website redesign dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Tue, 15 Jun 2021 09:25:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 website redesign dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 Why is revamp of website important? – Web Design Dubai Mon, 07 Sep 2020 11:42:50 +0000 Why is the revamp of the website important? Well in case if you are not getting the desired results from your current website or you are expanding your targeted audiences or you are implementing a new branding or you simply got a new idea. Revamping your website is always a good thing if done properly.… Continue reading Why is revamp of website important? – Web Design Dubai

The post Why is revamp of website important? – Web Design Dubai appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

Why is the revamp of the website important? Well in case if you are not getting the desired results from your current website or you are expanding your targeted audiences or you are implementing a new branding or you simply got a new idea. Revamping your website is always a good thing if done properly. Sometimes we got attached to something that we don’t change them in my case I have a 4-year-old phone and I am not changing it the one reason is that it is still technically performing well and I got no issue with it at all. This could also happen in the case of a website. But in order to improve user experience and get the maximum output of your website, we just have to keep them up-to-date regularly and revamp maybe once in a couple of years. Here in this blog, we will discuss some important reasons to revamp your old website.

Here are a few reasons and benefits that you can get by revamping your website:

  1. Outdated Design
  2. Customer Journey
  3. Changed Branding, Content Strategy or Targeted Audience
  4. Competitors Have Better Websites
  5. Poor SEO
  6. Poor or No Mobile Compatibility
  7. High Bounce Rate
  8. Low Online Conversions
  9. Updates and Management is Difficult
  10. Security & Programming Issues

Outdated Design


If your web design is outdated or old and doesn’t interact well then you must have to think seriously about the revamp of your website. Even if your website is technically working fine but it is older than 3 years then you must have to revamp it. The internet world is very fast and rapidly evolving on the daily bases. If your website is running on a technology that is a couple of years old, then you might seriously consider the revamp. The website technology platform should be selected wisely so that for some coming years the platform could remain relevant and updated.

Customer Journey


Customer Journey is a very important factor to boost or maintain the online conversions rate. If you are unable to lead a customer through the point of visiting your website to converting into lead/sale and in between finding all the relevant information they are looking for, then your website is pretty much useless. The website poor content placement, complex navigation, misleading images, etc those all things are responsible for the user experience and the user journey on the website. If you are unable to get sufficient online conversions then, first of all, check your customer journey and then decide if you need a revamp or you should check a different part.

Changed Branding, Content Strategy or Targeted Audience


If you have changed your branding, content strategy, or the targeted audiences then you must have to revamp the website in order to align everything. Sometimes we do not completely change our audience but we may expand it, even in that case too, you have to be careful and if you are including a new language, country, region, or want to address a large community or something, then you must have to have relevant content on the website to let those people navigate through. You have to build the customer journey and customer experience for them. If you are updating the content or you have changed your branding, then your website must represent the new branding and must be able to highlight the new content.

Competitors Have Better Websites


Well, usually businesses have many competitors, so it is ridiculous to suggest that each time one of your competitors have changed their website you should change yours too. But whenever you notice that your competitor has changed their website and pushed you down in the search engine’s search result page then you must have to seriously think what have they improved in their new website and where you are lagging behind from them. So, now is the time to think about a complete overhaul of your website or website revamp. Try to identify the major changes your competitor have done to their website and see if you are lagging in any one of them.

Poor SEO


The SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the key to organic visitors. Everyone on the internet used the search engine to look up for the desired information. If your business is following a good SEO strategy then it will result in higher ranks in the search result pages of Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Search engine optimization is also an ever-changing industry. One thing which is doing wonderful today might not even remain relevant in a year or so. SEO is very rapidly changing and evolving with new strategies and standards. So, if your website starts losing ranks in the search engine or completely fail to achieve any rank at all then it is the time to revamp your website to aid your SEO.

Poor or No Mobile Compatibility


If your website is not responsive at all then you must have to build a responsive or mobile compatible version. These days the number of people accessing the internet from smartphones and mobile devices have significantly surpassed the number of internet users on PC/Laptops. This has revolutionized the digital marketing industry. Having a mobile compatible website is now a must-have a thing. Without a responsive website, you won’t be able to address a large audience. Which could be very harmful to your online digital marketing and branding campaigns. Poor Mobile Compatibility means your website is old and it is not compatible with the latest smartphones and mobile devices which means your website will appear distorted or improper. Whatever the case is your website should always be compatible with the latest mobile devices and mobile browsers.

High Bounce Rate


Bounce rate is a very important criterion in the search engine optimization (SEO). There could be several reasons for the high bounce rate but mainly the web design, the information layout, navigational structure and the content are responsible. In case if something went wrong with your SEO or somehow you managed to target the wrong audience, then your bounce rate could increase exponentially. We have noticed a dramatic decline in the bounce rate after revamping our clients’ websites. In most of the cases, only the design change was enough, but in some cases, we have to optimize the content and the navigation too. Whatever the case is if your bounce rate is higher and your online conversions are not as expected then you must have to revamp your website design.

Low Online Conversions


Your website looks good, it is up to the mark, the bounce rate is low and apparently there is no issue in it. Still, you are not getting enough online conversions or sales. That means the visitors or prospects are expecting something else or are not getting the desired information. The most common cause could be call-to-action or CTA. The CTA should be on the exact spot where the visitors/prospects are expecting it to be. Another possible issue could be the language or content, the content could be confusing, less appealing, or is not presented in a proper way. The navigation is complex, misleading or has too many options which could easily distract the visitor. If that is the case you should seriously consider a revamp of your website. The CTA should be easy-to-understand, available at the right spot, and the user interface should be properly optimized to drag the visitors deep into the sales funnel.

Updates and Management is Difficult


Your marketing team wants to do frequent updates in the website content, they might want to create new landing pages or they simply want to change the Homepage banners, if for any reason the marketing team will have to rely on the development team or the vendor to do the basic and most frequent tasks on the website, this will discourage them to do the updates on the website and will make the website management way too difficult for your team. Most websites are developed either with a Content Management Software (CMS) or just static pages. Whatever the case is your marketing team should be able to manage and update the website with ease and comfort without any delay. If your website is hard to manage and update for your marketing team then you should consider a revamp with a powerful CMS so that your marketing team can perform regular tasks without any delay or dependency on any other department or vendor.

Security & Programming Issues


If your website is having programming issues which means it is showing some alien language like codes on the pages in some sections, or some buttons are misleading or not working, or any such sort of issue, then you must immediately get it fixed or do the revamp. If you only one or two bugs in the website that is fine but if more, than the revamp in the only solution. Broken links, visible code/programing errors, faulty buttons and distorted layout are the things that will repel your valuable visitors/prospects. If you notice any security breach on your website then you must immediately revamp your website as this could destroy your business’s reputation and can completely ruin your online marketing efforts.


If you notice any one of the above then you should seriously think to revamp your website. Make up a strategy to revamp your website. Try to identity all loose ends and areas where you are lacking. Evaluate your content strategy, the navigational structure, sales pitches, graphics and visual content, photos and everything. Prepare a plan for the customer journey and then build your user interface accordingly. Websites are not just a company brochure anymore but a powerful marketing tool. First of all, rectify all the major issues and do a revamp then keep on doing minor tweaks to keep your website up to date. This way your website will help to pour more into your online marketing funnel. If you found this hard to do then acquire a professional website designer in Dubai, UAE, such as RSI Concepts. Feel free to write us in the comment box if you have any query or feedback.

The post Why is revamp of website important? – Web Design Dubai appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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