Digital Marketing Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Mon, 21 Nov 2022 06:23:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Digital Marketing Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 Why digital marketing is important for business in 2022? Mon, 21 Nov 2022 06:23:08 +0000 The ways businesses communicated with its customers have changed a lot over the time.The simple TV and Radio ads has been replaced by the social media advertisements. The letters has been transformed into emails and so on. It is not that the traditional marketing and communication methods have completely lost their value, but they gradually… Continue reading Why digital marketing is important for business in 2022?

The post Why digital marketing is important for business in 2022? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The ways businesses communicated with its customers have changed a lot over the time.The simple TV and Radio ads has been replaced by the social media advertisements. The letters has been transformed into emails and so on. It is not that the traditional marketing and communication methods have completely lost their value, but they gradually become less effective and are being replaced by the modern communication channels and marketing practices. By definition the digital marketing is a method or strategy to get in touch with your customers, prospects, and audience through internet and other digital mediums. There are several digital marketing channels however, usually it is referred to the communication done through online channels that are accessible from a computer or smartphone. With the rise of technology, specifically the internet, computers and the smartphones, the marketing have also adopted to the new norms. Now a days, a social media or search engine ad can produce better results than an ad published in a magazine or newspaper.

Why digital marketing is important for business in 2022?

Why Digital Marketing Is Important in 2022?

The consumers of the internet and social media have rapidly increased in past decade, according to an article published in the world population is 7.98 Billion out of that 5.49 Billion people owns mobile phones (unique mobile users) and almost 5 Billion people have internet access all around the world. Out of 5 Billion people with internet access 4.7 Billion are social media users. That figures are staggering, this means how popular social media and internet is, and how businesses can leverage it for their benefits. According to Statista research the number of active social media users in UAE is 10.6 Million, which is almost 99% of the population. Social media channels such as YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn and several others are very popular in UAE. The Google is the most popular search engine in the world and also in the UAE with 96% of UAE search market share. Along with that the other Google services and products are also very popular such as Google Chrome is said to be the most popular web browser in UAE with almost 66% or the market share.

Why Digital Marketing Is Important in 2022?

These stats clearly shows how important social media and Google search engine is. If you are a business operating in Dubai or anywhere else in UAE then your customer must be using any of the above mentioned platform. Usually people tend to use multiple social media platforms. For example, I prefer searching the web via Google Search Engine. My top communication platform is WhatsApp for both private and business communication, it is quick, instant and everyone respond to your texts very quickly. I use YouTube on daily bases, I get in touch with my old friends via Facebook and Instagram and for official networking my preferred platform is LinkedIn. I am also an active user of twitter. With all that said, I would also like to mention that I am just like any other ordinary consumer in UAE. That means majority of an average consumer also follow the same pattern, they might be using a different platform but people tend to spend a lot of time on these channels and platforms. This is what makes digital marketing so important for the businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE in 2022 and this trend will continue to grow in coming years.

Why Digital Marketing Is Important in 2022?

Here are some key advantages of the digital marketing that will help you understand the importance of the digital marketing for your business in 2022 and beyond.

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Communicate with People through their Preferred Channel

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE people use to spend a lot of time on the internet. According to several researches an average person living in anywhere in UAE spends almost 8.5 hours a day on the internet and out of that time 3.5 hours are purely on social media platforms. This means that your customers and prospects are online, and searching for products and services that you are offering via so many different online digital platforms. If you are not present on these platforms you will definitely lose all those prospects and customers who are more likely to find a competitor with a better online presence. In this modern age almost every customer expects from their favorite brand to be present at their preferred social media platform. Or at least have a website which can help them to acquire information or to get in touch with the business. It is not that businesses are very reluctant to utilize online channels, the problem is that most of the businesses despite having social media profiles and pages and a website still failed to produce the desired results. That is because of the lack of knowledge and strategy that is needed to establish a strong online presence. People tend to appreciate when you contact or communicate to them through their preferred communication channel.

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Communicate with People through their Preferred Channel

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Very Cost-Effective and Offers Excellent ROI

One of the biggest advantage of the digital marketing is that it can cater to everyone. No matter if you are a startup a small local business or a large enterprise, the digital marketing can benefit all types and size of businesses. Especially here in Dubai and all around the UAE even the government departments, ministries, and official utilize social media to communicate with the population. You can easily start your digital marketing campaigns and start building an online presence with very little to no investments. These days, almost every business has a website, even if you don’t have a website, creating one is not as that expensive. Creating social media profiles and pages is absolutely free, there are a tons of digital marketing tools which are absolutely free. Businesses can utilize these free channels and tools to maximize their online presence. For the businesses who can invest more in the digital marketing such as paid advertisements and paid campaigns, they can even generate more value with these campaigns. The digital marketing campaigns always have better ROI, one of the best example of a digital marketing tool that offers excellent ROI is the email, against each dollar spend over emails, businesses can get up to $44 USD as return. The other digital marketing methods also offer excellent ROI comparing to traditional methods.

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Very Cost-Effective and Offers Excellent ROI

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Offers Great Agility and Speed

Another great advantage of digital marketing is that it is agile and offers quick communication with easy reach to everyone and anyone. For example, a simple post on Instagram or a tweet will be immediately available on your followers’ timelines. Comparing to a traditional communication channel like publishing something in the newspaper or magazine, publishing something over your corporate website or social media is much simpler, easy and take just a few clicks on the mouse. The email newsletter is also another great example, businesses can create a newsletter and send it to every customer and targeted audience within minutes. The digital marketing make your business agile and speed up the communication process. On top of that the businesses can have access to the digital marketing tools and platforms all the time, 24/7. So does the customers, which means businesses can communicate with its customers and audience anytime they want. There is no need to design an advert or create a flyer, then publish it and distribute it, which could take up to weeks at best. The customers can also visit your website, blog, social media profiles and pages any time they want to acquire information or to interact with your business.

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Offers Great Agility and Speed

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Offers Better Targeting

Better targeting always means better result in the marketing industry. Think you are selling a product that is only for females, let say a fancy scarf or something like that. What would be your first idea to market it? Let say if you want to run a commercial on TV channels, that would be expensive, if you will go with radio ads, that might not be effective at all. You left with very few options, such as lending bill boards, posting adverts in magazines, etc. or putting stalls and kiosks in public places and malls. What do you think how much it will cost you? I can’t come up with a figure, but I can tell, that will going to cost a fortune. Now think of running ads in YouTube, or at Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Google, now what do you think what this will cost you? It will cost you just a fraction of the traditional marketing campaign. No let us discuss another and most important factor, let say you go with a traditional marketing campaign, what do you think how many women you will be able to attract?

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Offers Better Targeting

Let’s talk about the kiosk in a shopping mall, there could be thousands of people who will pass by, let say half of them would be female, then that means your 50% of the targeted audience is already not interested in buying your pink fancy scarf. But what if you somehow can have control over who will visit your kiosk or even the shopping mall? Let say your potential buyers are all female from the age ranging from 20 to 35, what if only that age group visits the mall then, you can have more potential buyers. With traditional marketing methods, this is farfetched, in fact impossible. However with the digital marketing you can easily reach out to your ideal audience. The social media platforms and other digital channels provide you facility to choose the demographics and location as you want. Let say if you want to run your adverts only in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, then you don’t have to bear the cost of running ads in other areas. That is how precise it is and that is how it can help you reduce the cost and maximize the outcome of your marketing campaign.

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Offers Better Targeting

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Offers Campaign Monitoring and Analytics

One of the biggest advantage of the digital marketing campaign is that the digital marketing platforms and tools offers great analytical data and campaign monitoring tools. The campaign monitoring and analytics help businesses in tracking their campaigns and getting insight, which enables them to drive better strategies for future and keep improving their campaigns. For example, if you are advertising for a pink scarf, you must be uploading a video or an image or you might be publishing an ad in Google search with a link to your online store or webpage. The campaign monitor will let you know how many people clicked on it, when clicked on it and from where clicked on it. Furthermore the digital platform can also provide more user data such as their gender, age group, their social media likings, and a wealth of customer insight which is very helpful in improving your campaigns and maximizing the outcome. However, with a TV ad you will never know how many people have watched it, and who were they, or what were their persona, liking/disliking, etc.

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Offers Campaign Monitoring and Analytics

Another big problem with the traditional marketing campaigns is that once you have launched a campaign you can’t changes to it until it is finished and you will have to incorporate the changes in the next campaign. However, with the digital marketing campaigns, you know everything, your customer persona, how many impressions, clicks, likes, shares, or follows you got and you can also related that data to your actual sales to quantify the results and to calculate the ROI. This will help you understand if the campaign is driving valuable results or not. When you can get this level of tracking and monitoring in real-time you can easily tweak your campaigns to improve the outcome. The ability to immediately track the performance of the campaign enables you to control the budget and keep the expense under control. The changes to the campaign can be done easily by just logging in to the administrative dashboards of the platform you can make changes instantly and deploy them without wasting time and money. This also help you reducing the cost, as the budget of the campaign is also in your hand, there is almost no minimum budget limit, you can easily check with a specific budget what you can get and plan the campaign to keep you expense under control too which is not possible with traditional marketing campaigns.

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Offers Campaign Monitoring and Analytics

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Compete with Larger Competitors

Competing a larger competitor in traditional marketing is extremely hard, as larger competitors have more budget and resources to invest in the traditional marketing campaigns. However, with the digital marketing competing a larger competitor is not difficult. The online world is very different from the offline world. In online world it is relatively easier to build a good brand identity. Large businesses automatically gets more attention, however, with a smart campaign management strategy you can easily beat them in the digital marketing sphere. The digital platforms and channels doesn’t distinguishes between a smaller or larger business, hence you both have equal chance to reach out to the targeted audience. The search engine optimization or SEO and PPC/CPC are a great way to compete with larger competitors. The SEO will rank your website at top if you are producing better content, if your customers are happy with you and if your website if offering them more value than the others. Similarly the other advertisement campaigns also level the playing ground for everyone regardless of the brand name or business size. This provide a great competitive advantage which is not possible with traditional marketing methods.

Advantages of Digital Marketing: Compete with Larger Competitors


The traditional marketing practices are losing their charm, now a days people used to spend more time on their computers, smartphones and tablets rather than watching TV or reading newspaper. The smartphones particularly have put everything at your hand. The news outlets offer smartphone apps, even the TV and radio channels, the magazines and other media channels are offering mobile apps and websites. Printing pamphlets and distributing brochures is a thing of past now. The social media is taking over. Here in UAE where the internet penetration have reached to 99% of the population, the digital media and digital marketing have become extremely important for businesses. Furthermore the digital marketing industry have already surpassed the traditional marketing. The digital marketing offer better targeting, it is extremely cost-efficient and it can produce remarkable ROI. This is what makes it more important than the traditional marketing campaigns.

RSI Concepts is a leading digital marketing agency in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject of if you want us to help you setup your marketing campaigns or to lift up you online brand image, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: How You Can Improve Your Workflow with Human-Centric Web Design?

The post Why digital marketing is important for business in 2022? appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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How Digital Marketing can Help B2B Businesses in 2022 Tue, 22 Mar 2022 05:58:41 +0000 The internet and digital have become so much integrated in our daily lives that living without it is unimaginable. General population in Dubai and anywhere else in UAE is very much connected to the internet and digital media channels. In fact the government itself is focusing on digitalization and going paperless which is a strong… Continue reading How Digital Marketing can Help B2B Businesses in 2022

The post How Digital Marketing can Help B2B Businesses in 2022 appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The internet and digital have become so much integrated in our daily lives that living without it is unimaginable. General population in Dubai and anywhere else in UAE is very much connected to the internet and digital media channels. In fact the government itself is focusing on digitalization and going paperless which is a strong evidence of the futuristic approach of the government in moving forward. The entire UAE is considered to be much ahead from other MENA regions in terms of technology and digital integration. Almost 99% of the population have easy access to the internet and digital media channels. Local and regional businesses have realized it very early, and since more than a decade now, businesses are heavily investing in digital media channels and communication methods. This has also impacted the way businesses were used to communicate with their B2B audiences. The B2B business model means that a business who sells to other businesses rather individual consumers. That is why B2B communication and marketing is very different than B2C where businesses sell to individual consumers.

How Digital Marketing can Help B2B Businesses in 2022

The B2B audience is much more experienced and they are professional in their respective fields, so their expectations would be much higher and they would always need more. Which means the messaging you should use with your B2B marketing strategy should be extremely clear and subjective. The communication message should be able to clearly tell your audience why they should chose you over others. There are several ways to persuade your audience and have them convinced that you are the best solution to their problems or needs with your communication and marketing strategy. The B2B purchase cycle is always longer than the B2C it is crucial to plan the entire journey from creating awareness, building interests, igniting desire, gaining trust and all the way to decision making. In this blog we will cover most of the digital marketing aspects of a B2B marketing campaign. The B2B audience is usually smaller and much more concentrated, that is why it is also important that you are targeting the right customer persona. Here is how to do that:

Digital Marketing Channels & Tools Help Building High ROI Yielding Marketing Strategies

The B2B marketing also starts with learning and understanding your targeted audience and customer persona. This information can be gathered from all traditional and digital sources. Such as a business can take suggestions and inputs from its sales staff or customer support teams, they can also look into the analytical data of their website and social media channels. Moreover the demographic and geographic targeting tools coupled with almost all digital marketing channels can help businesses in precisely targeting the audience at any stage of customer journey. For example a business could start comparing its sales with the web pages that got most clicks/traffic, social media pages and posts who are more popular than others.The demographic data and geographic data is also available in thoseanalytical tools that comes with Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. and other digital channels and it is absolutely free.

Digital Marketing Channels & Tools Help Building High ROI Yielding Marketing Strategies

Businesses can use the analytical data to understand their customer persona and then they can prioritize the channels that can produce better results. The keyword research is also important, it can be done using free Google tools. Businesses can create content as per the relevant and popular keywords and can attract more traffic to their website, landing pages and blogs, which is also a good way to reach out to the B2B audiences. Collectively all this research will lay the foundation of your digital marketing strategy and it could also provide you the rough projections of what to expect from each channel. A digital marketing strategy is not a rigid rule book, it is always subjected to changes, modifications and tweaks. When a business starts executing a digital marketing strategy it should keep monitoring it closely to analyze the results and stats and accordingly the changes can be made to further magnify the outcome of the campaign. The success of a digital marketing strategy for B2B audience is always based on the targeted audience and selection of right marketing channels.

Convert Your Corporate Website into a Powerful Marketing Channel

A corporate or business website can easily be transformed into a powerful marketing tool. Most B2B based businesses in Dubai and all around UAE doesn’t utilize their corporate website effectively. In fact most marketers and business owners think that their business website is just an online brochure, however, that is not the case. Your corporate website is a power house of online leads and conversions. In order to make your website effective you must have to understand that a corporate website requires continuous nurturing, monitoring and efforts. The website is more like a knowledge-base which should be updated on regular bases, new content should be added, information should be up-to-date and it should be able to aid the customer journey. The corporate website should act as an online reception, where your customers should be able to easily access to the information they need. Moreover for generating online leads and sales a website must have relevant information and capability to offer a solution to the problems that your customers might be looking for.

Convert Your Corporate Website into a Powerful Marketing Channel

There should be a reason why your visitors should come to your website and why they should stay. And that is very important. You should offer something to your visitors to make them stay on your website. If the visitors feels that the website has no benefit to offer they will immediately leave. If the information is too complex, or the design is not good, or any other reason which induce negative feelings, they will leave. That is why it is extremely important that your business website offer them something. In B2B case the audience is interested in stats, logical conclusions and precise details. Hence the website should be able to provide them that.

Here are some basic features that a B2B corporate website must have:

  1. Provide precise, relevant and up-to-date information
  2. Content should be designed specifically for the targeted audience
  3. Effectively implement call to action (CTA) button to increase leads and conversions
  4. Provide information about your business structure, processes and standards
  5. A clear company profile with mission and vision statement
  6. Team members details, their accomplishments, expertise and professional qualifications
  7. Business Partners’ Names/Logos and Customer’s Name/Logos
  8. Trust Markers such as Client Testimonials, Case Studies, Ratings, Business Accomplishments, etc.
  9. A professional blog or PR section to provide additional relevant content and industry news
  10. Integrate social media pages and profiles
  11. Responsive and Mobile Friendly Web Design to welcome visitors from mobile devices
  12. Robust loading and flawless user experience
  13. Intuitive User Interface, Simple Navigation and Shorter Customer Journey
  14. Contact Details, Branches Lists and Direct Contacts for Relevant Departments/Personals

Convert Your Corporate Website into a Powerful Marketing Channel

Generating online leads from a corporate website is not an easy task. It is not only about bringing the most traffic to your website, obviously more website traffic will result in more online leads, but the actual conversion rate depends on the quality of the website and the user experience. That is why a corporate website has to be continuously updated, more pages and information should be added. The customer journey play a key role in the online lead generation. However, the first impression to the visitor, the web design, content, pictures/videos, navigation, the entire UI, color schemes and the trust markers and information that you provide all contributes to online leads, and help taking your customers to the next step of the customer journey.

Leverage Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Boost Website Traffic

Your business website is the foundation of all your digital marketing campaigns. It dictates the entire online branding all other channels follow the website. Having a wonderful website that have all the features to maximize your online conversions is not enough. The website must have traffic in order to convert the visitors into online leads or sales. For that various methods and techniques are used, some are organic (free) and some are paid such as social media adverts, referral channels, search ads, etc. However, several studies and statistical data have shown us that the SEO is the most effective long term digital marketing campaign. For some businesses the SEO can be accounted for almost 70% of the entire website traffic regardless of the industry or business category. The SEO is equally effective for both B2C and B2B business models.

Leverage Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Boost Website Traffic

The SEO is divided into two major sections one is called on-page SEO and the other is off-page SEO. The on-page SEO is to make your website search engine friendly, for that we usually follow Google, as it is the most popular search engine in the world and in UAE it is the largest search engine having 97% market share. The Google has its own guidelines and criteria which we should follow to design and develop our websites. If a business website is as per the guidelines by Google, it would be easier to find by the search engine and the search engine algorithms would be able to identify its subject easily. It will help businesses to rank higher in the search engine results. The statistical data shows that the top websites in the search engine result page can grab almost 70% of the traffic and the users are very less likely to go to the second or third page. So, it is important to stay in the first page. Rest of all search engines such as MSN/Bing, Yahoo, AOL, etc. follow almost the same guidelines as Google.

Leverage Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Boost Website Traffic

The off-page SEO involves building links, expanding social media platforms and getting endorsements from other websites. The B2B marketing is very different from the B2C marketing and the typical customer journey is also longer. The content marketing can play a crucial role in grabbing user’s attention at any point of the journey. An active and professional blog could be a great boost to your SEO. It is important that you publish blogs and post content that appeal your audience and could also help them finding a solution to their problems. Your experience, skills and knowledge could add value to a lot of existing customers as well as it can help you grab attentions from a lot many new visitors. The guest blogging is a very cost-efficient tactics to increase your blog’s and website’s visibility. Publishing blogs on popular forums, websites, and relevant online channels could help you boosting your website traffic which eventually help you to increase your ranks in the search engine. The Google and other search engines always regard quality content, if the content get endorsements, traffic and shares, the Google will mark it as a high quality content and will raise your ranks in the search.

Embrace Social Media to Establish Online Brand Image

Most of the times businesses avoid using social media for their B2B digital marketing strategies. The social media is labor-intensive, it needs creativity with a slight touch of entertainment, however, the B2B communication is mainly professional, based on facts, stats, data, information and such content. That is the reason the social media is not so popular among the B2B businesses in Dubai or anywhere else in UAE. The same perception was dominating the global landscape as well, but since past few years, we have noticed some big brands making a huge impact by embracing social media. The social media is a very vibrant and fast-paced ecosystem. New platforms are rising and some are even defeating the already established social media platforms, such as Tiktok and WhatsApp have made a huge splash and are still growing rapidly all around the world.

Embrace Social Media to Establish Online Brand Image

Even though the social media platforms are still not so popular among B2B marketers, when a marketer is setting up a strategy for B2B marketing campaign, the very first social media platform they consider is LinkedIn. The biggest mistake that most of the marketers and business owners make is to make assumption rather than doing research. People might assume the TikTok could be the most popular platform for videos, however, it doesn’t even reached to the fraction of traffic and time people spend on YouTube. That is why it is important to choose social media platforms very wisely and do proper research and only choose those platform which are aligned with your customer persona. For social media platforms the customer engagement is an essential part, whether it is LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media channel the most important thing is that you should be able to engage your audience by offering them the content that interests them.

Embrace Social Media to Establish Online Brand Image

Here are some common content types that can perform well for the B2B marketing over social media platforms to boost your audience’s engagement:

  1. Tips, Tutorials, and How to Guides
  2. News, Press Releases and What’s Happening in the Industry
  3. Common Problems and their Solutions
  4. Product/Services Updates, Promotional Content, etc.
  5. Case Studies, Whitepapers, Blogs and Landing Pages
  6. Client Testimonials, Achievements, and Company Mission/Vision

It is important to be open and welcoming on your social media platforms. The customer engagements and communication can lift up your brand’s image and it will add value to your reputation and credibility. Actively posting content on social media channels and optimizing it for better search is a key to success on social media platforms. For example, these days’ hashtags are a common sighting on almost every popular social media. Using proper hashtags can boost your social media visibility and can bring tremendous amount of traffic to your social media posts. This traffic can be funneled down to your blogs, website, landing pages, product/service pages and other important content to drive online leads and conversions.

Execute Paid Digital Marketing Campaigns to Instantly Boost Leads

The biggest drawback of organic (free) digital marketing tactics is that they are all long term strategies, for example if you want to meet a sales target by then end of current quarter, you won’t be able to achieve it with optimizing your website for search engines (SEO), or publishing twice the number of posts on your social media and anything of that sort. For such needs, the paid digital marketing campaigns are your best bet. Not only for a short term gain, in fact businesses tend to run ads all the time, and they also keep their organic tactics in parallel. That is the best approach, it always help to gain quicker leads from the paid sources and channels. According to Google89% of the customer use the internet during their B2B research, and 71% of these researchers use generic search terms. It means they are not looking for a specific business in fact they search for a problem, solution or product/service. That is why most of the marketers prefer to utilize paid digital marketing channels as well along with their SEO, content marketing, social media and other online efforts.

Execute Paid Digital Marketing Campaigns to Instantly Boost Leads

When it comes to the paid digital marketing channels the Google both search and display ads have the highest conversion rate. It is due to the fact that most of the customers and prospects no matter what kind of product or service they need, they include Google search in their research process. A B2B marketer can easily leverage Google Search Ads and Display Ads, the search ads are simple, they appear in the search result pages at the very top with a small marker identifying them as “Ads”. However, the display ads are the ads that Google strategically places on YoutTube, Gmail, Websites, News & Blogs, etc. The Google Display Ads also allow you to create text, image, animation, videos and interactive ads. These ads are displayed only on the channels which are highly relevant to your topic or subject hence they can yield higher conversion rates.

Execute Paid Digital Marketing Campaigns to Instantly Boost Leads

Optimizing the Google Ads, both search and display ads is extremely important to achieve better ROI, that is why the Google provide a very comprehensive control dashboard which also allow you to target specific audience on the bases of keywords, demographics and location and it also allow you to exclude the audiences that are not relevant to you. This could significantly increase your ROI for the paid digital marketing campaign. The LinkedIn is ranked as the number one platform for B2B lead generations by the marketers and it is the world’s largest professional network or social media channel. Having a great paid marketing strategy for LinkedIn could provide you great results both short term and long term. There are three main types of LinkedIn Ads are Sponsored Content, Text Ads and Sponsored Messages. The LinkedIn users majorly use it only for business related activities and networking so getting access to their personal messages or pushing your content to their news feed could be really boost your B2B marketing. The text ads are also very useful and can help generating quality leads.

Execute Paid Digital Marketing Campaigns to Instantly Boost Leads

Over the years, Facebook have evolved a lot and its advertising platform have done remarkable improvements. The Facebook have a massive user base with 2.4 Billion monthly active users. This means that you can gain access to a huge amount of audience. Huge user base also means bigger competition. However, the Facebook advertisement tool allow you to exactly pinpoint the audience you want to target. However, the biggest challenge is that the audience on Facebook, might not always looking for a solution or business enquiry, so they are difficult to get engaged with. That is why Facebook also provide an Audience Network, this feature allow B2B marketers and business owners to push their content to the other networks and applications that are connected with Facebook and can increase the conversion rate a lot. There are several ad types on Facebook, businesses can hunt for leads as well as they can utilize the massive user base to spread awareness about their brand and their products/services. The intelligent algorithms at Facebook also help pushing your ads to the right audience at the right time and at the right place, which help you bring more traffic to your website and landing pages and it is also very helpful in generating good quality leads.

Email Marketing – The Old is Still Gold

The email marketing is a relic of digital marketing. It is the oldest digital marketing technique, yet it is still very effective and useful. No matter you are a B2C or B2B business, the Email Marketing is equally effective. Businesses can use Email communication achieve a variety of goals and objectives. In terms of B2B marketing the emails can produce great results. They are very cost-effective and with the modern email marketing tools business can also gather insights and business intelligence which can later be used for strategy building and decision making processes. The studies have shown that a successful email marketing campaign can return up to 44 USD against every 1 USD spend on it. Those numbers are staggering, there is no other traditional marketing technique that can compete those numbers. That is why it is crucial to utilize email marketing to achieve better ROI over your digital marketing campaign.

Email Marketing – The Old is Still Gold

For B2B lead generation or sales the message that you communicate with your emails matters the most. The B2B audience knows very well what they need so it is crucial to convey them the right message and tell them that you can provide them the solution to their problem or how your products/services can be helpful in making their situation better. A business usually have a variety of different products and services, for that it is important to segment your email database accordingly. Share the right message with the right audience is the key to success of email marketing. These days the marketing emails are a bit more visually rich and dynamic and a lot of links can be embedded in the emails. That is why the first impression is very important which can be improved by the appealing visuals. The short and to the point messages perform well comparing to the long details. In short the email marketing can be a very effective tool for bringing traffic to your website and landing pages and to generate online leads.

Bridge Your Offline and Digital Marketing

The dominance and superiority of digital marketing doesn’t mean the offline or traditional marketing is dead. In fact for the B2B businesses the offline marketing is still very good. That is why it is important to bridge your offline and online or digital marketing strategies by integrating them with one another. The most common use of offline marketing to enhance your digital marketing is to collect email addresses from events, exhibitions or conferences that you held or participate to reach out to more prospects and customers. Furthermore businesses can use coupons, brochures and other materials to promote your landing page or product/service page and offer value (discount, free consultation, etc.) to convince people to use those coupons or referral codes. Promote your social media handles and links in your offline marketing activities. Create customized URLs for your offline marketing efforts and analyze the response. The integration between offline and online marketing efforts can provide you a better and deeper understanding of your audience which is very helpful in improving your marketing strategies.

Bridge Your Offline and Digital Marketing

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The marketing landscape for the B2B businesses have drastically changed during past two – three years. The digital marketing have become more important and the general consumers and customers have also become more inclined towards digital marketing and communication channels. Especially in Dubai and all across the UAE the usage of internet, digital mediums and social media platforms have increased significantly. The B2B marketers and business owners must have to focus on their digital marketing efforts as well in order to be able to beat the tough competition. The primary reasons of this blog was to highlight the importance of the digital marketing for the B2B businesses and to provide our audience with the basic information and understanding of various digital marketing techniques and channels that are proven to be the best for B2B digital marketing campaigns. If you need more information about the subject or want us to help you with your B2B digital marketing needs, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Lead Generation with Real Estate Website Landing Page

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How Hospitality Businesses can Utilize Digital Marketing in 2022 Wed, 05 Jan 2022 04:44:50 +0000 Due to the lock downs, travel restrictions and safety concerns people had stopped travelling. However, since the last quarter of the 2021 we have witnessed that the restrictions are easing up, vaccinated people can travel easily and the same could be expected for the 2022 as well. The ease in the travelling rules and many… Continue reading How Hospitality Businesses can Utilize Digital Marketing in 2022

The post How Hospitality Businesses can Utilize Digital Marketing in 2022 appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

Due to the lock downs, travel restrictions and safety concerns people had stopped travelling. However, since the last quarter of the 2021 we have witnessed that the restrictions are easing up, vaccinated people can travel easily and the same could be expected for the 2022 as well. The ease in the travelling rules and many other indicators are showing a very positive trend all around the world. If we talk about the Dubai and other emirates of UAE we have also witnessed a rapid growth in the tourist and visitors coming to UAE. The Dubai Expo 2020 have attracted millions of guests, the popular airlines have reported to operate at their full pre-pandemic levels, the Dubai airport reports to have been witnessing a rapid surge and is currently operating at its full capacity. These all indicators are very promising for the hospitality sector. The hospitality businesses whether small or large needs to stand out of the crowed to increase their sales and conversions.

How Hospitality Businesses can Utilize Digital Marketing in 2022

For the hospitality sector the market trends have been changed drastically since past few years. Now a days people tend to search online to find a suitable hotel or restaurant. Which compels the hospitality business to look into the digital marketing and online possibilities to reach out to the prospects and customers. In fact these days for any successful business the online communication is must to have. For hospitality businesses the digital marketing is very important as it is very cost-effective, it allow better targeted audience and it also help business to spread their brand message to masses. With the rise of smartphones and easy access to the internet the online and digital trends have impacted each and every industry but for hospitality businesses the impact is more profound. If a hospitality business have a good digital strategy it could easily beat its competition as people tend to look up online before making decision, and online indicators could greatly influence their decision.

In this blog we will discuss how hospitality businesses can utilize the digital marketing in 2022 to attract more guests and customers:

Improve Web Design and Functionalities

One of the most basic part of the digital marketing strategy is the website. It doesn’t matter which industry you operate in, these days a website have huge impact on your online branding and overall brand identity. For hospitality businesses having a modern website with great online services is essential. Every property is different, every hospitality business has its own unique brand identity and culture, which has to be spoken out loud through the web design and its content. It is crucial to have a great looking website which can portray an excellent brand image and the visitors can find all the information they need along with your value proposition to convince them to convert. A web design plays an important role in the online conversions and sales. In today’s world a business website acts like a reception or even more like a storefront, it welcome your visitors, let them explore what you are offering and also help them getting the right product, which means it can directly impact your online sales, in case of hospitality businesses it would be online bookings.

Improve Web Design and Functionalities

By simply improving your web design and the content of the website you can boost your online bookings. Whenever a new person will arrive at a storefront they immediately start building an impression of the brand, it could be positive or negative, it depends on how you greet them, how easy or difficult it is to find the products and how your purchasing process works. Similarly for the websites if the design and aesthetics are great the web design will immediately imprints a positive impression, then the content plays its role. If the user can find all the required information easily they are more likely to convert. So by simply improving your website’s web design, content and navigational structure you can double or even quadruple your online bookings. For a website it is also crucial to offer good functionalities and features which can enhance its usability and increase convenience of the users. For example, make the sign-up process simple, shorten the customer journey for online bookings, and make the online payment process easier. The user interface the chat bots, the contact page and everything else has to be perfect. These all factors contributes in user satisfaction which affects your overall sales and online bookings.

Prospecting through Paid and Organic (Unpaid) Tactics

Prospecting is a very popular marketing technique, it means identifying the potential future customers or prospects and making your business visible to them before your competitors to convert them into customers. It is a proactive marketing strategy and rather prospects look up for a business the business itself look up for the prospects to create opportunities. Thanks to the modern lifestyle and in-depth integration of the internet in our societies, most of the prospects can easily be found at the various online channels. It is important to understand who your audience is and how you can reach to them. The digital marketing in 2022 is not as that simple as it may sound, it is easier to execute digital marketing campaigns with the help of automated tools, user-friendly dashboards and analytical tools, however it is a bit complex to choose among a large variety of online communication channels.

Prospecting through Paid and Organic (Unpaid) Tactics

All the digital marketing strategies can be categorized in two main classes, free or organic and paid digital strategies. The free and organic digital marketing strategy mainly involves search engine optimization or SEO, social media profiles and pages, content marketing, email marketing and directory listings. However paid digital marketing channels are social media advertisements, display ads, PPC/CPC, search ads, and affiliate programs. There are only the most famous digital marketing channels there are several others too. When it comes to the digital marketing, we first set a budget and then expected outcome, after that we select appropriate channels whether organic or paid to meet our goals. That is how the digital marketing works.

Read More:  How to Boost Your Online Sales during the Expo 2020?

Paid Digital Marketing for Hospitality Businesses

Hospitality business can utilize various different paid digital marketing channels to boost their online bookings and sales. The search ads are one of the best tactics to generate quick and quality leads. Google is the world’s leading search engine and is also dominating the UAE search market by having almost 96% of the market share. The Google Ads also have the highest conversion rate than any other digital platform. Which doesn’t mean that you should only do Google Ads, as there are other platforms which are much better than the Google for certain categories and this conversion rate is for all types of ads. Anyway, apart from Google Ads, YouTube and Display Ads are also a great option to get online conversions and leads for a hospitality business. People these days spend hours on their social media on daily bases. Which makes it one of the most cost effective digital marketing and communication channel as well. There are different social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, WhatsApp, etc. All have different advertisement programs with different conversion rates.

Paid Digital Marketing for Hospitality Businesses

It is crucial to identify your targeted audience and regions before selecting any paid digital marketing channel. The hospitality businesses should also consider the influence marketing tactics. These days, social media influencers are becoming great tool for quick promotion and brand image building strategy, because people follow them and whatever they say their fans believe in it and do the same. So, it is better to reach out to the local social media influencers and celebrities and ask them for promotional content and endorsements. The affiliate marketing is also a good option, moreover there are several popular blogs and websites who offer advertisements. Adverts on such relevant websites and blogs can bring huge traffic to the website.

Organic or Free Digital Marketing for Hospitality Business

It is very important for hospitality businesses or in fact any other business to be active on social media and digital communication channel which their customers use. For hospitality businesses having social media profiles and pages is not enough. If you want to establish a good brand identity in the online then you must have to be proactive on social media. These days, people use social media a lot, everyone wants to engage with their brand on social media, whether it is a comment on the Facebook page post or a Twitter DM the customers and audience want their brand to be available on these channels. Whenever someone land on a social media page or profile the first thing everyone notice is their followers or likes. This gives them a sense of credibility and trust for the brand. The hospitality businesses can also run promotional campaigns on the respective social media platforms to increase their followers and likes. Sharing good quality content and proactively managing the social media accounts can also help increasing followers. The hashtags are the most effective way to promote content and posts on social media and it appropriate hashtags can also bring relevant traffic which further help improving social media profiles and the overall social media brandings.

Organic or Free Digital Marketing for Hospitality Business

Content Marketing Strategy for Hospitality Businesses

Everyone is consuming a lot of content on daily bases either from the internet, social media, TV, radio or what not, the content is everywhere in this modern era of information technology. This makes content marketing one of the most effective digital marketing strategy. For hospitality businesses they can generate tons of content for their website, social media profiles and pages, news and press releases and for a lot many others communication channels. It is extremely important to keep remind your customers and audience about your existence. Use intensive branding on visual content, create photos and graphics, publish videos and articles, use only relevant channels and avoid wasting time on low yielding platforms. Once you start publishing regularly your audience will start noticing you and at some point they would be intrigued enough to check out your profile, page or website. Hospitality businesses or any other business can only engage with its customers or prospects by publishing interesting content. Make sure you are highlighting the strong sale points and your brand message. It is important to tell them what you can offer which others can’t. This will take time but it will last longer.

Content Marketing Strategy for Hospitality Businesses

Email Marketing Strategy for Hospitality Businesses

The email marketing is one of the most economical digital marketing channel with excellent return rate. The hospitality businesses can utilize the email marketing strategy to increase their customer engagements and to nurture their future prospects. Usually a regular email newsletter is sent on weekly bases or monthly bases. If the emails are too frequent the recipient will simply start ignoring them. So, it is important that the email newsletter you are sending are not too frequent. The hospitality businesses must collect the emails of their customers and guests. Use them to promote new products/services, promotional offers, etc. The emails content is also very important. The hospitality businesses should prepare the content with great care, it should also offer some value or benefit to the recipients which will increase their interest in your emails. You can also share what is happening around your city and what could attract tourist’s attentions. Such emails are very effective and can also generate traffic for your hospitality business website.

Email Marketing Strategy for Hospitality Businesses


The hospitality sector is witnessing sudden growth since the last quarter of the year 2021 and the same trend will go on in the year 2022. As the Dubai Expo 2020 event is attracting millions of visitors from all over the world the hospitality sector in Dubai and all around the UAE is booming. In such times it is crucial to have a great marketing strategy in place to distinguish yourself from the rest. People these days tend to rely heavily on their smartphones and internet. Especially for the hospitality businesses it is a common practice to look it up in the internet, go to its website, check review sites and read other’s comments and feedback. In addition to that there the market is also very competitive. A great digital marketing campaign in 2022 could ensure the success. RSI Concepts is a leading digital marketing company in Dubai, UAE if you need any help with your digital marketing needs or if you want to learn more about the subject, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Digital Lead Generation for Small and Local Businesses

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Digital Lead Generation for Small and Local Businesses Tue, 16 Nov 2021 06:20:43 +0000 For small and local businesses the challenges are always big, they have limited budget, bigger and tougher competition, and they usually don’t have a dedicated digital marketing department. This means they have limited resources and limited skills. There are certain businesses which doesn’t have much competition, for example a hardware store or bakery might have… Continue reading Digital Lead Generation for Small and Local Businesses

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For small and local businesses the challenges are always big, they have limited budget, bigger and tougher competition, and they usually don’t have a dedicated digital marketing department. This means they have limited resources and limited skills. There are certain businesses which doesn’t have much competition, for example a hardware store or bakery might have a big departmental store chain as a competitor however a barber shop might not have that kind of competition. Obviously every business whether small or large always have some sort of competition that is why the businesses use marketing and communication strategies to get attention from a shared pool of customers. For any local or small business the expansion might not be possible. This leaves them with a very low visibility. The digital marketing and digital lead generation provides small and local businesses with a chance to reach out to the further markets and let them promote their brand in front of a broader audience.

Digital Lead Generation for Small and Local Businesses

Regardless of the industry and even size also the marketing is critical for a business’s growth and success. For small and local businesses the digital lead generation could be a game changer. The digital marketing have already surpassed the traditional marketing. Businesses are investing more in the digital marketing and digital communication comparing to the traditional marketing methods. Our heavy reliance on the internet and the tremendous amount of the time we spend on digital media and platforms via mobile phones or the internet browsing, the digital marketing have become the most effective lead generation tool for the businesses.

Here is how small and local businesses can utilize the digital strategies and platforms to generate more quality leads:

Digital Lead Generation: Build a Great Business Oriented Website

These days websites have become an essential for the businesses, no matter what magnitude or size of operation you have or in what industry sector you operate, a website is a must to have channel if you want to compete in the modern era. The Dubai and in fact the entire UAE is heavily digitalized, people living in the country have easy access to the internet and almost everyone owns a mobile phone or a computer. People tend to spend hours on daily bases on the internet and on their smartphones. This have changed the market trends drastically. The digital marketing got a quicker boost, and businesses have also started noticing. Resultantly the digital marketing market have already surpassed the traditional marketing industry since past few years and apparently there is no stopping to it. When it comes to the business website, it is considered to the backbone of the digital strategy. It dictates the entire branding and it establishes a brand identity in the digital world.

Digital Lead Generation: Build a Great Business Oriented Website

That is why it is crucial for a business to have a great web design with business oriented features to ensure maximum online lead generation. Here are some key features of a lead oriented website:

  1. Domain Name: The domain name should be unique, easy to remember, should have brand name in it, and if possible add the primary keyword in it too. The primary keyword is your business, for example if you are a hardware store, the primary keyword would be ‘hardware’.
  2. Hosting: The website hosting is the most important aspect of user experience. Choose the best available hosting, consider the loading speed and check if the hosting provider is offering easy-to-access technical support or not.
  3. CMS: Integrate a good CMS or content management system. The content management system (CMS) allows you to update your website and keep adding content on it without requiring any technical help or website programing knowledge. It is better to go for a popular and open-source (Free) CMS such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.
  4. User Interface:The user interface of a website allow the users to interact with the website content or its functionalities. The entire web design of the website forms a user interface. It defines how easily or difficultly a user will access and interact with the website content and features. Make sure your user interface is easy-to-use, think from a new visitor’s point of view and prepare your user interface for your targeted audience.
  5. Navigation: The navigation is also one of the most important aspect of user experience and user journey. Make sure all of the relevant information are connected with each other and easily accessible. When people have to search for the required information or the next step of the user journey, they usually leave without converting.
  6. Hero Area: The hero area of a website’s homepage is the area which appears first when someone visits the website, it contains company logo, business contact details, menu and main image or image slider, some business also use video here. The main goal is that this area should offer a solution to a problem for which you customers will visit you. Image slider is a great choice for small and local businesses.
  7. Include Products and Services: After the hero area include all important products and services you are offering. Prepare the content in a way that the user clearly understand what they will get and what kind of problems you can solve. Focus on value proposition message.
  8. Add Call To Action (CTA): The call to action or CTA is the most important element for the lead generation. Businesses usually made a lot of mistakes with it. The CTA should be clear, repetitive on appropriate locations and should communicate a clear message. For example, if it is for purchase it should say ‘Purchase Now’ or if it is to contact it should say ‘Request a Quote’ or ‘Contact Us’, etc.
  9. Include Trust Signal: For any local or small business it is extremely important to establish trust and build good reputation. Trust signals are extremely important for digital lead generation. It is good to add customer testimonials, rating & reviews, business partners, or anything that can add to your credibility and help increasing user’s trust.
  10. Mobile Friendly: The smartphones and mobile devices are dominating the internet, people tend to make more searches from their mobiles than the regular computers/laptops. It is crucial to have a mobile friendly website. Usually such web designs are referred to as responsive web designs.

Digital Lead Generation: Build a Great Business Oriented Website

If a website is good it not only perform well in search engine and generate but it also perform well in lead generation. If the customer experience and customer journey is prepared to obtain higher conversions and all above mentioned aspects are taken care of, the chances are the website will perform much better in online conversions and digital lead generation.

Digital Lead Generation: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

For small and local businesses one of the best digital lead generation strategy is search engine optimization (SEO). The search engine optimization or SEO can generate a huge amount of organic traffic. The organic traffic is the website traffic which comes from free sources, mainly from the search engines. Whenever someone searches for the product or services your small or local business is offering the search engine shows them the result which have links of the relevant businesses who are offering the searched products or services. It is extremely important that your website also made to the list. For that a small or local business’s website must have to SEO friendly. There are two major things that made a website SEO friendly, one is the programing and the content of the website and the other is the backlinks. Let us take an example of a small restaurant, whose specialty is Mandi Rice, whenever someone will search for a ‘nearby mandi rice restaurant’ or ‘mandi restaurants in Rashidiyah’ the search engine will look up for all the websites listed in its index and then it will return the most relevant results for the users. That is how the SEO works.

Digital Lead Generation: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Digital Lead Generation:Publish Regular Blogs

Mostly businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE doesn’t host a blog on their website. However it is very important and it can generate a lot of traffic which increase the digital leads. Basically the blogs should be about the products or services you are offering. Think from the customer’s point of view, think about the problem they might be facing or what information your customers or prospects might be looking for and then write blogs on those subjects. A blog can transform a website into a valuable resource for your audiences and provide them another reason to keep visiting your website. The blog and regular content posting increase brand exposure as such content is shared across social media platforms and if you are publishing quality content people will start referring to your website. Such endorsements and referral also help boosting the SEO of the website. Along with blogging, the guest posting on other relevant websites and online publications are also a great technique to increase your exposure and to improve your SEO. This can attract a huge amount of website traffic which definitely increase the digital leads.

Digital Lead Generation:Publish Regular Blogs

Digital Lead Generation: Manage Popular Social Media Platforms

These days the social media has become so popular that an average person living in Dubai or anywhere in the UAE tend to spend hours on social media platforms, messaging apps and in general on their smartphones or mobile devices. The rapid technological advancements and the easy availability of the high-speed internet have made the smartphones and social media platforms more popular in past few years. It is very crucial for a small or local businesses to have a strong presence in the social media. Some social media platforms allow creating closed groups or communities some allow public groups and communities, some allow creating a business page and profile, some even allow selling through social media platforms, all these options can be utilized if applicable. The social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Tiktok are great for local and small businesses to get a great exposure in the targeted markets. Such exposure help building a good brand identity and attracts more prospects.

Digital Lead Generation: Manage Popular Social Media Platforms

Digital Lead Generation: Search Ads or Google Adwords

The Google is one of the most popular search engine tool all over the world. Here in UAE it is clearly dominating by having 96% share of the search market. Moreover the Google is the only dominating search engine in the entire world, there is literally not even any closer match to it. That is why Google is one of the most important factor in the digital marketing. We have already discussed the search engine optimization or SEO. Google is also famous for its paid searches or search ads which it brands as Google Adwords. The Google Adwords is one of the most effective paid digital marketing tool with the highest conversion rate. There is no other digital media or platform that matches with the conversion rate of the Google Ads. The search ads or also referred to as search snippets are small textual ads, which appears on the top of any search result page (SERP). Local and small businesses can utilize the Google Adwords to quickly boost their digital leads and online conversion. Although it is a bit expensive but in the longer run the ROI is much better than any other platform.

Digital Lead Generation: Search Ads or Google Adwords

Digital Lead Generation: Paid Social Media & Influencer Marketing

Apart from managing social media profiles, pages and groups, social media advertisement is also gaining huge popularity. It is affordable for small and local businesses and the conversion rate is also good. For start the local and small businesses can place paid adverts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, and later they can target through other social media platforms as well such as Tiktok, SnapChat or Twitter, etc. The social media advertisement allow the local and small businesses to narrow down their targeted audience and also let them market their products and services to lookalike audience. The small and local businesses can also utilize the remarketing tools to further improve their conversion rate. Another very modern phenomenon is the influencer marketing. For that the local and small businesses can team up with local influencers from popular social media platforms to increase their brand awareness. Which also help scoring more digital leads and also encourage customers to visit your business.

Digital Lead Generation- Paid Social Media & Influencer Marketing

Digital Lead Generation: Email and SMS Marketing

The email and the SMS are the oldest tools to communicate and market your business. Although the technology have advanced too much but these two channels are still relevant and businesses are actively using them to strengthen their marketing strategies. For any local or small business or even for a large business or enterprise it is crucial to maintain an Email and Mobile numbers database. All businesses should collect the Email and Mobile numbers of their customers and visitors. The email database and the SMS database can be very useful for the local and small businesses, they can use it for occasional campaigns, promotions, announcements of new products and services, communication, feedback collection and much more. The SMS and the Emails are a great way to stay in touch with your customers and keep them reminding of your products and services, in addition to that if customers are happy with your products and services they might share them with others via email or SMS. In a long term it could generate a steady stream of quality digital leads and conversions.

Digital Lead Generation- Email and SMS Marketing


For small and local businesses the digital lead generation and the entire digital strategy could be a game changer. As the small businesses and local establishments usually have limited resources and also very confined audience or preferred targeted regions. This makes the digital lead generation an ultimate marketing tool to expand and grow very rapidly. For any small or local business the main goal is to attract more customers either at their digital outlet (website or e-commerce) or either at their physical business. For that the brand identity and brand reputation plays a vital role. Having an excellent business oriented web design, proactive presence at the social media and digital marketing platforms and with a garnishing of little bit of paid advertisement campaigns, you are all set for the moon. The digital domain is the ultimate tool that allow small and local businesses to outshine bigger competition and to establish a good reputation. RSI Concepts is a leading digital marketing and lead generation service provider in Dubai, UAE. If you need to boost up your digital marketing or want to learn more about the subject, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Popular 2020 Web Design Trends in Dubai

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Impact of Web Designing on Digital Marketing Sun, 15 Aug 2021 12:13:02 +0000 In the year 2021 more people are tapping into the digital world. The digital marketing industry is also flourishing. Here in UAE almost 95% of the population is connected to high speed or broadband internet and 4G. In fact the 5G coverage is also growing. This compels the marketers to think seriously about their digital… Continue reading Impact of Web Designing on Digital Marketing

The post Impact of Web Designing on Digital Marketing appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

In the year 2021 more people are tapping into the digital world. The digital marketing industry is also flourishing. Here in UAE almost 95% of the population is connected to high speed or broadband internet and 4G. In fact the 5G coverage is also growing. This compels the marketers to think seriously about their digital marketing efforts and online presence. The studies and data suggested that the business are making more out of their digital marketing efforts than comparing to the traditional marketing channels if the ROI is compared. The digital marketing is much cheaper and it also allows more precise control over setting up targeted audiences, demographic and geographic. The year 2020 was a great push for the digital era, the world has witnessed heavy reliance on digital mediums and platforms. This even makes the digital marketing more important. Even before that the businesses were working on their digital marketing campaigns, but in 2021 the businesses are focusing much more on digital marketing than ever before. This is because most of the businesses in Dubai and other parts of UAE realized that the digital is way too cheaper and effective than the traditional marketing channels.

When it comes to the digital marketing, the website is the center point of all your activities and efforts. All campaigns will ultimately converge to the website. That is why the websites play a crucial role in the success of any digital marketing campaign.

Here is how a website can impact various aspects of your digital marketing campaigns:

User ExperienceUser Experience


Having a great user experience is the most important thing for any business’s success. If your customers and visitors are not happy with their experience, sooner or later you will end up losing them. These days customers have too many options, they don’t give it a second thought before switching. Which is why the customer retention is very important. Customer retention is based on customer experience and customer experience is entirely based on the user interface and the web design. Whenever a visitor is landing on a webpage, they are seeking some information, the web design should be able to present that information in a clear and accessible manner. The user experience is not only about the information, but it is a combination of the information, multimedia, photos, navigations, heading & titles, style, fonts, color schemes, patterns, interactions and much more. The entire web design including all its elements and components and all the features and functionalities that are available form a user experience.

Since we are talking about the digital marketing and the impacts of a web design on the digital marketing, so here the definition of a good user experience will be good online conversions and leads. Whenever a marketer plans a digital marketing campaign they also create landing pages or sometime the traffic is diverted to the homepage or any existing product/service page, it doesn’t matter what your prime objective of the campaign are the point here is that the users who are your potential prospects will land on the website or its internal page. When a user reached to a website or web page then it will be the user experience which will dictate the conversion rates and hence the entire digital marketing campaign’s success or failure is dependent on the user experience.

User Experience

There are other factors too, such as if your adverts are not up-to-the-mark you will fail to bring more clicks, or if you are targeting wrong audience then you might get poor response and so many other things which could have an impact on the response of any digital marketing campaign, but at the end when a user reaches to your website it will be the user experience which will determine the conversion rate. Let us assume that your digital marketing campaign is perfectly executed, but your website have a very bad user experience, you will end up losing precious prospects and the conversion rate and ROI of that particular digital marketing campaign will be lower. That is how a digital marketing campaign is dependent on the user experience.

Navigation, CTA and Forms

Navigation, CTA and Forms

The website navigation is the most important part of any web design. The navigation is actually how a user will access different sections, parts, and content of the website. It is very important for the user experience as well as for the conversion rate. The navigation of a web design is not only the menu but it is the entire design, how different sections are designed and positioned, how links are presented, the footer, the side panes, the hyperlinks, and of course the menu itself form an entire navigation of a web design. How several sections are linked with each other, how a user can move from one section to another, how a user can go through the main category to the sub-category and all such details are included in the web design’s navigation plan. That is why for a successful website the navigation of a website should be excellent. If a website is providing a user interface which is providing the required information on the topic or subject of the page as well as it is also providing information or just teasers of the other interesting information the user experience will be great and the conversion rate will be excellent. That is why for a successful digital marketing campaign the web design’s navigation should be good.

Navigation, CTA and Forms

The CTA or Call to Action is usually a button, when a website visitor or prospect clicks on that button or perform a task it will be counted as a lead, and these leads will convert into sales or subscription as per your requirements. The CTA is the most important design element which contributes to the online conversions, but unfortunately most of the business in Dubai and all around the UAE over looked it. Businesses usually don’t pay much attentions to the CTA, in fact they focus more on other design aspects. However studies have shown that by just changing the color of the CTA button from red to green or blue to yellow the businesses have witnessed huge sales difference. These are just the examples to explain, however there are some industries where the audience might not consider the CTA color at all. The important thing is that the CTA must have to be designed with great care and their position and function should be determined on the bases of critical analysis of the requirements.

The online forms and for subscription, registration, sign-up, purchase and so on are also very important and have huge impact on the sales and conversions. For example in case of an eCommerce business, if the forms are asking for too many information or personal information or are too long and difficult then the user might leave the website during the purchase steps, this is what we called a bad customer journey. The online forms no matter for what purpose you are using them, if they are involved the web design should be able to present them in a clear and convenient manners. For example the are certain forms, who ask for two or three inputs and then require to click on the next button to load the next portion of the form, and so on, in such case a single form is loaded in multiple steps, which prolong the registration process. If the forms took too long to load or to process or upload the user start getting anxious and if any error occurs, most probably the user might not attempt the form again. So, these minor things have huge impact and should be taken care by the web designing teams.

Content and the Web Design

Content and the Web Design

When we say content, mostly people think about only the text of the web page, or maybe images too. However the content in web design doesn’t only mean the text, in fact the content of the website is considered to be the backbone of the web design. It requires only 50 milliseconds by a visitor to build an impression of a website in their subconscious mind, this impression is solely depending on the web design. It will be this impression which will complete bias the user opinion throughout their stay on the website. However, the content is the most powerful driving factor against this bias. Business should utilize the content to get more attentions from their users. The content can not only provide required information but it can easily convince a visitors to proceed with the CTA and help improving the conversion rates. If a user failed to find the relevant information on the website they will immediately close the page.

A good content which provides relevant information in a simple and easy-to-understand manners enhance the user experience, increase user’s interests and encourage them to browse the website further, which increases the chances of getting more genuine leads. The web content also help encouraging the visitors to share it with other which also drive more traffic. If the content is optimized for the SEO or Search Engine Optimization it will help generating more organic website traffic. The content can improve the visibility and importance of the CTA, it can complement which compels more visitors to convert. The content also help building trust among your audiences, and it provides a more engaging user experience which also results in improved online conversions. Business can communicate with their web content and they can build a more positive and trustworthy image of the brand using right content. The website content is considered to be the most effective technique to drive online leads and conversions.

Trust Signals

Trust Signals

Trust markers, trust symbols, trust badges, trust seals, reviews, ratings, testimonials, case studies, client logos, social media profiles’ links, etc. are all trust signals. There are many trust signals these days which can help building trust of the online visitors and help increasing the leads and conversions. The digital marketing strategy is heavily relying on trust signals. The in-bound trust signals help getting more traffic from the digital marketing campaigns and then the website trust signals and markers help further to convert a prospect into lead or conversion. There are two major types of trust signals the first type is for the visitor and customers and the second is purely for the search engines. If the search engine finds more trust signals on a page it ranks it higher.

You must be thinking what a web design will have to do with adding badges or markers or source code and scripts for the search engine. Well the very first trust signal is the loading speed of the web page which hugely depends on the web design. Then some of the user check the address box and see if the lock or green bar is appearing before the URL, which is also a very important trust signal. Then comes the placement of such items and elements in the web design which increase the user’s trust and build a positive image. For example the client testimonials and the customer reviews are a great way to get endorsements. The text, its language and the frequency of the updates also influence the customer’s behavior. Explicit contact details and address improve customer trust. Customer logos, reviews, testimonials and case studies also played a vital role in building brand’s trust. These all things should be managed and designed in a way that each landing screen and portion after the fold should have at least one or two trust signals, which is only possible by an intelligent web design.

Organic Digital Marketing and SEO

Organic Digital Marketing and SEO

The organic digital marketing means a free medium or platform which generates website traffic. Mostly when we talk about organic website traffic we refer it to the free traffic from the search engines. Search engines are a great source of generating free website traffic. It is an estimate that around 2 trillion searches have been made each year through Google. This is a huge number, in order to understand it, there are almost 5 billion searches in a single day and around 228 million searches in one hour. That is how much people search online. It is extremely important that you are not lagging behind your competitors on this front. The web design plays a crucial role in any SEO or search engine optimization digital marketing campaign. Google doesn’t only rely on the source code, a few scripts and markers or signals in the website, but it studies the entire user experience and customer journey and then it ranks the websites as per their quality score.

Whenever someone searches on the internet the search engine reads their input words or sentence, it is normally referred as keywords. Then the search engine fetch the data from its index which is a repository of the website. The search engine then returns the results. Studies have shown that almost 70% of the clicks goes to the first few links whenever someone searches in the Google or any other search engine. It is extremely crucial to be listed among the top ranking websites. It not only bring you free website traffic but it also increase customer’s trust and improve online conversion rates. There are certain web designing techniques which completely block the search engines to read the content or the subject of the web page. Similarly there are certain design practices which help search engines to read the content more efficiently. The navigations, user experience, inter-linking of the various sections or pages of the website and much more is solely controlled from the web design. Which is why it is extremely important that the web design you are choosing is SEO friendly and SEO optimized.


The web designing has a huge impact on any digital marketing strategy whether it is paid, or organic or social media or display ads, all digital platforms eventually return the users to the website, and the website’s success is entirely depending upon the web design. The web design and its user experience can drive the leads. If a user don’t get a good user experience on the website, they will immediately switch to others. The user experience and user interaction should be flawless. The web design must offer relevant information in a well-organized and easy-to-access manners. The forms, CTA, Menu and other navigations should be user centric. The content and the trust signals are equally important. A web design without impactful content is just like a train without the engine. These days the organic website traffic building is very popular and is very helpful in achieving your online goals, especially if you are a small business or enterprise with limited marketing budget the SEO should be your first Choice. RSI Concepts is a leading web design Dubai agency. We would love to discuss the possibilities of improving your brand identity and brand image in online domains. Feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and someone will get in touch with you soon.

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