interesting things about web developers Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Thu, 17 Jun 2021 05:52:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 interesting things about web developers Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 5 Facts of Productive Web Designs Thu, 14 Jan 2021 07:19:36 +0000 The web design industry has evolved a lot, starting from simple static pages and ending up in full-on web-based applications, the websites are doing everything. Advance development tools, programming and coding techniques, and innovative ideas made websites more capable and more engaging. The marketing and communication industry have shifted their focus from traditional mediums to… Continue reading 5 Facts of Productive Web Designs

The post 5 Facts of Productive Web Designs appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

The web design industry has evolved a lot, starting from simple static pages and ending up in full-on web-based applications, the websites are doing everything. Advance development tools, programming and coding techniques, and innovative ideas made websites more capable and more engaging. The marketing and communication industry have shifted their focus from traditional mediums to online and digital mediums. Some stats suggest that almost 60% of all internet searches are made through a smartphone or a mobile device.

If you are living in UAE since the past 10 years or so, then you should have noticed the rapid pace of digitalization of the entire society and everything. Your website is your brand identity now, and the web design is an extremely crucial part of it. In web design and development community, it is being said that an extremely well-built web design is lifeless without the functionality! What your web designs are offering, what value they can add, and what solution are they providing matters a lot.

In this guide, we will discuss 5 facts of productive web designs.

Fact 1. User Experience and User Journey


What is the user experience? Well! The entire interaction of a user with a business through their website counts as the user experience. Actually, there are certain things that may not be controlled directly through your website which forms a full user experience. So, here we will only focus on the user journey, which entirely based on your website. The user journey mainly starts from search, even before that it starts from a demand. If there is a demand, a user will search to find a solution, either they will search it online, try to ask friends, colleagues or their connections. Let us assume somehow, a user landed to your website, either by a search engine, or a business card your sales staff left to someone, or whatever mean.

Once a user lands to your website, their journey begins, now they will immediately build an image of your brand in their sub-conscience mind about your brand within the first two or three seconds of landing onto your website. The next they will immediately seek the information they are searching for, which eventually provide them with a solution or at least a possibility to fulfil their need. If you got succeeded in providing them a solution or a possibility or even a hint, they will most likely try to find a way to get in touch with you. Now comes a very important part which we call CTA (call to action) or CTA button, this will convert your prospect into a lead and later as per your purchase cycle, you can convert them into a sale.

How come your web design impacts your user journey? Well, all of your users’ journey is entirely depending on the effectiveness and productivity of your web design. We all have big hopes from 2021, no matter if you are a small salon, a dentist, a store, an eCommerce, a retail chain, a business, a corporation, a company or an organization, no matter what type, size or industry you are operating into, having a great website is extremely important to maintain your online brand identity in Dubai, UAE. And a productive web design is the backbone of your website.

Fact 2. Web Design Appearance in Different Browsers and Devices


People usually complain that a website looks different in different devices. As almost everyone with basic computer proficiency knows that a website is a computer code which runs in the computer and they see a complete design on the screen. In fact, the websites are a combination of different programming codes which are stored in a server and when we type in a URL or click a link the browser download them from the server and read them, then accordingly it generates a complete web design which we interact with. Each browser has its own unique way of reading those programming codes, which results in a slightly different look and feel in different browsers.

So, either you or the web designing agency you hired to develop a website for you should be aware of the general trends. The website should be programmed to operate perfectly well in all types of browsers your targeted audience is using or is expected to use. This will not only improve the user experience but it will also improve your conversion rates. Because if someone is viewing your website and it looks disoriented or distorted or somehow not normal, then they will get a negative impression of your business or organization which could hurt your online reputation or even your brand identity.

Here in UAE, most commonly used web browsers are either Google Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. Although in the mobile devices people are using so many other browsers, we will come to this point later. So, you should make sure that your website is looking perfect and working absolutely fine in all popular browsers.

Fact 3. Mobile Version, Responsive Design or Mobile Application


Mobile version or a separate mobile website is a very old practice, but still, some organizations and businesses are using it. Although the number of mobile websites is decreasing day by day, still it is there. These types of web designs are completely different than the desktop web design but provide all necessary features. These web designs were popular back in the old days when the smartphones were not so smart. As the computing power and other software or operating system, related limitations were there in the smartphones then, so the website versions were meant to compensate for those deficiencies. But nowadays, when the smartphones are almost equally powerful as normal computers having a separate mobile site or mobile version is not a practical solution anymore.

Responsive designs are new and most productive web designs and they are also extremely popular. Since the last few years, responsive web designs became essential in the website development market. Responsive web designs are those web designs which automatically adjust themselves as per the device they are opened from. The intelligent software tools allow the web designs to sense the device prior to loading and then move and shift web design elements as per the device screen and size. The responsive web designs maintain a similar user experience and ensure the same similar user journey on any smartphone, tablet or mobile device. Not only that the responsive web designs can also adjust themselves for each and every smartphone screen size or desktop or laptop screen seize. Which is a great feature to maintain a steady user experience in different platforms. This also makes the navigation very easy and convenient for the user.

Mobile applications are the most modern trend. Everyone is making smartphone applications, especially large and medium-sized organizations, as they can offer a variety of digital services too through smartphone applications. Banks, Hospitals, Clinics, Public Offices, eCommerce, and such other organizations and businesses are preferring to have a smartphone application. But if you are only using your website to provide information and direct a prospect to the relevant communication channel then the smartphone application is not a good choice, because one, your responsive web design could also do the same and second people tend to remove such apps very frequently and later they might forget about the app or your business itself.

Fact 4. How the Web Design is Presenting the Content and What Content is Important?


The content is the most important part of a productive web design. A wonderful web design without the content is like a car without fuel. You can go nowhere. So, make sure your web design highlights the important content, either a sales pitch, an offer, or anything that you think might appeal the visitor to hit the CTA should be visible and highlighted properly. Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself:

  1. How your web design is presenting the content?
  2. What type of content you are presenting on the website?
  3. How easy it is accessible to a common user?
  4. How your web design is highlighting your competitive edge?
  5. How easy or difficult your purchase cycle is?
  6. How your web design is rendering the content on mobile devices? Or in different browsers?

The content, fonts, design elements and everything should work in harmony to create a unique user experience. Minor tweaks and changes in the content can heavily impact your online leads.

Textual Content

Textual content should be simpler, shorter and in easy language. The web design should be capable of presenting the content in the most readable and productive ways possible. The fonts, style, color scheme, text size everything matters.

Multimedia Content

These days, the multimedia content is dominating the web designs. Whether it is a photo, image, graphics, animation, video, sound or whatever it is, the visitor will automatically get attracted to that content prior to reading any textual details. Adding adequate multimedia content could heavily impact your web design. Excessive multimedia content will make your website bulky and heavy, try to avoid it. Using unnecessary videos or especially sounds/music will repel visitors.

Multi-lingual Content

The Emirates of Dubai and all other emirates of the United Arab Emirates are housing very multi-cultural societies. Expats from all over the world are residing all across the UAE. It is very critical to understand your targeted audience and their needs. At least your website should be in two major languages, English and Arabic. But if you are targeting other ethnicities or nationalities then you should include other languages too. But being a leading web design agency in Dubai, at RSI Concepts we have experienced that English and Arabic will suffice in most of the cases.

Read More: Basic Elements of Web Design 

Fact 5. Web Design and Visitors Behavior


Web designs and visitors behaviour are closely intertwined. Not only in Dubai, UAE but all over the world, the experts believe that a web design can dictate the visitor’s behaviour. Such as:

  1. What information the visitor will absorb from the web site?
  2. Where they will prefer to click?
  3. How the customer journey is formed?
  4. How many leads you will get?
  5. Will it serve your targeted audience?
  6. For how much time people will stay on your website?
  7. Will they bookmark your website or not?
  8. What impression do they get of your brand from your website?

These are only a few points that suggest how a productive web design can impact a visitor’s behaviour on your website, which could later directly impact your leads and conversions. Above all, whenever a visitor is reaching to your website, they must have been looking for a solution, how capable your website is to guide them towards that solution, And how all the relevant information are presented to make the process easy is totally depending on your web design.

This is very important to understand how your visitor will think, let say if a visitor is landing on your website or any landing page, and start reading and viewing the content, if your web design is well prepared it will keep the visitor interested in going further, else they will lose interest and they will leave without contacting your or without hitting the CTA. So, it is very important that your web design is prepared in a way that it leads a visitor toward the CTA and throughout the whole journey a productive web design could keep them busy and interested.

Your web design should also be very interactive, the web design should respond on every movement of the cursor and on every click. The headings, highlights, taglines, images, media, etc everything should be presented in a proper way, tooltips, mouse hover effects and other such cosmetics can do wonders. Just simple and minor things if prepared with mindfulness could significantly boost your online conversions.

Read More: Why is revamp of website important?

These are the 5 amazing facts about productive web designs that you can use to improve your online growth. Your website is not just an online company profile, but it is a very powerful communication tool, that can impact your business heavily. A great user experience and an excellent user journey is the key to success. In Dubai, UAE where the competition is very high and the expectations of the customers are even higher, the businesses, organizations and corporations should have to pay more attention to their website and online brand identity.

A productive web design will be a great advantage over your competitors. Your online mediums and online impression could make or break your overall brand image in the market. People trust online information, they prefer to do online searches, they seek for online recommendations, so, they should be provided with the needed information online, make sure you are appearing in the search results. You have sufficient social media activities, your website is up to date and is being continuously updated with the latest information. At RSI Concepts, we are helping our customer since more than a decade now to build their online presence and their websites, we have experienced team and highly qualified staff, feel free to contact us if you want us to help you with your website project.

Check out this: Best Web Design Trends for Corporate websites in Dubai – UAE

The post 5 Facts of Productive Web Designs appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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