic for longer period of time. The quality content also help improving customer experience and tend to increase leads and conversions. For any customer journey the customer experience is the most important thing, remember on a website the customer seeks information and try to find the solution to their problems. If the content successfully deliver the value the customer needs, they will definitely convert. That is why it is crucial for the businesses to emphasize on simplifying the customer journey. For example, if you are selling some products online, the customer journey will start from searching about your products, landing on your website, acquiring required information about the product, and then making the purchase including the online payment steps. If you are offering some services, the customer might be required to sign-up or fill a form to provide you lead information. The content should be guiding the customer throughout each step of the customer journey and all steps should be arranged properly in order to increase the conversion rate and online leads.

High Quality Content Improve Customer Experience

Importance of Web Design

The web design and the content both work in harmony to generate the desired results. Sometimes businesses have great content but lack at the design end which results in failure or poor performance of the website. The web design is what help user understand the content properly and improve the customer journey. Furthermore the web design plays extremely important role in brand image building and can have huge impact on customer perception. Different industry sectors have adopted a different web design theme, for example, the e-Commerce websites are always dense with content, photos, links, and navigation and searched, the real estate websites usually have a prominent search engine at the top and a corporate or business website usually have multiple dynamic images or multimedia content highlighting their core products or services, etc. However, here are some key advantages of the web design which can have huge impact on the business:

The First Impression can have Huge Influence over User’s Decision

The website is a great tool to reach out to the targeted audience, communicate with your customers and prospects and re-engage with them. Studies have shown that the web design have profound effects on anyone’s perception of the brand. The web design sets the first impression, and the human brain takes only a fraction of a second to develop an image of the company on the bases of this first impression. Think of a new store or office branch opening in a new territory, the customer or prospect who will visit will try to judge your brand and its value on the bases of the look and feel of that new branch. The websites also have the same effect and the web design plays a crucial role in building first impression. The elegance and usability of the web design will tell your customer how capable you are in serving them and providing them with their required solution. If a website sets a good first impression, the customer start exploring it with a positive mind and throughout their visit on the website they will remain positive about the website, your brand and the information they will find on the pages.

The First Impression can have Huge Influence over User’s Decision

Similarly if the first impression is not good, the users can’t find what they are looking for and the overall look and feel is not good, the users will immediately assume that the brand is not good and they will get concerned about the quality of work they are expecting from the business. Most of the time when a user gets a bad impression or negative vibes about within first few seconds, they don’t even consider scrolling further and move on to the next website. That is why it is extremely important to set a positive and inciting first impression which encourages your visitors to read the content and scroll further at your website. Furthermore the web design must have to present the products or services that you are offering, instead of starting with you introduction, the top area should be used to present your products and services which can appeal your customers. Furthermore the web design also have huge impact on the loading speed of the page. If the web page doesn’t load in first 3 seconds, most of the users will quit. Hence the first impression also include the loading speed which has to be very quick and it mostly depends on the web design.

The First Impression can have Huge Influence over User’s Decision

Web Design Builds Trust

Although we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, however, people tend to subconsciously judge a brand by its web design. If the web design is outdated or looks sub-standard people will definitely question your ability to deliver a high-quality service or product. People will think that if a business is unable to professionally manage their website, how they would be able to deliver them the perfect service or quality products. Furthermore it is not just the look and feel, the functionality also matters a lot. And when it comes to website functionalities the navigation and the search are the most commonly used function on a web page. A standard business website have a homepage which is extremely important, then there are several other internal pages such as about page, products/service pages, contact, blog, FAQs and much more. All of this required a proper well-organized navigation which can help your customer to reach out to the required information without any effort or complexity. All these things help gaining user trust and improve their experience on your website. If a business succeed in gaining user’s trust the chances are they will most likely convert into a lead or a sale.

Web Design Builds Trust

Intuitive UI (User Interface) Improves UX (User Experience)

The web design doesn’t only offer a good look and feel but a good web design offers an intuitive and interactive user experience. The user experience is the most important thing in customer journey, without a smooth and customer-friendly user experience the business cannot generate the sales. The UI or user interface is more like a functional feature rather just look and feel. Most of the time, businesses successfully manage to use right colors, fonts, multi-media content, etc. however, they still don’t get the desired response from the users. That is because the UI is not as that user friendly and it is not adding any value to user experience. The UI is based on how the content flows, how different areas are highlighted, how the navigation is designed and how the web design is interacting with the user. That is what form the user interface. The users want to acquire information form the web pages, the business want to guide them through the path to conversion. How simple and easy that path is will determine how good or bad the user experience will be.

Intuitive UI (User Interface) Improves UX (User Experience)

The UI of a web design is majorly responsible for the UX and the user experience greatly influence the customer perception of the brand. That is what makes web design even more important. We have noticed most of our customers are not aware of these facts, usually the businesses only focus on the look and feel of the web page, however, the user interface (UI) should be focused more. There are several ways a web design can improve the UI and UX and help businesses achieve the desired outcome and their goals. The information architecture is one of the most important aspect. Because all of the visitors are coming to your website to acquire information, hence the navigation and information architecture is what make sure the user will get to the required page, link or content. The visual design, the color schemes, the blank spaces, the headings, the links, and the pictures/videos or any other multimedia content should be organized in way to offer users an uninterrupted access to the information. Then comes the CTA or Call to Action, this is where the real magic happens. The CTA is a core part of the design and it can increase or decrease the online leads or conversion by 20% to 80%.

Intuitive UI (User Interface) Improves UX (User Experience)

Similarly other design elements also play a crucial role in user experience. For example, the anchor texts are the texts with links, if you don’t highlight them properly most of the user might not notice them. Similarly the buttons and menus are also very important. Usually the homepage of a web design is different than the internal pages, the internal pages are much simpler and usually focused on only one subject. The instructiveness of the web design is very important for customer engagement, for example the users always notice micro-responses or small movement or color change or any such response will keep the user interaction alive and increase their interest in the page. All such things help improving customer experience and increase the usability of the web page. Studies have shown that in Dubai and all around the UAE the businesses are focusing more on user experience because the user are prioritizing it more. It also help gaining users’ trust and it is very helpful in long-term.

Intuitive UI (User Interface) Improves UX (User Experience)

Web Design Help Improving SEO

The SEO or search engine optimization can generate huge amount of absolutely free web traffic which means businesses can leverage it to generate a large number of opportunities. The web design have significant impact on the SEO as well. The Google and any other search engine scan a website and index it to their data repositories. This scanning is done by automated software programs which are known as data crawler or spiders. These crawlers or spiders scan a web page and its entire source code. The search engine algorithms have ability to fetch content from the source code as well as they can view the page from user’s point of view. The Google and other modern search engines have ability to measure the efficacy of UIs and they can also rate the UX of a web page. This all depends on the web design. The tricky part is that all of these crawlers or spiders have limited capabilities which means that their ability to read the content and source code is limited.

Web Design Help Improving SEO

The modern web design techniques involve certain coding methods and languages which are not compatible with the search engine crawlers or spiders. This is what makes your page invisible, but when your web design follows the guidelines it not only help improving the visibility of the page but also the UX which help raising the ranks of the website in the search. The search result page is the page which you view when you enquire for a keyword or key-phrase in the Google or any other search engine and that page is also known as the SERP or search engine result page. If your webpage ranks higher in the search engine result it means you will get more clicks and traffic from the search engine. Furthermore the search engine also consider several other web design features such as accessibility, usability, and responsiveness. The responsiveness is the smartphone and mobile device compatibility. Basically responsive web design renders perfectly on different screen sizes, browsers and platforms. It offers consistent user experience to all users from all platforms which also help increasing ranks in search engine ranking and help businesses get more traffic.

Web Design Help Improving SEO

Web Design Help Building the Brand

For any brand the colors are the most important thing. Mostly businesses already have a logo when they start building their websites, whatever the case is choosing the right colors for your web design is extremely important. The best way is to align your web design’s color scheme with your logo. This will help you to develop a strong brand image in both online and offline. Consistency in the brand is important, inconsistency lead to confusion among the customers. Each color have a meaning and have strong effect on our perception of the brand and also at our subconscious mind. For example, the black and gold represents luxury, the orange and yellow represents energy and youth and it appeals different audience and so on. Each color have different effect on your targeted audience. There is a phenomenon called anthropomorphism which loosely means that people perceive the brands as personalities and it help us remember them easily. Thus your color scheme, the pattern you use in your web design, especially the geometrical patterns, curves, edges, thickness, etc. all such things will build a unique personality of your brand. The web design can have huge impact on your both online and offline branding.

Web Design Help Building the Brand


A business website is a very strong and effective marketing and communication tool in the modern day and age. In Dubai and all around the UAE where the markets are highly competitive, the customer are more demanding and the technology and digitalization is dominating each and every industry sector, the websites have become greatly important. Businesses can generate a huge number of sales and leads using their website. In the UAE the internet penetration is 99% which means almost every one of your customer would have internet access and they could explore for your business or the products or services they need in the online. This is what makes your website more important. The website consists of two major components, the content and the design. The website content is the information and materials you provide on your website in hope for attracting more customers. The web design is the look and feel of the website, which includes the color scheme, the design elements and the entire UI.

Businesses usually don’t realize how effective and useful the website is. A corporate website can help businesses achieve their goals, it help them building brand image online, boost online leads and conversions and offer them a great and free communication channel to communicate their audience and customers. In order to make a website successful both the web design and the high quality content should work in perfect harmony. In this blow we have discussed the importance of the web design and the high quality content on the business and its online presence. RSI Concepts is a leading website designing agency in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to build a perfect business oriented website for your brand, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: How to Create Effective Call to Action (CTA)?

The post Importance of High-Quality Content and Web Design appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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