websites make money Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service RSI Concepts Blog Sun, 03 Oct 2021 11:55:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 websites make money Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service 32 32 Website that generates money Thu, 30 Jul 2020 11:29:27 +0000 If you are a local business or a large corporation no matter how big or how small your business is, everyone wants a website that generates money. There are certain things that can be done in order to convert your ordinary website from a company brochure to a marketing funnel. Uploading your all products and… Continue reading Website that generates money

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If you are a local business or a large corporation no matter how big or how small your business is, everyone wants a website that generates money. There are certain things that can be done in order to convert your ordinary website from a company brochure to a marketing funnel. Uploading your all products and services is not enough at all. In order to convert an online prospect, you must have to provide them with a reason to convert. The website structure, navigation, content, important taglines, images, etc everything matters. In this blog, we will enlist some important things that you can do to boost your online sales and built up a website that generates money.

In order to have a website that generates money, there are certain things that need to be taken care of. We will divide them into two sections, one is how to build the website and second is how to do the online digital marketing. The website and digital marketing go side-by-side. So, we will discuss them both in this blog.

How to build a website that generates money?


How to build a website that generates money? We have been asked this questions from almost all of our clients. A very simple and easy answer to that question is; create content for a targeted audience, give trust signals, make the navigation easy and accessible, provide precise options/products/services. But in a broader perspective, this isn’t everything. Here is a list of all the important ingredients that are required to build a website that generates money:



You must have to keep your homepage simple, less populated, and very precise. It should also include all of your major products and services. If you are a B2C based business then you must include links in the prominent places for all your product categories. If you are a B2B based business then enlist all major products and services in the very front of the page that everything can be seen within the first 3 seconds when a user lands on the homepage.

Dedicated Products/Services Pages


Your website should have dedicated pages for all your products and services with detailed and comprehensive information or packages and plans for the products and services. In case you are a B2C business then you must have the dedicated pages for all the categories with a powerful search engine. People often neglect the importance of a search engine but in the B2C market, they played an extremely important role.

Videos and Animations


Provide short videos and animations for your key sales points. Do not make long and bulky videos, which took ages to load. The music or audio should also be avoided, in some cases the audio and music are good but what we noticed is almost most of the time the user got irritated of the music and audios and people often found it hard to mute them. So, avoid sound unless it is necessary.

Give Trust Signals


Trust signals are the content and information that help you to build trust among the new users landing on your website. The customer testimonials and reference to the portfolio and work samples are a great example of trust signals. If you are a B2C based business then client reviews can also be added along with the testimonials and portfolio. Some companies who often want to get the attention of the investors should clearly show the company growth and financial performance information. Moreover, a staff/team page also helps to promote trust. The case studies, customer interviews or endorsements by social or regular celebrities and popular figures also help to boost your online reputation.

Minimize the quantity and maximize the quality of the landing pages


I am not saying that you should remove your existing landing pages, which could harm your SEO as well. But it is important to have only one landing page for one particular type of marketing campaign. Too many landing pages can confuse your customers and the search engine too. So, have less landing pages but with more comprehensive details and make them as interesting as possible.

The Content


The content is always the king of marketing. That doesn’t mean you should have a landing page of 2000 words. The content should be short, descriptive, and precise and should clearly explain the value of the product or service you are offering in terms of usability and also in terms of the investments. Educate your customers about the benefits of whatever product or service you are offering. Always be truthful and genuine, do not exaggerate, not even a little bit. Understand the expectations of the customer/prospect landing on your website.

The Power of the PDF


This is the least addressed aspect of the trust-building practices. The PDFs or downloadable materials such as product’s/service’s brochure, technical specification, manuals, etc always help to boost the trust and reputation of the website. People do not always look for them, but if they see them they subconsciously get more comfortable and start trusting the information you are providing them.

Include Instant Communication Channels


Everyone is in a hurry and everyone wants an instant resolution to their problems. It is always very helpful in conversions if you have any sort of instant communication channel added at your website. Such as a hotline, or a customer support centre, or live chat, etc. The customers always prefer a website who provides instant communication channels. This ensures them that the business cares about its customers and is always ready to help and support them.

How to do the digital marketing of a website that generates money?


How to do the digital marketing of website that generates money? This is something that we often suggest our customers and we found that most of the time the customers are not as that interested in the digital marketing and people do believe that if they have a great sale-oriented website that would be enough. But that is not enough at all. The very first thing is that you have to bring the people to your website, only then your website’s features can be utilized.

The digital marketing can be roughly classified into two main categories, one is organic or free and the other is paid:

Organic Digital Marketing


Organic digital marketing is often mistaken as the SEO or search engine optimization only. But that is not the case, the organic digital marketing consists of the search engine marketing, social media marketing, links building and many more.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO


The search engine optimization or the SEO is making your website friendly and more readable/reachable for the search engines so that whenever someone searched for a product or service in the search engine your website appears in the search engine result page. The search engine optimization can be further classified into On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.

On-page SEO

The on-page SEO is to have certain codes and tags to be added in the individual web pages. Those tags and codes will help search engines read the content of the web page and then the search engine rates the pages on the bases of the signals it gets from the web page both the content, links, codes, metadata and much more.

Off-page SEO

The off-page SEO is to share your web pages on social media, other online media, forums, directories, and much more. The most important aspect of the off-page SEO is backlinks building or simply the link building. This is one of the most valued signals for popular search engines such as Google, Microsoft Bing, Yahoo, AOL, etc.

Social Media Marketing


The organic social media marketing is to have social media profiles and pages, share your products and relevant posts on your social media profiles and pages. There are so many social media platforms that can be used to funnel traffic to your website such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest and many more. You have to be active and responsive too on your social media. People expect to get a response from businesses over social media. On the other hand, social media is also a big source to build traffic for your website.

When you do on-page SEO, off-page SEO, social media marketing and other organic digital marketing activities, your website will receive more organic traffic. If your website is well designed to convert the prospects you can earn more money from it. Organic digital marketing has long-lasting effects and could easily be served as a continuous source of free internet traffic. Which could lead to more online free leads and more conversions?

Paid Digital Marketing


The paid digital marketing is a very huge marketing industry and is rapidly growing. It is cheaper, more precise, quicker and more transparent than conventional marketing. There are so many paid digital marketing options such as PPC, CPC, Lead Generation Campaigns, Traffic Building Campaigns, Brand Awareness campaigns and many more. Here are some of the very popular paid digital marketing mediums with high conversion rates:

  1. Google Paid Search
  2. Facebook Lead Generation/Traffic Building Campaigns
  3. Twitter Cards
  4. LinkedIn Lead Generation
  5. Snapchat Advertisements
  6. YouTube Ads

There are many more. The selection of the medium entirely depends upon the targeted audience, location, products/services you are offering and the paid digital marketing campaign. When you do the paid digital marketing campaign you direct more people to your website and if your website is well crafted and well prepared to handle the prospects you will be able to generate more money from your website. The paid digital marketing can bring instant results and can instantly boost your sales, but as soon as you stop paying the incoming traffic vanishes. So, when you do a paid digital marketing campaign, make sure your landing pages and website is prepared beforehand to handle the incoming traffic and to convert them into more sales. This is also a very popular technique for websites to generate money.


In order to have a website that generates money, you must have to pay attention to both the website design and digital marketing activities. Both are equally important and completely dependent on each other. That doesn’t mean that you must have to invest in the paid digital marketing too, but if your website is designed as per the standards I have mentioned above then you can also convert it into a perpetual money-making machine by focusing entirely on the free and organic digital marketing and search engine optimization methods.

The post Website that generates money appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

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