web design trends in dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/web-design-trends-in-dubai/ RSI Concepts Blog Thu, 04 Nov 2021 14:17:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-RSI-Concepts-Logo-32x32.jpg web design trends in dubai Archives - Web Design Dubai Blog Service https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/tag/web-design-trends-in-dubai/ 32 32 Popular 2020 Web Design Trends in Dubai https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/popular-2020-web-design-trends-in-dubai/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/popular-2020-web-design-trends-in-dubai/#respond Thu, 04 Nov 2021 14:17:11 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/?p=7789 The website is a very crucial part of the digital strategy of any business or enterprise. Even non-profit, government, and educational institution also require a detailed website these days. The website comprises of two distinguished parts, one is the web design and the other is the source code, the source code is completely hidden from… Continue reading Popular 2020 Web Design Trends in Dubai

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The website is a very crucial part of the digital strategy of any business or enterprise. Even non-profit, government, and educational institution also require a detailed website these days. The website comprises of two distinguished parts, one is the web design and the other is the source code, the source code is completely hidden from the users view, however the web design is the web page that we view in the browser. Any business’s website represents it in the online or digital world. These days in Dubai and all around the UAE almost everyone have access to the internet and the smartphones are also very common. People tend to spend hours on the internet on daily bases either at work or at home. These days with the rise of the smartphones and the social media, an average person tend to spend several hours on the internet surfing and browsing different websites and social media. For any business it is extremely important to capture the interest of that audience.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends in Dubai

In past few years the websiteshave evolved into a more dynamic communication and marketing channel rather than just on online brochure. Businesses must have to have up-to-date information, their products/services details and all other relevant information that an average prospect might be looking for before conversion. The rise of social media, smartphones and easy access to the high-speed internet created so many new trends, one of them is the pre-purchase research. Seven out of ten of an average customers are tend to look up in the internet to find the relevant products or services, competitive pricing and general research to assess and evaluate different brands and their products/services before making a final decision to purchase.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends in Dubai

This makes websites very crucial for the success of a business. A website’s web design is what a user will be able to see and interact with, that is why we will discuss only about the web design in this blog. As per several studies and market researches it takes only a fraction of a second for a user to build an impression of the business or brand by just viewing its web design. The studies suggest that it take only 50 milliseconds for a human brain to establish a general idea or impression of a business by viewing at its web design. Usually when a user land on a website they view the upper section of the web design which is called the ‘above the fold area’. A good first impression help conversions, a bad first impression reduce the chances of the conversion. It is crucial that business’s first impression is good and positive. There are so many different factors that can contributes to that ‘first impression’. The web design can address all those key points. The website market is very dynamic and it keep evolving and changing regularly. Which is why it is important for a business to be familiar with the current industry trends and standards.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends in Dubai

Here are some popular web design trends in Dubai for the year 2020 and 2021:

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 1: Large Hero Image/Video

Any web page starts with a header, the header is the top area where the brand logo is placed and on the opposite side website menu are placed. Below the header there is usually a dynamic image banner, which contains up to 5 images. It can have more but the good practice is to use maximum 5 images. This area is called hero area and the image is called the hero image. This area is where the user will put their first gaze, so it has to be very captivating and attractive. Usually the images or video is being placed as a background with an attractive tagline. Some web designs allow two taglines with a heading and sub-heading or a small sentence with an attention to raise user’s interest in the web page. The hero images are a great tool to present your products and services in an appealing way. It help businesses to easily capture user’s attentions.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 1: Large Hero Image/Video

These days everyone is using dynamic hero images and it still remains the best way to capture user’s attention immediately after they land on your web design or homepage. It also compel users to go to other internal pages or scroll down to absorb more information which can possibly result in a quality lead or a conversion.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 2:Minimalistic Web Design

The reason behind the popularity of the minimalistic web designs is that it can improve the customer journey and it significantly increases the chances of conversion. The white spaces around the text help projecting it much better. When there is too many text, images, design elements and a lot of options and links, the user got confused. They usually get distracted from the original topic and either they leave because it is hard to find the required information or either they click on a link and ended up on an irrelevant page which also result in the loss of the prospect. However the minimalistic web designs are extremely good at keeping the user engaged with a single topic or and let them absorb the most relevant information. The white spaces and background also help the businesses to highlight the important content which help them increasing the conversion rate.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 2:Minimalistic Web Design

From the business point of view the minimalistic web design approach is considered to be among the most successful web design technique. Moreover the minimalistic web designs are also good at providing information and content in a better and more readable way. Whether it is image or a video or a text, the business can control the user journey and can have ability to take the users from various user journey steps without any distraction or interruption. This is the major factor that cause for higher conversion rates for a minimalistic web design.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 3:Parallax Web Design

The parallax web design trend is a relatively new trend but it gained quick adaptation by all size of large or small businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE. A parallax is an optical illusion and it means that the user is viewing two different objects moving at two different speeds. Since past few years the web animations are getting complex and with the usage of background and foreground moving with a single action (usually scroll) at a different speeds are used to create parallax effects. This also add depth and help crafting a 3D kind of visual effects when a user scroll through the web design. The modern day parallax is not only limited to a two layer background, in fact these days web designers are using multiple layers to create stunning parallax web designs. Some of the upper layers could be just some pattern, or a particular shape and are used to add to the depth of the screen and also help improving the 3D visual effects.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 3:Parallax Web Design

The main purpose of using a parallax web design is to boost user engagements. The user engagement is a very important factor. If a user got curious about what is coming next on their next scroll, they will keep on scrolling. Which allow the business to cater more relevant and convincing information in front of their website visitors which also impact the online leads and conversions rate.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 4:Dark Mode Web Design

The dark mode UI based web design is a relatively new trend. It have made a huge splash during the last months of 2020 and till now even less than in a year the followership have grown so strong that even Google have started offering dark UI for Google dubbed it as ‘Night Eye’. The dark mode web designs have gain huge appreciation not only in Dubai but all around the world. The reason of such an overwhelmed response by the user worldwide was due to some popular smartphone’s adaptation to the dark UIs and also some huge tech companies and websites have quickly adopted the dark UI and started using this very unconventional design approach. The initial studies and researches are also pointing out towards the basic human biology, which is causing such a huge positive response from the masses. Usually when people are viewing a website in a low light environment or in the evening they prefer to switch to the dark mode, as due to the light conditions it is much easier to read light colored content on the darker background as comparing to the traditional web designs.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 4:Dark Mode Web Design

According to several studies the smartphone manufacturers are rapidly adopting to the dark mode UIs and the major reason is to preserve battery life. The darker sections of the screen tend to consume very less power comparing to the brighter areas. This also help influencing the trend and result in such a high-scale adaptation worldwide.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 5:Comfortable Color Scheme

You must be thinking that the comfortable color scheme should be a necessary but not a trend, maybe you are thinking what really is a comfortable color scheme? The comfortable color schemes use colors which are flat, not so bright and look very cool and calm to our eyes. Well, actually the web design industry have witnessed rapid changes and trend shifts since the daily life businesses have become more dependent on communicating with their customers and audiences through their websites. That is why several color schemes have become popular and then faded away by time. There was a time when luminous color schemes gain popularity and then faded away, now a days some businesses in Dubai are also moving towards the luminous color schemes but it still hasn’t gained much traction.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 5:Comfortable Color Scheme

However, the comfortable color schemes are evergreen. Since the heavy digitalization and a massive shift in general behavior of the users worldwide, now we are spending more time at our laptops/computers and our smartphones. Which sometimes can cause digital fatigue, which is entirely related to our eyes. Sharp, ultra bright and shocking colors put more strain on our retina. That is why businesses are quickly moving towards the comfortable color schemes to ensure high user engagements and better user experience which is a key to higher conversion rates.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 6:Highly User Centric UI/UX

For a business it is extremely important to ensure a satisfactory user experience for each interaction. This lead to numerous new trends as well. One of the most common among them is a high functionality and feature oriented websites. Businesses not only want to provide information but also want to add value to the user experience (UX). For that businesses are adding innovative features and unique functionalities to offer an exclusive and satisfactory user experience. This also provide businesses a great competitive advantage. Sometimes users who might not like the website much could love a simple functionality such as weather, calendar, or a simple cost calculator and something like that. Thanks to the advancement in the website designing and development platforms and programming techniques such features are easy to achieve and cheaper to manage. The main idea behind is to offer something valuable which the user can remember or share with others too.

Popular 2020 Web Design Trends – No. 6:Highly User Centric UI/UX

Such user experience (UX) requires an unorthodox web design approach to be precise a very carefully crafted user interface (UI) can assure a smoother user experience when a website is offering functionalities and such features to attract more attentions from the users and to make their experience memorable. These days’ businesses are heavily investing in offering digital solutions to the common problems their audience or customers can face. Some are offering industry specific tools, some are offering other features which align with their marketing strategy. All that requires a very precise and user friendly user interface (UI).


The main purpose of any web design is to ensure your user will get a smooth and satisfying experience while interacting with your business through your website. A website of any business in Dubai have become a very important part of their overall digital strategy in fact a website can be safely consider the most important part of the online strategy. We have shortlisted a few of the most popular web design trends for the year 2020 and the 2021 in a hope that they might inspire. The web design trends are not constant, in fact no trend is long lasting, and trends keep on changing. The future might come with a better and more improved version of the current day trends or even some of the trends may fade away and some may become more popular. Due to our experience and the market situation we are confident to tell our audience that if they will follow these trends today, they might not need a big change in the coming future, at least for a couple of years.

If you need any help with your website redesign or if you are looking for a completely new web design, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page. RSI Concepts is a leading web design Dubai company and we have served hundreds of customers and enabled them to achieve their desired goals. You can also drop a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Real Estate Website VS Real Estate Mobile App

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5 Latest Trends of Websites in Dubai https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/5-latest-trends-of-websites-in-dubai/ https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/blog/5-latest-trends-of-websites-in-dubai/#respond Tue, 02 Mar 2021 05:03:29 +0000 https://www.rsiconcepts.ae/?p=7058 Your website plays a vital role in establishing a positive brand identity and also improve brand reputation. As the online domain is expanding rapidly, even people are relying more on online business practices as comparing to the traditional methods. Earlier having a small, static website with a short brand profile and contact details were sufficient… Continue reading 5 Latest Trends of Websites in Dubai

The post 5 Latest Trends of Websites in Dubai appeared first on Web Design Dubai Blog Service.

Your website plays a vital role in establishing a positive brand identity and also improve brand reputation. As the online domain is expanding rapidly, even people are relying more on online business practices as comparing to the traditional methods. Earlier having a small, static website with a short brand profile and contact details were sufficient but nowadays, your online brand identity is crucial and in some business sectors your online brand identity and brand image are extremely critical in your success. The importance of the websites has increased and these trends transformed the websites from a digital company brochure or profile into a powerful communication & marketing tool. This transformation leads to a lot many technological advancements in website technologies and is still growing rapidly. The advancements also lead to ever-changing trends in the industry, it is getting harder for ordinary customers to stay up to date. That is why in this blog we will mention the 5 latest trends of websites in Dubai.

1. Dynamic Websites VS Static Websites

Dynamic Websites VS Static Websites

There are two major types of websites, static websites and dynamic websites. A few years back there was a third type which was the mobile site or a completely separate mobile version of the website, this trend is now being replaced with responsive websites. The two major classifications of the websites are as follow:

Static Website

A static website is developed on a basic front-end design. The major difference is in order to update the website content or data a professional website developer is required. As it can only be done by changing the source code of the web pages. In the light of modern trends and the website’s function in marketing and communication, the businesses will have to update their websites and some web pages on regular basis. Each time when an update is required a professional website programmer is acquired to do so. As the website is built using HTML and CSS components, which both are purely source codes, so only a professional website programmer can update the website content and data. In that case, the businesses will have to hire a full-time website programmer or a service provider to maintain the website content updates and changes such as blogs, news, press releases, etc.

Dynamic Website

A dynamic website is developed in two major section one is a frontend which is almost a static website and the other section is a control panel or content management system. The main difference between a dynamic and static website is that the businesses don’t require a full-time professional website developer to do the updates on the website. The CMS or the content management system is a powerful software tool with an interactive admin control panel dashboard that allows ordinary people to do the updates on the website and also enable them to create new pages such as news, blogs, press releases, product pages and services pages. The frontend of the website is also made using HTML and CSS however the backend or the admin control panel is made using PHP, ASP, and Database tools.

What is a Content Management System or CMS?

A content management system or CMS as clear from its name allows managing the content of the corresponding application/frontend of a website. Although it is used for various other applications too the major application is websites. There are tons of content management system available in the market, some are open-source, some are propriety tools, some are general purpose and some are for specific applications. The businesses will have to choose the content management system or CMS wisely which could fulfil their needs.

2. Responsive Websites

Responsive Websites

The responsive website trend has gained huge popularity not only in Dubai but all over the world. These days, almost 99% of the enquiries are coming for a responsive website. As the name itself is self-explanatory, the responsive websites are those who respond to the screen size, operating system, web browser and the device from where the website is opened. The main objective of a responsive website is to maintain a similar user experience and user journey on all devices and platforms regardless of any dependency on the screen size, browser, or platform. This is achieved through the latest website programming techniques and tools. A responsive website can automatically sense the device and other details in just a fraction of a second and render its design elements, content, fonts, photos, videos and everything else as per the screen size and the platform it is being opened from. This provides a great advantage to maintain the brand identity, user experience and user journey which resultantly contributes to more sales and online leads.

3. Multimedia Content

Multimedia Content

These days another popular trend is using multimedia and graphic-rich content on the website. As in Dubai, everyone has access to broadband, 4G and even 5G also, in fact, Dubai was one of the earliest adopters of the 5G technology. So, using multimedia content is not an issue at all. These days most websites are using very attractive videos, micro animations, rich graphics elements and multimedia content to provide a good user experience. Here are a few examples of trendy multimedia elements:

Full-Screen Video

Using a full-screen video could increase customer interest in your products and services. It is human nature that our brand responds more to a moving object and moving picture than a static picture. So, the video will automatically increase the customer engagement level. You can include a lot many things in a few seconds of video which if described in words could take up to 500 words. So having an attractive video could really make a difference in your online conversion rates.

Full-Screen Image Sliders

Full-screen image sliders are also gaining popularity, you can use multiple images in an automatically rotating slider. Like I said moving objects tend to interest the human brain more than a simple static image. Another advantage of the image slider will be to be able to present multiple sales pitches in one screen area. You can further improve the user interest by adding taglines and slogans or a short description or maybe a sub-heading. Whatever you use, a full-screen image slider is far better than a small tiny image slider or image at the landing screen.

Micro Animations

Micro Animations are also gaining popularity, you can use micro animations in your image slider, in different widgets and areas of your website. The micro animations are also used to increase customer engagement. You can also utilize a single area or space to accommodate two or three taglines or sales pitches.

The multimedia content really helps to improve the user experience and use journey on your website and also help to improve your online conversions. There are so many possibilities of using the above-mentioned multimedia content or any other content on the website to increase customer engagements on the website.

4. Interactive Websites

Interactive Websites

Interactive websites are a slightly new phenomenon in Dubai, and it getting excellent response from the users. Interactive web designs are the designs that interact with the users, respond to their movements and provide a great user experience. There are several ways to improve the user experience, for example, whenever the user is moving their mouse cursor the design elements responds or at least show some kind of movements. This keeps the customer interested as they will expect to experience more such movements or responses in the website. This way the users will access more internal pages and spend more time staying on your website, either way, it is very helpful in improving the user experience at the website.

5. Thumb-Friendly Websites

Thumb-Friendly Websites

Although sometimes people consider thumb-friendly as mobile-first web designs. But both are two different things. Mobile-first designs are for those businesses that are getting most of their online conversions from mobile devices. Especially the eCommerce websites, they are heavily relying on mobile traffic so they can improve their online conversion by implementing a mobile-first web design to their website. However, thumb-friendly websites are one-fit-for-all. No matter what you do, you should have thumb-friendly navigation. As in Dubai, almost everyone has a smartphone with internet access. People spent a lot of time on their mobile devices, just think about yourself or check your friends, family and colleagues, you will surely notice people tend to spend more time on their mobile devices than on regular computers. This is why smartphones are a very important aspect that each and every marketer needs to address.

These days almost 99% of our website design and development enquirer asked for a responsive website. This means everyone knows the importance of smartphone compatible websites. But most of the time our customers do not understand the importance of navigation. The navigation, menu and buttons of your websites which will navigate your customers through the various pages of the website and also take them through their user journey on your website are extremely important. So no matter how cool your website looks on smartphones if its navigation is hard to access on the smartphones, it could significantly decrease your online conversions.


In Dubai, almost everyone has access to the computer, internet and smartphone. The websites have a great impact and influence on purchasing decisions. No matter what a customer is looking for they will first try to look it up on Google. Even if by any promotion or marketing method you have reached your customer with a product, service or solution there is almost the probability of 90% that the prospect will try to look it up on the internet. This is when you have to be very vigilant, attentive and attractive too. Your website’s design, functions, content and everything in between will heavily impact the decision of the purchaser.

Make sure your website is dynamic and you can easily update it any time you want without any additional cost or any additional technical speciality. Your website should be able to maintain the same user experience and user journey across all devices and platforms. Multimedia content could really help you out in gaining more attention from the visitors. Interactive websites can easily gain popularity and produce better results than any traditional website. As most of the users tend to do online searches from their mobile devices so make sure your website is offering an excellent smartphone experience.

It is always wise to consult a professional. RSI Concepts is a leading web design and development agency in Dubai, having more than a decade long experience and serving hundreds of clients all across the GCC. Feel free to get in touch with us if you want to redesign your website or need any consultation. You can reach us out via the comment box below or you can approach us from our Contact Us page.

Check this out: Importance of Web Design in 2021 in Dubai

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